Oshikoto plagued by challenges: APRM

Several challenges persist in the Oshikoto Region such as rural poverty , youth unemployment , gender inequality and gender – based violence , access to basic amenities in rural areas and access to finance and markets . This is according to African Peer Review Mechanism ( APRM ) Director of Operations , Alfons Witbeen , who during a stakeholder meeting here on Monday highlighted some of the challenges in Oshikoto . Witbeen said inadequate classrooms resulting in higher teacher learner ratios and overcrowded classrooms is one of the challenges . ‘ Higher costs of tertiary education and an inadequate number of vocational training centres also pose challenges ,’ Witbeen added . He further added that land reform and decentralisation have been moving at a slow pace , which negatively affects the pace of sustainable socio – economic development in the region . ‘ The absence of a high court in some regions is limiting access to justice . Namibia only has two high courts which are in Oshakati and Windhoek ,’ said Wi
tbeen . Additionally , Namibia has high youth unemployment , and increasing trends of tribalism and regionalism and income inequality could trigger conflicts . ‘ The issue of the Caprivi concerned group remains a trigger for instability ,’ Witbeen highlighted . Child marriage in some communities , especially in the Kunene Region , is another Namibian challenge , besides perceived corruption . ‘ The absence of a legal framework for curbing potential tax malpractices in the extractive sector poses significant risk of losses in the public sector ,’ he continued . He also stated that there is a lack of a national legal framework for corporate social responsibility that obligates public and private firms to plough back into the communities with a view to improve and address their socio – economic issues . APRM is an organ of the African Union that aims to improve effective governance on the continent and it currently has 55 member states . APRM is busy creating awareness on the country report that was launched on
07 March 2024

Source: The Namibia News Agency

Unlicensed driver allegedly escapes custody after causing accident

The police in Oshikoto are searching for a 36 – year – old man who escaped police custody after he was arrested for driving an unlicensed vehicle without a driver ‘ s licence and causing an accident near Omuthiya . The Namibian Police Force ‘ s ( NamPol ) Crime Investigations Coordinator for the region , Deputy Commissioner Titus Ekandjo , said the incident occurred around 19h00 on Sunday on the B1 road between Omuthiya and Ondangwa , approximately 10 kilometres from Omuthiya . The vehicle was carrying 11 passengers , but only one passenger was seriously injured , while the others escaped unharmed . A case of reckless and / or negligent driving , driving an unregistered motor vehicle , driving without a driver ‘ s licence , and escaping from lawful custody has been opened against the suspect . ‘ It is alleged that the driver of a white Toyota pick – up was travelling from Omuthiya towards Ondangwa , heading to Onankali village , when the vehicle ‘ s left rear tyre allegedly burst , causing the driver to lose
control . The vehicle left the road , but did not overturn ,” Ekandjo reported . He added that one passenger , seated in the loading bay , fell from the vehicle before it came to a halt and sustained serious injuries . ‘ The vehicle is unregistered and the driver is also unlicensed . The driver later escaped after being placed under arrest at the scene ,’ Ekandjo stated . The injured passenger was transported to the Omuthiya District Hospital by an ambulance and later transferred to the Oshakati State Hospital . The suspect has not yet been re – arrested . Police investigations continue .

Source: The Namibia News Agency

Shanghala seeks separate trial

WINDHOEK: Former Minister of Justice , Sakeus Shanghala on Monday filed an application seeking a separate trial in the Fishrot matter in which he stands accused . Shanghala , alongside James Hatuikulipi and Pius Mwatelulo , objected to taking pleas without legal representation . The three are charged alongside former Fisheries Minister Bernardt Esau , Mike Nghipunya , Ricardo Gustavo , Tamson Hatuikulipi , Otneel Shuudifonya , Phillipus Mwapopi and Nigel van Wyk . The suspects are charged with 42 charges ranging from racketeering and money laundering to corruption and fraud . They were arrested in 2019 after they allegedly received bribes from Icelandic fishing company Samherji in exchange for fishing quotas . Last week , presiding Judge Moses Chinhengo ordered that the trial commence , with or without legal representation . Shanghala in his affidavit said a separate trial would allow the trial of his co – accused to proceed unhindered and without delay . ‘ The lack of legal representation has prejudiced the
unrepresented accused applicants in that they were unable to consider and prepare . If the separation is not granted , the right to a speedy trial will trump the right to a substantive fair trial , favouring those represented accused over the unrepresented accused for the sake of a speedy trial ,’ Shanghala said in his affidavit , adding that the presiding judge had not afforded him , James Hatuikulipi and Mwatelulo a reasonable opportunity to secure legal representation . Last week , Judge Chinhengo ordered the trial to continue , with pleas to be taken on Monday . One of the suspects , Gustavo , was however not in attendance as he had been admitted to a Windhoek hospital . Chinhengo postponed the matter to Tuesday .

Source: The Namibia News Agency

Otjozondjupa’s new police commander introduced to community

The new regional police commander for Otjozondjupa , Commissioner Philip Hidengwa , was on Monday introduced to inhabitants of the region . He previously served as the Kunene Region ‘ s crime investigations coordinator . Hidengwa was introduced to community members , farmers , anti – poaching organisations , police officers and the political leadership of Otjozondjupa by the Namibian Police Force ‘ s ( NamPol ) Deputy Inspector – General for Administration , Major – General Anna – Marie Nainda . ‘ His appointment to Otjozondjupa is effective as from 01 September 2024 ,’ said Nainda . Hidengwa takes over from Commissioner Heinrich Tjiveze , who has been transferred to the Omaheke Region . Nainda facilitated the transfer of instruments of policing powers from Tjiveze to Hidengwa in the presence of several senior NamPol members , Otjozondjupa Governor James Uerikua and Chairperson of the Otjozondjupa Regional Council , Marlayn Mbakera . She congratulated both Hidengwa and Tjiveze on their new appointments and w
ished them success in providing safety and security to properties and residents of the Otjozondjupa and Omaheke regions . Nainda also urged Hidengwa and Tjiveze to see to it that their offices work closely with the community members in their respective regions in combating crime . In his acceptance speech , Hidengwa said he was happy to take up the top police post in the region . Tjiveze on his part said he was leaving Otjozondjupa with a happy heart as crime activities like stock theft , assault , housebreakings and general theft were under control during his reign . Tjiveze served as Otjozondjupa police commander since April 2017 and leaves behind a total of 935 police officers and 24 police stations .

Source: The Namibia News Agency