Mutorwa inaugurates Gochas-Tses trunk road

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Works and Transport , John Mutorwa on Tuesday officially inaugurated the new trunk road that runs between the Gochas and Tses intersections in the || Kharas Region . The B1 road project involved the rehabilitation and widening of approximately 89 kilometres of road , at a cost of about N . dollars 650 million . Speaking at the event , Mutorwa said the road ‘ s rehabilitation is more than just an infrastructure upgrade ; it symbolises the government ‘ s commitment to enhancing the quality of life for its citizens . He added that the rehabilitation is not merely about restoring infrastructure but is also about renewing the government ‘ s commitment to the people who depend on it . ‘ By investing in this rehabilitation , the government is investing in our people ‘ s future and our economic growth . This road , in particular , has a rich history and has been a vital route for transportation for many years . It has played an essential role in the development of the Hardap and
|| Kharas regions ,’ he said . || Kharas Governor , Aletha Frederick remarked that the project represents not just a physical road but a vital artery that will enhance connectivity , promote economic growth , and improve the quality of life for communities in both the || Kharas and Hardap regions , as well as Namibia at large . ‘ This significant development is not just a milestone for our region but is also aligned with our national development plans . Let us also reflect on Namibia ‘ s ambitions to remain a leader among African nations in terms of well – established road infrastructure ,’ she said . She further noted that quality roads are essential for economic development , as they facilitate trade , enhance access to markets and ultimately contribute to national prosperity . Frederick highlighted that about 845 jobs were created during the construction phase , adding that the project extends beyond mere employment figures by enhancing safety and providing peace of mind for all road users . ‘ Improved roa
d conditions reduce travel time and accidents , while promoting safer transportation of goods and services across regions . These jobs represent not just numbers , but livelihoods – opportunities for families in our communities to thrive . Job creation is a critical aspect of any infrastructure project , as it empowers individuals and strengthens our local economies ,’ she said . The road was funded through a loan from the German government through its KfW Development Bank , at a cost of N . dollars 581 million , while the Namibian government contributed N . dollars 71 million

Source:The Namibia News Agency

Kunene selects nominees for Swapo ‘pot’

The Swapo Party Kunene Regional Executive Committee has nominated Mocks Tuakoveni Kenaumue and Irma Afrikaner as the region ‘ s candidates for the Swapo electoral college , set for 07 to 09 September . The party ‘ s regional coordinator for Kunene , Julius Kaujova shared the details with Nampa on Monday , saying the electoral process was conducted last week and all 64 delegates cast their votes . During the process , Kenaumue defeated Outjo constituency councillor Johaness Antsino by 33 votes to 31 in the male category . Kenaumue is the current regional youth forum chairperson and serves as Swapo ‘ s youth league regional secretary . In the female division , Afrikaner defeated Opuwo Town Council Local Authority councillor Wilhemina Nashiua with 35 points to Nashiua ‘ s 29 . Afrikaner , the party ‘ s women ‘ s council regional secretary , and Kenaumue , have therefore been selected as candidates for the electoral college , known as the ‘ pot ,’ he said . Four other delegates elected to the electoral college i
nclude regional treasurer Uapiona Katjingisua , former Opuwo mayor and current Elders Council regional secretary for information , publicity , and mobilisation Rex Shemana , Sesfontein district youth league secretary Emma Ganuses , and Epupa constituency district secretary for information and mobilisation , Paladia Augustinho . The electoral college selects a list of candidates to represent the party in the National Assembly based on the proportion of votes received during the elections . Kaujova also acknowledged the regional leadership ‘ s commitment during the voter registration period , saying data from the Electoral Commission of Namibia ( ECN ) showed that Kunene voter registration was good this year compared to the previous years . He further implored regional leaders in all party structures to start their mobilisation campaigns as the party gears up for November ‘ s Presidential and National Assembly elections . Chairpersons and national leaders assigned to the region supervised the regional conferenc
e , with Jennelly Matundu and Bernadette Jagger as chairpersons , while Modestus Amutse and Austing Shapwa further made up the list of the four team members that oversaw the electoral process which Kaujova described as free and fair .

Source:The Namibia News Agency

National Council members decry Income Tax amendments

WINDHOEK: Members of the National Council , during the resumption of a special session on Tuesday , expressed grievances concerning the Income Tax Amendment Bill . The Bill seeks to amend the Income Tax Act , 1981 , by including additional circumstances for Namibian sources of income , clarifying contributions to company – owned policies , increasing the tax deductibility of retirement fund and education policy contributions , and facilitating electronic tax returns . During the third reading of the Bill , which had already passed in the National Assembly , members criticised the legislation as a failure on the part of the Ministry of Finance . ‘ There is no use expecting someone who owns a small tuckshop to continue completing the income tax return . For me , the ministry has failed us ,’ Paulus Mbangu said in his contribution . The Swapo Party representative from the Rundu Rural Constituency argued that the Bill did not cater for all circumstances , highlighting the need for tax relief for pensioners . He s
tated that it is grossly unfair for civil servants to contribute to taxes throughout their working lives , only to have their retirement benefits taxed as well . ‘ It ‘ s not fair for the individual who has been taxed throughout their entire life to continue being taxed once they retire . This is an abuse of pensioners , and we want the ministry to rectify it ,’ Mbangu added . He further expressed hope that in the next session , or with the next Bill submitted to Parliament , that the struggle of pensioners would be addressed . Harald Kambrude , a lawmaker from the Landless People ‘ s Movement , also voiced his disappointment , stating that the impact of the Income Tax Bill is minimal at a time when Namibians are being taxed excessively , forcing many into bankruptcy . He urged the government to develop policies that would have a meaningful impact , motivate people to pay their taxes , encourage investment , and provide hope for a secure retirement

Source:The Namibia News Agency

EU Commissioner for Energy in Namibia to deepen cooperation on hydrogen

WINDHOEK: European Union ( EU ) Commissioner for Energy , Kadri Simson is in Namibia this week to strengthen the EU ‘ s energy cooperation with Namibia . Simson ‘ s visit comes after the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and late President Hage Geingob agreed on a roadmap for the EU – Namibia strategic partnership on sustainable raw materials value chains and renewable hydrogen in October 2023 . The strategy is supported by investments of 1 billion Euro from the EU , its member states , and European financial institutions . A media statement by the EU Delegation on Tuesday indicated that Commissioner Simson will attend the Global African Hydrogen Summit in Windhoek and participate in panel discussions on ‘ Delivering Africa ‘ s energy transition through the development of the global energy map ‘ on Wednesday , as well as a ministerial panel on ‘ Africa ‘ s Hydrogen and Clean Energy Frontiers : The Industry ‘ s Next Major Opportunity ‘ on Thursday . As part of the summit on Wednesday ,
she will attend the signing ceremony for numerous initiatives financed by EU institutions and member states to boost Namibia ‘ s clean energy transition and hydrogen development . ‘ On Friday and Saturday , the commissioner will be visiting a series of energy – related projects , including the ‘ HyIron ‘ site for the production of green iron , and the Port of Walvis Bay , which the EU is supporting with a study to turn it into an industrial and logistics hub for the region ,’ the statement read . Simson will further visit the ‘ Towards an Inclusive Design of the Renewable Energy Transition ‘ ( TIDRET ) initiative , which aims to provide access to affordable and sustainable energy , particularly in vulnerable communities . The commissioner has also planned a series of meetings with Namibian authorities , companies , and civil society organisations , before leaving for South Africa

Source:The Namibia News Agency

Namibia well positioned for international cooperation despite upper-middle income classification: Matundu

Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation , Jenelly Matundu has said although Namibia is well positioned for international cooperation with the adopted Special Economic Zone ( SEZ ) Policy , its classification as an upper – middle income country hinders its efforts . Speaking during a panel discussion on Indonesia – Africa development cooperation at the second Indonesia – Africa Forum ( IAF ) in Bali , Indonesia on Tuesday , Matundu said though the SEZ policy provides guidelines on how to cooperate with different countries for developmental cooperation , Namibia remains challenged in acquiring concessional loans for development corporations . ‘ We appeal day and night to the World Bank to look at the factor of being classified as an upper – middle – income country . It is something we welcome , being at that level , but on the other hand it really hinders our progress when it comes to our developmental cooperation ,’ she said . Namibia adopted the SEZ Policy in August 2022 , aimed at providi
ng fiscal and non – fiscal investment incentives for various investment categories such as exporters and manufacturers . Speaking at the same event , Director General for Information and Public Diplomacy from Indonesia ‘ s Ministry of Foreign Affairs , Siti Nugraha Mauludiah said her country is committed to cooperation and partnership , infrastructure development , as well as capacity building , including those in which Namibia has participated , such as the drilling training programmes by the Indonesia Drilling Training Centre . ‘ We are committed to actually have our development cooperation for Africa have strong alignment with the global development agenda for 2063 . The vision is to enhance shared prosperity , foster sustainable development and strengthen cooperation , ensuring mutual economic growth and resilience for both Indonesia and African nations ,’ she said . Mauludiah indicated that based on the comprehensive panel discussion , key explored sectors by both Indonesia and Africa include energy , mi
nerals , agriculture , education , health , as well as business development and infrastructure . She indicated that existing challenges include capacity in different development goals of cooperation , something that Indonesia has been addressing by building its own capacity since 2019 through the establishment of the Indonesian Development Forum on different corporations . While chairing the Joint Leaders Session of the High – Level Forum on Multi – Stakeholder Partnership and second IAF on Monday , Indonesia ‘ s President Joko Widodo said the Indonesia – Africa partnership has so far been concrete , resulting in trade volume and various trade agreements . It has also resulted in this year ‘ s forum recording business deals reaching US . dollars 3 . 5 billion compared to US . dollars 568 million in 2018 during the first forum

Source:The Namibia News Agency

Namibia and Indonesia exploring bilateral cooperation: Matundu

Namibia and Indonesia have explored various areas of bilateral cooperation for mutual benefit , Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation , Jenelly Matundu has said . Speaking to Nampa shortly after a closed – door meeting with Indonesia ‘ s Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs , Pahala Nugraha Mansury on Tuesday during the second Indonesia – Africa Forum in Bali , Matundu said the areas of cooperation include renewable energy , food security , agriculture , livestock , pharmaceuticals and infrastructure development . The forum was hosted from 01 to 03 September 2024 under the theme ‘ The Bandung Spirit for Africa ‘ s Agenda 2063 ‘ and saw 29 African countries represented . Matundu indicated that Indonesia has hinted about finding a mechanism of financing and assisting in infrastructure development through enquiries from their minister of works and transport . She noted that the first meeting of the joint permanent commission of the two countries was hosted by Indonesia , therefore , there are p
lans are for Namibia to host the next commission and the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on politics consultation early in 2025 , before the new administration takes office . Namibia is set for Presidential and National Assembly elections in November 2024 . ‘ Indonesia and Namibia relations have come a long way , since our liberation struggle . It was Indonesia who also came on board to give a hand to Namibia when we were in need , they have been there for Namibia before . It is not that we are meeting only after independence and they are coming to seek diplomatic relations . It is a country that has touched many African countries ‘ hearts . Specifically in Namibia , they will always have that special place in the hearts of the Namibians because of what they did for us during the dark days ,’ Matundu emphasised . Namibia and Indonesia have to date signed 13 bilateral agreements and memoranda of understanding in various areas , including economic and technical cooperation ; mineral resources and energ
y ; broadcasting ; trade and industry and visa exemption , amongst others .

Source:The Namibia News Agency