Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group and GTT Announce Partnership to Advance LNG-Fueled Shipping Market

Nikkiso CE&IG and GTT team members

Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases and GTT teams get together at SMM in Hamburg, Germany.

TEMECULA, Calif., Sept. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group, part of Nikkiso Co. Ltd.’s Industrial Business segment, and GTT announced today they have entered into a partnership to support the LNG-fueled cargo shipping market. The partnership between Nikkiso CE&IG and GTT brings together cutting-edge engineering and technology for LNG membrane containment and process systems and best-in-class hardware, global manufacturing and technical integration competencies.

GTT’s patented Recycool™ technology ensures boil-off gas (BOG) is recovered and managed safely to avoid unwanted emissions and improve fuel efficiency. Integrated with Nikkiso’s high-pressure fuel gas pump skids, the partnership provides ship owners with enhanced performance by maintaining reliability durability and efficiency to give customers a competitive edge in the market.

Our partnership with GTT and complementary expertise advances the growth of both companies in the LNG-fuelled shipping market,” said Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases CEO Adrian Ridge. “This strength is evidenced by the first large order for 10 container ships, and we expect more awards in the future.”

Jean-Baptiste Choimet, Chief Executive Officer of GTT, stated: “I’d like to thank the Nikkiso team for their support and collaboration. With GTT’s expertise in reducing boil-off rates through our membrane technology, the Recycool™ system now provides LNG-fueled vessels with effective solutions for managing boil-off and lowering their carbon footprint. The adoption of Recycool™ by leading Chinese and Korean shipyards reflects the industry’s trust in this solution.”

The value of this partnership has already been recognized by large ship owners with a recent award from a leading shipping operator and numerous projects under negotiation for a variety of ship types.

About Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group

The Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group is a leading provider of cryogenic equipment, technologies and applications for clean energy and industrial gas market segments. The Group employs more than 1,700 people in 22 countries and is headed by Cryogenic Industries, Inc. in Southern California, U.S., which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nikkiso Co., Ltd. (TSE: 6376).

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Nikkiso CE&IG marine

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AI-Media to Showcase Cutting-Edge Alta Platform Innovations at IBC 2024

AI-Media at IBC2024

Visit the AI-Media Team at IBC Booth # 5.C33

LONDON, Sept. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AI-Media, the leader in live video captioning and subtitling solutions, is set to unveil a suite of groundbreaking updates to its Alta platform at the International Broadcasting Convention (IBC) 2024 happening in Amsterdam, 13-16 September. As broadcasters across the globe seek to modernize workflows and improve accessibility, AI-Media continues to deliver innovative solutions that address the industry’s most pressing challenges.

Strategic Focus at IBC 2024

At IBC 2024, AI-Media will focus on expanding its footprint in the European market with its LEXI broadcast workflow, emphasizing solutions that deliver cost savings and workflow efficiencies. The primary highlights will include:

  • LEXI Live AI-Powered Captions: Offering hands-on trials to demonstrate the power, low-latency and accuracy of AI-Media’s automated captioning.
  • Gold standard SDI and video IP caption encoder tech trusted by major global broadcasters.
  • File-based Solutions: Promoting new solutions for video-on-demand captioning workflows.
  • Multilingual Captions and Translation: Showcasing solutions that support multiple languages to cater to diverse audiences.
  • Innovation Station: showcasing new tech on the horizon including LEXI Live Voice dubbing, LEXI automated audio description, generative AI topic modelling, automated sound effects recognition plus more.

AI-Media’s Value Proposition

For EMEA broadcasters, AI-Media offers turnkey subtitling solutions that integrate seamlessly into existing workflows, backed by over 20 years of in-field experience and a proven track record of delivering cost savings and workflow efficiencies for their customers. As a trusted partner to major broadcasters globally, AI-Media is committed to ongoing investment and innovation in subtitling solutions.

Revolutionary Alta Platform Enhancements

AI-Media’s latest updates to the Alta platform underscore the company’s commitment to delivering cutting-edge technology for live video captioning and subtitling:

  • SMPTE ST 2110-43 Support: AI-Media’s Alta now supports outputting live captions in a 2110-43 stream, leveraging the popular standard for transporting Timed Text Markup Language (TTML) within 2110 streams. This enables broadcasters to send non-Latin character sets in low bandwidth and facilitates easy integration with third-party systems, as well as conversion to online formats for OTT distribution.
  • Audio Dubbing Capabilities: LEXI audio dubbing support in Alta TS. Broadcasters will be able to create synthetically dubbed audio tracks in multiple languages, which can be inserted into MPEG TS output streams, offering new layers of accessibility.
  • SCTE Trigger Automation: Alta’s LEXI triggering automation enables automated control of captions during ad breaks. LEXI captions will automatically pause, or resume based on SCTE triggers, streamlining ad break management. Triggers can also be used to position captions.
  • DVB Subs Customization: Alta TS now allows end users to configure DVB Subs/bitmap caption appearance, including font size, colours, and positioning. This supports image-based characters, expanding accessibility for Asian languages.
  • Google Cloud Deployment: In addition to AWS, Alta is now deployable in Google Cloud, providing broadcasters with more cloud-based alternatives to enhance their operations.

The latest updates to the Alta platform are game-changers for broadcasters, offering unparalleled automation, flexibility, efficiency, and accessibility enhancements that meet the demands of modern media environments, from cloud-native deployments to advanced automation and multilingual support.

Visit AI-Media at IBC 2024

Experience AI-Media’s latest innovations at IBC 2024 and discover why broadcasters worldwide trust AI-Media to transform their captioning workflows. To book a 1:1 meeting click HERE. For more information, visit

Watch an interview between James Ward, Chief Sales Officer at AI-Media and TVB Europe about AI-Media’s planned showcase for IBC Show 2024.

About AI-Media

Founded in Australia in 2003, AI-Media is a pioneering technology company specialising in AI language and captioning workflow solutions.

As a global leader, AI-Media provides high-quality AI-powered live and recorded captioning and translation technology and solutions to a diverse range of customers and markets worldwide.

For the first time in February 2024, AI-Media unveiled groundbreaking data showcasing the superiority of its AI captioning product, LEXI, over traditional more expensive human workflows.

With deep industry experience and sophisticated AI technology to create solutions which streamline and simplify processes, AI-Media empowers leading broadcasters, enterprises and government agencies globally to ensure seamless accessibility and inclusivity of their content.

AI-Media (ASX: AIM) commenced trading on the ASX on 15 September 2020.

Media Contact: Fiona Habben – [email protected]

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9225725

JMGO s’apprête à révolutionner la projection laser à l’IFA 2024 grâce à son triple laser MALC™ 2.0

Établir de nouvelles normes pour l’industrie des projecteurs avec une luminosité, un contraste et une reproduction des couleurs parfaits, en même temps

BERLIN, 05 sept. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Pionnier de la technologie optique, JMGO présentera son triple laser MALC™ (Microstructure Adaptive Laser Control) 2.0 développé en interne, à l’IFA 2024, à Berlin. Cette innovation devrait redéfinir la projection laser en surmontant l’éternel défi de l’industrie : obtenir simultanément une luminosité, un contraste et des couleurs élevés.

La technologie laser est réputée offrir une luminosité et des couleurs incomparables par rapport aux systèmes à LED et à lampes. Cependant, le compromis entre luminosité, contraste et couleur constitue un obstacle important pour les projecteurs laser et hybrides laser/LED. Généralement, l’augmentation de la luminosité réduit le contraste et sursature les couleurs, tandis que la priorité accordée à la couleur entraîne souvent une luminosité plus faible, altérant l’expérience visuelle globale.

Le triple laser MALC™ 2.0 de JMGO élimine ces obstacles en permettant aux projecteurs de la série N1S de fournir jusqu’à 3 500 lumens ANSI de luminosité tout en conservant simultanément un impressionnant rapport de contraste FOFO de 1 600:1 et en couvrant 110 % de BT.2020 avec une précision des couleurs de Δ<1. Les spectateurs peuvent ainsi profiter d’images réalistes avec une luminosité exceptionnelle, un contraste profond et une reproduction précise des couleurs, sans aucun compromis sur la qualité d’image.

Doté de neuf technologies brevetées, le moteur laser MALC™ 2.0 améliore également l’uniformité de la luminosité, réduit les taches laser et améliore l’efficacité optique, tout en réduisant considérablement les coûts de production. Ces innovations seront détaillées lors de la conférence de presse du 7 septembre à 14 h.

« Le triple laser MALC™ 2.0 incarne notre volonté farouche de surmonter les défis les plus difficiles de l’industrie », a déclaré Forrest Li, PDG de JMGO. « En tant qu’experts de la projection laser, nous sommes toujours à l’avant-garde des avancées en matière de R&D et établissons de nouvelles normes en offrant des expériences visuelles haut de gamme avec une qualité d’image sans compromis. »

Au stand H20-104 du Messe Berlin, JMGO présentera également ses nouveaux projecteurs alimentés par le MALC™ 2.0, tels que son produit phare, le N1S Ultimate 4K. Les visiteurs pourront découvrir ces innovations et participer à des activités interactives telles que le 120S Color Challenge et Space of Imagination, pensés pour mettre en avant les atouts uniques du MALC™ 2.0.

À propos de JMGO
Depuis 2011, JMGO s’attache à proposer des expériences immersives sur grand écran alliant portabilité et polyvalence. En misant sur une conception fonctionnelle et un divertissement de haute qualité, JMGO ambitionne de créer un écosystème de divertissement à domicile tout-en-un, le premier du secteur qui englobe le terminal, le contenu, la plate-forme et les logiciels à destination d’un marché mondial.

Une photo accompagnant cette annonce est disponible à l’adresse suivante :

Yiming Zhan

[email protected]

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9225808

Integrated Power Services fait l’acquisition des actifs de l’activité ABB Industrial Services

L’acquisition ajoute des centres de service pour les moteurs électriques, les générateurs, la mécanique, l’appareillage de commutation et les disjoncteurs au réseau croissant d’IPS en Amérique du Nord

GREENVILLE, Caroline du Sud, 05 sept. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Integrated Power Services (IPS), un leader en Amérique du Nord spécialisé dans l’entretien, l’ingénierie et la remise à neuf de systèmes électriques, mécaniques et de gestion de l’énergie, a finalisé le 31 août 2024 son acquisition de l’activité ABB Industrial Services. Depuis ses installations en Arizona, Indiana, Caroline du Nord, Alberta et Ontario, ABB Industrial Services offre des capacités de réparation et de service sur site de la plus haute qualité pour les moteurs électriques jusqu’à 50 000 HP et les équipements de commutation basse et moyenne tension de 480 V à 15 kV. Ces centres de service assurent également la réparation des équipements rotatifs, y compris les pompes, compresseurs, souffleurs, roulements, boîtes de vitesses et groupes motopropulseurs des véhicules hors route.

« Cette acquisition permettra à IPS d’élargir son offre dans les régions où les clients nous ont demandé des services », a déclaré John Zuleger, Président et PDG d’IPS. « Ces cinq sites renforceront nos capacités dans les domaines des énergies renouvelables, de l’extraction du cuivre et des services industriels après-vente de gestion de l’énergie. De plus, IPS accueillera désormais 115 employés talentueux supplémentaires, ainsi que la technologie et l’expertise issues de l’héritage de General Electric et d’ABB sur ces sites récemment acquis. »

L’acquisition d’ABB Industrial Services fait suite à l’acquisition par IPS de l’activité de réparation d’hydrogénérateurs et de transformateurs d’ABB en juin 2022. Les cinq centres de services industriels d’ABB pour les moteurs électriques, les générateurs, la mécanique, l’appareillage de commutation et les disjoncteurs faisaient partie de l’acquisition de General Electric Industrial Solutions par ABB en juin 2018.

« IPS a développé son activité dans 88 sites, couvrant les États-Unis, le Canada, le Royaume-Uni, l’Europe et les Caraïbes », a ajouté John Zuleger. « IPS aspire à devenir la seule référence, le conseiller de confiance auprès de nos clients pour relever les défis qu’ils rencontrent en matière d’infrastructures critiques. Avec une offre de services qui couvre la production d’énergie et les processus industriels, les sous-stations et la transmission, l’équilibre électrique de l’usine et les moteurs électriques, IPS fournit la gamme de services la plus large et peut ainsi résoudre des problèmes que peu de fournisseurs sont capables de traiter. Nous sommes déterminés à révolutionner la fiabilité en faisant progresser notre vision et capacité à relever, repenser et résoudre les plus grands défis de nos clients en matière de fiabilité. »

À propos d’Integrated Power Services (IPS) 
Integrated Power Services (IPS) est un leader spécialisé dans l’entretien, l’ingénierie et la remise à neuf de systèmes électriques, mécaniques et de gestion de l’énergie. En privilégiant une expertise propre à l’industrie et une gamme complète de compétences, IPS soutient les infrastructures critiques de clients très variés. Avec son siège à Greenville, en Caroline du Sud, IPS exploite le plus grand réseau du secteur, avec des centres de service et de distribution, des bureaux locaux et des entrepôts stratégiquement situés en Amérique du Nord, au Royaume-Uni et dans les Caraïbes. Chaque site IPS est équipé de manière à relever, repenser et résoudre des défis complexes, offrant un accès à une vaste réserve de talents et de ressources à l’échelle mondiale pour des solutions intégrées, provenant d’une source unique. Pour en savoir plus, consultez notre site sur

Pour publication immédiate 
Contact médias : Casey Blevins, VP du marketing
[email protected] ou 864.451.5617

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9225647

Bill Gates tasks FG, states on healthcare funding

Mr Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has tasked the federal and state governments to prioritise funding the health sector to secure the future of Nigerians.

Gates said this in his presentation to the National Economic Council (NEC) meeting on Wednesday, presided over by Vice-President Kashim Shettima at the State House, Abuja.

He said President Bola Tinubu’s Renewed Hope agenda, though ambitious, would need to deploy limited funds judiciously.

‘Without health, there can be no opportunity. After all, priorities without funding are only words. And I know that right now, it’s impossible to give every priority the funding it needs.

‘That’s why it’s more important than ever to focus on the areas you know will make the greatest difference,’ said Gates.

He explained that in two decades, the world had reduced the number of children who died before their fifth birthday by half as a result of investments in primary healthcare such as routine immunisation.

However, he said in Nigeria,
2.2 million children had never received a single vaccine.

‘I think you’ll agree that if children aren’t immunised against deadly diseases, little else matters.

‘Primary care is the first – and sometimes, the only – point of contact most patients have with the health system. Yet, Nigeria spends just N3,000 on primary healthcare per person, per year.

‘About 70 per cent of your spending goes to secondary and tertiary care, compared to just 30 per cent for primary care,’ he said.

Gates urged both the federal and state governments to put in more efforts to reverse the ratio.

See also Gates Foundation selects 50 health, development projects to deepen AI access

‘It’s up to each state to not only prioritise primary health in your budgets but also follow through on releasing the funds on time.

‘Realistic budgeting also requires good data. Data can reveal uncomfortable truths. But no country can plan for the future without understanding the present.

‘Without a realistic plan, health systems break down. Salaries
don’t get paid. Equipment doesn’t get maintained. Supplies don’t show up. And over time, patients give up on seeking care altogether,’ Gates noted.

He said President Tinubu’s administration had already taken a big step toward a stronger primary health system, by implementing an ambitious Sector-Wide Approach.

He said the reforms would ensure that every naira spent on healthcare was used wisely.

He said the reforms could only reach their full potential if states lived up to their obligations under Nigeria’s Health Sector Renewal Compact, and release their part of the funding.

‘I understand all this is easier said than done. But Nigeria has already proven it can make enormous progress on primary health in a short time.

‘Last year, the federal government launched an ambitious HPV vaccination campaign.

‘In one month, Nigeria immunised more girls than 40 other Gavi countries combined did the entire previous year. In total, Nigeria reached more than 12 million girls with this life-saving vaccine.

‘That’s gen
uinely incredible. And I hope you carry the lessons from that campaign to future efforts,’ he said.

Gates also called for investments in nutrition, which he said was the root cause of nearly half of all children’s deaths.

‘When children are malnourished, they’re more vulnerable to deadly diseases. Even the children who survive malnutrition never escape it.

See also Don’t divide Nigerians with religion, Cleric warns politicians

‘It stunts their brains and bodies in ways that can’t be reversed. And new data show that nearly one-third of Nigerian children suffer from stunting,’ he explained.

However, he said there was reason to be optimistic as Nigeria had already mandated that staple ingredients like cooking oil and wheat flour were fortified with essential nutrients.

He added that researchers were working to fortify bouillon cubes, and that if scaled up, the bouillon cubes could save 11,000 lives and prevent over 16 million cases of anaemia each year.

He further said that even though companies were alre
ady mandated to fortify some staples, many were not fully complying.

‘Private sector partnership is crucial here. While your immediate priorities may differ, government and business leaders all want the same thing: a healthier, wealthier Nigeria.

‘You can convene business leaders and encourage them to meet mandates. You can work with them to make nutritious foods more affordable and available.

‘Then it’s up to you to ensure the food your states procure through social assistance programmes meets the proper standards,’ said Gates.

He said all the solutions he proffered required investment in terms of time and money, and that no government could do this alone.

He added that partnership was important, and it was imperative for the private sector to support health and nutrition.

‘I hope you know you also have a partner in the Gates Foundation. For over two decades, our grantees have helped solve some of the most intractable problems in all the areas I’ve discussed.

‘Our commitments to Nigeria and to Africa
have only grown over the years. And I look forward to many more years of partnership,’ Gates promised.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Organisation unveils vocational centre for rehabilitation of inmates

The Hope Behind Bars Africa, a non-governmental organisation, has inaugurated a vocational skills centre, at the Dukpa Correctional Farm Centre in Gwagwalada Area Council of the FCT for inmates.

Speaking at the inauguration on Wednesday in Abuja, the Executive Director of the organisation, Ms Oluwafunke Adeoye said that the initiative was part of the organisation’s efforts to support the rehabilitation of inmates

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the centre was equipped with seven sewing machines comprising two industrial sewing machines and five manual sewing machines.

Others are storage wardrobes, two wall fans, clothing materials and other sewing materials aimed to equip the inmates with skills to enable them to become self-reliant after their release.

Adeoye said that the launch formed part of the organisation’s ‘Inside Out Hub’, a programme which is aimed at rehabilitating, reforming and reintegration of persons behind bars.

She said that the ‘Inside Out Hub’ created in-prison opportuni
ties for female and low-risk male inmates to acquire in-demand vocational and tech skills, earn income behind bars and advance their educational and entrepreneurial prospects.

‘The new complex established and equipment donated today, aims to create an avenue for incarcerated persons to learn a skill that will aid their transition into society and also earn while serving their terms.

‘I am so delighted that today is finally happening. Through the Inside Out Hub, we ensured that prison reform is sustainable.

‘Some officers have been trained on how to sew and would in turn train inmates in Dukpa Correctional Farm centre. If we do all we can in our own little way, we will have a country we can be proud of.

See also Safe school: Group urges Gombe govt to rehabitate school infrastructure

‘We are incredibly grateful to the Nigerian Correctional Service(NCoS) for partnering with us on this initiative.’

‘This is just one of many ‘Inside Out Hubs’ we intend to establish in correctional centres across the country.
In March this year, we renovated a similar hub at Suleja Custodial Centre in Niger state.

‘This will not only increase the inmates’ chances of financial independence but also boost their self-confidence and reduce recidivism rates.

‘We are also working to create an E-commerce website so that the items produced by the hub can be displayed for the public to purchase,’ Adeoye concluded.

Speaking, Assistant Controller, NCoS, FCT Command, Mr. Charles Ogwude, commended the organisation for the initiative and urged the custodial centre to take full advantage of the opportunity.

Ogwude said ‘so many organisations have applied for such interventions but did not fulfil their promise, but Hope Behind Bars Africa applied, they have brought it to fruition and we are very grateful.

‘This shows that they really have love for the NCoS at heart,’he said.

He encouraged the officer in charge of Dukpa Correctional Farm Centre saying ‘to whom much is given, much is expected.

‘Use this facility to ensure that all inmates in
your custody are rehabilitated.’

Also, Ms Rinsola Abiola, the Senior Special Assistant (SSA) to the President on Citizenship and Leadership, commended the ‘Inside Out Hub’ initiative.

Abiola believed that the initiative would help people behind bars earn income when they were inside and when they got out.

‘I would like to commend the founder of Hope Behind Bars Africa for this initiative, her story is one of resilience and passion which we rarely see,’ she said.

See also Oyetola expresses need for major rehabilitation of Apapa, Tincan ports

Meanwhile, Rafiat Atanda, representing the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, (UNODC) congratulated the organisation on the Launch of the skills centre saying it would address the link between poverty and crime.

‘This will give persons in conflict with the law a second chance at life and opportunity for a brighter future,’she said.

In his goodwill message, the Senior Advisor of the U.S. Embassy in Abuja, Shaun Gavin encouraged the organisation to continue the
ir reformation efforts.

Gavin said ‘today marks a significant milestone in the reintegration and reformation of inmates. As a former corrections officer, I understand how poverty can influence crime.

‘This launch would not have been possible without collaboration from the Ministry of Interior, donor agencies and members of the diplomatic community.

‘To Ms. Oluwafunke Adeoye, we are truly proud of you and your growth. Through your organisation you have supported over 8,000 persons across 12 correctional facilities in Nigeria. By providing this vocational skills hub, we are offering the inmates a second chance,’he said.

NAN reports that Hope Behind Bars Africa officially handed over the workshop to the Nigerian Correctional Service in a ribbon cutting ceremony by the Controller of FCT, Mr. Ibrahim Usman.

Following the event, the organisation also presented a cheque of N2.5 million to the Controller of FCT, Ibrahim Usman at FCT Headquarters of the Nigerian Correctional Service, as funds raised for inmates t
o take the WAEC and NECO exams, as part of the ongoing #LearningBehindBars crowdfunding campaign.

NAN reports that the event was attended by the Executive Director, Public Awareness on the Rights and Rehabilitation of Vulnerable Persons Initiative (PARRVPI), Mrs Ogechi Ogu, and ROLAC/International IDEA representative, Chinasa Chimalu, among others.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria