The action of Crowdstrike, blamed for the computer outage, fell 17% in trading preceding the opening of Wall Street

Ouagadougou: The action of the American cybersecurity group CrowdStrike, implicated in the global IT outage, fell by almost 17% on Friday around 10:00 GMT in electronic trading preceding the opening of the New York Stock Exchange. A computer outage paralyzes many Businesses around the world: airlines, airports, banks, media and hospitals have reported disruptions.

According to Oleg Gorokhovsky, founder of the Ukrainian online bank Monobank, the outage is ‘linked to an interaction between the Crowdstrike antivirus and Windows’, a service from the American technology giant Microsoft.

Microsoft shares lost around 2.5% around 10:00 GMT, in trading preceding the opening of Wall Street.

Actual trading of shares on the New York Stock Exchange takes place from 1:30 p.m. GMT to 8:00 p.m. GMT, but investors can position themselves in companies via derivatives between trading sessions.

The global outage is linked to a ‘faulty update’ of a tool from manufacturer CrowdStrike, according to Berlin.

Crowdstike relies he
avily on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning and notably offers a digital protection platform called Falcon.

Its market capitalization, which corresponds to the total amount of its shares available on the stock markets, amounts to 83 billion dollars.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina: The canton of Lallé contributes 2,765,000 FCFA to the peace effort

Ouagadougou: The customary chiefs of the canton of Lallé brought the sum of 2,765,000 FCFA to Koudougou on Thursday as a contribution to the peace effort.

According to the representative of the head of Lallé canton, Kologo Naaba, this contribution is a response to the call of the President of Faso who asks Burkinabè from inside and outside to provide their multifaceted support to defeat terrorism, reports the communication services of the ministry responsible for the civil service.

‘It is a contribution to show the Head of State that we are patriotic and committed to supporting him in the reconquest of the national territory,’ said the emissary of the head of the canton of Lallé.

According to him, the wish of the traditionalists is the return of peace to Burkina Faso.

The cash amount was handed over to the Minister of State, Minister of Civil Service, Labor and Social Protection, Bassolma Bazié, on Thursday afternoon, in Koudougou, in the presence of the governor and his collaborators .

Mr. Bazié express
ed his deep gratitude and sincere congratulations to the custodians of customary and traditional values ??for their laudable gesture.

For him, being able to mobilize this sum to allow the ‘young people’ who are at the front to hold out against the enemy is very appreciable.

While calling on traditionalists to provide assistance in terms of care for the combatants who are at the front, he invited them to set up assistance teams for their benefit.

There is a need, he suggested, to welcome them, treat them before they return to their families or to accompany them when they go into the field.

Burkina Faso Information Agency

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Niger: The President of the CNSP honors his AES counterparts on an exceptional basis

Ouagadougou: The President of the National Council for the Protection of the Fatherland, Head of State, Grand Master of National Orders, Brigadier General ABDOURAHAMANE TIANI signed two decrees raising to the dignity of Grand Cross in the National Order of Niger, exceptionally, the presidents of Burkina Faso and Mali.

It is through a press release made public, this Friday, July 19, 2024, that the Head of State decided to honor his counterparts from the Alliance of Sahel States (AES), Colonel Assimi Goïta, President of the Transition, Head of State of Mali and Captain Ibrahim Traoré, President of Faso, Head of State of Burkina Faso.

These two distinctions are delivered in recognition of the firm and unwavering commitment of these two personalities in favor of the Sovereignty and Solidarity of our States grouped within the Alliance of Sahel States (AES), safeguarding and influence of our cultures and values ??as well as the development in dignity of our respective peoples, we can read in the press release fro
m the Nigerien presidency.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

The dtic to support programmes outlined by the President

Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic) Minister Parks Tau says his department’s mandate is clear in that it will work to support and enhance the programmes instructively outlined by President Cyril Ramaphosa during the Opening of Parliament Address in Cape Town on Thursday evening.

‘This is important, especially if we calculate the costs of poverty which constitutes 60 percent of the National Budget,’ Tau said.

Responding to the Opening of Parliament Address (OPA) on Friday, Tau said the reality is that government has to adopt a mission-oriented approach to industrial policy and strategy.

‘As such, we must implement with laser focus, the programme of priorities outlined in the Government of National Unity (GNU) to benefit all South Africans, most particularly, women, the youth majority and people with disabilities,’ Tau said.

He said if government does not implement the priorities of social justice, and poverty alleviation, then the nation-building and social cohesion projects will remain an elusive i

‘In line with what the President said when talking about smart industrial policy, the dtic group will implement sectoral plans building on the successes recorded in the automotive, clothing and textiles, retail and agro-processing sectors.

‘Smart industrial policy speaks to underlining beneficiation and export-led growth. It highlights the imperatives of the Public Procurement Act that will complement the essential legislative tools to unlock localisation and transformation.

‘Every year the South African economy spends 25% of the national wealth created on imported goods. Not only is this propensity to import much greater than our competitor countries, it is also out of sync with our developmental needs,’ Tau said.

Tau said government will reverse this in pharmaceuticals and medical devices, green industries, food products and manufactured goods, among others.

He said smart industrial policies and programmes are being implemented to respond to the global market trends towards electric vehicles.

As you know, in February this year, the Minister of Finance announced that the government will introduce an investment allowance for new investments. This will see producers having the opportunity to claim 150 percent of qualifying investment expenditure on electric and hydrogen-powered vehicles within the initial year.

‘On structural transformation relating to B-BBEE, the dtic group will use the public procurement regime to advance B-BBEE and SMMEs. We will work with National Treasury to ensure that the Procurement Bill, under consideration by the President is implemented,’ Tau said.

The Minister said government is aware that the Enterprise and Supplier Development (ESD) elements of the B-BBEE Codes have the potential to raise several billions from the private sector.

‘Therefore, working closely with the B-BBEE Commission in monitoring the contributions of the ESD, black industrialists and SMMEs will benefit from such financial contributions.

‘Our common prosperity is contingent on building a better life
for all, and not for some. In line with what the President said, the DTIC group will refocus on industrialisation in a targeted manner using available policy instruments.

‘Our message to our SADC partners is a call-to-action for a united effort to promote regional industrialisation. This will leverage South Africa’s trade with Africa which has increased significantly, growing from just over R343 billion in 2019, to just under R547 billion in 2023,’ Tau said.

In his Opening of Parliament Address (OPA), President Cyril Ramaphosa said government had decided to place inclusive economic growth at the centre of the work of the Government of National Unity and at the top of the national agenda.

‘The Government of National Unity will pursue every action that contributes to sustainable, rapid economic growth and remove every obstacle that stands in the way of growth,’ President Ramaphosa said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Burkina: 127 IDPs removed from the streets for agro-pastoral production

Ouagadougou: The Minister in charge of Solidarity, Nandy Somé/Diallo, resettled on Monday 127 internally displaced persons (IDPs), removed from the situation of begging, on a 60 hectare site in Néboun, in the Center-West, for agro-pastoral production.

This initiative, according to Minister Nandy Somé, is an integral part of the government’s efforts for the socio-economic reintegration of IDPs in order to preserve their dignity and facilitate their social integration.

‘The resettlement system for the 127 IDPs removed from the streets of Ouagadougou consists of psychosocial care and accommodation, as well as support for 120 households in agro-pastoral exploitation,’ said the minister.

For her, each household will also benefit from one hectare of land for agricultural production.

The IDPs also benefited from food, including two tons of rice, one ton of corn and beans, as well as non-food items consisting of mats, seeds and agricultural equipment.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

GNU provides an opportunity to build a prosperous country

Agriculture Minister John Steenhuisen says the Government of National Unity (GNU) has provided an opportunity to build a united and prosperous South Africa.

Speaking at a joint sitting of the National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces to debate the President’s Opening of Parliament Address (OPA) on Friday, Steenhuisen reiterated that his party, the Democratic Alliance (DA), joined the Government of National Unity because it wants to play its part to build South Africa.

Steenhuisen said the 2024 National and Provincial Elections, which necessitated the creation of a multiparty government, offers the country a powerful opportunity to carve a new path.

‘The recent expanded Cabinet Lekgotla has given us the key ingredients we need to accelerate growth and private sector investment in our economy. The Government of National Unity has identified rapid and inclusive growth to create jobs as our apex priority,’ Steenhuisen said.

To achieve this, he said the GNU has committed to a responsible fiscal p
ath that reduces the national debt in order to free up resources for productive investments.

‘The planned review of sector master plans to identify obstacles to growth, the emphasis on increasing our focus on exports, and our shared commitment to slashing red tape to crowd-in private sector investment, gives us the key ingredients we need to succeed,’ Steenhuisen said.

The Minister also welcomed President Ramaphosa’s Opening of Parliament Address on the policy interventions to expand the basket of food items exempt from VAT, to review and reduce the fuel price, to prevent undue political interference in the public service, and to set up specialised policing units to fight violent crime and the construction mafia.

‘These policy changes are ones that the DA has long advocated for, and they will make a meaningful impact on reducing the cost of living, enhancing the capacity of the state, and tackling the violent crime that plagues too many of our communities,’ Steenhuisen said.

While the Government of Nation
al Unity has met the requirement for sufficient consensus as outlined in the Statement of Intent on some key matters of economic policy, Steenhuisen acknowledged that there are still areas of divergence that require attention.

These include the need for universal health coverage, which he said has serious problems of corruption and mismanagement in the public health sector.

‘The National Health Insurance (NHI) in its current form does not do enough to address these problems… The same goes for the Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill and some other initiatives.

‘However, in all of these areas of divergence, I am convinced that we can find a way forward. It will require us to be honest about disagreements where they do exist, and to work in good faith with one another to find solutions,’ Steenhuisen said.

Steenhuisen maintained that if the Government of National Unity succeeds in delivering on its apex priority of growing the economy and creating jobs, ‘then the builders will defeat the breakers once and f
or all’.

‘This Government of National Unity reflects the will of the people, who have told us loud and clear that they want an end to single party domination in favour of multiparty cooperation. The DA, alongside our partners, have heeded that call, and we have put forward our best weaver birds to help build South Africa,’ Steenhuisen said. –

Source: South African Government News Agency