Tugboats to improve services at Transnet’s Port of East London

The Port of East London on Thursday received the two last tugboats marking the completion of Transnet National Ports Authority’s (TNPA) R1billion investment towards the Marine Fleet Renewal Programme.

The programme is aimed at boosting tugboat availability and enhancing shipping operations.

The programme is a key element of the Transnet Recovery Plan which is critical in driving shipping efficiencies and reliability, whilst also positioning the ports as competitive and a catalyst for economic growth.

The tugboats are designed to provide marine services including the safe navigation of vessels, pilotage, towage and waterside pollution combat.

The two tugs delivered by Damen Shipyards Cape Town (DSCT) replace the existing tug fleet that has reached its operational lifespan at the Port of East London in the Eastern Cape.

The latest tugs comprising modern technology solutions are built with an azimuth stern drive and have an improved bollard pull of 60-tonnes compared to the 43-tonnes bollard pull on the ex
isting tugs.

The procurement of the tugs serves as a catalyst for the port’s expansion plan.

The plan also includes the deepening and strengthening of the port’s automotive berth to address berthing challenges.

The project hit a significant milestone in November 2023 with the commencement of the concrete works package.

Also included in the river port’s expansion plan is the delivery of two jib cranes for the port’s dry dock facility, which will increase the ship repair facility’s capacity and volume throughput in the 2024/25 financial year.

Strategic projects

The advanced features of the two new tugs will enable the port to respond to the anticipated shipping and volume demands.

‘The journey towards the full recovery of Transnet lies in our commitment to growth and investing in fit-for-purpose equipment,’ said Transnet Board Chairperson, Andile Sangqu who spoke during the tug naming and christening ceremony held at the port.

‘This acquisition is a crucial investment towards creating a sustainable port
system and will enable the execution of strategic projects currently underway at the Port of East London,’ Sangqu said.

Recovery Plan

Sangqu said Transnet is currently executing a number of actionable steps to halt the decline in operational and financial performance through the Transnet Recovery Plan launched in October 2023.

‘The Recovery Plan directs us to prioritise revitalising our ageing marine assets in order to improve operational efficiency and serve our customers better. Investing in port infrastructure to drive efficiency and reliability is a catalyst for improved economic competitiveness.

‘Ports are the lifeblood of trade, the gateways through which goods flow in and out of our economy,’ Sangqu said.

Lentswe and Kganya

At the christening ceremony, tug Lentswe meaning ‘the voice of sailors’ was unveiled by Transnet Board Member, Boitumelo Sedupane in her role as the tug’s Lady Sponsor, while tug Kganya meaning ‘light’ and symbolising guidance in safe navigation of vessels, was revealed and ch
ristened by TNPA Board Member Valda Gossman.

The names of the tugs were chosen through a naming competition run among TNPA employees.

The two tugs are in addition to the five tugs which were delivered at the Port of Durban last month.

‘We are proud to have delivered these tugboats for TNPA. The vessels represent a substantial investment in our maritime infrastructure and will contribute to local job creation and skills development as DSCT will provide all operational support, including spares, repairs, and services,’ said Sefale Montsi, Director at Damen Shipyards Cape Town.

‘Through a centralised system, the vessel will provide data-driven insight for timely information on ship operations,’ she said.

Attracting investors

Eastern Cape acting Premier Mlungisi Mvoko said the acquisition of the two tugboats is part of enhancing operations at the Port of East London.

‘Today’s milestone aligns with our strategic view that our ports are the biggest instruments for attracting investors in the province,’ Mvoko

Mvoko said the province is pleased with TNPA’s investment in boosting tugboat availability and shipping efficiencies at the port.

‘Our customers in this port are set to benefit from the improved capacity in the new tugboats when compared to the existing maritime crafts that have reached their lifespan. We believe that this will have positive impact on the container vessel turnaround time and ultimately increase efficiencies and productivity at the port.

‘It is these efficiencies that we will leverage on to increase our economic activities in areas of the automotive sector and agriculture, our two main economic drivers in the Eastern Cape.

‘We are trying very hard to lure as many investors to the province as we can. It is the only way we can deal with the high rate of unemployment. All customers in this port are set to benefit from the improved capacity in the new tugboats when compared to the existing maritime crafts that have reached their lifespan,’ the acting Premier said.

The delivery of the fl
eet is part of TNPA’s R1 billion investment in boosting tugboat availability and shipping efficiencies in the South African seaports.

From the acquisition, the Port of Durban has been allocated five tugboats while two tugs have been allocated to the Port of East London.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Government focused on growing inclusive economy

National Treasury has reaffirmed government’s commitment to prioritising rapid, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, in bid to tackle prevailing high levels of unemployment, poverty and inequality.

In a statement, the department said following a visit to the country, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) found that the South African economy has shown resilience in the face of disruption.

However, the IMF made the following recommendations:

Policies should focus on bolstering inclusive growth and restoring fiscal sustainability.

Managing the descent of inflation to target and safeguard financial stability.

Implement ongoing structural reforms, including in the electricity and transportation sectors, and complement with measures to improve the business environment, and function of product and labour markets while strengthening governance.

Focusing on an ambitious expenditure-based fiscal consolidation.

Monetary policy should stay data dependent and rate cuts should be considered only after inflati
on declines sustainably towards the midpoint of the target range.

Monitor financial sector risks, including those related to the bank-sovereign nexus, and enhance supervision and prudential regulations.

‘National Treasury acknowledges the constructive engagement held with the IMF team regarding South Africa’s Public Finance Management (PFA). While recognising the macroeconomic challenges highlighted by the IMF, the South African government has affirmed its commitment to prioritise rapid, inclusive and sustainable economic growth to tackle prevailing high levels of poverty and inequality.

‘The newly established Government of National Unity (GNU) is firmly committed to addressing immediate and long-term economic challenges,’ Treasury said.

The department said it is committed to ‘stabilising debt, while preserving economic stability’.

‘The fiscal position has improved, with the primary fiscal surplus target of 2% of GDP [Gross Domestic Product] being reached in 2023. South Africa remains committed to the re
form agenda focused on addressing supply constraints while supporting activity and employment.

“South Africa is making progress in the implementation of its structural reforms, as also acknowledged by the IMF.

‘The South African financial system continues to demonstrate resilience, supported by strong capital adequacy and high liquidity buffers. National Treasury’s view is that the sovereign-bank nexus is not currently a risk to the financial system. However, this will be monitored closely.

‘National Treasury welcomes the fruitful discussions with the IMF and is committed to implementing reforms to unlock sustainable and inclusive growth, improve the fiscal position, and bolster the capacity and effectiveness of the State,’ the department said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Transnet, Petredec pact to “transform LPG distribution in South Africa”

Transnet Freight Rail has signed an agreement with internationally recognised Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) giant, Petredec, to enhance gas distribution in the country.

In a joint statement, the two companies said the move is a ‘groundbreaking rail freight solution that is set to transform LPG distribution in South Africa’.

‘This landmark project, featuring a dedicated train system, modern LPG intermodal hub and storage facility at Sentrarand in Gauteng, marks a significant milestone and investment in the country’s energy infrastructure, which is needed to meet the growing demand for LPG over the coming decades.

‘The new LPG hub… will serve as a much-needed staging post for South Africa’s economic heartland and the broader SADC region. The hub will receive bulk LPG via rail from the initial load point at the Richards Bay LPG terminal in KwaZulu-Natal, developed in partnership with Bidvest Tank Terminals in 2020.

‘Through the project, Petredec will introduce South Africa’s first scheduled LPG train system
, with each 75-wagon trainset capable of transporting over 2 500t of LPG. Initially operating up to three times per week, this enhanced logistics system will further improve the efficiency, cost-effectiveness and environmental friendliness of LPG distribution in the country,’ the statement read.

Transnet Group Chief Executive, Michelle Phillips, said the hub is critical to protecting South Africa’s energy security.

‘This landmark project marks a major advancement in the supply of LPG across the country, enabling bulk distribution of LPG on a scale never before achieved in Africa. The Sentrarand LPG hub and rail freight solution is critical infrastructure that will support South Africa’s long-term energy security and developmental ambitions,’ Phillips said.

Jonathan Fancher, CEO of Petredec, said the partnership between the two companies marks a ‘significant step in improving LPG accessibility in South Africa’.

‘This investment reflects our commitment to developing key LPG infrastructure and implementing m
ore efficient, optimised logistical solutions – ultimately making LPG more affordable to end users.

‘Our goal is clear: to make clean cooking solutions like LPG more accessible to those who need it, thus contributing to a broader vision of improved energy security, public health, energy affordability and environmental conservation in South Africa and beyond,’ Fancher said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Cabinet welcomes signing of second Presidential Health Compact

The quest for quality and affordable healthcare for all has moved closer with the signing of the second Presidential Health Compact.

This is according to the Acting Minister in the Presidency, Maropene Ramokgopa, who addressed media on Thursday on the outcomes of the Cabinet meeting held on Wednesday.

Last month, Deputy President Paul Mashatile, in his capacity as Acting President, presided over the signing of the second Presidential Health Compact, an initiative established by President Cyril Ramaphosa in 2019.

READ | A nation’s health, is a nation’s wealth

The health compact is a framework for cooperation between critical sectors and stakeholders to strengthen the health system. It monitors and evaluates preparations for the implementation of the National Health Insurance (NHI).

The stakeholders include government, business, labour, civil society, health professionals, unions, service users, statutory councils, academia and researchers to develop sustainable and inclusive solutions to challenges in th
e national health system.

‘It seeks to strengthen the health system and monitors and evaluates preparations for implementing the NHI,’ Ramokgopa said.

The health compact also seeks to bolster the development of human resources, while improving access to medicine, vaccines and health products, upgrading infrastructure and ensuring private sector engagement.

The Acting President told the delegates during the signing ceremony that a healthy nation is more economically productive and prosperous.

‘A healthy population enjoys higher life expectancy, better quality of life and overall wellbeing. As a result, providing quality healthcare is of the utmost importance to all of us,’ he said.

Meanwhile, Ramokgopa said Cabinet was appalled that some unscrupulous and greedy lawyers and advocates have attempted to defraud billions of rands from the State through fraudulent and irregular medico-legal claims.

READ | Medico-legal claims a feeding trough for unscrupulous legal practitioners

‘These wrongdoings were uncove
red in a far-reaching investigation by the SIU [Special Investigating Unit] into alleged fraudulent medico-legal claims against the State since 2017.’

According to the Minister, the ongoing investigation revealed that some legal practitioners are helped by health practitioners working for the State to target the department.

In addition, she said matters completed by the SIU have resulted in at least R3 billion in savings for various provincial health departments.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Disciplinary action taken against officials at Master’s Office

The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development is taking disciplinary action against officials working at the Master’s Office, following several allegations of misconduct and maladministration.

This is according to Justice Minister Thembi Simelane who was answering questions in the National Council of Provinces on Wednesday.

The Special Investigating Unit (SIU) had conducted an investigation into the Master’s Office and submitted a report to the department in April this year, implicating some 14 officials in alleged illegal activity.

‘Of the 14, three are no longer employed by the department which means disciplinary action couldn’t be taken but the department is looking to other mechanisms and measures to ensure that accountability is taken. The 11 employees include one senior manager and 10 middle managers and junior staff members.

‘The department addresses, as per the SIU recommendations, the allegations included among others, misconduct, intimidation and threats, contravention of section two
of the Estates Administration and the contravention of Section 386 of the Companies Act,’ Simelane said.

The Minister said in addition to the SIU findings, the department took ‘proactive measures by commissioning an internal forensic and internal audit unit’ to investigate the behaviour of several officials.

‘These investigations were initiated to address serious allegations that had surfaced, including claims of misconduct, impropriety and breaches of the public code.

‘The forensic and audit unit signifies our commitment as a department to maintaining high standards of integrity and accountability. By launching this investigation, the department sought to ensure comprehensive examination,’ she said.

Of the 14 implicated officials, the following actions have been taken:

An official has been found guilty and dismissed.

Another official resigned days before their disciplinary hearing could be held.

An official was found guilty and was given a three-month suspension without pay and additional charges h
ave been filed.

The disciplinary processes against the remaining eight are expected to be concluded by the end of the year.

‘The resignation does not prevent the department from proceeding with other potential consequence management-related proceedings that we are looking at taking,’ Simelane added.

During a media briefing last month, she said cleaning up the Master’s Office was a key priority for the department with reforms undertaken at those offices.

‘These reforms are part of our broader efforts to combat corruption and improve service delivery within the justice system. The turnaround strategy for the Master’s Offices includes implementing the SIU’s recommendations and enhancing oversight mechanisms to prevent future misconduct.

‘We are focused on improving efficiency and customer service at all Master’s service points through strategic collaboration with key stakeholders. Restoring public confidence in the Master’s Offices is a top priority,’ Simelane said.

Source: South African Government News

Slight GDP increase sets ‘a positive tone’ – Ramokgopa

Cabinet has called on all sectors of South Africa to build on the momentum of the slightly increased Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

This is according to Acting Minister in the Presidency Maropene Ramokgopa who briefed the media on Thursday, following a regular meeting held by Cabinet this week.

Earlier this week, Statistics South Africa reported that the economy has grown by some 0.4% during the second quarter of 2024.

‘Cabinet noted the slight increase in the growth of the South African economy…which sets a positive tone for our overall economic performance for the year. South Africa’s economy remains robust and Cabinet encourages all sectors of society to build on this momentum going forward.

‘When all sectors build on this momentum as a nation, we will realise the creation of more jobs and improve the living standards of all South Africans.

‘Cabinet has prioritised inclusive economic growth and job creation for the Seventh Administration and therefore existing interventions will be intensified to achi
eve this objective,’ Ramokgopa said.

Investment and infrastructure development

Ramokgopa told the briefing that government remains focused on growing the economy, reducing unemployment and creating a more resilient investment climate.

In that regard, she said, Cabinet welcomed the launch of the R1.1 billion automotive components manufacturing facility at the Dube Trade Port Special Economic Zone in KwaZulu-Natal.

‘The massive investment by Toyota Tsusho Africa (Pty) Ltd and Ogihara Thailand Corporation Ltd is a vote of confidence on South Africa’s position as a formidable destination for foreign direct investment.

‘The investment also underscores the progress that has been made under the stewardship of President Cyril Ramaphosa, who has championed an investment drive that has attracted more than R1.51 trillion in investor commitments since 2018.

‘South Africa’s investment appeal continues to draw catalytic investments that affirm the government’s intent to drive economic growth and create jobs,’ she sai

Furthermore, Ramokgopa noted that the recently approved R17.8 billion funding from the BRICS New Development Bank (NDB) will accelerate infrastructure development in water and sanitation.

Transnet has also signed a R5 billion loan agreement with the NDB in support of the public entity’s improvement and modernisation efforts in freight rail.

‘The recently approved R17.8 billion funding…for infrastructure projects in water and sanitation will reduce infrastructure backlogs and ensure the provision of basic services to poor households.

‘Cabinet expressed appreciation for the funding, which will greatly accelerate infrastructure development in our nation and contribute to improving the lives of people,’ Ramakgopa noted.

Source: South African Government News Agency