Call to end Palestinian suffering

South Africa will continue to do everything within its power to preserve the existence of the Palestinian people as a group, and to end all acts of apartheid and genocide.

This is according to the International Relations and Cooperation Minister, Dr Naledi Pandor, who spoke in Russia on Tuesday.

The Foreign Ministers from the expanded BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) group of nations met for a two-day meeting focused on current international relations, global governance reform and conflict resolution.

Pandor told her colleagues that South Africa welcomes the order by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) of 24 May 2024, ordering Israel to halt military action in Rafah.

‘We see the provisional measures ordered by the court thus far as a signal of a decisive victory for the international rule of law and a significant milestone in the search for justice for the Palestinian people.

‘Nevertheless, the injury to International Human Rights Law, inflicted by Israel, remains significant. W
e, therefore, call on the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to also act to ensure accountability for those committing war crimes.’

The meeting, chaired by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, is the first since the bloc expanded in 2023 to include Egypt, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Ethiopia.

Pandor reiterated South Africa’s call for a two-State solution, which is of the view that it would bring lasting peace and address the root causes of the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict.

‘A solution is long overdue, and an agreement must urgently be negotiated. The agreement must result in the establishment of an independent and viable Palestinian State, based on 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital that exists side by side, in peace and security with Israel.’

She also echoed the country’s firm support for the full membership of Palestine as a member State of the United Nations (UN).

‘Please allow me also to again emphasise the urgent need for BRICS to
contribute to the reform of the UN Security Council. The inability of the Security Council to act and respond effectively to conflict situations such as in Gaza further supports the sentiments of this urgent call to reform.’

She called on all UN member States to support Africa’s call for the historic injustice committed against the continent to be ‘remedied’ through an acknowledgement of the role it plays in current global affairs.

Delaying reform of the Security Council, she said, presents serious negative implications for the multilateral system, undermining the credibility of global peace and security and threatening to reverse the gains made in the past 78 years.

‘Please allow me to conclude my intervention today with a sincere call to all of us to capitalise on the current opportunities for partnership in this meeting and to tackle global challenges that stand in our way towards a stronger and more empowered global South in a stable multipolar world.’

Source: South African Government News Agency

Pandor believes BRICS has opportunity to shape a ‘refreshed’ global order

The world is at a crucial turning point, requiring decisive leadership and innovative ideas, and BRICS has a unique opportunity to influence a refreshed global order.

This is according to International Relations and Cooperation Minister, Dr Naledi Pandor, who spoke in Russia on Tuesday.

‘The BRICS bloc is a legitimate voice of the global South regarding global governance reform. We also remain a critical player in global agenda setting for economic, political and social cooperation,’ Pandor said.

The Foreign Ministers from the expanded BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) group of nations met for a two-day meeting focused on current international relations, global governance reform and conflict resolution.

The meeting, chaired by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, is the first since the bloc expanded in 2023 to include Egypt, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia.

The Minister believes that the expansion of BRICS is evidence of the bloc’s growing importance and t
he critical role of cooperation in collectively promoting the shared interests and values of emerging and developing countries.

‘It also signals our hunger for a body in the globe that embraces progressive ideals and seeks to alter the current nature of international relations to a more inclusive, equitable and development-oriented world.’

She told her colleagues that the ‘current complex divided global environment’ demands that BRICS continue to advocate for multilateralism to play a critical role in fostering stability and cooperation in times of significant geopolitical uncertainty.

‘Therefore, for our collective, multilateralism remains the only solution to successfully address global challenges such as poverty, inequality, underdevelopment, climate change, migration, disease, human trafficking, terrorism, and hunger, and to ensure an environment of sustainable peace and continuous development.

‘I am convinced that our mutually beneficial cooperation through BRICS uplifts communities instead of increa
sing their vulnerability,’ she added.

The Minister said it is evident that the world is currently falling short of achieving the development goals outlined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

This, she said, was due to increased economic risk for the most vulnerable and persistent low growth for those with the greatest need.

‘We have to urgently accelerate our collective action to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.’

South Africa, Pandor stressed, is committed to a successful Summit of the Future.

‘We are convinced that it could support efforts that bridge the development divide and provide new solutions to tomorrow’s challenges.

‘We believe the summit presents an opportunity to revitalise the multilateral system and fulfil our promises to reform the current system of global governance to make it more representative and inclusive for everyone,’ Pandor said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

BMA refutes claims of inefficiency at ORTIA

Border Management Authority (BMA) Commissioner, Dr Michael Masiapato, has refuted claims regarding the functionality and efficiency of the OR Tambo International Airport (ORTIA) passenger movement processing system.

The BMA has noted with concern several erroneous reports suggesting that systemic transitions are taking place at ORTIA in Gauteng. The authority said these false reports have caused unnecessary concern among travellers and stakeholders.

Masiapato denied the allegations and reaffirmed the authority’s commitment to maintaining a robust, secure and efficient border management system.

‘The current processing systems at BMA Immigration services is fully operational and designed to handle the high volume of traffic efficiently.

‘There are no system challenges at ORTIA or any of our ports, contrary to the claims made in the public domain. Our records indicate that average processing times at ORTIA remain within acceptable international standards.

‘We continuously monitor and analyse processing time
s to identify and address any potential bottlenecks,’ Masiapato said.

The BMA said it prioritises law enforcement activities at all ports, as well as the safety and security of all individuals entering and exiting the country.

‘Our systems incorporate advanced security features to detect and prevent unauthorised entry. The BMA also collaborates closely with various stakeholders such as Airports Company South Africa and customs authorities to ensure a seamless border management process.

‘We encourage the public to rely on official communications from the BMA for accurate information,’ the BMA said in a statement.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Youth ministry creates platform for young people to excel

The Minister of State for Youth Development, Mr Ayodele Olawande, says the ministry is set with a platform where young people can address issues that affect them and excel.

Olawande told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Abuja that the young peoples’ platform would include all youth leaders of ethnic groups.

He said that the platform would be used to ascertain what young people have in their respective areas.

He added that ‘if we can identify products in your areas that can be used to make or create goods for production, it will be welcomed.

‘We can meet with all the Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) to channel our complaints, for example, the Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF) gives education scholarship to young people, the youths need to know about it.’

According to him, efforts will be intensified toward improving the National Directorate of

Employment (NDE) training centres to be visible and viable for young people.

On the issue of lack of start-up grant after training, he ur
ged the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN) to play its part toward ensuring grants to small businesses and entrepreneurs.

He said ‘we will let SMEDAN know that some of the youths will need money to start their businesses, while some will need seedlings and fertiliser.’

Olawande explained that in Niger, great farming activities are taking place, noting that the ministry would partner the state government to ensure that young people are engaged.

‘Niger produces what they eat and can also produce for people and the governor is doing fantastically well. I will visit my state and do a survey on products that young people can produce and even export.

‘Everything cannot be from Federal Government, if we also put the governors on their toes and work together, we will achieve a lot.’

On the issue of ‘japa’, where people leave the country for greener pasture, he advised that people should go and learn some skills and come back to the country to implement.

‘My advise is that when
people leave the country, they should acquire knowledge and come back and develop the country.

‘So, if you have the opportunity to travel, why can’t you travel and come back and invest in your country?.’

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Women farmers split from AFAN over exclusion, leadership issues

The Nigeria Women for Agricultural Progressive and Development Initiative (NWAPDI) has announced its decision to dissociate from the All Farmers’ Association of Nigeria (AFAN) due to the exclusion of its members.

Ms. Omolara Svensson, the National Coordinator and President of NWAPDI, in a press conference on Tuesday, said this move was necessary following the ongoing leadership tussles within the organisation.

She stated that during her tenure as Head of Women in Agriculture for the Oyo State AFAN chapter, she made several efforts to address these issues.

‘After careful consideration and deliberation, we have decided to part ways with AFAN.

‘However, despite my initiatives, the persistent lack of meaningful inclusion and recognition of women within AFAN undermined NWAPDI’s core objectives.’

According to her, the continuous leadership disputes within AFAN created an unstable and counterproductive environment, making effective collaboration increasingly challenging.

She noted that NWAPDI, established as N
igeria’s foremost organisation exclusively for women in the agricultural sector, aims to empower and support women across production, processing, trade, and commerce.

She also emphasised that the organisation focuses on ensuring that women have a significant and influential role in shaping Nigeria’s agricultural landscape.

‘By standing independently, we believe we can more effectively advocate for the interests of women farmers and drive meaningful change within the agricultural sector,’ she said.

‘NWAPDI will continue its efforts to support and uplift women in agriculture through various programs, initiatives, and advocacy efforts, aiming to contribute to the sustainable development of Nigeria’s agricultural industry.’

Svensson stated that NWAPDI remains committed to its mission of fostering a robust and inclusive agricultural sector where women play a leading and decisive role.

On improving the lives of rural women farmers, the national coordinator mentioned significant strides made in empowering women
in Katsina and other geopolitical zones by providing essential resources.

‘In Lagos, where aqua farming is prevalent, the organisation supplied women with vegetable seedlings, fish feed, and chicken feed.

‘Similar initiatives have been carried out in Kwara State, and plans are underway to reach Ekiti and Osun States soon.

‘Additionally, empowering women farmers have been active in Imo State and are preparing to launch programs in Kogi State.

‘A key initiative includes a safety training program scheduled for tomorrow, in collaboration with other associations.

‘This training aims to address the financial losses women face due to inadequate safety measures on farms and in processing plants.’

She commended the First Lady’s efforts in promoting small home gardens, saying this had encouraged both youths and mothers to engage in home gardening, regardless of their professional backgrounds.

The News Agency of Nigeria reports that AFAN has seen series of crises in the past due to leadership tussle involving som
e members of the board of trustees, leading to the emergence of factions.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Oma-Benedi emerges winner of ‘I Beg to Differ’ student debate in Abuja

Master Oma-Benedi Excel of the Government Science Secondary School, Piakasa in Maitama has emerged the overall winner of the Abuja ‘I Beg to Differ’ student debate tournament.

While Excel clinched the prize of N1 million and a phone tablet, the runner-up, Miss Cindy Paul, an SSII student of Roberto Schools in Wuse II, Abuja got the prize of N500,000 and a phone tablet respectively.

The debate tournament was organised by the Nigeria Info and supported by 3Js Hotel and Apartment, PressPay Ng and Call to fly.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Excel and Paul would represent Abuja in Lagos where they would slog it out with other winners from Port Harcourt and Lagos in the ‘I beg to differ’ debate soon.

Meanwhile, the 13 year-old Excel described the victory as ‘ecstatic. It is a brilliant feeling. I had a great time competing with the best in Abuja.

‘However, to get here was not easy, it took a lot of effort, sleepless nights and support from those around me. I hope to positively represent Abuja in

‘For what I will do with the prize money, I prefer to keep it confidential. However, the experience of meeting Cindy, Mazida, Tommy amd others that participated in the debate was great,’ Excel said.

He appreciated the organiser, sponsors, his parents, teachers, fellow students for the support and encouragement that propelled him to victory.

Similarly the runner up, Paul said, coming second felt like a dream, adding that she had never experienced such before.

‘Half of the prize money will be going for savings and the other half for investment.

‘In Lagos, expect more better performance. I will do much research and preparation to ensure that the Abuja team bring back the trophy,’ Paul said.

Meanwhile, the Group Programme Director of CoolWabiaInfo , Mr Prince Daniel also known as ‘Aboki’ said the debate was one of Nigeria Info’s platforms.

‘Having done ‘I Beg to Differ’ in Lagos and Port Harcourt twice and for the first edition in Abuja, is beyond our expectation. It was greater than we expected.

This is something we will like to continue , because our mission is to advance the cause of education in Nigeria. So using this platform gives us the opportunity to do that.

‘All the four people that made it to the semi-finals and finals will be meeting other contestants from Port Harcourt and those that won in Lagos. All will meet in Lagos to debate.

‘We actually want to power debating clubs in school and as well as begin to organise Abuja City Debate.

‘We are also construction Kids FM in Port Harcourt. We have launched one in Lagos already and soon, we will start that of Abuja,’ Daniel said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria