Lagos govt tasks corps members on networking

Gov. Babajide Sanwo-Olu of Lagos State has urged newly inducted members of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) to take advantage of the orientation programmes to boost their networking.

Sanwo-Olu gave the advice during the swearing-in ceremony of the 2024 Batch B, Stream 2 of the NYSC members at the orientation camp, Iyana-Ipaja, on Friday.

Sanwo-Olu, represented by the Commissioner for Youth and Social Development, Mr Mobolaji Ogunlende, noted that the scheme was to foster unity among youths from different background, culture, tribe and religion.

The governor further said that the scheme was to enable the youth learn ways to co-exist, expand experiences and become better citizens.

According to him, this phase marks the beginning of a historic journey in the service of their fatherland.

‘I encourage you to develop your networking and learn how to cohabit.

‘Make use of this orientation exercise to network, make new friends and build relationships that will be valuable throughout your life.

‘Also, du
ring your time in camp, you will have access to various mentorship and entrepreneurial programmes under the Skill Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development (SAED) initiative.

‘Engage fully in these trainings, as they are designed to help you achieve self-sufficiency and financial independence during and after your service year.

‘Commit wholeheartedly to laying a solid foundation by participating in all camp activities,’ Sanwo-Olu advised.

Earlier, the Lagos NYSC Coordinator, Mrs Yetunde Baderinwa, said that 4,164 corps members, comprising 1,434 male and 2,730 female, deployed to the state had been registered and accommodated.

Baderinwa said that the orientation course content had recently been reviewed to reflect present realities, to inculcate a sense of patriotism in all participants.

She said that the course was reviewed to deliberately instill corps members to uphold national values, be morally upright and mobile conveyors of national development, wherever they serve.

‘Your call to join the vangu
ard in the service of the fatherland is a necessary engagement to register your quota as contributors to the stability of the Nigerian state, which is the greatest act of patriotism.

‘Therefore, now is the time your services are needed intensely, avail yourselves of the education and opportunities provided by this programme to be the best the nation requires of you.

‘Defy tribal animosities, and work for the unity of the nation in this trying times. Be your brother’s keeper, synergise and work as a team while in camp, and cultivate friendships that will outlast your time in national service,’ Baderinwa said.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the oath of allegiance by the corps members in the batch was administered by Justice Kudirat Jose, representative of the Chief Justice of Lagos, Kazeem Alogba.

The event doubled with the state recognition award to two outstanding corps members in 2023 Batch C, Stream 2, for their individual contributions to the community during their service year.

Ugwuozor and Amarachi Ogbugo were rewarded with a cheque of N500,000 each by the Lagos state government, and certificate of honour by NYSC.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Ioba: A government team invites the populations to maintain the momentum of solidarity and social cohesion

A government delegation led by the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Crafts, Serges Poda, met with the vital forces of the province of Ioba on Thursday, August 29, 2024 in Dano. On this occasion, it conveyed the messages of the Head of State to the populations.

The government team touring the South-West was composed of the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Crafts, Serges Poda, and his colleague for Sports, Youth and Employment, Roland Somda. In the province of Ioba, these members of the government were received by the head of the canton of Dano, Naonfa 2, surrounded by his notables. During this courtesy visit, the spokesperson of the delegation, Minister Poda, explained to the customary leaders the purpose of this tour. According to him, it was on the instructions of the President of Faso that this mission was organized. “We are carrying three messages from the Head of State, Captain Ibrahim Traoré. The first part concerns the issue of security and peace, the second concerns social cohesion, and the third
message concerns the measures and actions undertaken to revive the socio-economic life of Burkina Faso,” said Serges Poda. He expressed the thanks of the President of Faso to the guarantors of tradition for their support for the return of peace.

The ministerial delegation, accompanied by the governor of the South-West region, Boureima Savadogo, and the defense and security forces, spoke with the population in the courtyard of the Dano town hall. The opening of this exchange meeting was marked by the Ditanyè sung by all the participants. Here again, the Minister of Commerce, assisted by the Minister of Sports, presented the three key messages of the Head of State to the population.

Regarding the security issue, achievements have been made, said Minister Poda. The President of Faso has put in place the necessary means for the acquisition of materials and equipment for the benefit of the defense and security forces (FDS) and the Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland (VDP). Thanks to this, several locali
ties have been reconquered and the resettled populations are working there, said the Minister of Commerce. He added that Captain Ibrahim Traoré instructed them to ask the sons and daughters of the South-West to always work to create social cohesion, to safeguard the spirit of solidarity, to unite and remain united.

Speaking about the actions undertaken to revive the national economy, Minister Poda cited presidential initiatives such as the agri-food and pastoral offensive, the provision of tractors to municipalities for free ploughing, and the equipment of thirteen regions with mobile clinics for the health of the populations. Serges Poda expressed President Ibrahim Traoré’s gratitude to the FDS and VDP for their dedication in reconquering the entire national territory. He also praised the efforts of the administrative, customary and religious authorities of the region for the return of peace to Burkina Faso.

In her speech, the High Commissioner of Ioba, Bernadette Adenyo née Sermé, noted the reopening, tha
nks to the bravery of the FDS and the VDP, of 26 schools and two health and social promotion centers (CSPS) previously closed due to terrorism in the communes of Guéguéré and Oronkua. She praised the courage and determination of the agents who work in these areas. According to Ms. Adenyo, social cohesion is a reality in the province of Ioba, as evidenced by the constant organization of the community day. In addition, the populations responded to the call of the Head of State by contributing to the patriotic support fund, she stressed.

The representative of the living forces, Aristide Youorikiè Dabiré, and the president of the provincial council of the elderly, Dindomè Albert Somé, reaffirmed the commitment of the populations of Ioba to support the actions of the government and Captain Ibrahim Traoré. Grievances listed in a memorandum were handed over to the emissaries of the President of Faso.

The two ministers donated food to internally displaced persons (IDPs) and fuel to the VDPs in the commune of Dano.
The mission went to Dissihn on Saturday, August 31, where it met with the population. The ministerial delegation also handed over fuel to the VDPs, food to the IDPs and solar panels to the health facilities in the commune of Dissihn.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina Faso defends the AES project at the podium of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Yaoundé

Burkina Faso defended the merits of the creation of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES) at the 50th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers (CMFA) of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), held on August 29 and 30, 2024 in Yaoundé, Cameroon.

The heads of state of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger “have taken full measure of the need and urgency to work to create the conditions for a greater capacity for action and development in Liptako-Gourma in the face of so much adversity,” declared the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Cooperation and Burkinabe Abroad, Jean Marie Karamoko Traoré at the OIC tribune devoted to the theme “Development of intra-OIC transport and communication infrastructure: a major instrument in the fight against poverty and insecurity.”

“This is the whole meaning of the recent creation of the Confederation of Sahel States, driven by the desire to provide a coherent and robust response to the aspirations of the populations of the Alliance of Sahel States,” added the head of Burk
inabe diplomacy, quoted by his communications service.

Minister Traoré recalled that Burkina Faso has signed several agreements in the area of ??transport and transit facilitation, the impacts of which have improved transport and transit conditions with neighboring countries.

“In the same dynamic, Burkina Faso intends to strengthen this commitment under the leadership of His Excellency Captain Ibrahim Traoré, in tandem with their Excellencies Colonel Assimi Goita, Head of State of Mali and General Abdouramane Tiani, Head of State of Niger,” continued the Burkinabe minister.

The theme of the meeting gave rise to discussions on the subjects of connectivity, economic growth and the fight against poverty in particular.

The OIC is an international organization created in September 1969 in Rabat, Morocco, and bringing together 57 states. It works to promote cooperation in the economic, social, cultural and scientific fields.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Technicians meet for the rehabilitation of the Bobo-Banfora-Ivory Coast border road

The steering committee of the Bobo-Banfora-Côte d’Ivoire border and Banfora-Orodara road rehabilitation project met to present the project to the various stakeholders, examine and adopt the plans and budgets necessary for the implementation of the project.

This “strategic” project aims to open up the Hauts-Bassins and Cascades regions, which are important for the Burkinabe economy due to their agro-sylvo-pastoral potential and the presence of small and medium-sized enterprises, explained the Director General of Road Infrastructure in Burkina Faso, Aimé Grégoire Yaguibou.

It focuses on the rehabilitation of 197 km of roads, 50 km of rural tracks, 18 km of roads and the construction of infrastructure such as toll booths, health centers and schools, as well as improving road safety according to the details of the Ministry of Infrastructure.

The project extends over five years and is financed by the Burkinabe government, the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) and the African Development Bank (AfDB).

Source: Bur
kina Information Agency

Technicians meet for the rehabilitation of the Bobo-Banfora-Ivory Coast border road

The steering committee of the Bobo-Banfora-Côte d’Ivoire border and Banfora-Orodara road rehabilitation project met to present the project to the various stakeholders, examine and adopt the plans and budgets necessary for the implementation of the project.

This “strategic” project aims to open up the Hauts-Bassins and Cascades regions, which are important for the Burkinabe economy due to their agro-sylvo-pastoral potential and the presence of small and medium-sized enterprises, explained the Director General of Road Infrastructure in Burkina Faso, Aimé Grégoire Yaguibou.

It focuses on the rehabilitation of 197 km of roads, 50 km of rural tracks, 18 km of roads and the construction of infrastructure such as toll booths, health centers and schools, as well as improving road safety according to the details of the Ministry of Infrastructure.

The project extends over five years and is financed by the Burkinabe government, the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) and the African Development Bank (AfDB).

Source: Bur
kina Information Agency

Nigerian artist, Oghagbon, takes Argungu Fishing Festival to U.S. exhibition

Nigerian visual artist, Moses Oghagbon, is set to showcase the Argungu Fishing Festival in a group exhibition titled ‘Common Front’ at the Anderson Arts Centre in South Carolina, United States.

Oghagbon joins five other Nigerian artists in this event, showcasing their diverse talents and unique artistic styles.

Speaking with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Saturday in Lagos, Oghagbon said that the collaboration demonstrates the unifying power of art, transcending cultural boundaries and fostering connection through expression.

According to him, the exhibition will be held from Sept.6 to Oct. 4.

‘We are united in our passion for art and desire to make our mark in the art world.

‘Each artist brings something special to the table, creating a diverse and dynamic body of work that is sure to captivate audiences,’ he said.

Oghagbon, who is the founder of Argungu Series and Colours of Uhola, said that he would project the vast cultural heritage of the Argungu Fishing Festival in 17 paintings-oil and acryli
c on canvas-.

‘I have placed upon my shoulders the crusade to make the vast cultural heritage of the Argungu Emirate of Kebbi State, Nigeria, to be a global showpiece with my colours, lens, hues, techniques and images of the very essence of the Argungu people.’

Oghagbon said the festival had also gained international recognition and should continually be given pride of place.

He said that the Argungu Fishing Festival which began in 1934, has a historical antecedent.

The artist explained, ‘It marked the end of century-old hostility between the Sokoto Caliphate and the Kebbi Kingdom.

‘It is a four-day festival which runs between February and March and features-KABANCI-a series of water competitions including hand fishing, canoe racing, wild duck catching and other traditional practices such as wrestling and boxing.

‘It is a competition among thousands of fishermen and has attracted people from all over the world.

‘It gained recognition as an international fishing and cultural festival in 2016, when it wa
s inscribed on the list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity by UNESCO.’

He said he had been chronicling the Argungu festival for the last 19 years and documented it in ten series of art exhibitions.

‘I have been able to capture the dynamism of the culture and development of Kebbi people, which I titled Argungu series and colours of Uhola. This is the cultural heritage of Argungu Emirates and Zuru Emirates in Kebbi State.

‘I was stimulated to engage in this project when I went to perform the National Youth Service (NYSC) in Kebbi State after graduation from school.

‘The colourful festival was so inspiring and left an indelible mark on me. In 2006, I got a grant from the Ford Foundation/Terra Kulture and was able to have an exhibition in the Terra Kulture gallery.

‘Each year the festival is on, I travel to be a part of it and feature my exhibition. In each series, I have been able to capture the moods, the colours, and the cultural development of this soulful festival,’ he added.

According to
him, the idea is to help erase people’s ignorance about others and unite Nigerians as one people with diverse endowments.

He, however, urged the Federal Government to invest more in cultural festivals in the country, especially the Argungu Festival.

‘The last one was in 2020, when I came back and four days after, we had a lockdown in the country.

‘It is no longer an annual festival. I hope the festival will be held every year.

‘The government of the day needs to invest in the festival as well to support the Emirates.

‘The festival is for us Nigerians, people out there celebrate Argungu festival as well, and people travel from all walks of life to witness the festival,’ he said. (NAN)

Edited by Olawunmi Ashafa

Source: News Agency of Nigeria