Minister Somda conveys President Traoré’s message against cowardice, treachery and incompetence to the youth of Diébougou

The Minister in charge of Youth, Roland Anûuyirtole Somda, conveyed to the young people of Diébougou the message of President Ibrahim Traoré calling on the youth to avoid the vices of cowardice, treachery and incompetence.

During the visit of the government delegation to Diébougou on August 29, Minister Roland Somda asked young people to abandon the vices of cowardice, treachery and incompetence, recalling the message delivered by the President of Faso on International Youth Day, in front of thousands of young people from Burkina Faso and Africa, on August 9.

According to Roland Somda, quoted by his communications department, a youth freed from these three vices, cowardice, treachery and incompetence, can only be a spearhead for the development of our country, Burkina Faso.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

The ‘Bosquet de l’arrondissement 7’ inaugurated with 100 plants planted

100 young trees were planted this Saturday, in inauguration of the brand new ‘Bosquet de l’arrondissement 7’, southwest of Ouagadougou.

The special delegation of the district headed by the president Blanche Yougbare/Yanra, the citizen monitoring associations and the residents planted 100 seedlings of local species in sector 31 which includes the sub-sectors of Bonheur-ville, Wapassi and Belle-ville.

“Planting a tree must become a reflex for every Burkinabe,” paraphrased the president of the special delegation of district 7, Blanche Yougbare/Yanra.

Burkina Faso has launched a 2024 reforestation campaign since June 22, 2024 in Bobo-Dioulasso to strengthen the country’s vegetation cover, which has been increasingly degraded in recent years.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Kaya: 267 blood bags collected to support patients in need

At the call of the youth of Sanmatenga, several volunteers mobilized at the Kaya Regional Blood Transfusion Center to collect 267 bags of blood for the benefit of patients, during this period of malaria, according to a report by RTB.

People injured in the Barsalogo attack are receiving treatment at this regional health hospital in Kaya.

Source: Burkina Information Agency