Partnership Announcement: Bybit and BitMobile Join Hands To Drive Blockchain Adoption With the Phēnix X Mobile Device

BitMobile, a company pioneering the mobile blockchain revolution and emerging technologies in Africa, is thrilled to announce a groundbreaking partnership with Bybit, a top trading exchange.

JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA / ACCESSWIRE / August 16, 2024 / The partnership is aimed at delivering an unparalleled user experience on BitMobile’s new blockchain phone, the Phēnix X. This collaboration brings together the strengths of both companies to provide cutting-edge technology and educational resources to users, ensuring a seamless integration of blockchain innovations, Decentralized Finance (Defi), trading, and mobile technology.

“This collaboration with Bybit is a significant step forward in our mission to integrate blockchain innovation and trading technology seamlessly into everyday life. By providing rich educational content, we’re empowering users with the tools and knowledge they need to navigate the digital financial landscape. We’re excited to see the positive impact this will have on our users,” said Brian Maw, CEO of BitMobile.

Brian Maw, CEO BitMobile at the Cardano Center, Cape Town

Key Highlights of the Partnership:

  • Custom Bybit Rewards for Phēnix X Users: Phēnix X users who deposit and trade on the Bybit Exchange (our trusted partner exchange) will receive exclusive rewards including trading bonuses, airdrops and merchandise. These users will also have exclusive access to extensive online and physical educational courses on Blockchain, Web3 and Digital asset trading.
  • In box and web portal integration: Bybit signage and detailed instructions will be included in the Phēnix X product packaging and on the Phēnix X web portal, ensuring users have all the information they need right at their fingertips. Bybit (BYBIT) decentralized applications (dApps) will also be featured on the Phēnix X portal.
  • Virtual reality educational content: BitMobile and Bybit will collaborate to develop comprehensive virtual reality educational content. This will include user-specific documentation, industry topics such as trading strategies, and procedures to assist in customer education and acquisition strategies.
  • Immediate partner marketing activities: Both parties will initiate joint marketing activities immediately, maximizing the reach and impact of this collaboration.
  • Affiliate Program Expansion: This partnership seeks to substantially increase Bybit’s affiliate network by attracting thousands of new affiliates. This growth will enhance the size of Bybit’s user base, fostering greater engagement, while introducing blockchain enthusiasts to the Phenix X. To join, click this link to be directed to the sign-up page:
  • or use the BitMobile referral code 87448.
  • Marketing the Phēnix X: Collaborative efforts will be made to market the Phēnix X, bringing awareness to the device and its incredible technology.

“Our partnership with BitMobile aligns perfectly with Bybit’s commitment to user education and accessibility. By offering virtual reality educational content and eliminating barriers to entry for our app, we are ensuring that users across Africa and beyond have the resources and support they need to succeed in the world of innovative trading. Additionally, our efforts to bring in thousands of new affiliates and market the Phēnix X will significantly enhance awareness and engagement with our innovative technology. We look forward to seeing this collaboration flourish and bring immense value to our community,” said Jordan Crypt, Strategic Affiliate Partnerships at Bybit.

Jordan Crypt, Bybit

This partnership marks a significant milestone for both BitMobile and Bybit, as they continue to innovate and expand their offerings in Africa’s rapidly evolving digital landscape. Users can expect a seamless, integrated experience with the Phēnix X, equipped with the tools and knowledge to fully leverage the potential of the Bybit platform.

For more information, please check out BitMobile and Bybit.



Chris Benedict
[email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Bitmobile, Pty (ZA), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Finnovant, Inc.

SOURCE: Finnovant Inc.

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Matmerize, Inc. présente « ASKPOLY » – un expert en polymères basé sur un modèle de langage

ATLANTA, 16 août 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Matmerize, Inc., leader dans la conception de polymères basée sur l’IA, est ravi d’annoncer l’intégration prochaine d’ASKPOLY, une fonction de modèle de langage avancé, dans son logiciel vedette de prédiction des propriétés et de conception générative de polymères, PolymRize™.

Révolutionner la science des polymères grâce à des modèles de langage avancés

ASKPOLY exploite les derniers progrès en matière de grands modèles de langage (large language models, LLM), de pré-entraînement, d’ajustement et le large éventail de connaissances impliquées dans le corpus de polymères. ASKPOLY peut être interrogé en langage naturel afin de prédire les propriétés, de générer de nouvelles compositions chimiques de polymères et d’optimiser les compositions de composites ou de formulations. Il est conçu pour compléter et améliorer les capacités prédictives de PolymRize™.

ASKPOLY, un système pré-entraîné en se basant sur les connaissances de Matmerize et un large corpus de polymères, réalise des prédictions précises sur les propriétés des polymères et des composites purs. Les utilisateurs peuvent affiner ASKPOLY avec des données et du texte exclusifs afin d’obtenir des prédictions et des conceptions personnalisées ultra-précises. Toutes les données des utilisateurs sont conservées de manière confidentielle et sécurisée, et elles ne sont pas partagées.

Améliorer l’expérience utilisateur et la précision prédictive

L’intégration d’ASKPOLY dans PolymRize™ offre une expérience utilisateur intuitive tout en améliorant considérablement la précision prédictive, la flexibilité et la généralisabilité de la plateforme, de manière progressive et continue. ASKPOLY permet aux utilisateurs d’interagir avec le système via des requêtes en langage naturel, ce qui facilite ainsi l’utilisation des connaissances antérieures sans générer de perte.

L’intégration d’ASKPOLY dans PolymRize™ offre aux chimistes et scientifiques dans le secteur de la R&D des outils d’IA avancés via une interface intuitive, permettant ainsi de rationaliser le processus de conception et de développement de polymères pour diverses applications industrielles.


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Un engagement en faveur de l’innovation

« Matmerize s’engage à repousser les limites de la conception de polymères en étant pionnier et en faisant progresser l’IA pour les matériaux », a déclaré Rampi Ramprasad, PDG de Matmerize, Inc. « L’intégration d’ASKPOLY dans PolymRize™ améliore non seulement les capacités de la plateforme, mais renforce également notre engagement à fournir à nos clients les derniers outils pour révolutionner la recherche et le développement des polymères. »

À propos de Matmerize, Inc.

Fondée en 2021, Matmerize, Inc. est à la pointe de l’IA et de l’apprentissage automatique dans le secteur de la science des matériaux. Avec pour mission de révolutionner la conception et le développement des matériaux, Matmerize propose des solutions innovantes qui permettent aux entreprises d’optimiser leurs processus de R&D. La plateforme PolymRize™ témoigne de l’engagement de Matmerize en faveur de l’excellence, en associant des technologies de pointe à une expertise approfondie du secteur des polymères.

Pour plus d’informations sur ASKPOLY et PolymRize™, veuillez visiter ou contactez-nous à [email protected].

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Matmerize, Inc.
E: [email protected]
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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9206145

Matmerize, Inc., Apresenta “ASKPOLY” – Um Especialista em Polímeros Baseado em Modelo de Linguagem

ATLANTA, Aug. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Matmerize, Inc, líder em design de polímeros orientados por IA, tem o prazer de anunciar a próxima integração de um recurso avançado de modelo de linguagem, o ASKPOLY, em seu principal software de previsão de propriedades de polímeros e design generativo PolymRize™.

Revolução da Ciência dos Polímeros com Modelos Avançados de Linguagem

ASKPOLY aproveita os mais recentes avanços em grandes modelos de linguagem (LLMs), pré-treinamento, ajuste fino e o vasto corpo de conhecimento incorporado em corpora de polímeros. O ASKPOLY pode ser consultado usando linguagem natural para prever propriedades, gerar novas químicas de polímero e otimizar composições compostas ou de formulação. Ele foi projetado para complementar e aprimorar os recursos preditivos do PolymRize™.

Pré-treinado na base de conhecimento Matmerize e em um extenso corpus de polímeros, o ASKPOLY faz previsões precisas de propriedades para polímeros e compósitos puros. Os usuários podem ajustar o ASKPOLY com dados e textos proprietários para obter previsões e designs altamente precisos e personalizados. Todos os dados do usuário são mantidos confidenciais, seguros e nunca são compartilhados.

Melhoria da Experiência do Usuário e da Precisão Preditiva

A introdução do ASKPOLY no PolymRize™ oferece uma experiência de usuário intuitiva, ao mesmo tempo em que aumenta significativamente a precisão preditiva, a flexibilidade e a generalização da plataforma, de forma progressiva e contínua. O ASKPOLY viabiliza que os usuários interajam com o sistema usando consultas de linguagem natural, facilitando o uso do conhecimento passado sem perda.

A integração do ASKPOLY no PolymRize™ viabiliza que os químicos e cientistas de P&D ferramentas avançadas de IA por meio de uma interface intuitiva, simplificando o processo de design e desenvolvimento de polímeros para uma variedade de aplicações industriais.


Para um Snippet de Mídia deste comunicado, clique no link.

Um Compromisso com a Inovação

A Matmerize se dedica a expandir os limites do design de polímeros por meio do pioneirismo e do avanço da IA para materiais”, disse Rampi Ramprasad, CEO da Matmerize, Inc. “A integração do ASKPOLY no PolymRize™ não apenas aprimora os recursos da plataforma, mas também reforça nosso compromisso de fornecer aos clientes as ferramentas mais recentes para transformar a pesquisa e o desenvolvimento de polímeros.

Sobre a Matmerize, Inc.

Fundada em 2021, a Matmerize, Inc. está na vanguarda da IA e do aprendizado de máquina no setor de ciência dos materiais. Com a missão de revolucionar a forma como os materiais são concebidos e desenvolvidos, a Matmerize oferece soluções inovadoras que permitem às empresas otimizar os seus processos de P&D. A plataforma PolymRize™ é um testemunho do compromisso da Matmerize com a excelência, combinando tecnologia de ponta com profundo conhecimento da indústria de polímeros.

Para mais informações sobre o ASKPOLY e a PolymRize™, visite ou contate-nos em [email protected].


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Y: Assista Vídeos da Matmerize no YouTube
L: Siga nossa página no LinkedIn

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9206145

FCT Minister pledges to make Christmas village tourists attraction

The FCT Minister of State, Dr Mariya Mahmoud, has pledged her support for the JAV Christmas Village, Abuja’s premiere family-oriented yuletide event.

This according to her is to ensure that the annual show becomes a tourism attraction in the FCT.

She made the pledge in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), on the sideline of an event to flag-off preparations for 2024 edition of JAV Christmas Village celebration on Thursday in Abuja.

According to the minister, the annual Christmas Village, with its iconic unveiling of the light tree, has become a flagship end-of-year event in the FCT, and, therefore, should be supported.

‘I feel I must be here, because JAV Christmas Village falls under the department we have in the social development sector.

‘This is part of the Renewed Hope Agenda. We want to bring everybody together, so by giving support to these talented youths, we are definitely going to succeed.

‘This is an initiative that will also improve our socio-economic development, and also incr
ease the revenue generation for the FCT.

‘These are some of the things that we have been doing, and that is basically why we are here to support the initiative and to make it a reality.

‘I pray that by December, we are going to make JAV Village a reality ,and I also congratulate them for their hard work,’ she said.

Mrs Jennifer Fatorisa, Co-founder/Director of Jav Christmas Village, said the goal was to make the village an end-of-year tourist hub in Africa.

According to her, plans are in top gear to unveil Africa’s tallest Christmas light tree as part of activities for the 2024 Christmas celebration by the JAV village.

‘Every year, we always add a little twist, and this year, we are setting up the tallest Christmas light tree in Africa. That is what makes the 2024 edition unique.

‘We are expecting visitors from all over the world to come and visit Nigeria, Abuja, and experience this lights-up of the tallest tree in Africa.

‘December 7 is the lights-up date, and it will run for a month to close on Janua
ry 5, at the JAV Christmas Village here at the Abuja Continental Hotel,’ he said.

Also, Princess Ajanah Atika, Senior Special Assistant to President Bola Tinubu on Social Events, commended the organisers and said the Tinubu’s administration was committed to supporting initiatives that will reposition the creative and tourism sectors.

She said that lifting the tallest Christmas light tree in Africa in the territory would be a milestone for tourism.

NAN reports that the event had in attendance stakeholders in the creative and entertainment sectors, heads of organisations, top government functionaries and members of the Diplomatic community.

Source : News Agency of Nigeria

Parents of Kaduna brides may now sigh in relief

Aisha Auwal, a 40-year-old housewife, is anxious.

Her daughter, Bilkisu, aged 19, is set to be wedded soon and the family is yet to provide the traditional household items popularly called Kayan Daki or Gara.

Mrs. Auwal and her husband had purchased a few items. She had also put aside some years ago by using her savings. But all these were not enough. She could not save anymore due to the harsh economic situation in the country.

‘When you get little money now, you spend it on food; prices of items have gone high and money is hard to come by,’ she said.

What the culture demands

In some parts of Nigeria’s north, particularly in Kaduna State, brides’ parents are expected to furnish the bride and groom’s house and also provide kitchenware and other household items.

The groom, on the other hand, provides shelter and mandatory gifts to the bride that includes sets of boxes containing clothing, jewelry, shoes, bags and makeup items.

According to Statista, 70 per cent of women in Nigeria aged 15 to 49 were mar
ried in 2018, while 25 per cent never married.

However, in another research, most of the young population in Nigeria were not married in 2020.

Around 54 million people aged between 15 and 35 years composed part of the unmarried population while 39 million young Nigerians were married that year.

In Kaduna state, 49 per cent of its population were in monogamous marriages and 16.5 per cent in polygamous marriages while the remaining were people who never married, were divorced or widowed.

Hajiya Zulaihat Ibrahim, a 65-year-old woman, said Kayan Daki is deep-rooted in the Hausa culture because a bride is expected to go along with household items to her husband’s house.

‘I was married off at the age of 16 and during that time my parents provided two beds and mattresses for me as Kayan Daki. Pots, plates and other household items were also provided. In those days there were no sofas.’

Even at that time, any bride who is taken to her husband’s house without those items would be the centre of gossip among femal
e in-laws and neighbors, she added.

‘So, that is why parents plan early, so that they can buy these items for their daughters,’ she said.

At a loss as to how her family could meet this obligation, Mrs. Auwal confided in a friend who told her about a monthly contribution plan that helps mothers in her current predicament pick items worth the amount they put in.

She immediately joined the plan saving N3,000 monthly in order to purchase kitchen items for her daughter because she believed providing sufficient household items would raise the status of her daughter in her new home.

‘This is a tradition we grew up to see; my parents also provided the same when I was getting married and I have to do it for my daughter too or else she will face harassment or be looked down upon by her in-laws or even the husband.

‘To earn respect for your daughter, you have to get her these things so that the husband’s family will appreciate her and be happy; I’m happy that we were able to provide all the necessary things needed
and the girl is happy too,’ she said.

Abdullahi Sambo, a married man, said the practice of buying household items for a bride was an age-long practice in Hausa society, saying his wife also came along with furniture, kitchenware and even food items.

So, abolishing such a practice would be hard as new things are always discovered to complement and strengthen the tradition even with the economic situation of the country, he said.

‘Any woman sent to her husband’s house without the items would face challenges from the husband and his relatives; they would keep reminding her that she didn’t bring anything along to the house,’ he said.

‘But if her parents provided sufficient household items, she would be respected by her husband and in-laws. Infact, the husband would overlook some of her shortcomings due to the furniture and food items she came with.’

Sambo pointed out that the practice has no religious backing. In Islam, a man was supposed to provide all the necessary things his wife needs.

‘If we can turn b
ack to the religion and do things in accordance with the Islamic religious prescription, we won’t be having this problem where parents with daughters always panic whenever marriage talks come in,’ he said.

Societal pressure

In spite of its long rooted history among Hausa communities in Nigeria, Kayan Daki has been a source of worry to parents whose daughters have reached marriage age.

Parents are put under pressure to ensure that they supply sufficient household items so that the new husband and his family will respect their daughters.

For those who are not economically buoyant, they become indebted for years trying to settle the bills they have incurred. Some run to extended family and friends seeking financial support so as to be able to buy home essentials for their daughters.

Such is the story of Hafsat Sani who was threatened by her new in-laws that the boxes the groom usually gives to the bride would not be given to her daughter as she had failed to provide Kayan Daki for her.

‘I was expecting som
e money from my relatives so that I can buy some items for my daughter, but most of them couldn’t give me money saying the economy is hard. I have no other option than to send her to her husband’s house after the marriage with a mat and some kitchen utensils.

‘It was hard for me to see my daughter sad because her father and I couldn’t provide a bed, chairs and some kitchen utensils for her due to poverty; I just hope her husband treats her well,’ Mrs Sani said.

Saving for rainy days

This was what spurred Samira Usman, the owner of Meerah’s Kitchen Utensils and More, to introduce an easier way of acquiring household items through a plan that requires the contribution of a minimum of N3,000 monthly.

She created a WhatsApp group where women do so for 10 months, after which they could take what they need from her store.

‘After four months of starting the business, some women complained of insufficient funds to purchase the items of their choice; so I decided to create a platform where they can save monthly
and take the goods when their payments are completed.

‘Right now there are over 200 women in my WhatsApp group whom I have helped to gather kitchen and household items for their daughters wedding; some daughters who are working also joined the contribution group.

‘I showcase all available items in the group and you select what you want and the quantity; items like pots, plates and cutleries, deep freezers, cooking gas, washing machines among others are best selling,’ Mrs Usman said.

However, those without smartphones are not left out. Mrs Usman makes provision for them and records their payments manually.

Unfortunately, some women delay payments or request to take their goods before the slated date, which poses a challenge, Mrs Usman explained.

Then there are also times when they seek to switch from an agreed item to another due to size or colour.

‘Another challenge is some clients not redeeming their pledge after getting their goods.’

Mrs Auwal was able to marry off her daughter after saving for three
years through Meerah’s Kitchen.

‘It felt as if I was given the items for free because I went home with lots of items; I started contributing N3,000 at first to see the genuineness of the plan but I later raised to saving N9,000 monthly which gave me an advantage to get more goods.

‘Thank God, I was able to impress my daughter’s new family and we were not put to shame; I didn’t rely on family members and friends’ gifts to provide household items for my daughter,’ she said.

But she wished that parents did not have to be burdened in such a manner after raising and educating their daughters.

‘If I have the power to change things, I will change this tradition and make it compulsory for the man to provide all the house essentials.’

Another beneficiary of the plan, Rabiatu Yakubu, resident in Abuja, does not like going to the market.

The mother of three girls has been contributing for three years and collected her goods without any hitch. She makes a point of saving some of the items pending when a daughter is
set to wed.

Safiya Abdullahi, another beneficiary, said: ‘The contribution is very helpful to women, especially low income earners like me. With no stress or pressure, I get to save N3,000 monthly and get my goods at the end of the day; as for me, I got my goods before the 10 months elapsed.'(NAN)

Source : News Agency of Nigeria

Home Affairs welcomes court decision on 95 Libyans

The Department of Home Affairs has welcomed the court decision that the 95 Libyan nationals that were arrested in White River, Mpumalanga, be deported.

In that regard, Home Affairs Minister, Dr Leon Schreiber, has instructed the department to proceed with speed, while observing all the legal processes to ensure that the deportations are conducted swiftly.

This as the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) withdrew charges against the 95 who were arrested at a suspected military camp in Mpumalanga last month.

READ | Charges withdrawn against 95 Libyan nationals; deportation next

‘Consequently, Home Affairs officials were in court to secure the confirmations for deportation from the Magistrate as this will pave the way for their deportation,’ the department said in a statement on Thursday.

Home Affairs officials are finalising logistics for the deportation.

“As indicated earlier, deportation was among the options Home Affairs considered working with other law enforcement authorities,’ it said, adding that
it stands ready to send the group back to their home country.

‘We will not hesitate to act decisively to ensure that anyone who breaches the immigration laws of the country is processed through the courts and accordingly faces the consequences. Respect for the rule of law is sacrosanct,’ said Minister Schreiber.

Source : South African Government News Agency