Gravity annonce le lancement officiel du sombre jeu d’aventure et de puzzle « PIGROMANCE » sur Steam !

– Une créativité et un gameplay récompensés par divers prix vidéoludiques à l’échelle mondiale
– À l’occasion du lancement officiel, actuellement disponible avec une remise de 20 %

SÉOUL, Corée du Sud, 25 juill. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Gravity, un éditeur et développeur international de jeux vidéo, annonce la sortie officielle du jeu d’aventure et de puzzle « PIGROMANCE » sur Steam le 25 juillet.

La trame de ce jeu repose sur l’histoire d’un cochon dont le destin funeste est de finir en saucisse, et qui s’échappe de l’usine de saucisses pour rencontrer l’amour. Les joueurs peuvent s’amuser à résoudre des puzzles tout en fuyant le Découpeur, ou à contourner les dangereux obstacles semés de part et d’autre de l’usine de saucisses. « PIGROMANCE » se distingue par des effets de contraste entre ses mignons graphismes de style chibi et son jeu de lumières plus sombre, ses images macabres, ses sons de même tonalité et sa musique de fond angoissante qui rappelle les plus inquiétants contes de fées.

Le concept novateur et la jouabilité remarquable de « PIGROMANCE » ont été récompensés par divers prix en amont de sa sortie officielle. Le jeu a notamment décroché le prix d’excellence lors de l’édition 2024 du festival INDIE CRAFT. Il s’est également distingué dans la catégorie « meilleur jeu indépendant » au MWU (Made With Unity) 2023 en Corée du Sud et a obtenu la première place au Showcase Level Up 2022, la deuxième place aux G-STAR Indie Awards 2022, mais aussi la médaille d’argent au Global Indie Game Development Contest 2020. Le style narratif de « PIGROMANCE » et son suspense croissant ont reçu des éloges lors de nombreux événements vidéoludiques.

La version du lancement officiel est disponible dès à présent sur Steam et jouable en 9 langues, dont le coréen, l’anglais, le japonais, le chinois simplifié et le français. Pour fêter son lancement officiel, Gravity propose une réduction de 20 % jusqu’au 7 août.

« PIGROMANCE » a prouvé sa jouabilité à travers de nombreuses récompenses vidéoludiques, et le jeu a reçu des commentaires positifs des joueurs sur place, gagnant ainsi une bonne réputation. Pour Yoo Jun, l’un des responsables en chef du département des jeux sur console de Gravity, « Tout le monde peut jouer à PIGROMANCE, y compris les amateurs de jeux grand public. Nous avons amélioré le niveau final à l’appui des précieux retours des joueurs, et le jeu présente à la fois des arcs narratifs et des styles artistiques accrocheurs qui lui confèrent une certaine singularité par rapport à de nombreux autres jeux grand public. Nous sommes reconnaissants envers tous les joueurs qui en attendent la sortie officielle. »

[Site officiel de Gravity]
[Page officielle de PIGROMANCE sur la boutique Steam]
[Site officiel de PIGROMANCE]

– Pour toute question : Gravity 2 Business unit
Sang-min Park / [email protected]

Une photo annexée au présent communiqué est disponible à l’adresse suivante :

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9193300

Gravity Anunciou Lançamento Oficial da Aventura de Quebra-cabeças Fofos e Sombrios “PIGROMANCE” no Steam!

– Táticas e Criatividade Premiadas em Todo o Mundo
– Lançamento Oficial com 20% de Desconto

SEUL, Coreia do Sul, July 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A desenvolvedora e editora global de jogos Gravity anunciou o lançamento oficial da aventura de quebra-cabeças “PIGROMANCE” no Steam em 25 de julho.

A aventura de quebra-cabeça “PIGROMANCE” elabora a história de um porco nascido com o destino de se tornar uma salsicha, escapando de uma fábrica de salsichas para encontrar seu amor. Os jogadores podem resolver quebra-cabeças enquanto escapam do Cuttingman e navegam pelos obstáculos perigosos ocultos na fábrica de salsichas. “PIGROMANCE” tem gráficos chibi fofos com vibrações contrastantes de iluminação escura, efeitos visuais e sonoros horripilantes e BGMs assustadores que quase se assemelham a contos de fadas perturbadores.

Mesmo antes do seu lançamento oficial, o “PIGROMANCE” foi reconhecido por sua notável estratégia e novo conceito ao ganhar vários prêmios, incluindo o Prêmio de Excelência no 2024 INDIE CRAFT, MWU(Made With Unity) KR 2023 “Melhor Indie” Categoria, 1º lugar no 2022 Level Up Showcase, 2º lugar no 2022 G-STAR Indie Awards e Silver Award no Global Indie Game Development Contest 2020. “PIGROMANCE” foi elogiado em vários eventos de jogos por sua nova narrativa e suspense em desenvolvimento.

A versão oficial de lançamento agora está disponível para jogar no Steam com suporte para 9 idiomas diferentes, incluindo coreano, inglês, japonês, chinês simplificado e francês. A Gravity está oferecendo um desconto de 20% até 7 de agosto para comemorar o lançamento oficial.

“O “PIGROMANCE” é um jogo com estratégia comprovada com os vários prêmios de jogos recebidos, que recebeu comentários positivos e ganhou uma reputação positiva dos jogadores no local. Qualquer pessoa, incluindo jogadores que preferem jogos casuais, pode jogar o “PIGROMANCE””, disse Yoo Jun, gerente principal do departamento de negócios de jogos de console da Gravity. “Elevamos o nível de conclusão do jogo, de acordo com o feedback inestimável dos jogadores, e o jogo apresenta estilos de arte e histórias cativantes que serão bastante diferentes de muitos outros jogos casuais. Agradecemos a todos os jogadores que aguardam o lançamento oficial.”

[Página oficial da Gravity]
[Página oficial da Steam Store do PIGROMANCE]
[Página oficial do PIGROMANCE]

– Perguntas: Unidade de negócios Gravity 2
Parque Sang-min/ [email protected]

Foto deste comunicado disponível em

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID “9193298

USAID launches ALIVE Hub at Rundu

The USAID-funded Reach Namibia project launched the Adolescent and Youth Livelihoods and Entrepreneurship Accelerator (ALIVE) Hub at Rundu, on Wednesday.

The initiative aimed to equip the youth with entrepreneurial skills by establishing sustainable businesses was launched in partnership with the Ministry of Sport, Youth and National Service (MSYNS), Nkurenkuru, and Rundu town councils.

Speaking during the official launch, USAID Acting Country Representative Dr. Rockfeler Herisse said ALIVE is an initiative to equip young people to address their immediate and future challenges to establish a business.

‘The ALIVE hub is part of the United States government’s ‘Reach Namibia’ project and offers a space for young people to access computers, printers, consulting, and other business-related services,’ he said.

The hub space he explained will serve as a training ground where young people can develop innovative ideas, design products or solutions, and refine them through testing and feedback.

This he said, will
help them to increase their income and establish viable, resilient businesses.

The ALIVE hub in Rundu is located in the MSYNS building while the hub at Nkurenkuru is located within the Trade Fair Centre.

Herisse said the ALIVE hub in Rundu will further provide outreach services in the districts of Andara, Nyangana, and Ncamagoro to ensure that young people across the entire Kavango Region can access and benefit from these services.

‘The partnership between the stakeholders provides a foundation to ensure that the centres are not a temporary intervention, but instead a transformative and lasting investment in the economic and social development of communities,’ Herisse said.

Source: The Namibia News Agency

Namibian political space is now competitive: Mbumba

WINDHOEK: Namibian President Nangolo Mbumba has acknowledged that the political landscape in the country has become increasingly competitive.

This, he said, is evident from the rise of new political parties that are challenging long-established parties such as the ruling Swapo Party and SWANU of Namibia.

‘All we are appealing is that as one country, we are living in a neighbourhood that is tough. Things are not easy, it is not the usual only Swapo or SWANU things. We have some other younger parties that are aiming to win elections,’ Mbumba said at State House on Thursday.

The president made this observation during a meeting with the leadership of the South West Africa National Union (SWANU), led by their president, Evilastus Kaaronda.

He said that his meeting with leaders of the oldest political party in Namibia is part of his intention to interact with various political parties ahead of the national elections in November 2024.

Newer political parties such as the Independent Patriots for Change, the Land
less People’s Movement, and the Affirmative Repositioning movement are expected to present a greater challenge to the Swapo Party in the upcoming elections.

Meanwhile, Mbumba urged political leaders to set a good example during their campaign for the Presidential and National Assembly elections.

‘If a political party is participating in a democratic exercise, if leaders of that party really aspire to go to Parliament, it is a requirement that we already start behaving like people who one day will be there to make laws for the whole country… You cannot make laws in Parliament while you’re fighting in the streets. It just does not work that way,’ he said.

On his part, Kaaronda acknowledged that political parties have the responsibility to ensure political stability. He appealed for a fair electoral process, including fair and equitable coverage from State-owned media.

‘We would urge all of us, mostly our institutions responsible for elections, to be sure that we can allow all eligible people to register and
to participate in the actual voting without hindrances. And during campaigning, of course, one expects the opportunity given to all political parties especially through publicly-owned media institutions,’ Kaaronda said.

Source: The Namibia News Agency

Mbumba calls on genocide-affected communities to speak with one voice

WINDHOEK: President Nangolo Mbumba has urged the affected communities to unify their voices in demanding reparations for the genocide carried out by the Germans.

He was responding to concerns regarding the exclusion of affected communities from the reparations negotiations raised by SWANU of Namibia president Evilastus Kaaronda during a meeting with the party leadership at State House on Thursday.

Mbumba said the affected communities are divided over their expectations from the Germans in terms of reparations.

‘I think the number one thing is not for you or for me as political people, in my humble view, it is for our traditional leaders to give us one message,’ Mbumba said, adding, ‘if we want everybody or not is a question of a referendum. But we must decide and tell the government that this is what we want to be done.’

During the meeting with the SWANU leadership, Kaaronda said there have been consistent requests from the Ovaherero and Nama communities to be at the centre of the negotiations.

‘Our comm
unities feel excluded,’ said the SWANU president, adding that inclusivity should not depend on which traditional authority is recognised by the government.

‘As long as these are organised communities led and spoken for by their chosen leaders… We would want them to be involved in the negotiations. We also feel that the government has a claim against the German government because of the atrocities committed here. Had the Germans not committed the genocide, our development trajectory would not have been retarded as it is. We have to have a place at the table where everybody who feels excluded is brought to the table and can have a say directly,’ Kaaronda said.

He lamented the current situation in which the affected communities seem to be fighting both the Namibian and German governments.

‘It is clear that the joint declaration in its current form does not speak to what the affected communities would really want,’ he said, referring to the 2021 joint agreement in which Germany offered to fund projects worth o
ver N.dollars 22 billion over 30 years.

Source: The Namibia News Agency

Oshana Second Division final dance as title race goes down to the wire

The curtain will fall on an entertaining 2023/2024 season in the Oshana Regional Second Division Football League this weekend, with two teams vying for the trophy on the final day.

The final league battle is now between Poison Arrows and Foxy Seniors to see who will be named champions in Oshakati on Sunday.

Poison Arrows enter the final day at the top of the log table with 44 points. They need five more points to secure the league title.

Despite leading the league by two points, Arrows cannot afford any blunders in their final two games.

Foxy Seniors, just two points behind them at 42 points, are also aiming for victory.

Any blunders by Arrows could see the Seniors crowned champions and promoted to the Northwest Stream First Division League next season.

Foxy Seniors need only two victories to continue their strong season and boost their promotion and championship prospects.

Poison Arrows go into the weekend’s matches with the title on the line, hosting Onelago United on Saturday at UNAM Stadium in a mu
st-win game, before facing Brave Lions in the final league match on Sunday at Othingo Sports Field.

Both of their opponents have nothing to fight for as they sit in comfortable spots, free of relegation concerns and out of the league title competition.

Foxy Seniors will face a similarly strong opponent when they face Ongwediva Fish Consumption in the final on Sunday, but first they must deal with the tenacious African United on Saturday.

Other Saturday matchups include a tense relegation duel involving two sides fighting for survival, with relegation-threatened Golden Stars set to face Vietnam Rangers on Saturday in a must-win match to avoid the axe. Oshakati United will need six points this weekend when they face Brave Lions and Young Braves on Saturday and Sunday, respectively.

Pescanova were relegated two weeks ago, and their weekend matches against Ongwediva Fish Consumption on Saturday and Vietnam Rangers on Sunday will be for fun.

Golden Stars find themselves at the bottom of the table in position
10 with 21 points, followed by Oshakati (11) with 18 points and axed Pescanova with four points.

Source: The Namibia News Agency