German far-right leader Höcke hails ‘historic victory’ in Thuringia

The firebrand leader of the far – right Alternative for Germany ( AfD ) in the state of Thuringia , Bj ö rn H ö cke , hailed his party ‘ s projected lead in state parliamentary elections there on Sunday as an ” historic victory .” H ö cke , who has become a household name in Germany for his fiery extremist rhetoric , gave a brief speech to supporters at an election evening party in the state capital of Erfurt . H ö cke contended that he wants to lead a coalition government in the state and plans to invite other politicians for coalition talks . Every other major German political party has categorically ruled out any cooperation with the AfD , who many view as too extreme and a danger to Germany ‘ s democratic traditions . ” We are ready to take government responsibility ,” H ö cke said on Sunday evening , noting that tradition has normally given the top – performing party the first chance to form a coalition . Chants of ” H ö cke , H ö cke !” and ” Here we go !” could be heard from outside the event , wh
ich was closed to the media at the last minute . The results would mark the first time that the AfD has won a state parliamentary election and is likely to be seen as a major breakthrough for the far right in Germany . Projections based on exit polls released shortly after the end of voting at 6 pm ( 1600 GMT ) on Sunday forecast the AfD to take about a third of the vote in the state . Those forecasts put the far – right party seven to nine percentage points ahead of the centre – right Christian Democrats ( CDU ) in second place . dpa uk vrb xxde bst era

Source: The Namibia News Agency

George Clooney praises Biden for being ‘selfless’ and giving up power

George Clooney has praised Joe Biden for being ” selfless ” by giving up power and pulling out of the 2024 US presidential race . The lifelong Democrat and Hollywood actor , 62 , called for 81 – year – old Biden to step down amid the US president stumbling over his words when he faced Republican Donald Trump during a televised debate . He wrote in a New York Times opinion piece in July that he loves Biden but the party would lose the presidential race as well as any control in Congress with him as the nominee . ” This isn ‘ t only my opinion ; this is the opinion of every senator and congress member and governor that I ‘ ve spoken with in private ,” Clooney said . When asked about this moment , at a press conference at the Venice International Film Festival on Sunday , he said : ” I never had to answer that question , so I suppose I ‘ ll do it here . ” The person who should be applauded is the president who did the most selfless thing that anybody has done since [ the first US president ] George Washington ,
and that ‘ s true . ” And so . all the machinations that got us there . none of that ‘ s going to be remembered , and it shouldn ‘ t be . ” What should be remembered is the selfless act of someone who . it ‘ s very hard to let go of power , we know that , we ‘ ve seen it , all around the world . ” For someone to say , ‘ I think there ‘ s a better way forward ,’ all the credit goes to him , and that ‘ s really the truth , and all the rest of it will be long gone and forgotten . ” So , I ‘ m just very proud of where we are in the state of the world right now , which I think many people are surprised by , and I think we ‘ re all very excited for the future .” Vice President Kamala Harris has since stepped in as the Democrat nominee and Clooney has backed her . In Venice , he is promoting the movie ” Wolfs ,” about fixers forced to work together , alongside Brad Pitt . Pitt ‘ s former partner Angelina Jolie , with whom he has six children , was at the film festival on Thursday to promote her new film , a biopic a
bout the opera singer Maria Callas . The details of their divorce , which was filed by Jolie in September 2016 , have yet to be finalized . dpa pa mew

Source: The Namibia News Agency

NUDO extends current leadership terms to May next year

The National Unity Democratic Organisation ( NUDO ) national council resolved to extend the terms of all current party leaders and leadership structures , up until the next congress to be held in 2025 . A media statement by the party ‘ s national chairperson Elia Kandjii on Saturday , said subject to financial availability NUDO will have its congress in the first week of May 2025 . The decision to extend the leadership structure until the next congress was taken at the party ‘ s national council meeting that took place on Saturday . The new development means that the party ‘ s president , Ester Utjiua Muinjangue will be the party ‘ s presidential candidate in the upcoming national presidential election scheduled for November this year . Muinjangue earlier this year withdrew as a candidate from the party ‘ s internal presidential race . Kandjii further said the meeting resolved to call for an electoral college on 05 October this year , to be preceded by a national council meeting on 04 October which will set
the rules and procedures of the electoral college . Kandjii also revealed that the national council meeting resolved to suspend several party members with immediate effect who allegedly contravened the party constitution , with specific reference to Article 11 ( 2 . 1 ), coupled with other provisions . The suspended members are Chief Rukambe Uazukuani , Tjizapouzeu Benestus Uahupirapi , George Muesee , Samuel Kaijata , Ngavipangurue Makari , Lazarus Kaapama , Nduno Mbaha , Ernie Putuaota , Mbahimua Kamukuendjandje , Okeri Uakurama , and Clay Katjihingua . ‘ Some of the members on Thursday chased the party administrative secretary at the head office away and replaced all access locks , claiming that they are now the rightful leaders of the party through their ill – conceived so – called interim committee ,’ said the statement . NUDO Okakarara branch coordinator Moses Veziruapi Kangumba was equally suspended for allegedly recording and circulating audio on social media platforms that contain ‘ threats to the li
ves of the leadership of the party and sowing division within the party ‘. ‘ These audios have already been given to relevant authorities as they contain hate speech , owing to acts of sabotage and sowing divisions by some members . The meeting resolved , that with immediate effect the party will forcefully take any legal action against anyone who acts against the interest of the party and its leadership , hence the office of the secretary general was mandated to mobilise resources for a possible litigation ,’ added the statement .

Source: The Namibia News Agency

Starmer condemns ‘horrific and senseless’ killing of Gaza hostages

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer has labelled the killing of six Israeli hostages in Gaza ” horrific and senseless “. The Israel Defense Forces said the bodies of Carmel Gat , 40 , Eden Yerushalmi , 24 , Hersh Goldberg – Polin , 23 , Alexander Lobanov , 33 , Almog Sarusi , 27 , and Ori Danino , 25 , were found and recovered on Saturday . The Israeli army said the bodies were recovered from a tunnel in the southern Gaza city of Rafah , around half a mile from where another hostage , Qaid Farhan Alkadi , 52 , was rescued alive last week . Starmer posted on social media site X : ” I am completely shocked at the horrific and senseless killing of six hostages in Gaza by Hamas . My thoughts are with their loved ones at this awful time . ” Hamas must release all the hostages now , and a ceasefire deal must be agreed by all sides immediately to end the suffering .” British Foreign Secretary David Lammy said on X : ” The UK condemns Hamas ‘ appalling murder of 6 innocent hostages in Gaza in the strongest terms . I
offer my deepest condolences to those grieving at this awful time . ” Hamas must release all the hostages immediately , and all sides must accept the deal on the table to end this war .” Shadow home secretary James Cleverly posted : ” The heartbreaking news of the murder of these hostages serves as a brutal reminder of the ongoing suffering Hamas are causing since October 7th . ” Everything must be done to get all hostages out of the hands of Hamas .” Nivi Feldman , co – chair of The Hostages and Missing Families Forum UK , said a gathering will take place later on Sunday to ” mourn and pray together “. She said : ” We are devastated to learn that these hostages have been murdered so brutally . ” We are calling for a deal to be made today . ” We will come together later to mourn and pray together for their souls . ” We ‘ re devastated that such pure souls were taken out of parties , they were taken out of homes , it ‘ s just devastating . ” The community is in shock , the community is in mourning , the commun
ity wants their suffering to end .” dpa pa era

Source: The Namibia News Agency

Senior German liberal says Scholz’s government ‘lost its legitimacy’

The deputy leader of Germany ‘ s free – market liberal Free Democrats ( FDP ), Wolfgang Kubicki , said Chancellor Olaf Scholz ‘ s three – party coalition government has ” lost its legitimacy ” in light of poor results in a pair of state elections on Sunday . The FDP is part of Scholz ‘ s coalition , and is projected for a terrible showing of around just 1 % in both Thuringia and Saxony , based on initial results and exit polls . That will leave the party without any seats in either state parliament . People have the impression that ” this coalition is damaging the country ,” Kubicki said of the national government in a post on X . ” And it is definitely damaging the Free Democratic Party .” Scholz ‘ s centre – left Social Democrats ( SPD ) are projected to hold roughly steady in Saxony but slip in Thuringia , while coalition partners Greens face tough losses in both states . Taken together , the SPD , Greens and FDP are projected to have only 10 . 6 % of the vote in Thuringia and 13 . 6 % in Saxony , acc
ording to the latest projections from public broadcaster ZDF at around 9 pm on Sunday ( 1900 GMT ). dpa mfi vrb xxde bst era

Source: The Namibia News Agency

At Solingen attack memorial, German president urges curb on migration

Germany should continue to value the right of asylum but must take steps to limit irregular migration , German President Frank – Walter Steinmeier said on Sunday at a memorial service for victims of a suspected Islamist attack last week in Solingen . Germany ” for good reason ” has offered a refuge and safety to those fleeing warfare and oppression , as many Germans only managed to survive the Nazi regime because other countries opened their doors , Steinmeier said . ” We want to remain that country . And we can only remain so in the end if we are not overwhelmed by the number of those who ( come ) without the right to this special protection ,” Steinmeier told roughly 450 gathered mourners . A 26 – year – old Syrian man who was living in a nearby refugee residence was arrested in the wake of the stabbing rampage , which killed three people and injured eight others at a local festival in the western German city . He is being held on suspicion of murder , suspected membership in the Islamic State terrorist gr
oup and other charges . The Islamic State is claiming responsibility for the attack , but German authorities are still investigating the claim . The suspected attacker is believed to have evaded a deportation order in Germany , something that has helped fuel a bitter debate in the country over asylum and migration policy . ” And we will only remain this country if those seeking protection abide by the laws of our country . Only then will we be able to maintain acceptance among the population ,” Steinmeier said on Sunday . The president called for the government and the political opposition to work together to achieve the ” huge task ” of enforcing immigration laws and creating workable rules to manage migration and asylum claims . Attack hit ‘ core of our national identity ‘ Steinmeier said that the act of bloodshed strikes at the heart of ” a friendly , open and diverse country ,” he said . ” It strikes us at the core of our national identity in which people live together peacefully despite all differences
and want to live together – people who have lived here for generations as well as those who have arrived later ,” Steinmeier said at the service in the city ‘ s performing arts theatre . In his eulogy , the German president said the perpetrator was targeting , with his hatred , just as others have before him , this way of life . In his eulogy , Steinmeier acknowledged that the German state had failed to keep ” its promise of protection and security ” in Solingen , and that any mistakes or shortcomings that failed to prevent the attack must be dealt wiht comprehensively . Steinmeier , who had spoken privately to the relatives of those killed and injured , said he could hardly imagine what the families and friends ” are going through , what you must be suffering , what hell you are going through .” He charged that ” fanatical Islamists want to destroy what we love ” including an open society . While he acknowledged that people ” feel fear and uncertainty ,” residents must not allow themselves to be paralysed wi
th fear . Scholz : Germany must ‘ learn lessons ‘ German Chancellor Olaf Scholz , who also took part in the memorial service , said in a post on X afterwards that the crime ” hits us in the heart , it makes us angry .” ” We owe it to them [ the victims ] and their families to learn lessons from this ,” Scholz wrote . ” We mourn the dead of Solingen . We mourn with their families , with everyone in this city , with everyone in Germany .” Scholz ‘ s government proposed stricter rules on weapons , tight new limits on benefits for some asylum seekers and greater police powers to address suspected Islamist threats in the wake of the attack . On Friday – for the first time since the Taliban retook power – a deportation flight to Afghanistan took off from Germany ‘ s Leipzig / Halle Airport with 28 convicted Afghan criminals on board . Also attending the memorial services were the president of Germany ‘ s parliament , the Bundestag , B ä rbel Bas ; the state premier of North Rhine Westphalia , Hendrik W st ; and
the state ‘ s Interior Minister Herbert Reul . dpa wa xxde mew mls bst era

Source: The Namibia News Agency