SA increases recycling capacity

South Africa is increasing its recycling capacity for the management of plastic waste and eliminating plastic pollution, says Deputy Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment Bernice Swarts.

‘There are various activities aligned to the fight against plastics pollution and marine litter,’ Swarts said on Monday in Cape Town during the International Solid Waste Association World Congress.

South Africa has a combination of voluntary approaches aimed at tackling plastic pollution to the plastics industry, coupled with improved household and community waste disposal and the creation of the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) schemes.

In 2020, government introduced the Extended Producer Responsibility Regulations which called for EPR schemes for plastic packaging and electrical and electronic equipment amongst other prioritised products.

This circular economy and EPR initiatives have resulted in the formation of five registered extended producer schemes that support plastic waste collection and rec

The EPR Regulations aim to influence product design to take environmental considerations into account and are currently being implemented for paper, packaging and some single use products, lighting, electrical and electronic products.

‘South Africa is also implementing product design regulations on prioritised plastic products. Recyclate content is a regulated requirement for prioritised plastic products as part of improving circularity,’ Swarts explained.

In 2023, government put a restriction of a minimum of 50% recycled content as part of the product design measures for plastic carrier bags. The intention is that by 2027, plastic carrier bags and black refuse bags should be made from 100% recycled material.

‘The Extended Producer Responsibility Regulations are a critical element of the considerations that are part of the international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, currently being negotiated.

‘The International Solid Waste Association should remain resolute, in thought leaders
hip by conducting specialists’ studies that will assist and inform negotiating positions at the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) on Plastic Pollution and including the environment.

In 2022, South Africa supported the development of an internationally legally binding instrument to combat plastic pollution at the Fifth Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly.

‘The fiscus is under a lot of pressure here in South Africa and across many other countries and thus the role of the private sector in reducing the burden and shouldering some of the responsibility is key.

‘Political will and commitment has seen the translation of the polluter pay principle into operational policies that create a conducive environment for private sector investment in waste management,’ the Deputy Minister said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

SA congratulates Algeria on successful Presidential Election

South Africa has extended warm congratulations to President Abdelmadjid Tebboune on his re-election as President of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria.

The presidential election, held on 07 September 2024, was a significant milestone for Algeria.

The South African government has also commended the efforts of the Algerian National Independent Electoral Authority and other national stakeholders for their role in ensuring the elections were conducted in a conducive and peaceful environment.

The successful execution of the electoral process is seen as a testament to Algeria’s dedication to upholding democratic principles, not only within its borders but across the African continent.

South Africa and Algeria share a common history forged during the struggle against colonialism and apartheid.

Following the advent of South Africa’s democracy in 1994, the two countries intensified the bilateral cooperation which has been elevated to the Bi-National Commission co-chaired by the two Presidents.

‘The Sou
th African Government reiterates its commitment to continue working in solidarity with the Government and people of Algeria to strengthen bilateral relations for the mutual benefit of the two countries, to build strong people-to-people ties, and collaborate in the consolidation of the African Agenda,’ the Presidency said in a statement.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Government activities for the week 16 – 20 September

On Monday, 16 September, Deputy Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment Bernice Swarts officially opens the International Solid Waste Association World Congress at the Cape Town International Convention Centre.

On Tuesday, 17 September, the Commission for Gender Equality in the Eastern Cape province will hold a stakeholder engagement to discuss findings and recommendations contained in its investigative report on ‘State of maternity and neonatal healthcare in the Eastern Cape’.

The Africa Aerospace and Defence (AAD) Expo and Air Show takes place from 18 – 22 September.

On Wednesday, 18 September, The Meta for Government Summit, a collaborative endeavour by Meta in partnership with the Ministry in the Presidency and the GCIS, takes place from 9am to 4pm at the Killarney Country Club in Johannesburg.

Also on Wednesday, Minister in the Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities Sindisiwe Chikunga will deliver the opening remarks at the Eurasian Women’s Forum under the theme: ‘Wome
n for Strengthening Trust and Global Cooperation’.

On Thursday, 19 September, Minister in the Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities Sindisiwe Chikunga leads a BRICS Ministerial Meeting for Women’s Affairs in Russia.

Source: South African Government News Agency

BRICS Ministers of Justice to meet in Moscow

Justice and Constitutional Development Minister Thembi Simelane is expected to attend the meeting of the BRICS Ministers of Justice in Moscow, Russia, this week.

This ahead of the BRICS 2024 Summit expected to be held in that country from 22 to 24 October.

‘The meeting seeks to strengthen relations between Ministries of Justice from BRICS countries and will see the Ministries of Justice from BRICS countries working together to ensure the protection of civil rights and freedoms, introduction of technological solutions in the area of digitalisation of justice services and benchmarking on experience in providing legal services and legal aid to the members of the public.

‘It is envisaged that the BRICS Ministries of Justice meeting will culminate in improved relations between the BRICS Ministries of Justice, resolution to current issues related to the areas of cooperation and organization of advanced training programs in the legal fraternity,’ the department said in a statement.

The meeting of the BRICS Mini
ster of Justice is set for 18 to 20 September.

The department said the Minister will also have the opportunity to hold bilateral discussions with Ministers from the BRICS countries.

‘The interaction of different countries in [the meeting] is based on respect for the universally recognised principles, norms of international laws and the desire for equal international cooperation in order to solve mutual problems and promote common interests,’ the department said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

SA joins the world in marking International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer

International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer serves as a reminder that continuous education and global cooperation are essential to ensure a sustainable future, says the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment.

‘This year’s theme serves as a powerful reminder of the responsibility we all share in reducing ozone-depleting substances and working collectively to ensure a healthier planet for future generations,’ said the department as South Africa joined the world in marking the day.

This year’s celebration is taking place under the theme “Advancing Climate Action.”

World Ozone Day highlights the importance of protecting the ozone layer, which protects the Earth from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays.

‘On this day, we not only celebrate the significant progress achieved but also look toward the future for deeper and faster action under the Montreal Protocol. The Protocol has positively impacted the recovery of the ozone layer and the reduction of climate change and its Kigali Amendmen
t, through the phase-down of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and improved efficiency in the cooling sector, is expected to deliver additional climate mitigation benefits,’ the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment said on Monday.

According to the UN Environment Programme, the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer is the landmark multilateral environmental agreement that regulates the production and consumption of nearly 100 man-made chemicals referred to as ozone depleting substances (ODS).

‘When released into the atmosphere, those chemicals damage the stratospheric ozone layer, earth’s protective shield that protects humans and the environment from harmful levels of ultraviolet radiation from the sun,’ it said.

Adopted on 16 September 1987, the protocol is to date one of the treaties to achieve universal ratification.

Meanwhile the environment programme added that the Parties to the Montreal Protocol reached an agreement at their 28th Meeting of the Parties on 15 October
2016 in Kigali, Rwanda, to phase down HFCs.

This year marks 36 years since the implementation of the Montreal Protocol, with the United Nations observing Ozone Day.

‘World Ozone Day 2024 serves as a vital reminder of the interconnectedness of the ozone layer and climate change. The celebration will foster a spirit of unity and purpose among participants globally, reflecting a collective commitment to advancing climate action.

‘As the planet faces unprecedented environmental complexities, it is imperative that communities and nations remain engaged and proactive in their efforts to protect the atmosphere for future generations.

‘As countries move forward, the emphasis will be on implementing policies that prioritise both ozone layer recovery and climate protection,’ the department said.

As part of the celebrations, the department will, on 26 September, hand over tools to 402 trained informal refrigeration and air conditioning servicing technicians in Gauteng.

These tools will be issued alongside a Compet
ence Certificate and a SAQCC Gas/SARACCA Refrigerant Safe Handling Registration Card.

Source: South African Government News Agency

EC government collaborates with business to support commercialisation of farmers

The Eastern Cape Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform (DRDAR) has introduced innovative funding mechanisms to support the commercialisation of Black farmers.

Rural Development and Agrarian Reform MEC, Nonceba Kontsiwe, said the department established the Eastern Cape Agriculture Blended Funding Scheme to provide access to finance for Black farmers to become commercial and participate in the value chains.

This was made possible through collaboration with the Eastern Cape Rural Development Agency (ECRDA), Eastern Cape Development Cooperation (ECDC), Small Enterprise Finance Agency (SEFA) and Land Bank.

In 2023/24, DRDAR and ECDC distributed R32 million to 18 agricultural enterprises, creating 455 jobs.

The funding has enabled businesses to invest in equipment, infrastructure, and production inputs, enhancing their revenue.

‘We are committed to this initiative with a budget of R75 million allocated to attract equal or more funding from development finance institutions (DFIs) and the private
sector over the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF). The budget for 2024/25 is R25 million,’ Kontsiwe said.

The department recently entered into an agreement with the Land Bank to collaborate on funding and developing clustered and aggregated commodities value chains in the province.

‘This collaboration aims to facilitate access to affordable funding for farmers without stringent terms to support primary and agro-processing activities, to enable Eastern Cape farmers to access the R300 million allocation from the Land Bank.

‘The finalised aggregation model and financing tools will be tested in pilot projects for grains, wool, mohair, citrus farming, dairy, vegetables, and livestock in the province,’ Kontsiwe said.

Kontsiwe added that the department, in partnership with the ECRDA, aims to support Black commercial farmers in exporting their produce to international markets, thereby boosting their competitiveness.

‘The revolving credit facility is designed to offer operational funding to address the fin
ancial needs of high-value and export-oriented commodities during production cycles. A budget of R4 million has been earmarked for the ECRDA to implement this program in the 2024/25 financial year, serving as an incentive to attract more Black commercial farmers to participate in export markets,’ the MEC said.
A 30-year-old suspect is expected to appear in court soon for the attempted murder of two police officers as well as the murder of a neighbour, said the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (Hawks).

The suspect who also faces charges of the possession of unlicensed firearms among others, was sought in KwaZulu-Natal and in Gauteng. The suspect was arrested and detained in Johannesburg in an intelligence driven operation on Saturday.

The arrest was made by the Serious Organised Crime Investigation’s Tactical Operations Management Section (TOMS) assisted by the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial tracing team, SAPS National Modus Operandi Centre and Johannesburg District Aggravated Robberies team.

‘The Pre
toria based Hawks’ TOMS team in collaboration with the Pietermaritzburg Serious Organised Crime Investigation operationalised information that was received and the team was granted a warrant of arrest to detain one suspect at the Jeppe area …. in connection with murder, possession of unlicensed firearms and ammunition [and] also attempted murder of two police officials as well as a murder of his neighbour in KwaZulu-Natal,’ said the Hawks in a statement on Sunday.

According to the Hawks, several attempts to secure his appearance in court were in vain.

‘The suspect was also expected to appear in the Johannesburg Magistrates court on 28 July 2024, possession of unlicensed firearm but failed to do so because at the time he was also being sought for murder in KwaZulu-Natal.

The suspect will [be] be appearing in court soon on [the] Jeppe case facing charges of possession of an unlicensed firearm then transferred to KwaZulu-Natal where he will answer to [the] murder and attempted murder as per [the] Estcourt cas
e as well as murder as per [the] Loskop case. All the crimes were committed this year,’ said the Hawks.

Murder, attempted murder suspect to appear in court

Source: South African Government News Agency