The artist Floby presents his 7th album to Minister Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo

Ouagadougou: Burkinabè singer and composer Floby, whose real name is Florent Belemgnegré, presented his 7th album called ‘Burkina Faso’ to the Minister of State, Minister of Communication, Culture and Arts and Tourism, Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, this Thursday 18 in Ouagadougou, accompanied by his manager, Papus Zongo.

For Floby, this album is a declaration of love to his motherland which is facing the terrorist hydra. ‘We are certainly going through difficult times, but we are still standing and resilient and we will fight until final victory,’ declared the artist quoted by Minister Ouédraogo’s communications services.

The 18-track work released on June 30, 2024 is sung in the national Moore language and in French to pay tribute to the cultural richness of Burkina Faso, promote living together, cohesion, sharing and peace. For the artist, it represents his ‘way of telling those who think that Burkina Faso is unlivable because of the false information conveyed, that it is quite the opposite’.

The Minister of
State, while congratulating the artist for the quality of his musical repertoire, took the opportunity to encourage Floby and his staff for the work done in favor of culture and the promotion of a Burkina Faso of peace and social cohesion. For him, the battle at the front will be won by the FDS and VDP but for the overall victory over the enemies, culture has a crucial role to play and this work is a fine example to follow.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Oil, gas exploration key for economic growth – Minister Mantashe

Minister of Minerals and Petroleum, Gwede Mantashe, says gas and oil exploration is critical for the future of South Africa’s economy.

The Minister was speaking during a debate on the Opening of Parliament Address held in Cape Town.

‘Our country is endowed with petroleum deposits that are not yet exploited. We appeal to South Africans to appreciate that our quest for exploration of oil and gas deposits is not a nice to have.

‘It is important to turnaround the composition of our economy and therefore, that will translate into growth of the economy,’ he said.

Mantashe bemoaned what he called ‘foreign funded NGOs that block exploration of gas and oil’.

‘That is blocking economic development and we must confront it and deal with it. That doesn’t mean we are not serious about responsible mining and exploration. We must accept, unreservedly, the need for mining and exploration that is conscious in preserving the environment while accelerating development,’ he said.

The Minister said as development and growth
takes place, empowerment should not be put on the back burner.

‘As we address the question of unemployment and develop a framework for economic growth, we should bear in mind that involving black South Africans in economic activity is not a favour. It is a necessary intervention because for many years…they were not active in economic activity so therefore the question of black economic empowerment and affirmative action is a necessary intervention in the economy,’ he said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

The world needs ‘visionary and passionate leaders’, according to the head of the ADB

Ouagadougou: The President of the African Development Bank Group, Mr. Akinwumi Adesina, said the world is in great need of leaders who are resolutely committed and focused on ‘strategic solutions’ and ‘transformational changes “.

‘Proposing solutions for agriculture in Africa, Mr. Adesina said the world desperately needs ‘visionary and passionate leaders who are strategic solution providers and agents of transformational change,’ the AfDB boss said. , cited by its communications services.

Invited by religious circles to speak on food security and financial sustainability in Africa, Mr. Adesina briefed his guests on the AfDB’s $25 billion program aimed at transforming African agriculture by providing highly advanced agricultural technologies. to 40 million farmers and making Africa self-sufficient in food by 2030.

He recalled that the AfDB’s flagship program on the subject, the Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) program, helped Ethiopia become a net exporter of wheat within five yea
rs and enabled to significantly increase wheat production in Sudan among others.

Regarding Nigeria, Mr. Adesina said: ‘Together with the Islamic Development Bank and the International Fund for Agricultural Development, we have provided $520 million to support the creation of special agro-industrial processing zones that will enable agro-businesses to private industrial companies to establish industries that process and add value to agricultural products.’

The Bank further provided $134 million to Nigeria for emergency food production to help reduce food price inflation, by significantly increasing local production of wheat and cassava, in the framework of the National Agricultural Growth Program.

Mr. Adesina urged the Nigerian government to leverage the Bank’s investments and support to African farmers; to demonstrate greater determination and commitment to achieve food self-sufficiency, and put in place incentive measures for private sector agro-industrial companies.

To support Africa’s ambitions to adva
nce in global agricultural value chains, the African Development Bank Group and its partners are supporting the development of 28 Special Agro-Industrial Processing Zones (SAPZs) in 11 countries, with $4.5 billion raised so far.

Prior to the AfDB, Akinwumi Adesina served as Minister in charge of Agriculture and Rural Development in Nigeria and Vice-President of the Alliance for Green Agriculture in Africa (AGRA). An Afro-optimist, he predicts that Africa will be the pivot of the world.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

President’s call to turn SA into a construction site welcomed

Public Works and Infrastructure Minister Dean Macpherson has welcomed President Cyril Ramaphosa’s announcement to turn South Africa into a construction site through increased infrastructure investment and support for Infrastructure South Africa.

Infrastructure South Africa is, said the Minister, the central authority for the coordination and planning of major construction projects.

‘As Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure, I have publicly mentioned that my focus for the department will be to unleash a wave of construction projects in the country to increase South Africa’s economic growth and create sustainable jobs.

‘I therefore welcome the President’s support for my department’s endeavours as we work to improve the lives of our people,’ said the Minister in a statement, following the President’s Opening of Parliament of Address, on Thursday.

‘The only way we can meaningfully bring change to the South African people and improve living conditions is if we grow the economy and create jobs which can b
e achieved through infrastructure investment – an approach which enjoys the full support of the President as mentioned in his Opening Of Parliament Address. I have no doubt we will be successful,’ he said.

The Minister said his focus will be to expand and capacitate Infrastructure South Africa for the efficient and successful execution of construction projects, as well as working with other government departments to improve the long-term planning and execution of infrastructure investment.

Macpherson further welcomed the President’s commitment to address the rise of the construction mafia which has paralysed infrastructure investments in provinces such as KwaZulu-Natal.

The Minister said he looked forward to working with his colleagues across the Government of National Unity, in particular the Minister of Police, to restore the rule of law at construction projects, in order to safeguard investment in infrastructure that can contribute to building a better South Africa.

‘It is only through working together
that we can build South Africa to truly live up to the ideals of democracy. In the months ahead, I invite all South Africans to join me in unleashing infrastructure development and building a better nation. Let’s build South Africa,’ Macpherson said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Balé : Sports et loisirs/L’équipe des anciennes gloires et commerçants vainqueur du tournoi interservices et MENAPL2 vainqueur de la pétanque

Ouagadougou: L’équipe des anciennes gloires et commerçants a remporté la finale de la 15e édition de la coupe interservices face à l’équipe de la Santé, le samedi 13 juillet dernier sur le terrain de l’école Boromo A. La finale s’est jouée en présence du gouverneur de la région de la Boucle du Mouhoun et plusieurs invités. Le thème de cette édition est : «Sport, facteur de résilience et d’amélioration du vivre ensemble».

Débuté le 25 mai, le tournoi interservices de la province des Balé saison 2024 a pris fin le 13 juillet avec la victoire de l’équipe des anciennes gloires et commerçants en maillot jaune est vainqueur.

Elle a battu l’équipe de la Santé 1 à 0. L’unique but du match a été marqué dans la première minute de la 2è mi-temps par Guira Ali après une première période nettement dominée par l’équipe de la Santé.

Malgré l’effort de revenir au score, le champion en titre n’y parviendra pas jusqu’au coup de sifflet final de l’arbitre central Moumouni Dao.

Dans l’ensemble, deux adversaires ont fait plai
sir au public sportif fortement mobilisé comme les éditions précédentes par de beau jeu dans le fair-play.

Le champion a reçu la somme de 100 000 FCFA, un jeu de maillot, un ballon et le trophée du vainqueur. C’est l’équipe de la justice qui a complété le podium à la troisième place. 10 équipes ont pris part à ce tournoi maracana placé sous la direction technique de la direction provinciale des sports et loisirs. Elles ont tous été récompensées et félicitées, selon leur classement.

Le comité d’organisé présidé par madame la Secrétaire générale de la province, Asseta Kouanda, a dit sa satisfaction quand au déroulement de la compétition et l’accompagnement des autorités administratives et des partenaires.

La finale a été patronnée par le gouverneur du Mouhoun, Pierre Bassinga. Le premier responsable de la région a saisi l’occasion pour féliciter les autorités administratives de la province pour la forte mobilisation et le succès de l’évènement.

Aussi, une mention spéciale a été faite aux forces de défense e
t de sécurité de la région. Selon le gouverneur, au-delà du sport, ce tournoi est une activé de haute importance du fait qu’il est une preuve de résilience face au mécanisme terroriste.

« Quel que soit les difficultés du moment, la mobilisation doit être un levier puissant pour les autorités, les fils et filles de la région et les FDS pour accompagner les premières autorités du pays», a dit le gouverneur Bassinga.

A cet effet, il a salué l’engagement des FDS qui a permis de reprendre plusieurs localités et des axes routiers. Dans ce sens, il a invité les populations des Balé à rester mobilisées derrières les autorités et à participer pour la reconquête du territoire et à l’offensive agrosylvopastorale.

Le haut-commissaire de la province, Ibrahim Boly, a traduit sa gratitude au gouverneur pour sa présence, et salué la forte mobilisation des populations, des partenaires et des services publics et privés pour leur contribution.

«Dans l’union et la cohésion, nous arriverons à bout de tout ce qui veut s’oppose
r à notre marche triomphale vers l’horizon du bonheur », a laissé entendre M. Boly.

De plus, il a invité les populations à la pratique du sport pour leur santé.

En rappel, dans la matinée un cross populaire suivi d’une séance d’aérobic a rassemblé les autorités administratives, les FDS et les populations civiles. La finale de la compétions de pétanque a été aussi jouée avec la victoire de l’équipe du MENAPL 2. La ville de Boromo a ainsi vécu une journée riche en sport et en loisirs. Rendez-vous est pris pour la 16è édition

Source: Burkina Information Agency

SIU to collect over R100 million from unqualified NSFAS beneficiaries

The Special Investigating Unit (SIU) has signed Acknowledgement of Debt (AoD) agreements with 421 students who did not qualify to be funded by the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS).

SIU Spokesperson, Kaizer Kganyago, said the total value of the AoD amounts to R112 174 825,97.

‘In addition to the AoDs, the SIU has made progress in recovering unallocated funds with the University of Fort Hare being the latest university to pay back unallocated funds of R277 666 450. This brings the total of recoveries to R1 165 887 062,’ Kganyago said.

The SIU has so far recovered the following funds from institutions of higher learning:

West Coast College- R5 057 679.00

Northlink College- R33 369 404.97

Walter Sisulu University- R19 900 174.00

Nkangala TVET- R342 672.50

University of Mpumalanga- R33 668 138.19

University of Zululand- R58 088 144.65

University of Fort Hare- R277 666 450.00

University of Pretoria- R400 000 000.00

Majuba TVET College- R25 902 309.31

University of Johannesburg- R311 892 088.94

The SIU expressed its gratitude to the cooperative attitude of parents and unqualified NSFAS beneficiaries who have signed the acknowledgement of debt and agreed to repay the money over some time.

‘The SIU is urging unqualified NSFAS beneficiaries who have not been in contact with the unit to come forward and arrange for repayment,’ Kganyago said.

An SIU investigation has revealed that NSFAS failed to design and implement controls to ensure that there is an annual reconciliation between the funds disbursed to institutions of higher learning and the allocation of those funds to the students.

These control weaknesses have led to overpayments and underpayments of funds to the different institutions over the period of 2017 to date.

NSFAS has appointed a service provider to assist in performing the reconciliation via a ‘close-out reporting’ process which is still ongoing.

Kganyago noted that the SIU is in terms of Proclamation R88 of 2022, authorised to investigate
allegations of corruption and maladministration in the affairs of NSFAS and to recover any financial losses suffered by the State through corruption and negligence.

‘The SIU is empowered to institute a civil action in the High Court or a Special Tribunal in its name, to correct any wrongdoing uncovered during both investigations caused by acts of corruption, fraud, or maladministration.

‘In line with the Special Investigating Units and Special Tribunals Act 74 of 1996, the SIU will refer any evidence pointing to criminal conduct it uncovers to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) for further action,’ Kganyago said.

Source: South African Government News Agency