Central-West regional dialogue framework: the 2024 mid-term performance report of the PA-SD scrutinized

Ouagadougou: The second ordinary session of the Central-West Regional Dialogue Framework (CRD) was held in Koudougou, Thursday August 1, 2024, under the presidency of Governor Boubacar Nouhoun Traoré.

This session made it possible to take stock of the mid-term assessment as of June 30, 2024 of the Action Plan for Stabilization and Development (PA-SD) of the region, to present the difficulties which hindered the implementation of the actions and to generate prospects for the second half of 2024.

The assessment shows that the actions carried out by local authorities, decentralized technical services, development projects and programs and NGOs/DAs contributed, as of June 30, 2024, to the achievement of fourteen objectives. PA-SD strategies for a physical achievement rate of 30.84%.

In fact, out of 101 programmed products, 8 have been fully produced, 48 are currently being produced and 45 have not yet started implementation.

On the financial level, an amount of 5,737,681,584 F CFA was executed out of a financ
ial programming of 15,871,416,177 F CFA, i.e. an execution rate of 31.02%.

This poor performance could be explained by delays in obtaining opinions on the use of own funds for investments, insufficient financial resources, the technical and financial failure of certain companies leading to work stoppages, as well as difficulties linked to the release of resources.

As for the prospects for actions planned for the second half of 2024, they are estimated at 4,522,537,528 CFA francs.

These are oriented towards assistance to internally displaced persons (IDPs), the construction of boreholes equipped with PMH, the rehabilitation of AEPS and boreholes, the acquisition of table-benches, and the construction of classrooms.

In addition to these actions, there are many others, such as the development of rural roads, the construction of crossing works, and the organization of awareness sessions on themes related to the prevention and management of community conflicts. , etc.

Also, four recommendations were made with
regard to certain realities on the ground.

This involves organizing a CRD session extended to local authorities in order to iron out the difficulties between the actors in the expenditure chain and the local authorities.

A training session for managers and credit authorizers on the new regulations related to public spending is also desired.

As well as a capacity building session for town hall secretaries on filling out the outlines of PA-SD magazine collections.

The organization of special operations to issue CNIBs for the benefit of displaced people returning to their places of origin is one of the recommendations.

This is, moreover, the quintessence of the presentation of the report delivered by T. Olivier Kaboré of the regional directorate of economy and planning (DREP) of the Center-West, at the end of which some very lively discussions took place. shed more light on these development issues in the Center-West.

The governor of the region, Boubacar Nouhoun Traoré, on the occasion, congratulated the v
arious actors for the level of development achieved despite the difficult context.

All of which did not prevent him from urging everyone to work more in synergy and in good understanding to meet the challenges they face.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Tenkodogo: On the occasion of her birthday, Latifa Sana and her friends plant a hundred fruit trees

Ouagadougou: On the occasion of her birthday this Saturday, Latifa Sana and her friends planted around a hundred fruit trees in the municipal police courtyard in Tenkodogo.

On the morning of August 3, 2024, a total of 120 plants were planted, on the occasion of the birthday of Latifa Sana, a citizen living in Tenkodogo.

The other 20 plants given by his friends as a birthday present were also planted in the municipal police courtyard.

For Latifa Sana, this activity is in line with the call from the President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, who invites the Burkinabè to plant trees during happy events.

‘It is also an invitation to my peers to do like me to green up our country, Burkina Faso,’ said the young lady.

Adaman Kambone, mission manager of the President of Faso for the Center-East region, and lieutenant of water and forests Dimasbila Tapsoba, head of the departmental environment service, welcomed the young girl’s initiative.

For both authorities, it is a great idea to plant fruit trees on the occa
sion of one’s birthday. They encouraged her and invited the youth of the Center-East to do like her.

As for the godmother, Awa Bilgo/Ly commonly known as ‘Youth Mother’, she said: ‘It’s a noble activity. I agreed to accompany Latifa this morning because she is a fighter girl. I invite all young people to do like her, especially to plant trees of local species during the winter. »

Latifa Sana and her friends have made a commitment that every August 3, they will support local authorities in restoring the plant cover.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina: A Congolese urges Africans to stand up to control their wealth

Ouagadougou: The writer-political scientist and former Director General (DG) of the national television of the Democratic Republic of Congo (RTNC), Freddy Mulumba Kabuayi, on Saturday urged Africans to stand up to have control of their natural wealth, in the face of plunder by Western imperialists.

‘In the Democratic Republic of Congo, with the complicity of the Western world, multinationals exploit our raw materials for free,’ declared Congolese writer-political scientist Freddy Mulumba Kabuayi.

For him, Africans must stand up to avoid the pillaging of their natural resources by Westerners, who have been doing so since the advent of independence.

Mr. Kabuayi, former CEO of RTNC, spoke on Saturday at the DRC consulate in Ouagadougou, during a press conference organized by the Bana Congo Democratic Association (ABCD) on the national situation in his country.

Seizing the opportunity, he explained that these Westerners caused a genocide in the Congo, causing 10 million deaths, 7 million displaced people and
500,000 women raped.

‘Surprisingly, across the world, maybe even in Africa, people don’t know what’s going on. I came to Ouagadougou to explain to others what is happening in Congo and to draw inspiration from the Burkinabè experience,’ he maintained.

According to the former CEO of RTNC, in Kinshasa, the President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, is applauded by the youth, because he remains a model and a visionary for the development of Africa.

Freddy Mulumba Kabuayi also stressed that Captain Traoré launched a new era of building a rich and prosperous Africa for the benefit of the people.

He also noted that the issues are geopolitical due to the fact that there is international competition between several powers.

In his opinion, China and Russia advocate the liberation of Africa through markets and security, while Western capitalists maintain wars on the black continent to plunder its wealth.

‘Westerners think that since 1885 (Berlin Conference), Africa belongs to them. We must change the situation,’
confided the Congolese writer-political scientist.

He clarified that African elites are disconnected from their societies and that they must reconnect quickly in order to allow their populations to better benefit from the dividends of their wealth.

‘Think about accepting contradictions, discussions and agreeing to launch a new Africa which will be powerful, beautiful, proud with men who have ambitions of greatness,’ he said.

The president of the ABCD, a structure of Congolese nationals living in Burkina Faso, Trésorine Nlandu Divengi, said she was satisfied with the press briefing which will shed light on the situation in her country for her compatriots.

Ms. Divengi indicated that the exchanges will make it possible to raise awareness among the members of the association and the Burkinabè on what is currently happening in DR Congo.

‘We hope that with the awareness and information that we will bring to the public, people will know that everything that happens in my country can happen elsewhere,’ she noted

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Citizenship: the OMELA association shares its vision with adolescents

Ouagadougou: The ‘Precious Vases’ Department of the International Center for Evangelization organized, in partnership with Open My Eyes for Life Association (OMELA), conferences on several themes for the benefit of more than 700 adolescents who came from various backgrounds.

More than 700 adolescents gathered in Loumbila for a camp organized by the International Center for Evangelization at the El Shadaï Center in Loumbila, for the benefit of adolescents aged 12 to 18 years old.

On this occasion, several conferences were hosted by Open My Eyes for Life Association (OMELA) on various themes of interest to adolescents.

The first communication focused on the theme ‘Discipline, the bridge between objectives and their achievements’.

The communicator and president of OMELA, Emmanuel Dori, explained that discipline among adolescents is essential to help them achieve their goals, whether academically, personally or in other areas of their lives.

For discipline to serve as a bridge between an adolescent’s goals a
nd their achievement, he noted, among other things, the need to establish priorities, better manage time, develop self-discipline and establish good habits.

‘Discipline helps adolescents develop resilience, allowing them to face failures and challenges with a positive attitude.

Perseverance is crucial to overcome obstacles and continue moving towards their goals,’ the speaker noted.

Addressing the theme ‘The use of ICT and the subtle traps to avoid for adolescents’, Emmanuel Dori underlined that the use of mobile phones can present several subtle traps for adolescents, influencing their lives in a significant way.

He noted negative effects of excessive phone use on the lives of adolescents. These include dependence and addiction, mental health issues, sleep disruption and physical inactivity.

‘Excessive use of cell phones can affect adolescents’ communication skills and social interactions. They may prefer online communications to face-to-face interactions, which may limit their development of essential
social skills,’ the speaker noted.

According to the OMELA president, this communication aims to raise awareness among adolescents of the potential dangers and encourage them to adopt healthy habits of cell phone use, such as limits on screen time, periods without phones, and conscious use of social networks.

The third theme, ‘Citizenship in adolescence’, was covered by Timothée Nadinga, responsible for mobilizing OMELA. He immediately emphasized that citizenship for adolescents implies their active participation in society and their understanding of the rights and responsibilities that result from it.

‘This is not limited to political participation, but also encompasses social, ethical and environmental awareness,’ he said. He noted some key aspects of citizenship for the participants.

It’s about civic education and community engagement. According to him, we must understand the functioning of political institutions, human rights and the role of citizens in a democracy. ‘This includes learning about the la
ws and civic responsibilities, as well as the history and values ??of their country,’ he said.

OMELA is an associative structure of goodwill, ecumenical, apolitical and non-profit whose main objective is to contribute to the training and practical monitoring of children and young people for the emergence of a generation more open to the world and opportunities, with a view to realizing the highest ambition of their life.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Bronze sculpture: A dozen works for peace

Ouagadougou: The sculptor artist Éric Kaboré is organizing from August 1 to 10, 2024 an opening on Thursday, August 1, 2024, at the Feeling Ouagadougou cultural space. At the opening, a dozen bronze works were exhibited under the theme: ‘I sculpt for peace’.

It is under the theme ‘I sculpt for peace’ that the bronze sculptor artist Arba Éric Kaboré is holding the exhibition of his works of art.

The opening of the dozen works took place on the evening of Thursday August 1, 2024, at the Le Feeling cultural space.

Indeed, the different creations are composed, among others, of a messenger, a washerwoman, a musical couple and a reader.

Éric Kaboré affirmed his intention to convey a message of social cohesion for good living together through his works.

A blacksmith, he says he continues the tradition of his ancestors by sculpting bronze. The artist invited all Burkinabè people to cultivate a love of art.

Mamoudou Namountougou, Regional Director of Culture, Arts and Tourism of the Center, representing the Mini
ster in charge of Culture, praised the work of the artist.

‘Currently, the price of bronze has increased. So, if a person manages to work on bronze to the point of having an exhibition, we encourage them a lot,’ he notes. He informs that the Ministry in charge of Arts, in a spirit of support for artists, acquires a certain number of works of plastic art to decorate public buildings, including international embassies.

The exhibition of the different works runs until August 10. As a reminder, Éric Kaboré has, to his credit, the creation of several monuments in Burkina and internationally. He has also participated in individual and group exhibitions around the world.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

North Korea: Putin assures Kim of his support, after floods

Ouagadougou: Russian President Vladimir Putin assured North Korean leader Kim Jong Un of his ‘support’ on Saturday after the floods that hit North Korea in July, the Kremlin announced in a statement.

‘We share the pain and mourning of the friendly people of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea,’ said Mr. Putin, in a message of condolences addressed to Kim Jong Un.

‘You can always count on our help and support,’ he stressed.

In July, North Korea experienced record torrential rains. In the southwest of the country, the town of Kaesong recorded 463 millimeters of rain in a single day.

This is the highest level recorded in the country in 29 years, according to the South Korean meteorological center.

Moscow and Pyongyang have been allies since the end of the Korean War (1950-1953) but have become closer since the Russian military operation launched in Ukraine in February 2022.

At the end of June, Vladimir Putin was received with great fanfare by Kim Jong Un in Pyongyang, this summit resulting in the sig
ning of a mutual defense agreement

Source: Burkina Information Agency