The African eSports Championships: Morocco welcomes a very successful organization

The first African eSports Championships closed on Wednesday in apotheosis in Casablanca, under the watchful gaze of thousands of spectators, both at the Mohammed V Sports Complex and online. This competition was an opportunity to celebrate the talent of African players and to highlight the growth of eSports on the continent.

Morocco confirmed its status as an eSports hub in Africa by successfully hosting this major event. The infrastructure put in place and the public’s enthusiasm have demonstrated the country’s capacity to organize high-level international competitions.

On the podiums, it was Egypt which stood out by winning three of the five titles in play: PUBG Mobile, MLBB, and MLBB Women. Morocco, the host country, also shone, winning second place in the PUBG Mobile and MLBB categories, synonymous with qualification for the Riyadh 2024 Worlds. Tunisia and South Africa completed the podium in the other categories, highlighting the diversity of talents on the African continent.

This first edition of the
African eSports Championships was a resounding success, thanks in particular to the unwavering support of the Moroccan authorities. The presence of Mr. Chakib Benmoussa, Minister of National Education, Preschool and Sports, of Mr. Mehdi Bensaid, Minister of Youth, Culture and Communication, and of Mr. Mohamed Mhidia, Wali of region of Casablanca-Settat, demonstrated the importance given to eSports in Morocco.

The success of the African eSports Championships, organized from August 16 to 21 by the African eSport Confederation (ACES) and the International Federation of Electronic Sports (IESF), in partnership with the Royal Moroccan Federation of Electronic Games (FRMJE ), opens new perspectives for the development of eSports on the continent. The participation of African teams in the eSports World Cup will highlight African talent on the international stage.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Kourweogo/Peace effort: The Homeland Defense Front contributes 232,600 CFA francs

The coordination office of the Homeland Defense Front (FDP) of Kourweogo, presented to the provincial authorities, on Wednesday August 21, 2024 in Boussé, a payment receipt in the amount of 232,600 F CFA, on behalf of the patriotic support fund.

The provincial authorities of Kourwéogo received, on Wednesday August 21, 2024, the coordination of the Homeland Defense Front (FDP), which came to present a receipt for payment of the sum of 232,600 CFA francs, on behalf of the patriotic support.

According to the coordination spokesperson, Moumini Kinda, himself a Volunteer for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP), paid tribute to all the FDS and VDP, for the sacrifices made.

He then indicated that victory against the terrorist hydra and the reconquest of the true sovereignty of Burkina Faso requires the mobilization of all citizens.

‘This action therefore echoes the call of the Head of State, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, inviting all Burkinabés to contribute to the efforts to defend the national territory,’ said Moumini

In the same sense, the head of the movement for Kourwéogo, Salif Ouédraogo, added that the FDP having demanded and obtained the departure of French forces, now wants to work on mobilizing resources to both contribute to the peace effort. , to also allow the government to have its own financial resources, essential to the success of its endogenous development program.

Speaking about the participation of his structure in local development actions, the provincial coordinator of the FDP, stressed that his structure has to its credit several public health and reforestation activities in the city of Boussé.

‘Other interventions currently being prepared will see the light of day soon,’ he mentioned.

The high commissioner of Kourweogo province, Siaka Barro, expressed his gratitude to the movement for the contribution.

He also urged the other components of the province to follow this example of commitment to the homeland.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina: Brigadier General Kassoum Coulibaly welcomes the reforestation initiative in his department

The Minister of State and Minister of Defense and Veterans Affairs, Brigadier General Kassoum Coulibaly, welcomed, on Saturday, his department’s reforestation initiative.

‘We know that trees are life, and despite the tasks we have to accomplish, we think about planting trees,’ declared the Minister of State and Minister of Defense and Veterans Affairs, the Brigadier General Kassoum Coulibaly.

The Minister of State, who spoke on Saturday in Ouagadougou during a tree planting ceremony, congratulated this initiative which makes it possible to green up the courtyard of his department.

For the head of National Defense, each institution must have its grove, in accordance with the government’s vision.

‘We are going to plant as many plants as possible,’ said Brigadier General Coulibaly.

As a reminder, National Tree Day was launched on June 22 in Bobo-Dioulasso, in the western part of the country, by the President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Bam: the best actors in education awarded prizes

The provincial directorate of preschool, primary and non-formal education (DPEPPNF) of Bam publicly rewarded, on August 23, 2024 in Kongoussi, around a hundred actors in national education in the Bam province with laptops, tablets, bicycles and certificates of recognition, during a ceremony of excellence organized for this purpose.

The best teachers in the Certificate of Primary Studies (CEP), those in intermediate classes, the best students in the CEP, the best primary schools, the best *Bissongo* (preschool) and the best parent-teacher associations (APE) have received incentive prizes.

These prizes consist of laptops and tablets for teachers, bicycles and school kits for students, as well as equipment for schools and PTAs. In addition to computer devices, teachers also received certificates of recognition, signed by the governor of the Center-North region.

The best teacher at CEP 2024 in the Center-North region is Issaka Sana, from the sector 5 B school in Kongoussi, who was admitted 79 out of 81 candida
tes. He received a laptop as an encouragement.

‘I am very happy because I received a tablet as recognition for my work. I thank the provincial management for this award and I commit to continuing in the same momentum,’ declared Pascaline Bamogo, a winning teacher.

The provincial director of preschool, primary and non-formal education of Bam, Naba Ilboudo, during the ceremony, congratulated all the winners for their exemplary work.

‘Your exploits deserve our recognition,’ he said of them. He also thanked Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Burkina and Plan International Burkina Faso for supporting the provincial leadership in establishing the awards.

The secretary general of the Bam province, Karim Ouédraogo, who chaired the ceremony, congratulated the provincial director, Naba Ilboudo, as well as all of his collaborators and partners for having succeeded in organizing this day.

Addressing the winners, Mr. Ouédraogo congratulated them individually while inviting them to maintain the same dynamism.

Source: Bu
rkina Information Agency

Burkina: After the war, Health, Education and Agriculture among the priority sectors (president)

The President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, indicated yesterday, Friday, that when the security situation further improves, Burkina will invest massively in several sectors, including Health, Education and Agriculture.

‘When the fever subsides and spending is brought under control, we will need to invest heavily in defense and internal security, as well as in the education, health and agriculture sectors,’ the head of state said. State, Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

The President of Faso spoke yesterday, Friday, in Ouagadougou, on the occasion of the 2024 edition of the Day of Educational Excellence.

According to the Head of State, the areas of intervention are stratified and, while waiting to deal with the other strata, the emphasis will be placed on these four sectors to improve the living and working conditions of the actors concerned. .

According to Captain Traoré, several initiatives have already been launched in the agricultural, educational and health fields, as well as in community development.

the education sector in particular, the President of Faso announced the construction of public schools in order to prevent imperialism from attracting brains through scholarships.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Reforestation 2024: The Ministry in charge of Communication begins with around a hundred plants

The Ministry of Communication, Culture, Arts and Tourism planted around a hundred plants on Saturday, as part of the national reforestation campaign.

Minister of State Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo and his colleagues planted fruit and shade trees, in Ouagadougou 2000, on vast land belonging to the National Library.

The site of several hectares will be a multifunctional structure which in addition to spaces for the conservation of physical and digital works, will also house spaces for creation, performance and leisure.

Burkina Faso information agency with DCRP-MCCAT

Source: Burkina Information Agency