Burkina : Lancement d’une formation pour 80 militaires et paramilitaires en phase de reconversion

Ouagadougou: Une session de formation professionnelle en reconversion de militaires et paramilitaires en fin de service, a été lancée à Ouagadougou au profit de 80 bénéficiaires, a appris l’AIB auprès de l’Etat-Major général des Armées.

«Ce sont au total 80 militaires et paramilitaires porteurs de projets de reconversion en agriculture et élevage repartis entre Ouagadougou et Bobo-Dioulasso qui bénéficieront de ce programme», détaille le service de communication de l’Etat-major général des Armées sur sa page facebook.

«Cette formation a pour objectif de donner aux bénéficiaires les techniques et les rudiments nécessaires à même de leur permettre de se réinsérer activement dans la vie civile », dit-on de même source.

La session de formation, la 14e du genre, a été parrainée par le Directeur général de la Maison de l’Entreprise du Burkina, Karim Ouattara

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Mouhoun/Dédougou municipal week: 25 couples regularize their marital situation

Ouagadougou: As a prelude to the holding of the 3rd edition of the Dédougou Municipal Week (SECOD) which will be held from July 30 to August 3, 2024 on the theme: ‘Citizen participation and local development: challenges and perspectives’ , a collective wedding was held on Thursday July 18, 2024 in Dédougou. Officiated by the President of the special delegation of the commune of Dédougou, Dieudonné Tougfo, this event allowed 25 couples to regularize their marital situation.

25 couples went before the civil status officer of Dédougou, on Thursday July 18, 2024, to regularize their marital situation on the occasion of the 3rd municipal week of Dédougou.

The activity is part of the Town Hall’s efforts to encourage the legal celebration of marriages in the town.

‘We are very happy to welcome you and offer you this opportunity for the celebration of these weddings,’ declared the President of the special delegation (PDS) of Dédougou, Dieudonné Tougfo.

Indeed, many couples live in common-law relationships without
having formalized their marriage, often due to lack of information or financial means.

The collective wedding organized by the town hall therefore made it possible to remedy this situation for around twenty families.

‘Marriage is an important act that must be officially recognized. This initiative facilitates procedures and promotes legitimate union within our community. It has the same legal content as that celebrated individually,’ added the PDS.

‘We have been living together for years, but we have never been able to officially get married. We therefore took this opportunity offered by the town hall to regularize our situation. Thanks to this initiative, we are now legally recognized as spouses. It’s a great joy for us,’ Assétou Traoré, one of the brides of the day, told us.

At the end of the celebration, the first leaders of the town offered gifts to the couples and a joint lunch.

The 3rd municipal week of Dédougou which began with the celebration of collective weddings will continue in the period fro
m July 30 to August 3 with several local development, cultural and sporting activities.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

L’action de Crowdstrike, mis en cause dans la panne informatique, chute de 17% dans les échanges précédant l’ouverture de Wall Street

Ouagadougou: L’action du groupe américain de cybersécurité CrowdStrike, mis en cause dans la panne informatique mondiale, chute de près de 17% vendredi vers 10H00 GMT dans les échanges électroniques précédant l’ouverture de la Bourse de New York.Une panne informatique paralyse de nombreuses entreprises partout dans le monde: compagnies aériennes, aéroports, banques, médias et hôpitaux ont rapporté des perturbations.

Selon Oleg Gorokhovsky, fondateur de la banque en ligne ukrainienne Monobank, la panne est « liée à une interaction entre l’antivirus Crowdstrike et Windows », un service du géant technologique américain Microsoft.

Les titres de Microsoft perdaient quant à eux environ 2,5% vers 10H00 GMT, dans les échanges précédant l’ouverture de Wall Street.

Les échanges réels d’actions à la Bourse de New York s’effectuent de 13H30 GMT à 20H00 GMT, mais les investisseurs peuvent se positionner sur des entreprises via des produits dérivés entre les séances de Bourse.

La panne mondiale est liée à une « mise à
jour défectueuse » d’un outil du fabricant CrowdStrike, selon Berlin.

Crowdstike s’appuie beaucoup sur l’intelligence artificielle (IA) et l’apprentissage automatique (machine learning) et propose notamment une plateforme de protection numérique nommée Falcon.

Sa capitalisation boursière, qui correspond au montant total de ses actions disponibles sur les marchés boursiers, s’élève à 83 milliards de dollars.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Government leaders pay respects to families of KZN fallen firefighters

Government leaders have expressed their heartfelt condolences to the families of six firefighters who died while battling a runaway fire which engulfed a farm in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands on Sunday.

KwaZulu-Natal Premier Thamsanqa Ntuli and Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA) Minister, Velenkosini Hlabisa, visited the grieving families this week to convey their condolences on behalf of the national and provincial governments.

Mabongi Shishane, Ntombikhona Nxele, Nonsikelelo Zuma, Vusi Hudula, Nomfundo Nxele, and Khethiwe Ngcobo, lost their lives while battling a runaway fire at the farm near Mpophomeni.

The firefighters from Famusa, a contracting company that provides Sappi with firefighting services, lost their lives while battling a runaway fire, allegedly started by poachers, along the R617 near Boston and Mpophomeni.

The fires which destroyed hectares of land in Mpophomeni and surrounding areas also caused millions of damages to the farmers.

During the visit, Ntuli, Hlabisa and hi
s deputy Dickson Masemola, KZN MECs, and traditional leaders, amongst others, gathered in Boston, uMngeni Local Municipality to pay their respects and offer support to the bereaved families.

The leaders emphasised the heroism and dedication of the fallen firefighters, acknowledging their ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty.

Ntuli expressed his deepest condolences, noting that the bravery and dedication of the late firefighters, will never be forgotten.

‘Their commitment to protecting our communities, even at the cost of their own lives, stands as a testament to their heroism. We are here to support you in this difficult time,’ Ntuli said.

Ntuli also called for an urgent review of current protocols and resources to prevent such tragedies in the future.

“We must ensure that our firefighters and all emergency responders are equipped with the necessary tools and support to carry out their duties safely,” Ntuli said.

Hlabisa echoed Ntuli’s sentiments, emphasising the need for continued support for the fam
ilies and communities affected by this tragic loss.

“We stand with the families in their time of grief and pledge our ongoing support. The sacrifice made by these firefighters underscores the dangers faced by our emergency responders every day,” Hlabisa said.

The Minister also extended his condolences to the families of the deceased and victims of the earlier veld fires that ravaged parts of the King Cetshwayo, Ilembe, uThukela, and Zululand Districts, which claimed seven lives.

The leaders also assured the families that both national and provincial governments would provide ongoing assistance to help them through this challenging period.

The traditional leaders present during the visit also pledged their support to the affected families and called for community solidarity during this time of mourning.

Meanwhile, the National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC), as a key player in the administration and implementation of fire services legislation and related duties, stands ready to support the Midlands Eme
rgency Management Services and KZN local authorities during this period of mourning and recovery.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Relocation of Walmer flood victims imminent

Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality Mayor Gary van Niekerk says he is satisfied with the process made to electrify temporary houses in Walmer, Gqeberha, where flood affected families will be relocated.

This comes as the metro is accelerating its efforts to ensure that outstanding work is completed in order to bring normality to the lives of the affected residents.

Van Niekerk said that a total of 20 families will be accommodated in the newly built temporary shelters in Walmer.

“We are happy to see work progressing well, as we updated our residents last week about the work that is underway and upcoming developments. Teams are on site electrifying the bungalows, [and] we are happy with the quality of the structures too.

‘Water is already connected, and sanitation services will also be in place by the time the residents move in. We anticipate the electrification work will be completed later this month. Once that is done, the families will move in,’ Van Niekerk said.

Van Niekerk said the municipality will contin
ue to monitor progress in Walmer and the Kariega sites, where residents from Lapland will be moved to.

He said the municipality will continue to update the residents on developments so that everyone is “on the same page and there is no confusion”.

‘We are waiting for the greenlight from DEDEAT [Department of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism], but our teams are on standby, and as soon as that has been finalised, we are ready to clear the site and commence with the construction work.

‘We wish to thank all stakeholders who are working with us and thank our residents for their patience with the work underway,’ the Mayor said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

CoGTA Minister describes GNU as ‘a bold, necessary step in the right direction’

Newly appointed Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA) Minister, Velenkosini Hlabisa, has emphasised his party’s commitment to a stable and successful Government of National Unity (GNU).

‘The GNU is not about politics but about the will of the people for the future of our country. We campaigned and expressed our views to the electorate, but the electorate in response, said ‘work together’,’ Hlabisa said.

Hlabisa, the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) leader, spoke during Friday’s debate on the Opening of Parliament Address (OPA).

The debate is in response to President Cyril Ramaphosa’s OPA delivered in Cape Town on Thursday, where he outlined government’s agenda, priorities, and policies for the next five years.

Hlabisa told Members of Parliament (MPs) that his party will continue in their founder’s footsteps, Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi, who spoke ‘loudly’ on behalf of the people.

‘We will continue to play that role constructively in the GNU for the good of our country,’ he said.

He described
the GNU as a bold and necessary step in the right direction.

‘We have repositioned South Africa to embark on a journey of rebuilding herself and the future of our generation and the generations to come.

‘The real way of changing the lived reality of every South African must proceed with the utmost haste. The change voters demand must be practically seen, felt and experienced in the next few months.’

Hlabisa welcomed the plan laid out yesterday evening by President Ramaphosa.

He is of the view that the President’s OPA opened a new chapter for the country under the collective wisdom, skills and capabilities of leaders who chose to work together for the sake of the people of South Africa.


The IFP has welcomed the position taken by the President about reviewing the Municipal Funding Model to ensure that municipalities become fully functional.

Hlabisa is of the view that this marks a turning point in the country’s 30-year history.

‘The IFP believes that local government is a critical sphere
of government to impact development and change in the lives of the people of South Africa.’

As the Minister of CoGTA, Hlabisa said he was determined to see all municipalities receive the administrative, technical and financial support needed to become viable, stable, and able to deliver and maintain infrastructure.

He took the time to thank the President for his commitment to appoint political champions of the District Development Model (DDM) to fast-track the ‘one-plan’ solution.

‘With the DDM institutionalised, champions working tirelessly and CoGTA playing its role, we will ensure that every municipality works.’

Hlabisa said his party will also champion the interests of and deepen working partnerships with traditional and Khoi San leaders as they play a key role in a stable democracy.

Disaster management

The Minister touched on climate change, which has necessitated a new approach to disaster management that is proactive, less bureaucratic and timeous.

He also spoke about the devastation that has en
gulfed the Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal residents following the floods and wildfire.

‘The IFP is committed to the continued development of a new approach in dealing with disaster management.’

He stated that the GNU must be seen to be responsive, empowering and a force for good.

‘It must work, as the IFP has always done, hand in hand with the people.’

In addition, he said his party was committed to a national dialogue to address social cohesion, landlessness and the growing gap between the rich and poor.

‘We are committed to creating a stable GNU, that is responsive and delivers. This is our commitment to South Africa.’

Source: South African Government News Agency