BASF Catalysts India Private Limited inaugura novo laboratório de PD&A para soluções de controle de emissões automotivas

CHENNAI, Índia, Aug. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A BASF Catalysts India Private Limited (BCIL), uma subsidiária da BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions (ECMS), inaugurou um novo laboratório de Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento e Aplicação (RD&A) na sua unidade em Mahindra World City, Tamil Nadu, Chennai. O investimento estratégico está focado no desenvolvimento de catalisadores de controle de emissões adaptados às necessidades únicas do mercado automotivo indiano.

“Este novo laboratório de PD&A permitirá o desenvolvimento de formulações de catalisador específicas do mercado que atendam às necessidades exclusivas do mercado indiano com agilidade e flexibilidade”, disse Saeed Alerasool, Vice-Presidente Sênior de PD&A da ECMS. “Com esse investimento, a ECMS fica bem posicionada para ajudar nossos clientes a responder às mudanças resultantes da diversificação de combustível, bem como aos requisitos mais rigorosos de emissões do cano de descarga, e garante o nosso preparo para apoiar futuras tecnologias automotivas.”

A abertura do novo laboratório é um passo fundamental alinhado à evolução da indústria automotiva da Índia e ao foco do governo indiano na diversificação das fontes de combustível, incluindo a adoção adicional de Gás Natural Comprimido (GNC) e biocombustíveis renováveis e hidrogênio. Isso exige que os Fabricantes de Equipamentos Originais locais produzam veículos flex capazes de funcionar com qualquer mistura de biocombustível e gasolina. Além disso, os próximos requisitos mais rigorosos de emissões representam novos desafios para as montadoras na Índia.

“Com este novo laboratório na nossa unidade de Chennai, a BCIL é capaz de fornecer suporte total aos nossos clientes, desde o desenvolvimento inicial do catalisador até a entrega final do produto”, disse Sujan Saha, Chefe de Negócios da Índia e Chefe do Sudeste Asiático, Catalisadores de Emissões Móveis. “Isso também aumenta nossa capacidade local de atender mais rapidamente as necessidades específicas dos clientes indianos.”

Dirk Bremm, Presidente e CEO da ECMS (frente à direita) e Saeed Alerasool, Vice-Presidente Sênior de PD&A para ECMS (frente à esquerda), inauguraram o novo laboratório de PD&A em Chennai, Índia. Eles foram acompanhados por outros líderes de ECMS, incluindo Daniel Wussow, Vice-Presidente Sênior de Catalisadores de Emissões Móveis (meio à esquerda) e Sujan Saha, Chefe de Negócios da Índia e Chefe do Sudeste Asiático, Catalisadores de Emissões Móveis (à esquerda de Saeed).

Sobre a BASF Catalysts India Private Limited
A BASF Catalysts India Private Limited (BCIL), subsidiária indiana da BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions (ECMS), é provedora líder de catalisadores para o mercado automotivo indiano. Com o início das suas operações em 1998, a BCIL foi pioneiro na indústria de emissões automotivas com a primeira fábrica de catalisadores na Índia. A BCIL fabrica e fornece catalisadores de controle de emissões para o mercado automotivo a partir da sua unidade em Mahindra World City, ao sul de Chennai. A pesquisa e o desenvolvimento de catalisadores de emissões móveis são apoiados por seis centros globais de PD&A em ECMS.

Sobre BASF a Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions
Aproveitando sua profunda experiência como líder global em catálise e metais preciosos, a BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions (ECMS) atende clientes em muitos setores, incluindo automotivo, aeroespacial, qualidade do ar interno, semicondutores e economia de hidrogênio, e fornece serviços de ciclo completo com sua oferta de comércio e reciclagem de metais preciosos. Com foco nas soluções circulares e sustentabilidade, a ECMS está comprometida em ajudar nossos clientes a criar um mundo mais limpo e sustentável. O nosso novo objetivo de proteger os elementos da vida nos inspira a criar soluções sempre novas. A ECMS opera em 16 países, conta com mais de 4.500 funcionários e 21 locais de produção.

Contato de Relações com a Mídia
Helence Zhang
Telefone: +86 19121028317
[email protected]
Contato Adicional
Bonnie Lou
Telefone: +86 18521573405
[email protected]
BASF (Shanghai) Management Co., Ltd.,
No. 239 Luqiao Road
201206 Xangai, China

Foto deste comunicado disponível em

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9198678

BASF Catalysts India Private Limited inaugure un nouveau laboratoire RD&A pour les solutions de contrôle d’émissions automobiles

MADRAS, Inde, 04 août 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BASF Catalysts India Private Limited (BCIL), une filiale de BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions (ECMS), a inauguré un nouveau laboratoire de recherche, de développement et d’application (RD&A) sur son site de Mahindra World City, près de Madras dans la région de Tamil Nadu, en Inde. Cet investissement stratégique a pour but le développement de catalyseurs pour le contrôle des émissions automobiles adaptés aux besoins spécifiques du marché automobile indien.

« Ce nouveau laboratoire RD&A permettra de formuler des catalyseurs spécifiques qui répondent avec adresse et flexibilité aux besoins uniques du marché indien », a déclaré Saeed Alerasool, vice-président directeur de la division RD&A d’ECMS. « Grâce à cet investissement, nous sommes bien placés pour aider nos clients à répondre aux changements découlant de la diversification des carburants ainsi qu’aux exigences plus strictes en matière d’émissions à l’échappement. Cela garantit que nous sommes prêts à soutenir les futures technologies automobiles. »

L’inauguration de ce nouveau laboratoire est une étape cruciale qui s’inscrit dans le cadre de l’évolution de l’industrie automobile indienne et de la priorité accordée par le gouvernement indien à la diversification des sources de carburant, avec notamment l’adoption du gaz naturel comprimé (GNC), des biocarburants renouvelables et de l’hydrogène. Cela implique que les fabricants locaux d’équipements d’origine mettent sur le marché des véhicules à carburant modulable capables de fonctionner avec n’importe quel mélange de biocarburant et d’essence. En outre, les exigences plus strictes à venir en matière d’émissions posent de nouveaux défis aux constructeurs automobiles indiens.

« Avec ce nouveau laboratoire sur notre site de Madras, BCIL est en mesure de fournir une assistance de bout en bout à nos clients, depuis l’étape initiale de développement du catalyseur jusqu’à la livraison du produit final », a souligné Sujan Saha, Chef des Affaires pour l’Inde et l’Asie du Sud-Est, division Catalyseurs pour Émissions Automobiles. « Cela renforce également notre capacité locale à répondre aux besoins spécifiques des clients indiens et à les satisfaire plus rapidement. »

Dirk Bremm, président-directeur général d’ECMS (devant à droite) et Saeed Alerasool, vice-président directeur de la division RD&A d’ECMS (devant à gauche), ont inauguré le nouveau laboratoire de RD&A à Madras, en Inde. Ils ont été rejoints par d’autres dirigeants du groupe ECMS, notamment Daniel Wussow, vice-président directeur de la division Catalyseurs pour Émissions Automobiles (au milieu à gauche) et Sujan Saha, Chef des Affaires pour l’Inde et l’Asie du Sud-Est, division Catalyseurs pour Émissions Automobiles (à gauche de Mr. Saeed).

À propos de BASF Catalysts India Private Limited
BASF Catalysts India Private Limited (BCIL), filiale indienne du groupe BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions (ECMS), est l’un des principaux fournisseurs de catalyseurs pour le marché automobile indien. BCIL, dont les activités ont débuté en 1998, fut l’un des pionniers de l’industrie des émissions automobiles, avec la première usine de fabrication de catalyseurs en Inde. BCIL fabrique et fournit des catalyseurs de contrôle d’émissions pour le marché automobile depuis son site de Mahindra World City, situé au sud de Madras. La recherche et le développement de catalyseurs pour les émissions automobiles s’appuie sur six centres RD&A du groupe ECMS, répartis dans le monde.

À propos de BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions
Exploitant sa grande expertise en tant que leader mondial de la catalyse et des métaux précieux, BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions (ECMS) est au service de clients dans de nombreux secteurs, notamment l’automobile, l’aérospatiale, la qualité de l’air intérieur, les semi-conducteurs et l’économie de l’hydrogène, et fournit des services en boucle complète grâce à son offre de négoce et de recyclage des métaux précieux. En mettant l’accent sur les solutions circulaires et la durabilité, ECMS s’engage à assister ses clients dans la création d’un monde plus propre et plus durable. Protéger les éléments de la vie est notre objectif et cela nous inspire dans la recherche de solutions toujours nouvelles. Le groupe ECMS est présent dans 16 pays avec plus de 4 500 employés et 21 sites de production.

Contact relations médias
Joy Zhang
Téléphone : +86 19121028317
[email protected]
Contact secondaire
Bonnie Lou
Téléphone : +86 18521573405
[email protected]
BASF (Shanghai) Management Co., Ltd.,
No. 239 Luqiao Road
201206 Shanghai, China

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqué est disponible à l’adresse :

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9198678

Suspend protest, embrace dialogue – Tinubu enjoins protesters

President Bola Tinubu has directed the organisers of the ongoing nationwide protest to end it and and create room for dialogue.

The oresident made the appeal in a national broadcast on Sunday on the ongoing nationwide protest.

The president enjoined the protesters and the organisers to suspend any further protest and create room for dialogue, which he said he had always acceded to at the slightest opportunity.

‘Nigeria requires all hands on deck and needs us all – regardless of age, party, tribe, religion or other divides – to work together in reshaping our destiny as a nation.

‘To those who have taken undue advantage of this situation to threaten any section of this country, be warned: The law will catch up with you.

‘There is no place for ethnic bigotry or such threats in the Nigeria we seek to build,’ the president said

According to him, democracy progresses when the constitutional rights of every Nigerian are respected and protected.

‘Our law enforcement agencies should continue to ensure the full
protection of lives and property of innocent citizens in a responsible manner.

‘My vision for our country is one of a just and prosperous nation where each person may enjoy the peace, freedom, and meaningful livelihood that only democratic good governance can provide.

‘One that is open, transparent and accountable to the Nigerian people,’ he said.

The oresident also enjoined Nigerians not to let anybody misinform and miseducate them about the country or tell them that the government did not care about them.

He said although there had been many dashed hopes in the past, he assured Nigerians that they were ‘in a new era of Renewed Hope.

‘We are working hard for you, and the results will soon be visible and concrete for everyone to see, feel and enjoy.

‘Let us work together to build a brighter future for ourselves and for generations to come.

‘Let us choose hope over fear, unity over division, and progress over stagnation’.

He said the economy was recovering, and urged Nigerians not to shut out its oxyge

‘Now that we have been enjoying democratic governance for 25 years, do not let the enemies of democracy use you to promote an unconstitutional agenda that will set us back on our democratic journey,’ he noted

He charged security operatives to continue to maintain peace, law, and order following the necessary conventions on human rights, to which Nigeria is a signatory.

He said that the safety and security of all Nigerians were paramount and must be sustained.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Tinubu urges youths to key into N45.6b student loan

President Bola Tinubu has urged youths to key into the student loan scheme introduced by his administration.

The President made the appeal in a national broadcast on Sunday on the ongoing nationwide protest.

He said his administration had shown commitment to the youth by setting up the student loan scheme.

‘To date, N45.6 billion has already been processed for payment to students and their respective institutions.

‘I encourage more of our vibrant youth population to take advantage of this opportunity,’ said the President.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the President had said, on July 17, when he inaugurated the student loan scheme that it was tool to fight poverty.

He said the student loan scheme aligned with his administration’s commitment to inclusiveness and assured sufficient funding to sustain the programme.

‘Democracy is all about inclusiveness. Our target is to build a society on successful inclusiveness,’ he said.

He added that education was the greatest weapon against poverty i
n any society, which he said was essential for vision, development, and successfully combating insecurity, including terrorism and banditry.

The President had presented cheques to students from each of Nigeria’s six geo-political zones.

About N32 billion is currently available for disbursement to kickstart the programme.

As at May 25, when the application portal opened, 164,000 students had registered, with 103,000 applying for loans.

The initiative, which became law on April 3, 2024, as the Student Loans (Access to Higher Education) Act, aims at empowering Nigerian youths by providing fair, transparent funding and removing financial barriers to educational opportunities.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

N200bn consumer credit will make life easier for Nigerians – Tinubu

President Bola Tinubu said the N200 billion Consumer Credit Corporation established by his administration would make life easier for millions of households.

The President said this in a national broadcast on Sunday on the ongoing nationwide protest.

He said the aim of the scheme was to help Nigerians acquire essential products without immediate cash payments.

This, he said, would consequently reduce corruption and eliminate cash and opaque transactions.

‘This week, I ordered the release of an additional N50 billion each for NELFUND – the student loan, and Credit Corporation from the proceeds of crime recovered by the EFCC.

‘Additionally, we have secured 620 million dollars under the Digital and Creative Enterprises (IDiCE) – a programme to empower our young people, creating millions of IT and technical jobs that will make them globally competitive.

‘These programmes include the 3 million Technical Talents scheme. Unfortunately, one of the digital centres was vandalised during the protests in Kano. What
a shame!’ he said.

In addition, he said the government had introduced the Skill-Up Artisans Programme (SUPA); the Nigerian Youth Academy (NIYA); and the National Youth Talent Export Programme (NATEP).

He also said more than N570 billion had been released to the 36 states to expand livelihood support to their citizens, while 600,000 nano-businesses had benefitted from nano-grants.

He stated that an additional 400,000 nano-businesses were expected to benefit from the programme.

‘Furthermore, 75,000 beneficiaries have been processed to receive our N1 million Micro and Small Business single-digit interest loans, starting this month.

‘We have also built 10 MSME hubs within the past year, created 240,000 jobs through them and five more hubs are in progress, which will be ready by October this year,’ he said.

According to Tinubu, payments of N1 billion each are also being made to large manufacturers under single-digit loans to boost manufacturing output and stimulate growth.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Why I removed fuel subsidy – Tinubu

President Bola Tinubu says the Federal Government decided to remove fuel subsidy and abolish multiple foreign exchange rates to grow the economy for national development.

The president said this while addressing the nation in a broadcast on Sunday on the ongoing nationwide protest.

He said that the Nigerian economy had remained anaemic for decades and taken a dip because of many misalignments that had stunted its growth.

‘Just over a year ago, our dear country, Nigeria, reached a point where we couldn’t afford to continue the use of temporary solutions to solve long-term problems for the sake of now and our unborn generations,’ he said.

He explained that he took the painful decision to remove fuel subsidies and abolish multiple foreign exchange systems that blocked the greed and the profits that smugglers and rent-seekers made.

Tinubu added that the action also blocked the undue subsidies the country had extended to neighbouring countries to the detriment of its people, rendering the economy prostrate.

‘These decisions I made were necessary if we must reverse the decades of economic mismanagement that didn’t serve us well.

‘Yes, I agree, the buck stops on my table. But I can assure you that I am focused fully on delivering the governance to the people – good governance for that matter,’ the president said

He explained that in the past 14 months, his government had made significant strides in rebuilding the foundation of the economy to carry Nigerians into a future of plenty and abundance.

‘On the fiscal side, aggregate government revenues have more than doubled, hitting over N9.1 trillion in the first half of 2024 compared to the first half of 2023.

‘This was due to our efforts at blocking leakages, introducing automation, and mobilising funding creatively without additional burden on the people.

‘Productivity is gradually increasing in the non-oil sector, reaching new levels and taking advantage of the opportunities in the current economic ambience,’ the president stated.

He said that his government
had in the last 13 months reduced revenue spent on debt servicing to 68 per cent as against 97 per cent previously.

‘We have also cleared legitimate outstanding foreign exchange obligations of about 5 billion dollars without any adverse impact on our programmes.

‘This has given us more financial freedom and the room to spend more money on you, our citizens, to fund essential social services like education and healthcare.

‘It has also led to our state, and local governments receiving the highest allocations ever in our country’s history from the Federation Account,’ Tinubu said.

The president said that his government had also embarked on major infrastructure projects across the country.

He said the government was working to complete inherited projects critical to the country’s economic prosperity, including roads, bridges, railways, power, and oil and gas developments.

‘Notably, the Lagos-Calabar Coastal Highway and Sokoto-Badagry Highway projects will open up 16 connecting states, creating thousands of
jobs and boosting economic output through trade, tourism and cultural integration.

‘Our once-declining oil and gas industry is experiencing a resurgence on the back of the reforms I announced in May 2024 to address the gaps in the Petroleum Industry Act.

‘Last month, we increased our oil production to 1.61 million barrels per day, and our gas assets are receiving the attention they deserve.

‘Investors are coming back, and we have already seen two Foreign Direct Investments signed of over half a billion dollars since then,’ said Tinubu.

The president said he met a country that was dependent solely on petrol and neglected its gas resources to power the economy.

He added the government was also using its hard-earned foreign exchange to pay for, and subsidise its use.

‘To address this, we immediately launched our Compressed Natural Gas Initiative (CNG) to power our transportation economy and bring costs down.

‘This will save more than N2 trillion a month, being used to import PMS and AGO and free up our re
sources for more investment in healthcare and education.

‘To this end, we will be distributing a million kits of extremely low or no cost to commercial vehicles that transport people and goods and who currently consume 80 per cent of the imported PMS and AGO,’ he said

The president said his government had started the distribution of conversion kits and setting up of conversion centres across the country in conjunction with the private sector.

Tinubu believed that the CNG initiative would reduce transportation costs by approximately 60 per cent and help to curb inflation.

He was emphatic that his administration had shown its commitment to the youth by setting up the student loan scheme.

‘To date, N45.6 billion has already been processed for payment to students and their respective institutions.

‘I encourage more of our vibrant youth population to take advantage of this opportunity,’ said the president.

Tinubu also said his administration established the Consumer Credit Corporation with more than N200 bi
llion to help Nigerians to acquire essential products without immediate cash payments, making life easier for millions of households.

This, he said, would consequently reduce corruption and eliminate cash and opaque transactions.

‘This week, I ordered the release of an additional N50 billion each for NELFUND – the student loan, and Credit Corporation – from the proceeds of crime recovered by the EFCC.

‘Additionally, we have secured 620 million dollars under the Digital and Creative Enterprises (IDiCE) – a programme to empower our young people, creating millions of IT and technical jobs that will make them globally competitive.

‘These programmes include the 3 million Technical Talents scheme. Unfortunately, one of the digital centres was vandalised during the protests in Kano. What a shame!’ he said.

In addition, Tinubu said the government had introduced the Skill-Up Artisans Programme (SUPA); the Nigerian Youth Academy (NIYA); and the National Youth Talent Export Programme (NATEP).

He also said more tha
n N570 billion had been released to the 36 states to expand livelihood support to their citizens, while 600,000 nano-businesses had benefited from nano-grants.

He stated that an additional 400,000 nano-businesses were expected to benefit from the programme.

‘Furthermore, 75,000 beneficiaries have been processed to receive our N1 million Micro and Small Business single-digit interest loans, starting this month.

‘We have also built 10 MSME hubs within the past year, created 240,000 jobs through them and five more hubs are in progress, which will be ready by October this year,’ he said.

According to Tinubu, payments of N1 billion each are also being made to large manufacturers under single-digit loans to boost manufacturing output and stimulate growth.

He said he signed the National Minimum Wage into law last week, and the lowest-earning workers would now earn at least N70,000 a month.

Tinubu said six months ago he inaugurated the first phase of his administration’s ambitious housing initiative, the Renewe
d Hope City and Estate in Karsana, Abuja.

‘This project is the first of six we have planned across the nation’s geopolitical zones. Each of these cities will include a minimum of 1,000 housing units, with Karsana itself set to deliver 3,212 units.

‘In addition to these city projects, we are also launching the Renewed Hope Estates in every state, each comprising 500 housing units.

‘Our goal is to complete a total of 100,000 housing units over the next three years.

‘This initiative is not only about providing homes but also about creating thousands of jobs across the nation as well as stimulating economic growth,’ said the president.

He also stated that his administration was providing incentives to farmers to increase food production at affordable prices.

In line with this, he directed that tariffs and other import duties should be removed on rice, wheat, maize and sorghum.

Tinubu said drugs and other pharmaceutical and medical supplies were also included in the initiative for the next six months, in th
e first instance, to help drive down the prices.

‘I have been meeting with our Governors and key Ministers to accelerate food production. We have distributed fertilisers. Our target is to cultivate more than 10 million hectares of land to grow what we eat.

‘The Federal Government will provide all necessary incentives for this initiative, whilst the states provide the land, which will put millions of our people to work and further increase food production.

‘In the past few months, we have also ordered mechanised farming equipment such as tractors and planters, worth billions of Naira from the United States, Belarus, and Brazil.

‘I can confirm to you that the equipment is on the way,’ he said.

The president urged Nigerians not to let anybody misinform and misinform them about the country or tell them that the government did not care about them.

Tinubu said although there had been many dashed hopes in the past, he assured Nigerians that they were in a new era of Renewed Hope.

‘We are working hard for you,
and the results will soon be visible and concrete for everyone to see, feel and enjoy.

‘Let us work together to build a brighter future for ourselves and for generations to come.

‘Let us choose hope over fear, unity over division, and progress over stagnation,’ appealed the President.

He said the economy was recovering, and urged Nigerians not to shut out its oxygen.

‘Now that we have been enjoying democratic governance for 25 years, do not let the enemies of democracy use you to promote an unconstitutional agenda that will set us back on our democratic journey.

‘Forward ever, backward never!’ said the president.

He charged security operatives to continue to maintain peace, law, and order following the necessary conventions on human rights, to which Nigeria is a signatory.

Tinubu said the safety and security of all Nigerians were paramount.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria