Asahi Kasei choisit PolymRize™ pour faire progresser l’informatique des polymères au service de l’innovation durable

ATLANTA, 23 juill. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Matmerize, Inc., une startup de premier plan dans le domaine de l’informatique des polymères et de l’IA des matériaux, est ravie d’annoncer sa collaboration avec Asahi Kasei, une multinationale japonaise diversifiée. Asahi Kasei opère dans trois secteurs : matériaux, habitat et soins de santé. La société met l’accent sur les initiatives de développement durable et l’objectif de parvenir à une société neutre en carbone d’ici à 2050.

Asahi Kasei entend tirer parti des algorithmes d’IA avancés et des capacités d’apprentissage automatique de Matmerize pour accélérer la recherche et le développement de formulations de polymères durables. Le secteur des matériaux d’Asahi Kasei, regroupant les solutions environnementales, la mobilité et l’industrie, et l’innovation de la vie, comprend un large éventail de produits tels que les séparateurs de batteries, l’électronique, les textiles biodégradables, les plastiques d’ingénierie et les solutions sonores.

L’équipe d’Asahi Kasei utilise le logiciel phare de Matmerize, PolymRize, pour améliorer sa capacité à faire progresser la découverte et l’optimisation des matériaux, ce qui est crucial pour les applications dans les domaines de l’électronique, de l’emballage et des matériaux durables.

PolymRize exploite la vaste base de données de Matmerize ou utilise les données exclusives des clients de manière sécurisée pour élaborer des modèles prédictifs facilitant la découverte et la conception de nouveaux polymères, et prédisant rapidement les propriétés de nouveaux polymères, composites et formulations qui n’ont pas encore été synthétisés. En recourant à des outils d’analyse automatisée et d’IA générative, PolymRize accélère considérablement la R&D de matériaux cibles, en réduisant à la fois les délais et les coûts. La solution propose également un cadre solide pour la gestion et l’organisation des données.

En savoir plus sur PolymRize :

Une photo annexée au présent communiqué est disponible en cliquant sur ce lien.

Cette collaboration devrait jouer un rôle important dans la réalisation des objectifs de durabilité et de neutralité carbone d’Asahi Kasei en permettant le développement de polymères dotés d’une conductivité ionique optimisée et de propriétés optiques et diélectriques remarquables, cruciales pour les applications dans les piles à combustible, les batteries, les diélectriques, et les dispositifs électroniques et électrochimiques.

À propos de Matmerize

Matmerize conjugue la connaissance du domaine des polymères et l’IA avancée pour transformer et accélérer le développement des matériaux à grande échelle. Sa mission est de révolutionner l’environnement de R&D des matériaux en proposant des logiciels d’IA pour la conception rapide et rentable de formulations de polymères fonctionnels et durables. Pour plus d’informations sur cette collaboration et sur l’impact de PolymRize sur le développement des matériaux, veuillez contacter Matmerize à l’adresse [email protected].

À propos d’Asahi Kasei

Le groupe Asahi Kasei Group contribue à la vie des individus du monde entier. Depuis sa création en 1922 en tant qu’entreprise d’ammoniac et de fibres de cellulose, Asahi Kasei s’est constamment développée grâce à la transformation proactive de son portefeuille d’activités afin de répondre aux besoins en constante évolution de chaque époque. Employant plus de 49 000 personnes dans le monde, l’entreprise contribue à une société durable en répondant aux défis mondiaux par le biais de ses trois secteurs d’activité : les matériaux, l’habitat et les soins de santé. Pour plus d’informations, consultez le site

Coordonnées :

Matmerize, Inc.
E : [email protected]
Y : visionnez les vidéos de Matmerize sur YouTube
L : suivez notre page LinkedIn

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9192200

Asahi Kasei Seleciona a PolymRize™ para Avanço na Informática de Polímeros para Inovação Sustentável

ATLANTA, July 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  A Matmerize, Inc., uma startup líder em IA de informática e materiais de polímeros, tem o prazer de anunciar seu envolvimento com a Asahi Kasei, uma empresa multinacional japonesa diversificada. A Asahi Kasei opera em três setores: Material, Casas e Saúde, com um forte foco em iniciativas de sustentabilidade e um objetivo de alcançar uma sociedade neutra em carbono até 2050.

A Asahi Kasei visa utilizar os avançados algoritmos de IA e recursos de aprendizado de máquina da Matmerize para acelerar a pesquisa e o desenvolvimento de formulações de polímeros sustentáveis. O setor de Materiais da Asahi Kasei, que inclui Soluções Ambientais, Mobilidade e Industrial, e Inovação da Vida, inclui uma ampla gama de produtos de separadores de bateria, eletrônicos, têxteis biodegradáveis, plásticos de engenharia e soluções de som.

A equipe da Asahi Kasei está usando o principal software da Matmerize, o PolymRize, para aprimorar sua capacidade de impulsionar avanços na descoberta e otimização de materiais, ponto crucial para aplicações em eletrônicos, embalagens e materiais sustentáveis.

O PolymRize utiliza o vasto banco de dados da Matmerize ou dados proprietários do cliente de maneira segura para criar modelos preditivos que auxiliam descobertas e em um projeto de novos polímeros e predizem rapidamente as propriedades dos novos polímeros, compósitos e formulações ainda a serem sintetizados. Ao empregar ferramentas automatizadas de IA analítica e generativa, o PolymRize acelera significativamente a P&D de materiais-alvo, reduzindo o tempo e os custos. Também introduz uma estrutura robusta para gerenciamento e organização de dados.

Saiba mais sobre o PolymRize em:

Para um Snippet de Mídia deste comunicado, clique no link.

Esta colaboração deve ter um papel significativo no alcance das metas de sustentabilidade e de carbono neutro da Asahi Kasei, viabilizando o desenvolvimento de polímeros com condutividade iônica aprimorada e propriedades ópticas e dielétricas atraentes, cruciais para aplicações em células de combustível, baterias, dielétricos, dispositivos eletrônicos e eletroquímicos.

Sobre a Matmerize

Matmerize integra o conhecimento do domínio de polímeros com IA avançada para transformar e acelerar o desenvolvimento de materiais em escala. Sua missão é revolucionar o ambiente de P&D de materiais, oferecendo software de IA para o design econômico e rápido de formulações de polímeros funcionais e sustentáveis. Para mais informação sobre esta colaboração e como o PolymRize está impactando o desenvolvimento de materiais, contate a Matmerize em [email protected].

Sobre a Asahi Kasei

Asahi Kasei Group contribui para a vida e as pessoas em todo o mundo. Desde a sua fundação em 1922 com sua empresa de amônia e fibra de celulose, a Asahi Kasei tem crescido consistentemente através da transformação proativa do seu portfólio de empresas para atender às necessidades em evolução de todas as idades. Com mais de 49.000 funcionários em todo o mundo, a empresa contribui para a sociedade sustentável, fornecendo soluções para os desafios do mundo através dos seus três setores de Materiais, Casa e Saúde. Para mais informação, visite


Matmerize, Inc.
E: [email protected]
Y: Assista Vídeos da Matmerize no YouTube
L: Siga nossa página no LinkedIn

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9192200

Asahi Kasei Selects PolymRize™ to Advance Polymer Informatics for Sustainable Innovation

ATLANTA, July 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Matmerize, Inc., a leading polymer informatics and materials AI startup, is excited to announce its engagement with Asahi Kasei, a diversified Japanese multinational company. Asahi Kasei operates across three sectors: Material, Homes, and Health Care, with a strong focus on sustainability initiatives and a goal of achieving a carbon-neutral society by 2050.

Asahi Kasei aims to leverage Matmerize’s advanced AI algorithms and machine learning capabilities to accelerate the research and development of sustainable polymer formulations. Asahi Kasei’s Material sector, comprising Environmental Solutions, Mobility & Industrial, and Life Innovation, includes a wide array of products from battery separators, electronics, biodegradable textiles, engineering plastics, and sound solutions.

The Asahi Kasei team is using Matmerize’s flagship software, PolymRize, to enhance their ability to drive advancements in material discovery and optimization, which is crucial for applications in electronics, packaging, and sustainable materials.

PolymRize harnesses Matmerize’s vast database or uses client-proprietary data in a secure manner to construct predictive models that assist in new polymer discovery and design, and rapidly predict the properties of novel, yet-to-be-synthesized polymers, composites, and formulations. By employing automated analytic and generative AI tools, PolymRize significantly accelerates R&D for target materials, reducing both time and costs. It also introduces a robust framework for data management and organization.

Learn more about PolymRize:

Asahi PolymRize Snippet

A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on this link.

This collaboration is expected to play a significant role in achieving Asahi Kasei’s sustainability and carbon-neutral goals by enabling the development of polymers with enhanced ionic conductivity and attractive optical and dielectric properties, crucial for applications in fuel cells, batteries, dielectrics, electronic and electrochemical devices.

About Matmerize

Matmerize integrates polymer domain knowledge with advanced AI to transform and accelerate materials development at scale. Their mission is to revolutionize the materials R&D environment by offering AI software for the cost-effective and rapid design of functional and sustainable polymer formulations. For more information on this collaboration and how PolymRize is impacting materials development, please contact Matmerize at [email protected].

About Asahi Kasei

The Asahi Kasei Group contributes to life and living for people around the world. Since its foundation in 1922 with ammonia and cellulose fiber business, Asahi Kasei has consistently grown through the proactive transformation of its business portfolio to meet the evolving needs of every age. With more than 49,000 employees worldwide, the company contributes to sustainable society by providing solutions to the world’s challenges through its three business sectors of Material, Homes, and Health Care. For more information, visit


Matmerize, Inc.
E: [email protected]
Y: Watch Matmerize Videos on YouTube
L: Follow our LinkedIn Page

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9191340

National Council supports Marriage Bill

WINDHOEK: Members of the National Council on Tuesday expressed their support for the Marriage Bill.

The aim of the Bill is to clarify that same-sex marriage is illegal in Namibia and to address other objectives related to regulating marriage in the country. The new Bill seeks to amend the Marriage Act of 1961.

During the second reading of the bill, which had been passed in the National Assembly, members described the legislation as a valuable tool for regulating marriage in the country.

‘It is equally also going to make a big impact as to how marriage is going to be conducted and by whom. What is also interesting is that the Bill clearly defined marriage as a legal union between couples of the opposite sex on a voluntary basis,’ Philemon Ndjambula said in his contribution.

The representative of the Swapo Party from the Oshikoto Region has also urged Government to prioritise the integration of customary laws into the common law in order to protect cultural and traditional norms.

The Marriage Bill was init
ially introduced in the National Assembly by the Minister of Home Affairs, Albert Kawana to regulate the solemnisation of marriages and define marriages.

It came during the time of a heated public debate concerning the status of same-sex relationships in Namibia, following a High Court decision to outlaw colonial-era laws that criminalised sexual acts between men.

Hans Nambondi, another Swapo representative from Oshikoto, supported the Bill but cautioned Namibians against adopting foreign cultures. ‘Why is it that we like to copy negative things? We have our historical backgrounds and norms from generations to generations, and they must be respected,’ he said.

Harald Kambrude, a lawmaker from the Landless People’s Movement, stated that the Namibian Constitution does not recognise same-sex unions. He believes that the court ruling would require a Constitutional amendment to recognise same-sex marriage, a stance he does not support.

Lonia Kaishungu-Shinana, a Swapo lawmaker from the Ohangwena Region, expres
sed that the legislation was long overdue. She emphasised that only marriages between individuals of opposite sexes should be solemnised.

The Parliament’s support for the Marriage Bill is a significant setback for the LGBTQI+ community in Namibia, as they actively advocate for legal recognition.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

NamPower donates stationary to Dordabis Primary School

WINDHOEK: The Namibia Power Corporation (NamPower) on Monday handed over learning materials valued at N.dollars 70 000 to learners at the Dordabis Primary School.

More than 30 000 learners at the school received basic learning materials such as notebooks and stationary, while photocopy cartridges, computers and a freezer were also handed over to the school.

Speaking at the handover ceremony, NamPower marketing officer Martha Shifotoka said the donation symbolises the company’s commitment to ensuring that every child has the resources they need to succeed.

‘Each item we donate today will empower students, spark creativity, and foster a love for learning,’ she said.

Shifotoko said many young learners, especially in rural Namibia, do not have access to learning materials, and having a notebook and a pen is not a given, but rather a privilege.

‘Education is a fundamental right; having the right tools can make all the difference. With limited resources and competing educational needs, it is incumbent upon us
as corporations and the private sector to aid the government in fulfilling these essential needs,’ she said.

Meanwhile, Erikkson Shilemba, Senior Education Officer at the Khomas Teachers’ Resource Centre, said the items will significantly impact the lives of the learners of Dordabis Primary School and the community at large.

‘NamPower’s support plays a vital role in enabling us to provide high-quality education and meet the goals of education, which are access, equity, quality, and democracy,’ Shilemba said.

He said the donation not only enhances the Khomas Education Directorate’s ability to achieve its educational goals, but also inspires the learners and staff by showing them the value of community partnership and corporate social responsibility.

Receiving the donation, Dordabis Primary School principal Rennellie Guriras said the items will have a profound impact on the lives of the learners and community.

‘Dordabis Primary School is truly humbled by your commitment, especially to a rural school such a
s ours. We promise to take care of the donation and use it responsibly,’ Guriras said.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Health ministry not recruiting nurses

The Ministry of Health and Social Services has distanced itself from a social media post that said the ministry is recruiting nurses.

In a statement to the media, health ministry spokesperson Walters Kamaya said the ministry has taken note of the post circulating on social media platforms stating that ‘Katutura Hospital is looking for unemployed Nurses both ENs and RNs interested parties must drop their applications at Floor 1 Room 9 [sic]’.

‘The ministry distances itself from that social media post and would like to inform the public that vacancies at all facilities are advertised through the Office of the Prime Minister staff circular, ministry circulars or notice boards at health facilities with an official date stamp. Any notice short of the above details is not authentic and should not be entertained,’ said Kamaya.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency