Angolan man arrested for alleged rape of minor

The Namibian Police Force ( NamPol ) in the Oshikoto Region have opened a case against a 48 – year – old Angolan man for allegedly raping an 11 – year – old girl on different occasions and threatening to beat her at his house . According to the region ‘ s NamPol crime investigations coordinator , Deputy Commissioner Titus Ekandjo on Tuesday , the latest incident happened on Sunday at around 13h00 at Uukete village in the Onayena Constituency . The suspect is a domestic worker at the victim ‘ s neighbour ‘ s house , where he resides alone , while the victim is not enrolled in school . ‘ It is alleged that the victim went to fetch water from the neighbour ‘ s house as usual , where the suspect also stays as a domestic worker ,’ reported Ekandjo . He said when the victim arrived there , the suspect was not around but came after a short while and grabbed the victim and pulled her to his sleeping room and had sexual intercourse with her under coercive circumstances . ‘ According to the victim , that was the secon
d time the suspect did that to her , however she did not report the matter to her grandmother since the suspect threatened to beat her up if she mentioned the matter to anyone ,’ Ekandjo reported . The suspect was arrested on Monday and will appear before Ondangwa Magistrate ‘ s Court on Wednesday . In a separate incident , a case of negligent and reckless driving has been opened against a 52 – year – old man who allegedly hit a four – year – old girl at Tsumeb on Sunday around 18h00 at Nomtsoub location . ‘ lt is alleged that the minor child was with her aunt walking to the dumping site close to their house to go throw away rubbish when the incident happened ,’ Ekandjo said . The child sustained head injuries and the driver of the vehicle took the child to Tsumeb State Hospital for treatment , from where she was transferred to Oshakati State Hospital . No arrest has been made in the matter and investigations continue

Source:The Namibia News Agency

Education ministry condemns misuse of practical and pre-vocational funds

The Deputy Minister of Education , Arts and Culture Faustina Caley has noted with concern the misuse of the practical and pre – vocational funds by some schools across the country . Caley was speaking at the 2024 Erongo regional engagement with principals , heads of department and other stakeholders at Swakopmund on Monday . The meeting was aimed at addressing issues of importance to the future and improvement of the quality of education in the region . According to Caley , in 2023 , the ministry allocated funds to 352 schools for practical subjects like biology , agricultural science , and chemistry , however , it was noted with concern that some schools had not utilised these funds as intended . ‘ This practice is highly discouraged . Failure to procure consumables , materials and minor equipment to prepare learners for practical examinations will leave them disadvantaged ,’ she expressed . Meanwhile , Caley added that the Universal Education Grant ( UEG ) will be increased in 2024 from N . dollars 200 to
N . dollars 300 per learner for pre – primary and primary schools , and from N . dollars 300 to N . dollars 400 per learner for secondary schools . She however cautioned that with the increased funds comes greater responsibility to ensure that financial controls are strengthened . ‘ We must spend the funds on activities that have the most impact on teaching and learning ,’ the minister urged . Caley also expressed concern over the dormant state of Cluster Centres , which should serve as hubs for Continuous Professional Development ( CPD ) and sharing of best practices . She stressed that there is a need to resuscitate the cluster system , for the benefit of the Namibian child , and urged school managers to collaborate to achieve educational transformation . Erongo Governor Neville Andre Itope , in a speech delivered on his behalf , highlighted the areas that need improvement in the region ‘ s education performance , despite schools , teachers , and learners having consistently strived to achieve outstanding r
esults . ‘ The challenges we face are not unique to our region , but are reflective of broader national trends . These include resource constraints , the need for more effective teaching methodologies , and the imperative to support our learners more comprehensively ,’ he expressed .

Source:The Namibia News Agency

Motsoaledi calls on pharmacists to play a role in vaccine manufacturing

Department of Health Minister, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, has called on pharmacists to play an active role in vaccine manufacturing as the world grapples with a growing trend of infectious diseases.

‘The world is seriously crying for vaccines and medicines – affordable ones for that matter. Should we be squabbling with each other like we did during COVID-19?’ the Minister retorted.

The Minister was speaking at the opening of the first-ever Pharmacists International Federation (FIP) Congress held in Cape Town on Monday.

The four-day congress, which kickstarted on Sunday is also part of the Pharmacy Month commemorative activities to raise patient awareness of the vital role pharmacists can play in the community’s healthcare and to improve communication between patients and pharmacists and pharmacy support personnel.

READ | Motsoaledi to open Pharmacists International Federation Congress

‘When the need arises for all humanity to be vaccinated, should the vaccines be so scarce that the developed world starts hoar
ding them for themselves, leaving the still developing world on their own? Surely, we can do better than this and it is within our capability to do better,’ he told delegates.

‘I have full confidence that in your deliberations, those facts will not just be shoved away and kept under the carpet, for there is a lot at stake for all humanity.’

He told the attendees that he believes that in the next 10 to 15 years the world will have defeated modern-day infectious diseases like HIV and Aids, Ebola, Mpox, tuberculosis, malaria and others.

‘But in doing this, as The Lancet states, we shall be ushering in a new era of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). You shall be called again to provide easily accessible and affordable pharmaceuticals to deal with these NCDs, which are, already upon us.

‘The question is: are we equal to the job? Shall we rise to the occasion?’

Motsoaledi also touched on the need to address health inequities across the world, urgently strengthening health systems and the need to harness innovat
ion and technology to transform health systems.

The Minister also spoke about the need to invest in sustainable and equitable health financing and using healthcare as a public good and as part of social justice.

‘Let us remember that as pharmacists, we are not just being distributors but also serve as instructors, patient safety advocates and important participants in public health campaigns.

‘I call upon every one of you to be agents of change,’ he stressed.

The Minister challenged the pharmacists to ensure the health systems are not just of good quality but are also equitable and inclusive.

‘This is a call to advocate for policies that prioritise the needs of the most vulnerable, and in the process, commit to advancing the pharmacy profession as a driving force for health equity and quality care.’

He also took the time to express his gratitude to the FIP for bringing the congress to Cape Town and to all the delegates for their commitment to improving healthcare through the pharmacy profession.

‘We ho
pe that your decisions over the next few days will shape the future of health. I wish you all a productive and inspiring experience at congress, and I look forward to seeing the innovative solutions and partnerships that will emerge from our time together.’

Source: South African Government News Agency

IEC publishes political funding disclosure report

The Electoral Commission (IEC) has published the first quarter Political Funding Disclosure Report for the financial year 2024/25.

The report covers the period of 1 April to 30 June 2024.

It is the first report since the inauguration of the seventh parliament and administration following the successful hosting of free and fair 2024 national and provincial elections on 29 May 2024.

The commission in a statement on Monday lauded the political parties who made declarations in the reporting period even though there was no legal basis to do so.

‘This act is indicative of these parties’ commitment to transparency in the management of their financial affairs. This can only bode well for electoral democracy in the country.

‘Furthermore, the Commission wishes to ask the National Assembly to expeditiously finalise its processes and take a resolution on the thresholds in order for the President to gazette so that the lacuna in the regulations can be ameliorated.’

During this quarter, political parties declared a
cumulative amount of nearly R200 000 000. The value of first quarter 2024/25 donation disclosure is comparable to the value of donations declared during the fourth quarter of the past financial year.

‘Totalling a colossal R189 950 829, this is by far the highest value of donations across all years and quarters since the introduction of the Political Funding Act, as amended. Once again, a positive correlation between the value of donations declared and the election season are demonstrated,’ said the commission.

A total of 14 political parties declared donations during the first quarter of the year. These are:

1. ActionSA – R13 186 000

2. African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) – R240 000

3. African National Congress (ANC) – R26 015 313

4. Build One South Africa (BOSA) – R12 877 709

5. Change Starts Now – R150 000

6. Democratic Alliance (DA) – R56 601 039

7. Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) – R515 313

8. GOOD – R600 000

9. Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) – R38 340 000

10. Independent Civic Organisation
of South Africa (ISANCO) – R100 000

11. Patriotic Alliance (PA) – R6 649 900

12. Rise Mzansi – R33 895 000

13. South African Rainbow Alliance (SARA) – R400 000

14. uMkhonto Wesizwe Party (MKP) – R380 555

‘While there were few first-time donors during the reporting quarter, a significant number of donors were repeat donors. Furthermore, many of the repeat donors made significant donations across several political parties, targeting mainly new or recently established political parties.’

Source: South African Government News Agency

Justice Minister to appear in Parliament over VBS allegations

Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development, Thembi Simelane, is expected to appear before Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Justice and Constitutional Development this week following reports that she indirectly benefited from the VBS Mutual Bank scandal.

Last week, allegations surfaced in the media that Simelane, while she was Mayor of Polokwane Municipality in Limpopo, received at least R500 000 in a loan from an individual intimately linked to VBS bank.

Portfolio Committee on Justice and Constitutional Development Chairperson, Xola Nqola, said the allegations have a bearing on the perception of South Africa’s fight against corruption.

‘The committee has noted with grave concern the serious allegations in media reports regarding an alleged loan to the Minister. These types of allegations are damaging to the image that South Africa is trying to portray as a country ridding itself of any form of corruption.

‘We therefore thought it prudent to call the Minister speedily to a committee meeting whe
re she can take Parliament and South Africans into confidence regarding these allegations,’ he said on Monday.

During a question and answer session in the National Assembly last week, Simelane committed to appearing before Parliament.

‘Permit me to start by making a commitment to this house on my availability with regard to the response, if any is needed by the house, or the committee or the Public Protector on the issues that are doing the rounds,’ she said at the time.

The Minister is expected to appear before the committee on Friday.

Following the allegations last week, the Presidency said President Cyril Ramaphosa has requested a ‘detailed report and briefing from the Minister on the matter’.

READ | President requests briefing and report from Justice Minister

Source: South African Government News Agency

Operation Shanela nets 13 949 suspects

Operation Shanela continues to make its mark in the fight against crime with the police having arrested 13 949 suspects in the past week.

‘Through detectives and crime intelligence tracing operations, roadblocks as well as stop and searches, police have taken a bold and decisive approach in protecting the communities that they serve,’ said the South African Police Service (SAPS) in a statement on Monday.

The suspects were netted in operations that got underway on Monday, 26 August up until Sunday, 01 September.

This as all Operation Shanela operations are led by the Provincial Commissioner of the respective nine provinces.

During the week-long operations, 4 233 wanted suspects for crimes such as murder, rape, possession of illegal firearms and business robberies were arrested while 117 suspects were arrested for murder. An additional 118 suspects were arrested for attempted murder.

A total 280 suspects were arrested for rape, with 116 of them arrested in KwaZulu Natal.

Hundred and sixty suspects were n
abbed for the illegal possession of firearms while 1463 people were held for assault: grievous bodily harm (GBH).

Meanwhile, 442 suspects were arrested for the illegal dealing in liquor and 145 drug dealers were arrested during this period. Among others, 82 illegal miners were arrested with 52 of these arrests being made in the Free State.

Successes made also include the confiscation of 164 firearms as well as the recovery of 52 hijacked and stolen vehicles.

‘Four extortionists were fatally wounded during a confrontation with police in Milnerton, Western Cape. Four others are under police guard in hospital. Five firearms were seized at the scene. Gauteng police arrested a suspect after the discovery of a cloned police vehicle believed to have been used in a spate of truck hijackings and courier vehicle robberies in the Gauteng province.

‘Police will continue with their operations in stamping the authority of the state to ensure the safety and security of all people living in South Africa,’ said the SAPS.

Source: South African Government News Agency