Hawks committed to fighting serious crime

The National Head of the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI), Lieutenant General Godfrey Lebeya, has assured South Africans that the Hawks, as the directorate is known, are committed to the mandate of “investigating, preventing and combating national priority offences”.

Lebeya was speaking during a media briefing to outline progress and take stock of milestones achieved during the first quarter of financial year 2024/2025.

‘…We note that the fight against national priority offences remains an ongoing challenge that requires sustained commitment and collaboration.

‘The DPCI recapitulates its commitment to work diligently to address the evolving threat and bring those who engage in criminality to justice. The DPCI shall at all times continue to enforce the law of the Republic without fear, favour or prejudice.

‘At the end of the last financial year, the DPCI was carrying 18 461 cases involving 752 712 charges with the value of R1 026 817 012 597.38. Of these cases, 5 616 involving 11 972 a
ccused [natural persons] were serving before the various courts in the country, while 1 788 were receiving attention by the National Prosecuting Authority [NPA] in order to decide on prosecution or otherwise,’ he said.

Lebeya noted that the DPCI has made ‘significant inroads in apprehending individuals… thus ensuring accountability and justice for the victims’.

The arrested suspects are alleged to have been involved in crimes including serious corruption; fraud; money laundering; police killings; cash-in-transit robberies; illegal mining; damage to essential infrastructure and crimes against the State.

‘A total number of 673 suspects, representing 637 natural persons and 36 juristic persons, were secured before the various courts in the country. Of these natural persons, 489, which is 77%, are South Africans while 148, which is 23%, are foreign nationals.

‘Of the 673 suspects, the Serious Organised Crime Investigation secured 370, the Serious Commercial Crime Investigation secured 234, while the Serious C
orruption Investigation secured 69 suspects.

‘Most of the arrests were effected in Gauteng province with 167; KwaZulu-Natal province with 114; North West province with 92; Mpumalanga province with 57 and Eastern Cape province with 56 suspects,’ Lebeya said.

The DPCI head added that not only were arrests made, convictions were secured against some 506 accused.

‘Of these convictions, 262 accused persons, inclusive of 12 juristic persons, were sentenced, while the balance of 244 convicts, inclusive of 15 juristic persons, are to be sentenced on dates after the quarter under review. Of the 262 sentenced natural persons, 173 are South Africans while 77 are foreign nationals.

‘To ensure that crime does not pay, 77 court orders were granted in relation to the assets associated with crime. These make the total recorded successes on arrests, convictions and attachment of assets to 1256,’ he said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Barsalgho attack: a government delegation in Kaya at the bedside of the injured

Ouagadougou: A government delegation visited Sunday afternoon at the Kaya CHR which received injured people from the Barsalgho terrorist attack.

On Saturday, terrorists attacked people who were carrying out community work in Barsalgho (North Centre).

Several losses of human life and injuries were recorded.

Sunday afternoon, a government delegation composed of the Minister of Communication Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, of Security, Mahamadou Sana, and of Health Robert Kargougou, as well as the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces, General Célestin Simporé, went to comfort the injured at the Kaya CHR.

The delegation expressed the compassion of the President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré and that of the Nation to the affected populations.

She expressed her gratitude to the medical staff who mobilized from the first moments to assist the injured.

For Minister Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, this is a barbaric and cowardly attack perpetrated against women, children and old people without distinction.

In his opi
nion, the Burkinabè must be more united than ever around the Fighting Forces to defeat the designs of the terrorists who want to enslave Burkina Faso.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina-Environment-Reforestation 300 trees planted in Bassinko during the initial edition of the ‘one household, one living tree’ project

Ouagadougou: 300 plants were planted in the relay city of Bassinko, on the northwest outskirts of Ouagadougou on the occasion of the first edition of the citizen initiative ‘one household, one tree » sponsored by Minister Bassolma Bazié and the Living Human Treasure Konomba Traoré, this Saturday.

The initiative, led by the African Vision association, allowed 300 trees to be planted, including mango and kola trees, with the support of agents from the ministry responsible for environmental issues and customary authorities.

It responds to the call of the Head of State, Captain Ibrahim Traoré for the restoration of plant cover, according to the president of L’African, Alain Sou.

‘In addition to helping to protect the environment by living means, this act contributes to protecting the administrative reserve released by the State,’ rejoiced the Minister of State, Minister of the Civil Service, of Labor and social protection, Bassolma Bazié sponsor of the event, cited by its communications department.

Minister B
azié welcomed the initiative which, according to him, will contribute to improving the living environment of the population. And urged the beneficiaries and initiators to ensure the maintenance of the plants.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Mouhoun/Election to the Burkinabè football federation: Candidate Oumarou Sawadogo in the campaign in Dédougou

Ouagadougou: The candidate for the presidency of the Burkinabè Football Federation (FBF), Colonel Major Oumarou Sawadogo, met on Sunday August 25, 2024 in Dédougou, football players from the region of Boucle du Mouhoun, in order to outline the main axes of his mandate and solicit their votes for his election.

The only candidate in the race for the presidency of the Burkinabè Football Federation (FBF), Colonel Major Oumarou Sawadogo, shared the broad outlines of his program whose mission is to build resilient, efficient football with united players in the world of football. the Mouhoun Loop.

For this stage of his campaign, the candidate was accompanied by his staff, in order to convince the district presidents and the regional football league to support his program of activities.

According to the candidate’s campaign director, Ousmane Boly, the aim of candidate Oumarou Sawadogo’s action is to allow Burkinabè football to play its primary role which is to bring people together in order to create cohesion and
social emulation, to win victories. and contribute to the development of the national economy.

‘As actors, we must work to better support national economic resilience even if the security and humanitarian crisis continues to hamper this dynamic,’ he said.

Likewise, the campaign director stressed that on election night, the candidate is committed to raising awareness among all stakeholders with a view to calming the work climate, to virtuous governance within the federation, the leagues, districts and clubs, generate interest in the participation of all in the running of football and support all football stakeholders in their daily efforts.

The candidate intends to solidify the finances of the federation and provide support to those of the leagues, districts and clubs, structure key actions in order to facilitate implementation, monitoring, control and capitalization and examine the possibilities offered for the development of football on a national and international scale.

Finally, candidate Oumarou is co
mmitted to serving football in order to make it efficient and resolve concerns through frank and permanent dialogue.

By presenting the candidate’s vision, the campaign manager maintains that the program supported retains a system of values, namely collegiality, loyalty, ambition, responsibility, tolerance and commitment.

The implementation of the program is built on four strategic axes, namely improving the governance of Burkina Faso football, strengthening the capacities of stakeholders and promoting Burkina Faso football, strengthening and maintaining football infrastructure and equipment. and the mobilization of financial resources and the optimization of their management.

The implementation of these strategic axes will be supported by fundamental principles focused on inclusion, proximity and common vision, accountability, solidarity and synergy, sustainability and efficiency.

For candidate Oumarou Sawadogo, the message given to football players in the region is that of consensus and unity.

‘The prog
ram that I am carrying is that of four candidates who found consensus to make it a single program which is built on the strategic axes stated above,’ he said.

Coming to present his program to the football players of the Boucle du Mouhoun, the candidate promised to examine the program of the regional football league which will be integrated into the general program while giving pride of place to women’s football.

Also, the ills affecting football in the region were presented to the candidate.

Football players in the Boucle du Mouhoun region praised this initiative of the candidate who wants to give a breath of fresh air to Burkinabè football for the next four years if he is elected.

Before the meeting of the actors, the candidate presented his greetings to the customary authorities of the region and solicited their support and blessings for the smooth running of the elections.

At each stage, he provided a copy of his program of activities.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Gnagna: Traders offer donations worth 4,640,000 FCFA to the VDPs of Piéla

Ouagadougou: The Association of Traders of Piéla (ACP) donated 8 motorcycles, communication equipment and fuel, all worth 4,640,000 FCFA to the Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP), Saturday May 24, 2024 in Piéla, in the presence of administrative, customary and religious authorities.

The donation made consists of 8 APMOTOS motorcycles and 4 walkie-talkie devices. To this are added two financial envelopes: one of 100,000 francs for fuel costs and the other of 250,000 francs to be deposited in the Public Treasury as a contribution from Piéla traders to the peace effort.

The kolgweogo self-defense groups in Piéla also benefited from the support of Piéla traders.

During the ceremony, a sum of 205,300 francs was also collected immediately through voluntary donations for the benefit of the VDP.

According to the president of the Association of Merchants of Piéla (ACP), René Lankoandé, the donation is the result of active solidarity from the members of his association towards the Volunteers for the D
efense of the Fatherland for the sacrifices made in the fight against terrorism.

‘The fundraising continues and I am asking for the contribution of all traders to support the VDP and the FDS,’ he said.

In addition, the administrators of a WhatsApp group called ‘Groupe de la Gnagna diema Labaari’ also handed over a sum of 60,000 francs, a contribution from their members for the VDP of Piéla.

The 1st vice-president Aimé César Béogo, representing the president of the Special Delegation of Piéla, welcomed the commitment of traders in particular and all populations in general to support the fighting forces engaged in the reconquest of the national territory. He expressed the gratitude of the administrative authorities before urging them for more solidarity and social cohesion in these difficult times that our country is going through.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Kourweogo: The Burkina rampart association reaffirms its support for the Transition

Ouagadougou: The Kourwéogo provincial section of the ‘Burkina rempart’ association, reaffirmed its support for the transitional government led by Captain Ibrahim Traoré, on Saturday August 24, 2024, with a meeting in Boussé.

Supporters of the federation of ‘Burkina rempart’ associations met in Boussé this Saturday, August 24, 2024, for a meeting.

The objective is to reaffirm their support for the Transition government.

The event, under the sponsorship of the President and CEO of Simportrans, Ismaël Simporé, was attended by a delegation from the national office of ‘Burkina Rempart’, headed by its president, Michel Kopio, and notables customary and religious traditions of the commune.

Speaking about the motivations for holding this gathering, the provincial coordinator of the association, Siméon Ilboudo, indicated that the purpose of the demonstration is to show their adherence to the directions of the Head of State.

For him, he appreciates the president’s commitment to the reconquest of the national terri
tory and the work accomplished by his government to restore hope to the Burkinabè people.

‘For this, he deserves the contribution of everyone and the youth of Kourwéogo intends to contribute their part,’ he concluded.

Before meeting at the roundabout for the highlight of the ceremony, the demonstrators planted trees in the residence of the high commissioner of the Kourweogo province.

They then crisscrossed some of the city’s arteries chanting popular mobilization slogans, calling for patriotic commitment, solidarity with the fighting forces, support for the vision and actions of the leaders of the transitional power in court.

The meeting, punctuated by performances by artists, also gave rise to speeches.

The various speakers all praised the government’s efforts, both in terms of the fight against terrorism, social measures in favor of the populations, and in terms of economic development.

Speaking on behalf of the godfather, the leader of Nabraboro, Naaba Sonré, hoped that the spirit of cohesion and pat
riotic commitment could animate each Burkinabe like the predecessors, those who worked in particular for the reconstitution of the Upper Volta.

He prayed that Burkina Faso could in turn recover its territorial integrity, and thus hope for socio-economic development in peace and dignity.

For Michel Kopia, it is up to the youth to carry out this fight in support of President Ibrahim Traoré.

‘Because this power is first and foremost theirs and their approach portends a better tomorrow for them,’ he said.

According to him, the challenge is to rebuild a new Burkina, respected in the concert of nations, one which will give the people of Burkina Faso pride and which will offer citizens opportunities and equal chances of success.

Source: Burkina Information Agency