Kossi/Nouna District Health Council: Stakeholders reflect on improving the quality of health services in the province

The High Commissioner of the Kossi province, Noufo Dembelé, chaired this Friday, August 30, 2024 in Nouna, the first session of the Nouna district health council, to examine health problems in order to provide endogenous solutions.

The first session of the District Health Council (CSD) of Nouna aims to examine health problems in order to provide endogenous solutions for improving health care for the population in general and particularly for mothers and children.

The High Commissioner of the Kossi province, Noufo Dembelé, president of the council, invited the participants, on Friday, August 30, 2024, to fully participate in the work in order to make suitable proposals for improving the quality of health services in the province.

On the agenda for the discussions, review of the district’s health situation for the year 2024, presentation of health indicators and health events under surveillance, presentation of the quality management approach and recommendations for improving quality indicators.

The present
ation of the health situation in the district, made by Jonas Bourgou, from the management team, highlights the impact of insecurity on the health provision in the province.

Of the 54 health facilities in the district, 32 are functional and the mandate of all the COGES management committees has expired.

In terms of financial results, the district is at a 54% absorption rate.

The High Commissioner made special mention of health personnel for their resilience, despite the difficulties inherent in insecurity.

The situation of diseases under surveillance highlights mild cases, suspected cases, probable cases and the failure to reach the epidemiological threshold.

However, difficulties exist, the security context and difficulties in rallying health facilities and many others.

The CSD district management team makes the quality management approach an objective to be achieved and this requires a process and a mobilization of significant financial resources.

At the end of the work, recommendations were formulate
d by the participants in order to improve the health of the population, the commissioning of medical imaging, the opening of the CSPS of sector 4, the reopening of health training and the renewal of COGES by the end of the year.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Nahouri/Solidarity: Minister Jacques Sosthène Dingara offers food to the VDP of the province

The Minister in charge of National Education, Jacques Sosthène Dingara , symbolically handed over 57 bags of corn of 50 kg and 70 bags of rice of 25 kg, on Friday, August 30 , 2024 in Pô , to the Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland ( VDP ) of the province of Nahouri .

Consisting of 57 bags of corn of 50 kg and 70 bags of rice of 25 kg, the food was given to the VDP, on Friday August 30, 2024 in Pô, by the Minister in charge of National Education , Jacques Sosthène Dingara .

According to the Secretary General of the province of Nahouri , Sanfiénalé Joseph Sirima , the food will contribute enormously to the functioning of the structures of the VDP of the province.

He welcomed this very important gesture and expressed his gratitude, that of the populations and the VDP in particular, to the government for this donation.

Minister Dingara was in the province of Nahouri as part of a tour to encourage the VDP and the FDS in the Center-South region .

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Nahouri/Solidarity: Minister Jacques Sosthène Dingara offers food to the VDP of the province

The Minister in charge of National Education, Jacques Sosthène Dingara , symbolically handed over 57 bags of corn of 50 kg and 70 bags of rice of 25 kg, on Friday, August 30 , 2024 in Pô , to the Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland ( VDP ) of the province of Nahouri .

Consisting of 57 bags of corn of 50 kg and 70 bags of rice of 25 kg, the food was given to the VDP, on Friday August 30, 2024 in Pô, by the Minister in charge of National Education , Jacques Sosthène Dingara .

According to the Secretary General of the province of Nahouri , Sanfiénalé Joseph Sirima , the food will contribute enormously to the functioning of the structures of the VDP of the province.

He welcomed this very important gesture and expressed his gratitude, that of the populations and the VDP in particular, to the government for this donation.

Minister Dingara was in the province of Nahouri as part of a tour to encourage the VDP and the FDS in the Center-South region .

Source: Burkina Information Agency

75 resellers rewarded for their self-sacrifice at work

A private company on Tuesday offered smartphones and bicycles to 75 of its resellers who have distinguished themselves through their work.

“We decided this morning to reward our various resellers to show their importance in our business. These are young people who are prevented from engaging in acts of fraud and who come to earn an honest living,” said the head of the ABI Distribution company, Abdoul Rasmané Ouédraogo.

This company distributes Fan Milk products.

According to him, young people roam the various streets of the Burkinabe capital with rickshaws, offering frozen and quality products to consumers.

Mr. Ouédraogo spoke on Thursday at the Pissy market, during a symbolic handover of smartphones and bicycles to 75 resellers.

According to him, his company’s gesture will allow resellers to flourish and move “properly” in their environment.

“We distribute quality products, full of vitamins. We have mineral salts and calcium. Among our products, there are, among others, frozen products such as Danone,
Fandango, Fanyogo Passion in 300 ml cans, creams in food, Fan Milk or Popi-Popi for children,” noted the company’s top manager.

Beyond business, the act aims, according to Abdoul Rasmané Ouédraogo, to encourage these young people to occupy themselves “usefully” in their lives.

He went on to say that the winners were chosen after a competition between dealers using rickshaws and those using bicycles to offer the products to the population.

Issouf Guira, beneficiary of a bicycle, said he was pleased to receive a reward from the ABI Distribution company. “Since there is no sub-trade, we got into it, and we asked God that it would go well,” he said.

Note that the resellers are mostly young people who have dropped out of school.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

75 resellers rewarded for their self-sacrifice at work

A private company on Tuesday offered smartphones and bicycles to 75 of its resellers who have distinguished themselves through their work.

“We decided this morning to reward our various resellers to show their importance in our business. These are young people who are prevented from engaging in acts of fraud and who come to earn an honest living,” said the head of the ABI Distribution company, Abdoul Rasmané Ouédraogo.

This company distributes Fan Milk products.

According to him, young people roam the various streets of the Burkinabe capital with rickshaws, offering frozen and quality products to consumers.

Mr. Ouédraogo spoke on Thursday at the Pissy market, during a symbolic handover of smartphones and bicycles to 75 resellers.

According to him, his company’s gesture will allow resellers to flourish and move “properly” in their environment.

“We distribute quality products, full of vitamins. We have mineral salts and calcium. Among our products, there are, among others, frozen products such as Danone,
Fandango, Fanyogo Passion in 300 ml cans, creams in food, Fan Milk or Popi-Popi for children,” noted the company’s top manager.

Beyond business, the act aims, according to Abdoul Rasmané Ouédraogo, to encourage these young people to occupy themselves “usefully” in their lives.

He went on to say that the winners were chosen after a competition between dealers using rickshaws and those using bicycles to offer the products to the population.

Issouf Guira, beneficiary of a bicycle, said he was pleased to receive a reward from the ABI Distribution company. “Since there is no sub-trade, we got into it, and we asked God that it would go well,” he said.

Note that the resellers are mostly young people who have dropped out of school.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Nahouri/National situation: His Majesty the Po-Pe encourages the government

The customary chief of Pô, His Majesty Pô-Pê , affirmed this Friday , August 30, 2024 , that the government of Captain Ibrahim Traoré , is taking courageous and most popular decisions that affect all social classes.

As part of the tour of the Minister in charge of National Education, Jacques Sosthene Dingara , to encourage the FDS and VDP of the province of Nahouri , the customary chief of Pô , the Pô- Pê , transmitted a message for the President of Faso, Ibrahim Traoré.

” We are with you in heart, even if we do not have the opportunity to demonstrate or shout from the rooftops ,” said the traditional chief .

He wished Captain Traoré good health and prayed that God would guide his steps so that he could successfully carry out the task entrusted to him .

” I am very happy to see what you are doing. The President of Faso has shown that the dungeons in which others have abandoned us, he takes us out of these dungeons and entrusts us with a mission, to work to bring back social cohesion and living together
,” he said .

According to him, all customary leaders are ready to take up this challenge.

Source: Burkina Information Agency