Seven police officers arrested for alleged bribery at Oshikoto

The Namibian Police Force ( NamPol ) in the Oshikoto Region has arrested seven police officers for allegedly accepting a bribe of N . dollar 17 000 from two seven – seater drivers to allow them to pass through a checkpoint with illicit goods and bales without the required permits . According to the region ‘ s NamPol Crime Investigation Coordinator , Deputy Commissioner Titus Ekandjo , the incident occurred between January 2024 and August 2024 at the Oshivelo Police checkpoint in the Oshikoto Region . The suspects were arrested on Friday , and a case of contravening Section 43 of the Anti – Corruption Act , Act 8 of 2003 ( corruptly using office or position for gratification ) has been opened against them . Ekandjo reported that on 25 August 2024 , an operation was carried out by officers from the Oshivelo Police Station following a tip – off about two seven – seater vehicles suspected of carrying illicit goods and bales , travelling on the B1 road towards the Oshivelo Police checkpoint from the Onhuno and On
gha villages in the Ohangwena Region . ” The information was received at about 03h52 , and it was further reported that the seven – seater drivers were in contact with individual police officers working at the Oshivelo checkpoint , who allegedly allowed them to pass through the checkpoint with illicit goods and bales of clothes without being searched ,” he said . He added that after a follow – up , the two seven – seater vehicles were intercepted and found in possession of illicit goods and bales without permits . ” The seven – seater drivers revealed which police officers they communicated with to pass through the checkpoint without being searched . They provided the names and mobile phone numbers of the officers , as well as communication messages and records of payments made to the officers via FNB E – Wallet and Pay2Cell ,” Ekandjo reported . He further stated that a total of nine police officers were implicated , with a combined sum of N . dollars 17 000 paid to them . Seven suspects were arrested , whil
e two remain at large . The suspects are expected to make their first court appearance before the Tsumeb Magistrate ‘ s Court on Monday , while investigations continue .

Source: The Namibia News Agency

Woman killed with unknown object at Omusati

OSHAKATI: A 40 – year – old woman , identified as Teofilia Adolf , died after she was allegedly stabbed with an unknown object by a known man on Saturday . The Namibian Police Force ( NamPol ) Omusati ‘ s Regional Commander , Commissioner Ismael Basson , said the incident occurred at around 21h00 at Onamatanga location , Onamatanga village in the Ruacana Constituency . ‘ It is alleged that the suspect used an unknown sharp object to stab the victim once on the right side of her neck , and the victim died at the spot ,’ he said . Basson indicated that the suspect , who is a Namibian man , has not yet been arrested . He stated that a case of murder has thus been opened . Police investigations into the matter continue .

Source: The Namibia News Agency

Mentally challenged teen allegedly raped at Onewawa

The Namibian Police Force ( NamPol ) in the Oshikoto Region has opened a case of rape after an 18 – year – old Namibian girl was allegedly raped by an unknown man while attending a wedding at Onewawa village . According to the region ‘ s NamPol Crime Investigations Coordinator , Deputy Commissioner , Titus Ekandjo on Sunday , the incident happened on Friday at around 22h00 ” It is alleged that the victim was attending a wedding in their village of Onewawa , whereby she was approached by the suspect and the suspect dragged her into the bushes and then had sexual intercourse with her under coercive circumstances since the victim is a mentally challenged person ,” Ekandjo reported . He added that after the incident , the victim stood up in order to find her way home , but she got lost and ended up at the next village of Olambo , where she was found by the community members , to whom she explained her ordeal . The suspect has not yet been arrested as the victim is unable to identify him . Police investigations i
nto the matter continue .

Source: The Namibia News Agency

Deputy President well after N’wamitwa Day celebrations address

The Presidency has given the assurance that Deputy President, Paul Mashatile, is well after he collapsed during the N’wamitwa Day celebrations in Tzaneen, Limpopo.

Mashatile attended the N’wamitwa Day celebrations at the Valoyi Cultural Village in Tzaneen on Saturday.

The Deputy President, in his capacity as Chairperson of the Presidential Task Team on matters of Traditional and Khoi-San Leaders, addressed the celebrations under the theme ‘Celebrating the lives of our heroes and heroines who laid down their lives for our freedom’.

While delivering his keynote address, the Deputy President felt lightheaded from the heat and was attended to by his medical team.

‘We can confirm that the Deputy President has received the necessary medical attention and is well,’ said Acting Spokesperson to the Deputy President, Keith Khoza, in a statement.

N’waMitwa Day unites vital aspects of democratic society

In his prepared speech, Deputy President Mashatile said the 16th anniversary of N’waMitwa Day united vital aspec
ts of the democratic society and demonstrated the country’s progress in advancing the constitutional values of gender equality and non-sexism .

He said Her Royal Highness Hosi Dr N’waMitwa II’s accession to the throne symbolised resilience and progress in the country’s ongoing journey to realise women’s full potential in leadership roles.

“Her path inspires all, particularly the millions of South African women whose voices and contributions are essential in shaping our nation’s future. We are proud that you have upended patriarchy by claiming your rightful place on the Valoyi royal throne.

“You have demonstrated to women that their role extends beyond the norm, and they can assume leadership positions in society, performing equally or better than men. What remains is that we must fight patriarchy and stand together as government and traditional leaders to root out the persistent inequalities and Gender-Based Violence (GBV), which continue to erode social cohesion in South Africa.”

Source: South African G
overnment News Agency

SIU to investigate maladministration within Transnet, municipalities

The Special Investigating Unit (SIU) has been authorised to investigate allegations of serious maladministration at Transnet, including the reinstatement of the former CEO of Transnet Freight Rail Siyabonga Gama.

This after President Cyril Ramaphosa signed proclamations 181, 182, 183 and 184 of 2024, authorising the SIU to investigate allegations of serious maladministration within Transnet, the Gauteng Provincial Department of Human Settlement, the Umzumbe Local Municipality, and Masilonyana Local Municipality and to recover any financial losses suffered by the State.

Proclamation 184 of 2024

Proclamation 184 of 2024 authorises the SIU to investigate allegations of serious maladministration related to Siyabonga Gama’s reinstatement as Chief Executive Officer of Transnet Freight Rail in February 2011 and the payment of Gama’s legal costs following his reinstatement.

This includes any unauthorised, irregular, or wasteful expenditure incurred by Transnet concerning these matters.

‘SIU is also authorised t
o probe allegations of serious maladministration in the procurement of or contracting for goods, works, or services of leased accommodation by Transnet and payments made about it in a manner that examines explicitly whether Transnet officials or agents acted corruptly or unduly to benefit themselves or others, leading to unauthorised, irregular, fruitless, and wasteful expenditures or financial losses for Transnet,’ SIU spokesperson, Kaizer Kganyago said.

Kganyago said the SIU will also investigate any unauthorised, irregular, or fruitless and wasteful expenditures incurred by or losses suffered by Transnet or the state about the contract for security services related to cable theft and preventing criminal activities against Transnet Freight Rail.

The contract was awarded to Abalozi Security Risk Advisory Services (Pty) Limited (formerly known as General Nyanda Security Advisory Services (Pty) Limited).

‘The Proclamation covers allegations of unlawful and improper conduct that occurred between 1 January 20
07 and 13 September 2024, as well as any related activities before 1 January 2007 and after the date of the Proclamation that are pertinent to the matters under investigation or involve the same persons, entities, or contracts,’ Kganyago said.

Proclamation 183 of 2024

Proclamation 183 of 2024 authorises the SIU to investigate allegations of maladministration in procuring seven contracts at the Umzumbe Local Municipality in the KwaZulu-Natal Province.

The tenders under scrutiny include the construction of the Umzumbe municipal offices; rehabilitation of the Qwabe, Cabhane, Mabheleni, Magabha, Sgananda and Ndletshe Roads; construction of the Isipofu Access Road; construction work at the Ntelezi Msani Heritage Centre; construction of the Nkanini Indoor Sports Centre; construction of the Ntatshana Access Road and bridge; and the three-year Electrification Turnkey Project (2015 to 2018), by or on behalf of the municipality.

‘The SIU will investigate any unauthorised, irregular, fruitless, or wasteful expenditu
re incurred by the municipality or the State. The investigation will also cover any unlawful or improper conduct by municipality officials, employees, suppliers, service providers, or any other involved parties.

‘Additionally, the probe will examine the performance, poor performance, defective performance, or late performance by the service providers appointed by the municipality regarding the services delivered, performed, or rendered as part of the projects,’ Kganyago explained.

The Proclamation covers allegations of unlawful and improper conduct that occurred between 1 January 2013 and 13 September 2024, as well as any related activities before 1 January 2013 and after the date of the Proclamation that are pertinent to the matters under investigation or involve the same persons, entities, or contracts.

Proclamation 182 of 2024

Proclamation 182 of 2024 directs the SIU to investigate allegations of maladministration with two tenders at the Masilonyana Local Municipality.

The investigation will examine w
hether municipal officials, including service providers, or any other involved parties unduly benefit themselves or others, leading to unauthorised, irregular, or fruitless and wasteful expenditure or financial losses for the municipality.

Kganyago said the contracts under scrutiny include the refurbishment of Brandfort Water Treatment Works and Raw Water Pump Stations; and upgrading of Brandfort Sport Centre Phase II.

‘The Proclamation covers allegations of unlawful and improper conduct that occurred between 1 May 2020 and 13 September 2024, as well as any related activities before 1 May 2020 and after the date of the Proclamation that are pertinent to the matters under investigation or involve the same persons, entities, or contracts,’ Kganyago said.

Proclamation 181 of 2024

Proclamation 181 of 2024 mandates the SIU to investigate allegations of maladministration of two tenders in the Gauteng Provincial Department of Human Settlement.

The SIU will investigate contracts including the procurement of, or
contracting for, goods, works and services for the construction of 150 ablution and sanitation infrastructure and facilities at Sicelo Shiceka informal settlement: Phase 1 and Evaton, and the procurement of, or contracting for goods, works and services about the construction of 180 walk units at Sicelo Shiceka extension five.

The probe will also examine whether the payments for these contracts adhered to National Treasury guidelines and ascertain whether the payments were irregular, fruitless, and wasteful expenditures or financial losses for the municipality or the State.

Kganyago said the Proclamation covers allegations of unlawful and improper conduct that occurred between 1 April 2017 and 13 September 2024, as well as any related activities before 1 April 2017 and after the date of the Proclamation that is pertinent to the matters under investigation or involves the same persons, entities, or contracts.

‘Beyond investigating maladministration, corruption, and fraud, the SIU will identify systemic failu
res and recommend measures to prevent future losses. In line with the Special Investigating Units and Special Tribunals Act 74 of 1996 (SIU Act), the SIU will refer any evidence of criminal conduct uncovered during its investigation to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) for further action.

‘The SIU is also authorised under the SIU Act to initiate a civil action in the High Court or a Special Tribunal in its name to address any wrongdoing identified during its investigation resulting from acts of corruption, fraud, or maladministration,’ Kganyago explained.

Source: South African Government News Agency

UIF Commissioner placed on precautionary suspension

Minister of Employment and Labour Nomakhosazana Meth has announced that Unemployment Insurance Commissioner, Tebogo Maruping, has been placed on precautionary suspension, following a briefing received from the Acting Director General, Viwe Mlenzana.

The Minister placed Maruping on precautionary suspension on Friday due to the nature of charges he is facing, which emanate inter alia, from the alleged role he played in the conclusion of the agreement between the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) and Thuja Holdings led by Mthunzi Mdwaba amounting to R5 billion.

The agreement was declared invalid and therefore set aside by the Pretoria High Court on 28 May 2024. The Supreme Court of Appeal further dismissed with costs the subsequent appeal that was lodged by Mdwaba on 15 August 2024.

Meth said the agreement caused a public outcry, especially in the employment and labour sector.

She said the Commissioner’s disciplinary process will be dealt with expeditiously, allowing the administration an opportunity to pay
undivided attention to the primary mandate of the UIF of providing short-term relief to workers who find themselves unemployed or unable to work due to illness, maternity, adoption including to dependants of the deceased contributors.

‘I have further mandated the Acting DG to deal with all systematic and capacity challenges within the department and its entities so that we can respond adequately to the unemployment challenges in the country.

‘I am very much mindful of the UIF’s challenges; specifically, the system challenges and the negative impact on workers, the unemployed, beneficiaries of deceased contributors and employers alike. I would like to assure the public that work is currently underway to respond adequately to such challenges,’ Meth said.

Source: South African Government News Agency