Kunene police to enhance security measures on Namibia-Angola border

The Namibian Police Force (NamPol) in the Kunene Region have pledged to enhance security at several border crossings, including the ungazetted points between Angola and Namibia, to curb crime and illegal crossings between the two countries.

These efforts will also broaden and accelerate legal avenues for orderly migration and will be implemented in close collaboration with the Angolan government.

Obandja Ruhoze, the Namibian Police Force’s Deputy Commissioner and Head of the Crime Prevention Division for Kunene, in a recent interview on the region’s crime statistics, described the ungazetted border points as problematic as it has now become a crime hotspot between the two countries.

‘We are working on tougher security measures at all border crossing sites since we are seeing an increase in criminal activity. This will also help us reduce the number of illegal immigrants, illegal smuggling by traders and end drug trafficking,’ he added.

Ruhoze said over the last six months, the region has registered more t
han 47 occurrences of drug trafficking, with the majority reported at border crossings. The region, during the same period also registered 121 stock thefts incidences, with half of them occurring at the Angolan-Namibian border.

According to Ruhozu, four cattle were intercepted at the Otjimuhaka crossing last week after being stolen from the Kunene and Omusati regions, and three people were arrested.

Ruhoze noted that it is challenging to combat stock theft, especially during the drought season when water levels in the Kunene River are low, which makes it easy for thieves to cross.

‘With additional resources and manpower, the police will be able to ramp up anti-smuggling operations while simultaneously expanding cooperation and support for border settlements,’ he said.

Ruhoze further noted that unemployment and poverty are major contributors to crime, with children as young as 14 years old engaging in housebreaking activities, looking mainly for food and cellphones.

‘We profiled all of these youngsters, w
hich is how we track them down for future offenses,’ he continued.

The number of housebreaking instances has reached 118 in five months, with the majority involving children.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Mao Zedong Statue unveiled

WINDHOEK: Deputy Prime Minister John Mutorwa has implored the National Heritage Council of Namibia to consider granting the Mao Zedong statue the status of Namibian and Chinese Heritage.

Mutorwa, in a speech read on his behalf during the unveiling of the Mao Zedong statue at Chairman Mao Zedong High School in Windhoek on Wednesday, said heritage is a key element of understanding the values of tradition, regionalism, and identity that connect us to the past.

According to Mutorwa, through innovation, creativity, and technology, they can preserve their heritage, and amplify its social and economic benefits.

Moreover, he indicated that heritage enables people to understand the development of common human practices, monuments, nature, and the social and economic impacts they bring to their world.

‘Preserving heritage is rooted in the belief that it creates a better life for all, whether socially or economically. It brings benefits such as tourism, participation in traditional events, and the consumption of loc
al gastronomy and art,’ he said.

Mutorwa explained that the Chairman Mao Zedong statue symbolises the enduring friendship and collaboration between Namibia and China.

Furthermore, he indicated that Namibia and China share a long-standing tradition of friendship that dates back to the 1960s, when China provided political, moral, and material support to the Namibian people during the struggle for independence.

Moreover, China became the first country to establish diplomatic relations with Namibia.

Mutorwa indicated that the Statue should serve as a reminder of the strong bonds of friendship and cooperation between Namibia and China.

‘Together, we can continue to build a brighter future for our nations, rooted in mutual respect, understanding and shared heritage,’ he concluded.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Nghikembua visits registration points to assess progress at Rundu

A month after the voter registration process started, chairperson of the Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) Elsie Nghikembua on Wednesday visited various voter registration points in Rundu to assess how they are progressing.

Speaking to Nampa on the sidelines, Nghikembua said in the third week after the voter registration started, they could see the process picking up in terms of the number of eligible voters coming through.

‘In the beginning, people were still finding out where to go and register and what the requirements are. But I think the nation now understands the message and people are turning up to register,’ she said.

As a commission, ECN has also done an assessment on where the gaps are, she explained.

The chairperson said ECN saw a need to establish additional registration points in some of the regions such as Rundu in the Kavango East Region.

One of the additional registration points is based at the Rundu State Hospital.

‘Strengthening the presence of the commission in all regions is impo
rtant,’ she added.

On average, the ECN is now standing at 31 000 registered voters per day.

‘The commission is happy with that and we would really like to sustain that. The number should not go down, it should improve,’ she said.

Meanwhile, Nghikembua pointed out that there are regions that are a bit of a concern where the turnout of eligible voters seems to be low.

One such region is the Omaheke Region, she highlighted, adding that the commission is doing its best to involve the leadership of the region to add their voice to that of ECN.

‘In the end, it is a voluntary process but it is something that is of importance to the nation. It would be great if all eligible voters can come out and register in order to vote on 27 November,’ Nghikembua said.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Namibia, Botswana enhance bilateral relations

Namibia and Botswana have enhanced and solidified bilateral relations and economic cooperation, in addition to exchanging views on regional, continental, and global issues of mutual interest and concern.

During official talks led by Namibian President Nangolo Mbumba and Botswana President Mokgweetsi Masisi, the two countries resolved on Thursday in Swakopmund to, among other things, inaugurate and commission the One-Stop Border Post at the Trans-Kalahari/Mamuno Border Post in the Omaheke Region at a mutually agreed-upon time.

On economic cooperation, the two Heads of State, while noting with satisfaction the level of trade between the two countries, acknowledged that more needs to be done to increase the volume of trade by, among other things, enhancing cross-border and regional value chains to minimise the export of raw materials and minerals from the two countries.

‘We have committed ourselves to the implementation of outstanding matters from the Inaugural Session of the Botswana-Namibia Bi-National Comm
ission (BNC). These initiatives will not only enhance the economic prosperity of our countries but also contribute to the overall development of our region,’ Mbumba noted.

The Heads of State also noted progress in implementing the collaborative framework between Botswana and Namibia to reduce roaming charges. They further noted that the framework is critical in supporting the establishment of a single digital market as outlined in the cost-based roaming initiative adopted by the SADC Ministers responsible for Information, Communication and Technology in June 2023. Accordingly, they urged the mobile network operators in both countries to implement the decision to reduce roaming charges without further delays.

Mbumba and Masisi also exchanged views on the prevailing international peace and security situation, including the evolution of the security and humanitarian situations in Mozambique and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

‘What we have accomplished together today is a clear demonstration of the potentia
l when two sister countries, acting as friends and partners, combine their efforts and resources to pursue shared objectives for socio-economic development and prosperity,’ Masisi said.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Fifty-two benefit from Namibia youth credit scheme

About 52 young people from the Khomas, Hardap and ||Kharas regions benefited from the Namibia Youth Credit Scheme (NYCS) totalling to N.dollars 406 000.

Speaking here on Thursday as she officiated the handing over of the loans to the youth, Deputy Minister of Sport, Youth and National Service, Emma Kantema-Gaomas said the NYCS aims to promote youth empowerment, enhance participation in economic activities, and foster an environment where young people can thrive. She added that the scheme is a pledge by Government to the youth showing its commitment to investing in the youth in every possible way.

‘Namibia faces a high unemployment rate, a challenge that can only be addressed through innovative and robust measures, by equipping you with the skills and resources to start your own businesses, we are not only reducing unemployment but also fostering a culture of entrepreneurship and self-reliance,’ said Kantema-Gaomas.

The deputy minister said for the 2024/2025 financial year the ministry aims to support 70 yo
ung people per region with an allocated budget of N.dollars 10 million.

Kantema-Gaomas to the beneficiaries said: ‘Seize this opportunity with both hands, be relentless in your pursuit of excellence, be resilient in the face of challenges, and be resourceful in your endeavours. The future of Namibia depends on you, your creativity, and your determination, don’t wait for tomorrow, start now,’ she urged.

Keetmanshoop Mayor, McDonald Hanse said the scheme stands as a beacon of hope and opportunity for the youth urging the beneficiaries to become active participants in the economic and social development of the country.

‘The scheme has provided our young people with the resources and support necessary to turn their aspirations into reality, fostering entrepreneurship and self-employment. To the beneficiaries, your achievement is a testament to what can be accomplished when we believe in ourselves and seize the opportunities presented to us. You are the future leaders of our country and your success is a source
of pride for all of us,’ said Hanse.

One of the beneficiaries, Shezley Davids who owns an upholstery business said: ‘As we all know during the COVID-19 times we were shaken down for a long time, our businesses collapsed, our youth struggled to find their way with no jobs and no finances, it was a really long struggle, the NYCS has come to us as a saviour. To my fellow youth let us spend this money well, wisely as we have indicated in our business plans, this will help us take the burden off Government as we are able to create jobs for ourselves.’

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

NamPol officials trained as change agents for ILO Convention 190

WINDHOEK: Over 60 officials from the Namibian Police Force (NamPol) were recently trained to become change agents for the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) Convention 190, which addresses the elimination of violence and harassment in the workplace.

The convention protects workers and other people in the workplace such as volunteers, customers, and individuals performing an employer’s official duties or responsibilities, among others.

The workshop, attended by 64 police officials from all 14 regions, took place in Windhoek from 26 to 28 June 2024 and covered aspects such as visioning a new work culture, understanding how power works, and working together to build a Namibia free from violence and harassment.

According to the Acting Executive Director of the Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations, and Employment Creation, Aune Piudjanima, in a media statement on Wednesday, the officers, as change agents will further empower employees to instill dignity in the workplace and ensure a world free of vio
lence and harassment.

Piudjanima said the training is part of Namibia’s continuous efforts to implement the requirements of Convention 190, which was ratified in December 2020, making it the third country globally and the first in Africa to do so.

‘The convention calls for the provision of guidance, resources, training, and awareness-raising campaigns to combat violence and harassment in the world of work. To support the implementation of this convention, the ILO trained 15 masters of trainers in 2021, who have been instrumental in educating and empowering change agents across various sectors,’ she said.

The training ensures that police officers are not only aware of the standards set by Convention 190, but are also equipped with the knowledge and skills to apply these standards within their work environments.

‘The Namibian Police Force is the competent authority in Namibia in dealing with violence and harassment in the workplace and Namibia remains steadfast in its commitment to promoting a workplace fre
e from violence and harassment, ensuring that every worker, including those in law enforcement, can perform their duties in a safe and supportive environment,’ Piudjanima said.

Since 01 April 2022, the masters of trainers have successfully trained 321 change agents in different sectors of the economy.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency