La Fondation Andan annonce la mise en jeu du Prix pour l’innovation en matière d’inclusion des réfugiés en collaboration avec l’initiative MIT Solve du Massachusetts Institute of Technology

ZURICH, Suisse, 17 juill. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — L’organisation humanitaire à but non lucratif basée en Suisse, la Fondation Andan, en collaboration avec l’initiative MIT Solve du Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), est ravie d’annoncer la mise en jeu du Prix Andan pour l’innovation en matière d’inclusion des réfugiés de cette année qui vise à promouvoir des solutions qui font progresser l’inclusion économique, financière et politique des réfugiés au sein de leurs communautés d’accueil.

Le Prix Andan pour l’innovation en matière d’inclusion des réfugiés, doté de 50 000 USD, est décerné chaque année aux solutions les plus prometteuses répondant aux besoins et aux défis des réfugiés et vise à soutenir des approches innovantes qui favorisent l’intégration, l’autonomisation et le développement durable des populations déplacées.

MIT Solve lance des appels ouverts à la recherche de solutions exceptionnelles et variées aux défis mondiaux les plus urgents, auprès de toute personne, n’importe où dans le monde. Les innovateurs sélectionnés bénéficient du soutien du MIT et de sa fervente communauté, ce qui leur permet d’accroître leur impact et de susciter un changement durable.

Des initiatives conjointes pour favoriser les solutions d’innovation

La Fondation Andan recherche des solutions axées sur les domaines suivants :

  • Inclusion économique et moyens de subsistance : développer des technologies et des modèles économiques qui créent des opportunités économiques durables pour les réfugiés et les populations déplacées.
  • Inclusion financière : rechercher des solutions pour le développement de services financiers abordables pour les communautés mal desservies et pour l’amélioration de la croissance économique.
  • Inclusion politique : rechercher des solutions pour l’autonomisation des communautés marginalisées en luttant contre les restrictions du droit de vote et le manque de représentation.

Les gagnants du prix seront annoncés le 23 septembre 2024 lors de la finale du Solve Challenge qui aura lieu pendant la semaine de l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies à New York.

Notes à l’attention des rédacteurs

À propos de la Fondation Andan

La Fondation Andan est une organisation humanitaire à but non lucratif basée en Suisse et fondée par Christian Kaelin. Elle est réglementée par l’Autorité fédérale de surveillance des fondations et auditée chaque année par BDO.

Andan mène des projets du secteur privé visant à soutenir les familles qui fuient leur foyer à cause de la guerre, des conflits internes et du changement climatique. Elle repère et met en place des solutions innovantes et durables visant à promouvoir l’autonomie des réfugiés, à renforcer leur résilience et à favoriser leur intégration dans leur nouveau pays. Andan privilégie les projets offrant plus de perspectives économiques, financières et politiques aux populations réfugiées et aux communautés qui les accueillent. Andan facilite et promeut les partenariats entre le secteur privé et les agences des Nations unies, les gouvernements, les ONG et les institutions académiques qui s’intéressent à de la cause des réfugiés et des migrants.

À propos de MIT Solve

MIT Solve est une initiative du Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) conçue dans le but de relever des défis mondiaux grâce à l’innovation et à l’entrepreneuriat. Lancée en 2015, l’initiative MIT Solve organise des défis annuels qui attirent différentes solutions technologiques du monde entier. L’initiative se concentre sur des questions urgentes telles que la durabilité, l’éducation, la santé et la prospérité économique. Grâce à son approche inclusive, MIT Solve offre aux entrepreneurs sociaux un financement, un mentorat et des relations avec des partenaires influents. Ce modèle distinctif encourage les solutions évolutives, permettant ainsi aux idées transformatrices de générer des impacts tangibles pour les communautés mal desservies du monde entier.

Contact média

Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter :

Bushra Zaidan

[email protected]

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000972069

A Andan Foundation anuncia o Prêmio de Inovação em Inclusão de Refugiados em colaboração com o MIT Solve do Massachusetts Institute of Technology

ZURIQUE, Suíça, July 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Andan Foundation, uma organização humanitária sem fins lucrativos sediada na Suíça, em colaboração com o MIT Solve do Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), tem o prazer de anunciar o Prêmio Andan de Inovação em Inclusão de Refugiados, que busca promover soluções que promovam a inclusão econômica, financeira e política de refugiados nas comunidades que os acolhem.

O Prêmio Andan de Inovação em Inclusão de Refugiados, no valor de US$ 50.000, é concedido todos os anos às soluções mais promissoras que atendem às necessidades e adversidades impostas aos refugiados e tem como objetivo apoiar iniciativas inovadoras que promovam a integração, a capacitação e o desenvolvimento sustentável das populações deslocadas.

O MIT Solve lança convites abertos para soluções excepcionais e diversificadas para os mais urgentes desafios globais, de qualquer pessoa, em qualquer parte do mundo. Os inovadores que forem selecionados recebem o apoio do MIT e de sua comunidade de apoiadores para ampliar o impacto e promover mudanças sustentáveis.

Iniciativas conjuntas para promover soluções inovadoras

A Andan Foundation está em busca de soluções que privilegiem:

  • Inclusão econômica e meios de subsistência: Desenvolvimento de tecnologias e modelos de negócios que gerem oportunidades econômicas sustentáveis para refugiados e populações deslocadas.
  • Inclusão financeira: Busca de soluções para estender o acesso a serviços financeiros para comunidades carentes e estimular o crescimento econômico.
  • Inclusão política: Busca de soluções para capacitar comunidades marginalizadas, tratando da supressão de eleitores e da falta de representação.

Os vencedores do prêmio serão anunciados nas finais do Solve Challenge em 23 de setembro de 2024, por ocasião da Semana da Assembleia Geral da ONU, na cidade de Nova York.

Notas aos editores

Sobre a Andan Foundation

A Andan Foundation é uma organização humanitária sem fins lucrativos com sede na Suíça, fundada pelo Dr. Christian Kaelin. Ela é regulamentada pela Autoridade Federal Suíça para Supervisão de Fundações e auditada anualmente pela BDO.

A Andan coordena projetos da iniciativa privada para apoiar famílias que fogem de suas casas devido a guerras, conflitos internos e mudanças climáticas. Ela identifica e desenvolve soluções inovadoras e sustentáveis, promovendo a autossuficiência dos refugiados, aumentando sua resiliência e fomentando sua inclusão em seus novos países. A Andan prioriza projetos que ampliem as oportunidades econômicas, financeiras e políticas tanto para as populações de refugiados quanto para as comunidades que os acolhem. A Andan facilita e promove parcerias entre o setor privado e as agências da ONU, governos, ONGs e instituições acadêmicas preocupadas com refugiados e migrantes.

Sobre o MIT Solve

O MIT Solve é uma iniciativa do Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) criada para enfrentar os desafios globais com base em inovação e empreendedorismo. Lançado em 2015, o MIT Solve lança desafios anuais que atraem soluções diversificadas e tecnológicas do mundo inteiro. A iniciativa enfoca questões urgentes, como sustentabilidade, educação, saúde e prosperidade econômica. Com sua abordagem inclusiva, o MIT Solve capacita empreendedores sociais com financiamento, orientação e acesso a parceiros influentes. Esse modelo diferenciado estimula soluções escalonáveis, permitindo que ideias transformadoras gerem impactos tangíveis para comunidades carentes em todo o mundo.

Contato com a Imprensa

Para informações adicionais, entre em contato com:

Bushra Zaidan

[email protected]

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000972069

GMAC Board Election Affirms Continuity, Drive toward Business for Good

Global org of leading business schools dedicated to advancing equitable access to education

RESTON, Va., July 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), a non-profit association representing over 200 graduate business schools around the globe, today announced the election to her first full term of Itziar de Ros, associate dean of advancement and engagement at IESE Business School, and the re-election of François Ortalo-Magné, dean of London Business School, to another term of four years to its board of directors. In addition, Jay Nibbe, former global vice chair of markets at EY, was re-appointed for a second term. All three started their new term on July 1, 2024.

With the GMAC board’s continuity confirmed by its member schools, it also reiterates its commitment to the organization’s mission to serve prospective candidates with talent and aspirations in business careers and school professionals who are passionate about holistic admission practices to build an inclusive classroom while delivering high quality education and services to their students.

“For seven decades, we have been known for providing business schools with assessment tools that give insight into a prospective student’s readiness for the academic rigor of their programs. Equally important is how we also educate school professionals in the latest marketing and recruiting approaches to deepen the global candidate pipeline, ensure that our conference and event curriculum remains robust and addresses immediate industry needs, and continue to inform schools on what we are learning about the pipeline through our research that takes a deeper dive into special segments and global regions,” said Joy Jones, CEO of GMAC. “Our newly confirmed board, along with our staff across continents, recognizes our long-term investment in both the business schools and the candidates aspiring to enter them. We remain driven toward realizing the vision of a world where every talented person can benefit from the best business education for them, knowing that business school graduates are motivated to take on some of our greatest challenges.”

GMAC programs, products, and services are widely available, and the organization takes additional measures to ensure everyone with aspirations has opportunity. GMAC’s commitment to cultivating an inclusive talent pipeline spans decades. 30 years ago, GMAC co-founded The PhD Project, an organization with an aim to positively impact the diversity of the workforce by changing faculty representation, and for 20 years has supported the Forté Foundation, whose mission is to propel women to successful careers through access to business education and opportunities. Donations to these and other pipeline organizations have surpassed $6 million. Well into its third year, the GMAT Talent and Opportunity Scholarship has benefited dozens of business school aspirants from underrepresented communities in Europe to promote business school inclusivity. GMAC Tours hosts virtual and in-person spotlight events specifically for MBA applicants in the veteran community in partnership with Service to School, a non-profit that provides free graduate school application counseling to military veterans and servicemembers, and for Black, Hispanic, and Native American candidates in partnership with Management Leadership for Tomorrow, a non-profit focusing on building diverse leaders and equitable workspaces. In its desire to positively impact the communities in which it operates, GMAC introduced a service activity as part of the program at last month’s GMAC Annual Conference for all attendees to support students in the local New Orleans area.

“In 2023, GMAC issued a sustainable development statement and one of our aims is to contribute to the growth and equality in the communities that we serve while caring for the environment where we operate. I am impressed by how GMAC has strived to grow along with—and give back to—our business school community, and our society at large, through efforts toward building an inclusive and quality business education ecosystem,” said Themin Suwardy, associate provost of postgraduate professional education at Singapore Management University and chair of the GMAC Board.

GMAC also recognizes and thanks its outgoing board member Yuan Ding, Cathay Capital Chair Professor in Accounting at CEIBS (China Europe International Business School), for his continuous support of GMAC’s mission over the past four years.

About GMAC

The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) is a mission-driven association of leading graduate business schools worldwide. GMAC provides world-class research, industry conferences, recruiting tools, and assessments for the graduate management education industry as well as resources, events, and services that help guide candidates through their higher education journey. Owned and administered by GMAC, the Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMAT™) exam is the most widely used graduate business school assessment.

More than 12 million prospective students a year trust GMAC’s platforms, including mba.comGMAC Tours, and BusinessBecause, to learn about MBA and business master’s programs, connect with schools around the world, prepare and register for exams, and get advice on how to successfully achieve their business education and career goals. GMAC is a global organization with offices in China, India, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

To learn more about our work, please visit

Media Contact:

Teresa Hsu
Sr. Manager, Media Relations
Mobile: 202-390-4180
[email protected]

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9178385


Energy Solutions Provider Becomes Regional Partner and Value-Added Reseller to Deploy, Train, Sell, and Support SPEE3D Technology in West Africa

Nigeria, West Africa, July 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — SPEE3D, a leading global additive manufacturing company, announced a strategic partnership with RusselSmith to bring SPEE3D’s cold spray additive manufacturing (CSAM) solution to West Africa. RusselSmith is a leading integrated energy solutions provider focusing on sustainable, innovative technology solutions. As part of the agreement, they will become a regional partner and value-added reseller for SPEE3D products – deploying, training, selling, and supporting customers in the region’s oil and gas, defense, and commercial industries.

In addition, RusselSmith has purchased a WarpSPEE3D printer to become a strategic sourcing partner to produce cold spray metal parts in Africa. The WarpSPEE3D uses patented SPEE3D technology, which enables significantly faster and more scalable production than traditional manufacturing. It builds parts up to 40 kg – or 88 lbs. – with a diameter up to 1m x .7m – or 40″ x 30″ – in hours versus days. This rapid speed transforms metal printing into an on-demand manufacturing solution.

Nigeria has one of the region’s most vibrant energy sectors, including oil and gas. However, the industry is challenged with sustaining and maintaining equipment on aging assets due to supply chain issues and difficulty procuring legacy parts, causing significant operational delays. SPEE3D and RusselSmith intend to fill the gap between needed and available parts by manufacturing them locally, helping companies improve their operations and reduce costs. RusselSmith is the only organization qualified by the Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission (NUPRC) to deploy industrial non-metallic additive manufacturing solutions in the oil and gas industry. RusselSmith was also recently inducted into the Additive Manufacturing Green Trade Association (AMTGA) and is currently the only African member company.

“SPEE3D is committed to the growth and development of additive manufacturing globally, and we’re thrilled to bring our cold spray additive manufacturing solution to West Africa,” said Byron Kennedy, CEO of SPEE3D. “Partnering with RusselSmith is a huge win for us – they are a respected leader bringing the latest additive manufacturing technologies to the region and helping solve major supply chain issues for the oil and gas and defense and other commercial industries. Together, we will not only bring the WarpSPEE3D printer to the region, but their support as a value-added reseller will ensure customers will have the sales, support, and training they need for all of our technology.”

“In response to prevailing challenges in the supply chain of legacy parts in Nigeria and across the continent, RusselSmith has set out to promote the adoption of additive manufacturing technology in Africa to produce vital spare parts for the energy sector and other industries. We are building our capacity by developing a robust additive manufacturing ecosystem through deliberate investments and strategic partnerships with world-class additive manufacturing companies,” said Kayode Adeleke, CEO of RusselSmith. “Our partnership with SPEE3D is a game changer for us – they are the leader in advanced metal additive manufacturing technology using their patented cold spray technology. This partnership enables us to rapidly manufacture high-quality parts on demand, locally and sustainably, leveraging the innovative cold spray technology to improve our customers’ operational uptime. Our focus at RusselSmith is to be Africa’s leading provider of advanced digital and deployable additive manufacturing solutions for enhancing operational efficiency on the continent, and we aim to achieve that ‘one part at a time.’”

About RusselSmith:
RusselSmith is a leading Integrated Energy Solutions provider with a focus on technology solutions for Asset Integrity Management, Oilfield Management, Smart Manufacturing, and Sustainable Energy. RusselSmith’s services are designed to help its customers operate, manage, optimize, and extend the productive lives of their energy assets in safe and sustainable ways. To learn more, visit

About SPEE3D:
SPEE3D is a leading metal additive manufacturing technology company dedicated to the research, development, and delivery of metal 3D printers and integrated systems utilizing its patented Cold Spray Additive Manufacturing (CSAM) technology. As a result, SPEE3D’s product portfolio enables significantly faster production than traditional metal manufacturing for a wide range of metals, including Copper, Aluminium, Stainless Steel, Aluminum Bronze, and now, Nickel Aluminium Bronze Expeditionary. To learn more, visit


Heather Meeker
[email protected]

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9178950

En élisant de nouveaux membres à son Conseil d’administration, le GMAC s’inscrit dans la continuité de son engagement en faveur d’une activité au service du bien commun

Une association regroupant les principales écoles de commerce à l’échelle mondiale qui prône l’égalité des chances dans l’accès à l’éducation

RESTON, Virginie, 17 juill. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le Graduate Management Admission Council (ou « GMAC »), une association à but non lucratif regroupant plus de 200 écoles de commerce partout dans le monde, annonce ce jour l’élection d’Itziar de Ros, doyenne adjointe à l’avancement et à l’engagement de l’IESE Business School pour son tout premier mandat, ainsi que la réélection de François Ortalo-Magné, doyen de la London Business School pour un nouveau mandat de quatre ans au sein de son Conseil d’administration. En outre, Jay Nibbe, ex-vice-président mondial des marchés chez EY, a été réélu au titre d’un deuxième mandat. Tous trois ont pris leurs fonctions le 1er juillet 2024.

Cette continuité du Conseil d’administration du GMAC assurée par la représentation de ses écoles membres réaffirme son engagement envers sa mission de se mettre à la fois au service des candidats potentiels disposant des compétences et de la volonté nécessaires pour embrasser la carrière commerciale, et des professionnels de l’éducation passionnés par les pratiques d’admission systémiques pour construire des cursus inclusifs tout en offrant un niveau d’éducation et des services connexes de qualité supérieure à leurs étudiants.

« Depuis 70 ans, nous cultivons la réputation de fournir aux écoles de commerce des outils d’évaluation leur donnant visibilité sur la préparation d’un étudiant potentiel à la rigueur académique de leurs programmes. Il est tout aussi important de former les professionnels de l’enseignement aux dernières approches marketing et de recrutement pour renforcer le vivier mondial de candidats, veiller à ce que notre programme de conférences et d’événements reste robuste et réponde aux besoins immédiats du secteur, et maintienne sa ligne d’information auprès des écoles sur les éclairages que nous tirons de notre recherche qui passe au peigne fin des segments spécifiques et des territoires à l’échelle mondiale » observe Joy Jones, PDG du GMAC. Et de poursuivre : « Notre conseil nouvellement constitué et notre personnel réparti sur plusieurs continents traduisent notre double investissement à long terme dans les écoles de commerce et dans les candidats qui aspirent à les intégrer. Nous restons déterminés à réaliser notre vision d’un monde où chaque personne talentueuse peut bénéficier de la meilleure formation en commerce, à savoir que les diplômés des écoles de commerce sont motivés pour relever certains de nos plus grands défis. »

Les programmes, produits et services proposés par le GMAC sont largement disponibles, et l’association prend toute une série de mesures supplémentaires pour garantir des opportunités à quiconque en exprime le souhait. L’engagement du GMAC à entretenir un vivier de talents inclusif remonte à quelques décennies. Il y a 30 ans, le GMAC a co-fondé The PhD Project, une organisation visant à faire office de moteur d’influence sur la diversité de la main-d’œuvre en altérant la représentation du corps professoral. Par ailleurs, depuis 20 ans, il soutient la fondation Forté, dont la mission consiste à encourager les femmes envers des parcours professionnels couronnés de succès grâce à l’accès à l’éducation en commerce et aux opportunités. Les dons à ces organisations et à d’autres organisations partenaires ont dépassé les 6 millions de dollars. Alors qu’elle est renouvelée pour sa troisième année, la bourse GMAT Talent and Opportunity Scholarship a été versée à plusieurs dizaines d’étudiants candidats en provenance de communautés sous-représentées en Europe, aux fins de promouvoir l’inclusivité des écoles de commerce. Lors de ses tournéesle GMAC organise des événements virtuels et sur site, spécifiquement dédiés aux candidats à la filière MBA dans la communauté des anciens combattants en partenariat avec Service to School, une organisation à but non lucratif spécialisée dans le conseil gratuit relatif aux protocoles d’admission aux études supérieures auprès des anciens combattants et des ex-militaires, ainsi que pour les ethnies Noires, Hispaniques et Amérindiennes, en partenariat avec Management Leadership for Tomorrow, une autre organisation à but non lucratif ciblée sur la création de leaders de la diversité et d’espaces de travail équitables. Dans son désir d’influencer positivement les communautés où il est établi, le GMAC a introduit un volet de service dans le cadre du programme de sa conférence annuelle, qui s’est tenue le mois dernier. Les services en question se destinent à tous les participants dans l’objectif d’apporter du soutien aux étudiants de la région de La Nouvelle-Orléans.

« En 2023, le GMAC a publié une déclaration de développement durable et l’un de nos objectifs est de contribuer à la croissance et à l’égalité des chances dans les communautés au service desquelles nous nous plaçons, tout en prenant soin de l’environnement qui nous entoure. Je suis impressionné par la façon dont le GMAC s’est efforcé de grandir, en redonnant à notre communauté d’écoles de commerce, et à notre société en général, au moyen d’efforts visant à construire un écosystème éducatif en commerce inclusif et qualitatif. » précise Themin Suwardy, vice-recteur adjoint de l’éducation professionnelle post-universitaire à la Singapore Management University et président du Conseil d’administration du GMAC.

Le GMAC souligne la sortie du Conseil de Yuan Ding, professeur titulaire de la chaire Cathay Capital en comptabilité à la CEIBS (China Europe International Business School) et le remercie pour son soutien continu à sa mission au cours des quatre dernières années.

À propos du GMAC

Le GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council) est une association qui regroupe les principales écoles supérieures de commerce du monde entier. Le GMAC effectue des recherches de premier plan, organise des conférences sectorielles, fournit des outils de recrutement et des évaluations pour le secteur des études supérieures en gestion, ainsi que des ressources, des événements et des services qui aident à accompagner les candidats tout au long de leur parcours dans l’enseignement supérieur. Détenu et géré par le GMAC, l’examen Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMAT™) est l’évaluation la plus couramment utilisée dans les écoles supérieures de commerce.

Chaque année, plus de 12 millions de futurs étudiants consultent les plateformes du GMAC, dont mba.comGMAC Tours et BusinessBecause, pour se renseigner sur les programmes du MBA et de master de commerce, entrer en contact avec des écoles du monde entier, se préparer et s’inscrire aux examens et obtenir des conseils sur la manière d’atteindre avec succès leurs objectifs d’études et de carrière dans le domaine du commerce. Le GMAC est une organisation mondiale dont les bureaux se trouvent en Chine, en Inde, au Royaume-Uni et aux États-Unis.

Pour en savoir plus sur notre travail, veuillez consulter

Contact médias :

Teresa Hsu
Responsable en chef, relations média
Téléphone : 202-390-4180
[email protected]

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9179128

ECN distances itself from RDP’s internal politics

WINDHOEK: The Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) has indicated that it does not interfere with the internal affairs of political parties, amidst continuous leadership infighting within the Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) party.

The ECN has been accused by former RDP parliamentarian, Kandy Nehova, of allegedly taking unprecedented steps by intervening in the internal affairs of the RDP, resulting in the installation of an unauthorised representative in parliament, Mike Kavekotora.

Responding to Nampa’s questions regarding the ECN’s position in the matter, its spokesperson, De Wet Siluka, said on Tuesday that, in their view, Mike Kavekotora was duly nominated as the presidential candidate of the RDP in 2019 by the authorised representative of the party in conformity with the provisions of the amended Electoral Act 05 of 2014.

‘ECN does not deal with factions within a political party. There exists no relationship between the ECN and Mr. Mike Kavekotora other than the fact that, according to our reco
rds, he is the president of the RDP, a political party duly registered in terms of Section 137 of the Electoral Act, 05 of 2014, as amended,’ he explained.

According to Nehova, Kavekotora, who resigned as a Member of Parliament in March 2024 and was presided over by Kennedy Shekupakela, is illegitimately representing the party as they have not received the required 51 per cent of votes as per the party constitution in June 2019 elections.

‘Mike Kavekotora and Kennedy Shekupakela never got 51 per cent of votes cast, and a rerun was never ordered by the chairperson of the elections committee. The ECN was well informed about this from the beginning,’ he noted.

Nehova indicated that the legitimate leadership with the central committee was elected in October 2019, noting that a petition of 200 signatures objecting to Kavekotora’s presidential candidacy in 2019 was submitted to the ECN.

Meanwhile, Siluka indicated that should factions arise within a party, the best course of action would be for the contesting f
action to seek redress from the Electoral Court.

However, RDP legal secretary and constitutional affairs representative, Amanda Titus said they took the issue to the Electoral Court in 2019, but the court indicated that it does not have jurisdiction to hear the merit of the case and referred them to the tribunal court or the ECN.

‘They said we must approach the tribunal court because it is an issue that arose before polling day… but the Electoral Act that outlines the powers of the Electoral court shows that the Electoral court does have jurisdiction. It is our interpretation that the Electoral Court saw the merit because it took them approximately almost four years just to constitute the court,’ she said.

She further indicated that a case of fraud against Kavekotora and Shekupakela was opened. The case also involves alleged false representation with intent to commit fraud.

Source: The Namibia News Agency