Matmerize, Inc., Introduces “ASKPOLY” – A Language Model Based Polymer Expert

ATLANTA, Aug. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Matmerize, Inc., a leader in AI-driven polymer design, is excited to announce the upcoming integration of an advanced language model capability, ASKPOLY, into its flagship polymer property prediction and generative design software, PolymRize™.

Revolutionizing Polymer Science with Advanced Language Models

ASKPOLY leverages the latest advancements in large language models (LLMs), pre-training, fine-tuning and the vast body of knowledge embedded in polymer corpora. ASKPOLY can be queried using natural language to predict properties, generate new polymer chemistries, and optimize composite or formulation compositions. It is designed to complement and enhance the predictive capabilities of PolymRize™.

Pre-trained on Matmerize knowledgebase and an extensive polymer corpus, ASKPOLY makes accurate property predictions for neat polymers and composites. Users can fine-tune ASKPOLY with proprietary data and text to achieve highly accurate, customized predictions and designs. All user data is kept confidential, secure, and never shared.

Enhancing User Experience and Predictive Accuracy

The introduction of ASKPOLY into PolymRize™ offers an intuitive user experience while significantly boosting the platform’s predictive accuracy, flexibility and generalizability, progressively and continuously. ASKPOLY enables users to interact with the system using natural language queries, making it easier to use past knowledge without loss.

The integration of ASKPOLY into PolymRize™ provides R&D chemists and scientists with advanced AI tools through an intuitive interface, streamlining the polymer design and development process for a range of industrial applications.


A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on this link.

A Commitment to Innovation

Matmerize is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of polymer design by pioneering and advancing AI for materials,” said Rampi Ramprasad, CEO of Matmerize, Inc. “The integration of ASKPOLY into PolymRize™ not only enhances the platform’s capabilities but also reinforces our commitment to providing clients with the latest tools to transform polymer research and development.

About Matmerize, Inc.

Founded in 2021, Matmerize, Inc. is at the forefront of AI and machine learning in the materials science industry. With a mission to revolutionize the way materials are designed and developed, Matmerize offers innovative solutions that enable companies to optimize their R&D processes. The PolymRize™ platform is a testament to Matmerize’s commitment to excellence, combining state-of-the-art technology with deep polymer industry expertise.

For more information about ASKPOLY and PolymRize™, please visit or contact us at [email protected].


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Annonce des lauréats internationaux de la 21e édition du programme de récompense International Business Awards® des Stevie® Awards

Une sélection assurée par plus de 300 juges parmi 3 600 candidatures et plus en provenance de 62 pays et territoires

FAIRFAX, Virginie, 15 août 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Des entreprises et des cadres haute performance originaires du monde entier ont reçu des trophées Stevie® Awards d’or, d’argent et de bronze à l’occasion de la 21e édition des International Business Awards®, le seul programme de récompense mondial dédié aux professionnels toutes catégories confondues. Les International Business Awards®, ou IBA, s’apparentent à des « Jeux olympiques professionnels ».

Les lauréats ont été retenus parmi plus de 3 600 candidatures déposées par des entreprises issues de 62 pays et territoires.

La liste complète des lauréats 2024 des Stevie Awards d’or, d’argent et de bronze de chaque catégorie est disponible sur

Plus de 300 cadres du monde entier ont participé à 11 juries dans le but de déterminer les lauréats des Stevie Awards.

Le champion absolu de cette édition est incontestablement Ayala Land, en provenance du Grand Manille, la région métropolitaine de la capitale philippine, remportant à lui seul 25 trophées dans les catégories bronze, argent et or.

Les autres lauréats de nombreux Stevie Awards comprennent entre autres : pour la Turquie, Halkbank, située à Istanbul (18 prix), pour l’international, Tata Consultancy (14), pour le Vietnam, Viettel, située à Hanoï (13), toujours pour la Turquie, Akbank, située également à Istanbul (13), encore pour l’international, DP DHL (13), pour les Émirats Arabes Unis, Miral, située à Abou Dabi, IBM pour l’international à nouveau (11), pour Taïwan, Cathay United, située à Taipei (10), pour les États-Unis, Data Dynamics, située à Upper Saddle River dans l’État du New Jersey (9), pour les Philippines, PLDT et sa filiale Smart, situées à Makati (9), pour les Émirats Arabes Unis, Abu Dhabi Customs, à Abou Dabi (8), pour Taïwan, Cathay Financial Holding Co. Ltd., située à Taipei (8), pour la Chine, China Resources Land Limited, à Shenzhen (8), pour la Hongrie, Lounge Group, Budapest (8), toujours pour les Philippines, Manila Electric Company, située dans le Grand Manille (8), pour la Turquie, Atos Customer Services et BELBİM AŞ, situées à Istanbul (7 prix chacune), pour les États-Unis, Everise, Plantation, située en Floride (7), toujours pour la Turquie, Pladis, à Istanbul (7), pour les États-Unis à nouveau, Russell Harris Event Group, située dans le quartier de North Hollywood de Los Angeles, en Californie (7), pour la Suisse, la bâloise Sandoz AG (7), pour l’Inde, WNS, à Mumbai (7), Wolters Kluwer pour l’international (7), pour la Chine, A.S. WATSON à Hong Kong (6), pour la Turquie, Beyaz Kağıt San. ve Tic. A.Ş., à Adana (6), pour les États-Unis, Ceyhinz Link International Inc., à Irving au Texas (6), pour la Chine, HKRI Taikoo Hui, à Shanghai (6), pour l’Espagne, la madrilène LLYC (6), pour l’Argentine, Pan American Energy, située à Buenos Aires (6), pour le Canada, TELUS, à Vancouver, dans la province de la Colombie-Britannique (6), pour la Thaïlande Thai Life Insurance Plc., à Bangkok (6), pour le Mexique ZIMAT, à Mexico (6), pour les États-Unis encore, Mastercard, à Miami en Floride (6), et Cisco Systems Inc, à San Jose en Californie (5), pour les Philippines à nouveau, DDB Group Philippines et Dito Telecommunity BGC, toutes deux à Taguig (5 prix chacune), pour les États-Unis et l’Inde, HCL Software, respectivement situées à Noida (Inde) et Santa Clara, en Californie (5), pour l’Arabie saoudite, le King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre, à Riyad (5), pour la Turquie, KoçZer, KoçSistem Bilgi ve İletişim A.Ş. et SOCAR, toutes trois situées à Istanbul (5 prix chacune), pour le Vietnam, FPT, à Hanoï (5), pour le Canada, Sleepm Global Inc., en Ontario (5), pour les États-Unis, TriNet, à Dublin en Californie, et pour la Turquie, Yapi Kredi Bank, à Istanbul (5).

Les IBA sont ouverts aux entreprises du monde entier, qui ne sont astreintes à aucun nombre limite de dossiers de candidatures. Elles peuvent concourir dans un large éventail de catégories, pour obtenir des prix en management, marketing, relations publiques, service client, ressources humaines, innovation produits et services, technologie, sites web, applications, événements, et bien plus encore.

Les prix seront attribués lors d’une soirée de gala organisée à l’hôtel InterContinental d’Istanbul, en Turquie, le 11 octobre prochain. Les places sont en vente dès à présent.

Les candidatures pour l’édition 2025 des International Business Awards® seront acceptées dès le mois de février.

À propos des Stevie Awards
Les Stevie Awards sont décernés dans le cadre de neuf programmes : les Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, les German Stevie Awards, les Middle East & North Africa Stevie Awards, les American Business Awards®, les International Business Awards®, les Stevie Awards for Great Employers, les Stevie Awards for Women in Business, les Stevie Awards for Technology Excellence, et les Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service. Le comité de concours des Stevie Awards reçoit chaque année plus de 12 000 candidatures d’organisations de plus de 70 pays. En mettant à l’honneur des organisations de tous types et de toutes tailles, ainsi que les personnes qui les animent, les Stevie Awards récompensent des performances exceptionnelles constatées en milieu professionnel, dans le monde entier. Pour en savoir plus sur les Stevie Awards, nous vous invitons à consulter le site :

Coordonnées Marketing
Nina Moore
[email protected]
+1 (703) 547-8389

Une photo accompagnant le présent communiqué de presse est disponible à l’adresse suivante :

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9205571

Stevie® Awards Anuncia Vencedores do 21st Annual International Business Awards® de Todo o Mundo

Selecionados entre mais de 3.600 indicações, representando 62 nações e territórios, por mais de 300 juízes

FAIRFAX, Va., Aug. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Empresas e executivos de sucesso de todo o mundo estão sendo homenageados com premiações Ouro, Prata e Bronze do Stevie® Award no The 21st Annual International Business Awards®, primeiro programa internacional do mundo que premia amplamente as empresas. Os IBAs são chamados de “as Olimpíadas do local de trabalho”.

Os vencedores foram selecionados entre mais de 3.600 nomeações enviadas por organizações de 62 países e territórios.

Uma lista completa de todos os vencedores do Stevie Award Ouro, Prata e Bronze de 2024 por categoria pode ser encontrada em

Mais de 300 executivos de todo o mundo participaram nos 11 corpos de jurados na escolha dos vencedores dos Stevies.

O principal vencedor dos Stevies Ouro, Prata e Bronze no Prêmio foi Ayala Land da Metro Manila, Filipinas com 25 prêmios Stevie.

Outros vencedores de vários Stevie Awards incluem, entre outros: Halkbank, Istambul, Turquia (18), Tata Consultancy, mundial (14), Viettel, Hanói, Vietnã (13), Akbank, Istambul, Turquia (13), DP DHL, mundial (13), Miral, Abu Dhabi, Emirados Árabes Unidos (13), IBM, mundial (11), Cathay United, Taipei, Taiwan (10), Data Dynamics, Upper Saddle River, NJ, EUA (9), PLDT and Smart, Makati City, Filipinas (9), Abu Dhabi Customs, Abu Dhabi, Emirados Árabes Unidos (8), Cathay Financial Holding Co. Ltd. Taipei, Taiwan, (8), China Resources Land Limited, Shenzhen, China (8), Lounge Group, Budapeste, Hungria (8), Manila Electric Company, Metro Manila, Filipinas, (8), Atos Customer Services, Istambul, Turquia (7), BELBİM AŞ, Istambul, Turquia (7), Everise, Plantation, FL EUA (7), pladis, Istambul, Turquia (7), Russell Harris Event Group, North Hollywood, CA EUA (7), Sandoz AG, Basel, Suíça (7), WNS, Mumbai, Índia (7), Wolters Kluwer, mundial (7), A.S. WATSON, Hong Kong, China (6), Beyaz Kağıt San. ve Tic. A.Ş., Adana, Türkiye (6), Ceyhinz Link International Inc., Irving, TX EUA (6), HKRI Taikoo Hui, Xangai, China (6), LLYC, Madri, Espanha (6), Pan American Energy, Buenos Aires, Argentina (6), Telus, Vancouver, BC Canadá, (6), Thai Life Insurance Plc., Bangkok, Tailândia (6), ZIMAT, Cidade do México, México (6), Mastercard, Miami, FL EUA (6), Cisco Systems Inc, San Jose, CA EUA (5), DDB Group Philippines, Cidade de Taguig, Filipinas (5), Dito Telecommunity, BGC Taguig, Filipinas (5), Software HCL, Noida, Índia e Santa Clara, CA EUA (5), King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre, Riade, Arábia Saudita (5), KoçZer, Istambul, Turquia (5), KoçSistem Bilgi ve İletişim A.Ş., Istambul, Turquia (5), Socar Türkiye, Istambul, Turquia (5), FPT, Hanói, Vietnã (5), Sleepm Global Inc., ON Canadá (5), TriNet, Dublin, CA EUA (5), e Yapi Kredi Bank, Istambul, Turquia, (5).

Todas as empresas do mundo são elegíveis para competir nos IBAs e podem enviar qualquer número de inscrições para uma ampla gama de categorias de realizações em gestão, marketing, relações públicas, atendimento ao cliente, recursos humanos, novos produtos e serviços, tecnologia, sites, aplicativos, eventos e muito mais.

Os Vencedores serão homenageados durante um evento de gala em Istambul, Turquia, no InterContinental Hotel no dia 11 de outubro de 2024. Os ingressos já estão venda.

As indicações para a edição 2025 do IBAS serão aceitas a partir de fevereiro.

Sobre os Stevie® Awards
Stevie Awards são concedidos em nove programas: Stevie Awards Ásia-Pacífico, Stevie Awards Alemão, Stevie Awards Oriente Médio e África do Norte, The American Business Awards®, The International Business Awards®, Stevie Awards para Grandes Empregadoras, Stevie Awards para Mulheres Empresariais, Stevie Awards de Excelência em Tecnologia e Stevie Awards para Vendas e Atendimento ao Cliente. Os concursos Stevie Awards recebem mais de 12.000 nomeações todos os anos de empresas de mais de 70 países. Honrando empresas de todos os tipos e tamanhos, e as pessoas por trás delas, os Stevies reconhecem excelente desempenho no local de trabalho em todo o mundo. Saiba mais sobre os Stevie Awards em

Contato de Marketing
Nina Moore
[email protected]
+1 (703) 547-8389

Foto deste comunicado disponível em:

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9205571

ECOWAS committee proposes budget reforms

The Joint Committee of the ECOWAS Parliament has proposed new budget reforms for consideration by leaders of the subregional bloc.

The committees are those of Administration, Finance, Budget, Public Accounts, Macroeconomic Policy and Economic Research.

The lawmakers also recommended the amendment of the 2016 Supplementary Act, which bothers on parliamentary autonomy and powers to the bloc’s leadership.

This follows the adoption of the Community’s budget report by members of the Joint Committee at the end of a 3-day technical session of its delocalised meeting in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, on Wednesday.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the event was presided over by Rep. Benjamin Kalu, Deputy Speaker, Nigeria’s House of Representatives, who is the Chairman of the Joint Committee.

The parliamentarians adopted the report and recommendations, for forwarding to the Authority of ECOWAS Heads of State and Government through the Council of Ministers.

The meeting, which began on Monday, was marked by dis
cussions on the role of parliament in the development, execution, and control of the ECOWAS budget.

The report contained recommendations for further consultations and study of other similar Parliaments across the globe.

‘It is pivotal to send a parliamentary diplomatic mission to notable parliaments with the same or similar competences, such as the European Union and the East African Legislative Assembly, to study and analyse their achievements in these areas.

‘The Committee also underscored the need for a Resource Pool and Budget Framework, which will be used to examine the community budget for the effective discharge of the budgetary function of the ECOWAS parliament.

‘The Committee noted the overlapping oversight functions between the Administration and Finance Committee (AFC) and the ECOWAS Parliament on the community budget, and called for alignment of the legal framework to ensure synergy.’

The parliamentarians also recommended the review of its Supplementary Act to give Parliament the required pow
ers to perform its core functions, namely, representation, legislation and oversight.

They also recommended the amendment of the Rules of Procedure for the proper functioning of parliament in discharging its functions.

The Committee also proposed a mission to embark on diplomatic engagements with the Chairman of the Authority of Heads of State and Government and other leaders toward the enhancement of the powers of the ECOWAS Parliament.

Members of the Committee expressed concerns about budgetary arbitration, while indicating the need to include the ECOWAS Parliament in the budget arbitration process.

They also recommended the creation of a budget harmonisation committee comprising the ECOWAS Commission, the Council of Ministers, and the ECOWAS Parliament, to review the Community budget before it is finalised.

Earlier, the Speaker of ECOWAS Parliament, Memounatou Ibrahima, called on member states to scale up funding to enable ECOWAS to meet its various challenges.

Also, the Committee’s Chairman, Kalu ha
d assured that parliament would be transparent in the use of funds.

Kalu said this would be achieved through meaningful engagements with critical stakeholders like the ECOWAS Commission and the Administration and Finance Committee (AFC).

The Committee is responsible for matters relating to adoption of community budget; examining the draft annual budget of the Parliament; monitoring financial and administrative management in the parliament.

The Committee is also charged with the task of evaluating the effectiveness of implementing policies financed by the Community and controlling the execution of the Parliament’s budget.

Source : News Agency of Nigeria

ICPC tasks students on fighting corruption

Dr Musa Aliyu, SAN, Chairman of the Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC), has urged students across the country to uphold integrity and shun corrupt practices.

Aliyu made the call at an anti-corruption debate among student members of Anti-Corruption Vanguards in Abuja.

The event with the theme, ‘Youths Rise Against Corruption’ was organised by the ICPC in collaboration with the Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC).

The ICPC boss advised students never to succumb to intimidation or pressure to engage in corruption for the sake of obtaining a certificate.

According to him, engaging in corruption undermines one’s integrity and can lead to severe consequences, including legal trouble for one’s family.

Aliyu, who achieved his educational and professional goals through perseverance and integrity, urged students to work hard to earn their desired success.

He advised them not to allow criticisms or opposition to erode their integrity, urging them to always maintain their principles in s
pite of opposition.

‘If you rely on someone else to make you successful rather than your own hard work and God’s guidance, you are wasting your time,’ he said.

Aliyu further advised students to follow the right path in pursuing their goals, adding that indulging in compromised acts would lead to a regrettable end.

The ICPC boss commended CISLAC for their support and partnership.

Some dignitaries at the anti-corruption debate among student members of Anti-Corruption Vanguards in Abuja.

Also speaking, Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Mr Ola Olukoyede, urged the youth to be at the forefront of fighting corruption.

According to him, corruption remains one of the most significant challenges facing the country.

Olukoyede was represented by Mrs Nwanyima Okeanu, a Deputy Director in the Public Department of EFCC.

‘Corruption undermines development, erodes public trust, and stifles opportunities for growth.

‘The youth, who are the backbone of our society, must be at the forefro
nt of the fight against this menace,’ he said.

Olukoyede said the fight against corruption was a collective responsibility, saying all hands must be on deck to ensure the nation wins the battle against the menace.

He also commended the organisers for creating a platform that empowered students to voice their ideas on combating corruption.

Auwal Musa (Rafsanjani), Executive Director of CISLAC, stressed the need to engage young people in the fight against corruption.

According to him, the youth are the leaders of tomorrow, most affected, and need to take a stand to shun and speak out against corrupt practices.

Mr Chris Maiyaki, Acting Executive Secretary of the National Universities Commission (NUC), represented by Rita Okonjo, Acting Director, Directorate of Students, expressed the commission’s commitment to support the anti-corruption crusade.

‘The NUC is proud to support initiatives that foster critical thinking, ethical leadership, and civic responsibility among the youth.

‘The formation of Anti-Corr
uption Vanguard within our tertiary institutions is a significant step towards embedding a culture of integrity in our academic environment,’ he said.

Source : News Agency of Nigeria

Tinubu urges African leaders to address exodus of skills, talents

President Bola Tinubu has urged African leaders to make strategic and deliberate efforts in addressing the exodus of skills and talent from Africa.

Chief Ajuri Ngelale, the President’s spokesman, in a statement on Thursday, said Tinubu made the call at a dinner held in his honour in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, on Wednesday.

President Tinubu said research and development must be encouraged with the provision of appropriate rewards.

‘Why are we complaining about healthcare problems if our doctors cannot have a home in our continent? If our nurses are faced with destitution, and if our judicial system is archaic?’ he asked.

President Tinubu, who is on a three-day official visit, said development in Africa would begin when the continent started to look inwards for solutions.

‘Tribalism has no place in our nation or region. We have to strengthen the continent, cultivate and maintain peace together and help one another.

‘We have to develop our resources for our progress. We must find solutions among ourselves
and focus incisively on research and development.

‘We must bring out the results ourselves. We must not outsource them or sell them out,’ he said.

He added that Africa would continue to partner international organisations.

‘We will continue to be partners, but we must implement more than half of the results of the research established here.

‘We have many youths to take care of. Millions yearning for progress,’ he saif.

‘Tinubu thanked President Mbasogo for the invitation to visit Malabo, saying that the visit was a homecoming.

‘We are one single family on the continent. We are like twins held together at the hips. We have nowhere to go, but to cling to each other.

‘Our gathering here is a significant milestone in the history of Africa, particularly for West and Central Africa.

‘I am happy to hear very deep thoughts coming from my brother, the President of Equatorial Guinea, concerning Africa,’ he said.

He emphasised that Africa must solve its own problems.

‘For the world, Africa is wretched and ragg
ed, full of conflicts.

‘We say no. Peace, stability and democracy are the way forward for our collective and progressive development. We have agreed on that with President Mbasogo.

‘We definitely will continue to promote peace and stability throughout the continent.

‘Some of our other brothers in shackles are still there, at each other’s throats. We will both work together and do whatever is possible to promote peace.’

He said developments in certain parts of the continent and areas of the Sahel were not pleasant for the future of the continent.

‘We have to work together to make peace the focus of our development.

‘Without peace, we cannot have development. Our problem is not that we do not understand what to do. We identify them, and we understand what to do.

‘Our problem is how and when we should do them. I say the time is now. We had better roll up our sleeves, put on our knickers, and move strongly for the peace and stability of our continent,’ the President stated.

In his remarks earlier, the Pre
sident of Equatorial Guinea thanked President Tinubu for honouring his invitation.

‘It is with utmost affection and respect that I would like to greet President Tinubu and wish him and his delegation a warm welcome to Equatorial Guinea.

‘We wish to express our gratitude for your acceptance of our invitation. We feel honoured to host this meeting that brings us together in Malabo,’ President Mbasogo said.

The leader of Equatorial Guinea called for more collaboration and solidarity between both countries, stating that Nigeria had always held a special place in his nation’s l foreign policy.’

President Mbasogo said the momentum and dynamism in the bilateral relations should be strengthened while highlighting previous mutual agreements in the areas of education, mining, defence, security and agriculture.

‘We recognise Nigeria’s potential and experience as the largest economy in Africa since 2015, and we consider it as one of the great global emerging markets.

‘Mr President, this visit is an opportunity to f
urther strengthen our historical relationship to be much greater,’ said Mbasogo.

He added that deeper partnership was needed between both countries to fight piracy and insecurity while working with other countries of the AU and the UN to tackle climate change, food shortages and terrorism.

Earlier, Presidents Tinubu and Mbasogo had signed an agreement on the handling of the Gulf of Guinea Gas Pipeline Project.

Source : News Agency of Nigeria