Kinda and Shikongo through to semi-finals of 100m sprint

Namibian sprinters Chris Kinda and his guide Kelvin Goagoseb , as well as Ananias Shikongo and his guide Even Tjiuiju , have qualified for the semi – finals of the men ‘ s T11 100 – meter race at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games after impressive performances . On day six of the track and field events , the Namibian athletes participated in the morning sessions of the Paralympic Games in Paris , France . Kinda , the 2024 World Para Athletics Championships champion in the 400m and the 400m Paralympic Games , and silver medalist Shikongo competed in the T11 100m heats . Kinda and Goagoseb finished second in heat two , behind 2020 Paralympic Games gold medalist in the 100m and world record holder Athanasios Ghavelas of Greece and his guide Ioannis Nyfantopoulos , who ran a seasonal best of 11 . 16 seconds in heat two . Namibia ‘ s 2016 Paralympic Games gold medalist , Shikongo , and his guide Tjiuiju won heat five with a seasonal best of 11 . 39 seconds to qualify for the next round of the championships . The maj
or international multi – sport event involves athletes with a range of disabilities and is governed by the International Paralympic Committee ( IPC ). Team Namibia has won a gold medal at the championships through T11 female sprinter Lahja Ishitile and her guide Sem Shimanda . At the 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Games , Team Namibia returned with two medals – one silver and one bronze won by Ananias Shikongo and Johannes Nambala , respectively .

Source: The Namibia News Agency

Namibian company partners with Indonesia’s Mensa Group in N.dollars 9 million deal

Namibian company Future Image Investment CC has signed a business agreement of N . dollars 9 million that will see Indonesian products enter the Namibian market . The agreement with Indonesian pharmaceutical company Mensa Group was signed in Bali , Indonesia on Tuesday during the second Indonesia – Africa Forum . The forum started on 01 September under the theme ‘ The Bandung Spirit for Africa ‘ s Agenda 2063 ‘, with 29 African countries represented . It ended on Tuesday . Speaking to Nampa , Future Image Investment CC General Manager , Anthony Atejioye described the agreement as a milestone for Namibia , as Indonesia is known for its good quality pharmaceutical products which are affordable and adoptable to African nations . ‘ It will make life more comfortable for all individuals , from low to high earning citizens , and because of the convenience , quality and potential of the products , Namibia will now be a distributor of these products to neighbouring countries , especially the landlocked nations ,’ he
said . He said the products which will be available in Namibia by January 2025 , will include natural ginger tea and less carbonated energy drinks , amongst others . Atejioye said they also hope to establish manufacturing plants for these products in Namibia in future . ‘ We are looking at transferring the technology to Namibia in an effort to alleviate poverty through job creation and make Namibia the main exporter of these products ,’ he said . Mensa Group International Division General Manager , Yulia Hidayat , said the products are well – suited to the Namibian climate . She indicated that the company currently operates in seven west African countries .

Source: The Namibia News Agency

Alweendo calls for alignment of green hydrogen standards

WINDHOEK: Minister of Mines and Energy , Tom Alweendo , has stressed the importance of aligning green hydrogen standards , saying the Global African Hydrogen Summit offers a platform for discussing the setting of benchmarks . Alweendo during a panel discussion on Wednesday at the Global African Hydrogen Summit ‘ s opening in Windhoek highlighted the event ‘ s role in discussing the setting of benchmarks for green hydrogen based on European Union ( EU ) standards , with a focus on how Namibia and Africa can meet these criteria . He highlighted a potential difference in perspectives between European nations and Namibia , suggesting that European countries may view Namibia primarily as a consumer of green hydrogen rather than a producer . ‘ In contrast , Namibia sees itself as a key producer with its own vision of what green hydrogen standards should entail ,’ he said . Alweendo noted that the summit emphasises the need for cooperation between producers and consumers of green hydrogen to ensure consistent standa
rds and promote fair competition in the global market . ‘ This event highlights the critical role of international collaboration in advancing the green hydrogen sector and supporting global environmental goals ,’ he said . He urged delegates from European countries to collaborate on establishing and adhering to global standards to facilitate international trade and development in this sector . The EU Commissioner for Energy , Kadri Simson , also addressed the summit , emphasising the importance of creating a level playing field for green hydrogen producers worldwide . ‘ While European industries have a significant demand for green hydrogen , the most substantial benefit they can offer globally is the establishment of equitable standards for green hydrogen production and trade ,’ she said . The three – day Global African Hydrogen Summit brings together leading role players in the sector , including heads of state , and is being held under the theme ‘ From Ambition to Action : Fuelling Africa ‘ s Green Industri
al Revolution .

Source: The Namibia News Agency

VP emphasises Namibia’s role in advancing green hydrogen and industrialisation

WINDHOEK: Vice President Netumbo Nandi – Ndaitwah has emphasised the need for Namibia to continue playing an active role in advancing green hydrogen and industrialisation . Nandi – Ndaitwah was speaking at the official opening of the inaugural Global African Hydrogen Summit in Windhoek on Wednesday . She said Namibia is hosting the summit due to the initiative of late President Hage Geingob , and expressed appreciation for the over 1 000 delegates from around the world attending the event . Nandi – Ndaitwah outlined Namibia ‘ s commitment to sustainable industrialisation as a core strategic goal since independence and pointed to Vision 2030 , National Development Plans , and the Harambee Prosperity Plan as frameworks guiding this objective . ‘ This goal has been clearly articulated in our Vision 2030 and strategically reinforced in subsequent National Development Plans since 2004 , as well as the Harambee Prosperity Plan . Importantly , this objective is shared with our continental peers and has been captured
in Africa Agenda 2063 , the Africa we want , where many African states recognise the interconnected nature of our economic and environmental ecosystems ,’ she said . She further detailed Namibia ‘ s plans to use its abundant renewable energy resources for hydrogen production , which she described as a crucial method for tackling climate change and fostering development in hard – to – abate sectors and noted that Namibia is investing in research and development to explore these opportunities . ‘ The utilisation of abundant renewable energy potential to produce hydrogen , which can be used as a fundamental building block for hard – to – abate sectors , has emerged as a promising means to combat climate change , while also offering an important developmental pathway . This concept is worthy of detailed study and research and Namibia is investing its fair share of intellectual space towards this pursuit ,’ she said . Nandi – Ndaitwah also outlined Namibia ‘ s resources and infrastructure that support green indust
rialisation and mentioned the country ‘ s deposits of critical minerals , its role in facilitating copper trade with Zambia , and its favorable wind and solar conditions . She further highlighted Namibia ‘ s plans to expand port and rail infrastructure to enhance trade in low – carbon goods . ‘ Namibia offers a rich and welcoming environment that is well suited to host an impactful green industrialisation eco – system . Namibia has rich deposits of the minerals required to build clean industries , such as critical rare earth elements and lithium . We also help our Zambian neighbours trade their copper , a key ingredient for sustainable industries , with global markets ,’ she said . The three – day summit , which started on Tuesday , brings together leading role players in the sector , including heads of state , and is being held under the theme ‘ From Amibition to Action : Fueling Africa ‘ s Green Industrial Revolution ‘.

Source: The Namibia News Agency

Municipal services essential: Uutoni

Minister of Urban and Rural Development Erastus Uutoni said the provision of municipal services is not merely about infrastructure ; it is about empowering communities , fostering resilience , and enabling opportunities for growth and prosperity . Uutoni made the remarks during the handover ceremony of infrastructure services for the financial year 2023 / 24 at Outapi on Wednesday . According to Uutoni , access to clean water will improve health outcomes and sanitation standards , while reliable electricity will enhance educational opportunities , create economic avenues , and improve overall living conditions . ‘ The journey of construction therefore extends beyond laying pipes and cables . It is about fostering inclusivity , promoting social justice , and building a future where no one is left behind ,’ he said . Further , Uutoni stated that an amount of N . dollars 11 million , made possible through a collaboration between the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development and contributions from the Outapi Town
Council ‘ s own resources , was invested for the completion of the infrastructure services . The minister stated that this considerable funding has been exactly managed and strategically allocated to ensure that every resident in these key areas received high – quality and affordable services . ‘ By focusing on essential infrastructure improvements , represents our unwavering commitment to building stronger communities and creating lasting positive change ,’ he added . Town Mayor Selma Asino indicated that the infrastructure services are a combined effort of the resources from Central Government which is over N . dollars 7 . 4 million , while Council contributed over N . dollars 4 million from their own resources . Asino indicated that the collaboration between the Outapi Town Council , the line ministry and all their partners demonstrates the power of collective effort . ‘ These projects have been undertaken with the goal of addressing the growing needs of our community and ensuring that every resident has a
ccess to essential services that support their daily lives ,’ she said . She then urged the residents to take ownership of these services and safely guard them as they are meant to improve living standards .

Source: The Namibia News Agency

Police hard at work to fight extortion, says Mchunu

Police Minister Senzo Mchunu says police are hard at work fighting extortion and other related crimes in parts of the country on a daily basis.

‘The modus operandi of the perpetrators involved in these heinous acts is well known. Most of them are individuals who do not want to work but rather choose to parade as armies of murderous parasites that must be fought and rejected by society as a whole,’ Mchunu said.

Addressing Parliament on Tuesday on measures taken by the South African Police Service (SAPS) to deal with threats posed by extortion in the country, Mchunu said four provinces, namely Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Western Cape and the Eastern Cape, currently bear 73% of crime levels in South Africa, and the gravity of these crimes alone, including extortion, is of serious concern to the police.

‘Extortion has been emerging over time and has now reached levels where all communities in our country beyond the four provinces have become very angry, bitter and agitated. The pain has gone very deep,’ Mchunu sa

Mchunu said the mood expressed in communities is also reflective of statements that have been made unanimously in Parliament against these crimes.

‘Somewhere in the background, the current socio-economic conditions are militating against [the] crime levels and need to be addressed urgently by the House and the Executive,’ Mchunu said.

Mchunu said the perpetrators of extortion are often heavily armed, operating in groups that instil fear and chaos.

‘The relative ‘silence’ of communities and low reporting is all due to these fears. Police… led by the Ministry, are hard at work fighting these crimes on a daily basis.

‘[In] recent operations… suspects, identified through intelligence as extortionists, were confronted in Milnerton, Cape Town. Four suspects were fatally wounded in a shootout with police, while four were admitted in hospital with wounds.

‘In the Eastern Cape, operations are underway and we are focusing on Mthatha and Nelson Mandela Bay on similar crimes, including illegal occupation of
buildings and stock theft, among others.

‘Twelve cases have been reported on the hotline and investigations are underway. We are observing signs of resistance among criminals but police will prevail. We must also mention that we see shocking incidents of the lowest morality, where church services, funerals and other family related functions get disrupted by these extortionists,’ the Minister said.

Mchunu said in Gauteng, three criminals were arrested in Bronkhospruit three weeks ago in activities related to extortions.

‘Soweto is also a place that has received our attention in the incidents of extortion. In Mpumalanga, three arrests were recently made in cases of extortion and fighting over turf for the same purpose.

‘In the Free State, the target of extortionists include pensioners and people who receive RAF payments [Road Accident Fund]. Generally, there is more extortion going on than meets the eye. This requires more crime intelligence operations,’ the Minister said.

Mchunu said government has initia
ted the signing of cooperative agreements with provincial and local government, with operational plans seeking to intergrade resources to fight against crime.

‘Currently, the operational plan is being rolled out in Cape Town with its new six sub-districts. The model will be replicated in all metros in the country. The operational plan will include CPFs [community policing forums] and private security companies.

‘The Eastern Cape and Nelson Mandela Bay have agreed on the operational plan and it is currently being rolled out, and we will be launching it soon,’ Mchunu said.

Mchunu said they will be meeting the Gauteng government on Thursday on the same programme, and next will be KwaZulu-Natal on the 19th and 20th of this month.

‘We are also holding a series of meetings with sister departments on collaboration against crime, as per the National Integrated Crime Prevention Strategy. This Friday, we are meeting as the JCPS [Justice, Crime Prevention and Security] cluster to tighten up our act and better synerg
ies,’ he said.

Source: South African Government News Agency