Gauteng commits to public hearings following municipal AGSA outcomes

The Gauteng Portfolio Committee on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) has met with the Auditor General of SA (AGSA) over concerns about the poor performance of Gauteng municipalities.

This after the release of the consolidated general report on local government audit outcomes 2022/23 last month.

For Gauteng municipalities, the AGSA identified, amongst others, R7.533 billion in irregular expenditure, largely due to non-compliance with procurement regulations; non-compliance with legislation; financial mismanagement and poor service delivery and project implementation.

‘In response to these findings, the portfolio committee expressed deep concern over the pervasive non-compliance and the ongoing financial mismanagement in municipalities.

‘The committee emphasised the need for municipalities to adhere strictly to legislative requirements and improve their financial and operational management to ensure better service delivery to residents,’ the committee said.

In an effort to address som
e of the issues, the committee committed to holding hearings with residents particularly in municipalities that are struggling.

‘These hearings will serve as a platform for engaging with local leaders, stakeholders, and the public to identify solutions and hold municipal officials accountable for their performance. The committee also reaffirmed its commitment to rigorous oversight and will closely monitor the implementation of corrective actions as recommended by the AGSA; and ensure that consequence management is implemented where required.’

The committee called for enhanced coordination between COGTA, Provincial Treasury, municipalities, and other relevant bodies to provide targeted support to municipalities in distress.

‘The committee will continue to work tirelessly to ensure that all municipalities in Gauteng operate with the highest standards of governance, transparency, and accountability,’ it said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Book of Condolence opened for former Minister Gordhan

A Book of Condolence for the late former Minister, Pravin Gordhan, will be made available this week at the office of the Department of Public Enterprises in Arcadia, Pretoria, for messages.

The lifelong activist and former Minister of Public Enterprises passed away on Friday and will be honoured with a Special Official Funeral Category 2 this week.

The Minister in the Presidency for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Maropene Ramokgopa, conveyed her condolences to the Gordhan family on behalf of the Departments of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation and Public Enterprises.

The late Gordhan became Minister of Public Enterprises in 2018 and served in the sixth administration until his retirement in June of this year.

‘It is fitting that we honour the legacy of an activist and stalwart. The Book of Condolence is one way for South Africans and citizens of the world to remember former Minister Pravin Gordhan.

‘His fearlessness and unwavering commitment to good governance will forever be remembered,’ Ramokg
opa said.

The Book of Condolence will be available for messages from 08:30 to 16:30 daily until the day of the funeral on Thursday, 19 September 2024.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Two former Namibian leaders join call to remove Cuba from terrorism list

WINDHOEK: Two former Namibian heads of state are among a group of 35 former presidents who have urged the president of the United States of America to remove Cuba from the list of countries accused of supporting terrorism . The former president of Colombia , Ernesto Samper announced the letter signed by 35 former leaders , including Namibia ‘ s founding president Sam Nujoma and Hifikepunye Pohamba , the second president of Namibia . The letter addressed to US President Joseph Biden , which Nampa obtained on Monday , states that the request for Cuba to be removed from the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism are based on a humanitarian appeal aimed at alleviating the situation of millions of innocent people . The appeal also emphasises the Cuban government ‘ s commitment to combating terrorism and promoting peace . ‘ We ask you to consider sending this clear message of humanism and understanding beyond the legitimate ideological differences that cannot and should not justify acting otherwise ,’ the letter says
. It further notes that despite a lack of evidence , Cuba is accused of having links to terrorist activities of which it has also been a victim , and harsh sanctions are imposed based on this presumption , directly impacting its population and permanently destabilising its economy . Furthermore , maintaining Cuba ‘ s inclusion on the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism constitutes a coercive measure that is difficult to justify in the 21st century when equality among states must be a reality , it says . ‘ This unjust decision also affects the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – the ethical pillar of contemporary international relations -, by impacting the most vulnerable sectors of the Cuban population ,’ the letter states . It also notes that the active participation of the Cuban government in the construction of the Peace Accord signed in Havana in 2016 between the State of Colombia and ‘ Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia ‘ ( FARC ), coupled with its recent role as a guarantor country in the d
ialogue seeking peace between the Colombian State and the ‘ Ej é rcito de Liberaci ó n Nacional ‘ ( ELN ). President Nangolo Mbumba is scheduled to depart for New York on Monday to attend the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly , where he is expected to discuss Cuba ‘ s inclusion on the terrorism list .

Source: The Namibia News Agency

Xinhua Middle East news summary at 2200 GMT, Sept. 14

At least 21 Palestinians were killed in Israeli airstrikes in the Gaza Strip on Saturday, said Palestinian security and medical sources.

An Israeli warplane struck a residential house in the al-Tuffah neighborhood east of Gaza City with at least one missile, Palestinian security sources told Xinhua. (Gaza-Hamas-Israel)

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TEHRAN — Iran on Saturday morning launched research satellite Chamran-1 into orbit, the semi-official Fars news agency reported.

The satellite was launched by the homegrown three-stage solid-fuel Qaem-100 rocket, according to the report. (Iran-Satellite-Launch)

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CAIRO — At least three people were killed and 49 others injured on Saturday in a two-train collision in Sharqiya Province north of the Egyptian capital Cairo, according to Egypt’s Ministry of Health.

The health conditions of 44 injured individuals were stable, and were anticipated to be discharged from the hospitals in the coming hours, said the ministry in a statement, noting that five other individuals with un
stable conditions required further monitoring. (Egypt-Train-Collision)

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ALGIERS — Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune has won a second term after securing 84.3 percent of votes in last week’s election, according to final results announced on Saturday by the country’s Constitutional Court.

The court, responsible for validating the election results, held a press briefing aired live on state-run television after reviewing records from polling stations inside and outside Algeria, as well as appeals submitted by the candidates.

Source: The Namibia News Agency

Shikongo ready for retirement amid speculation of term extension

WINDHOEK: The Inspector – General ( IG ) of the Namibian Police Force ( NamPol ), Lieutenant General Joseph Shikongo has expressed his readiness for retirement , despite speculations suggesting that his term might be extended . Shikongo , who has been the police chief since August 2022 , is set to retire at the end of this month as he turns 60 on Wednesday . However , there has been speculation within the police force that Shikongo ‘ s tenure might be extended . He told Nampa on Monday that the appointing authority has not yet contacted him for a possible extension . ‘ The authority appointed me , so the authority first has to discuss that matter . I am unaware of any extension , nobody has communicated anything to me ,’ he said . Shikongo noted that he is ready to retire and prepared to go home like any other person turning 60 . ‘ Let our people not live in rumours , let them wait for the appointing authority or me to tell them if there is anything . My focus is actually to go home … I was in the war and the
journey I travelled was very long ,’ said Shikongo

Source: The Namibia News Agency

MoHSS tackles misinformation about UHC in Namibia

The Ministry of Health and Social Services ( MoHSS ) is facing challenges in addressing widespread misinformation and disinformation about universal health coverage ( UHC ) in Namibia . According to Ambrosius Uakurama from the ministry ‘ s Policy and Planning division , a large portion of the public does not fully understand what UHC is or how it is implemented in Namibia . During training for journalists on UHC last week at Swakopmund , Uakurama said there has been a lot of misinformation and distortion in terms of knowing what UHC is , and the ministry and its partners believed it was appropriate to engage the media since they are closer to the communities in terms of information dissemination . ‘ By engaging them and providing you ( media ) with accurate information , we may be able to avoid a lot of misinformation and disinformation regarding UHC convergence ,’ he explained . Uakurama stated that the ministry aims to collaborate with the media to spread accurate information about UHC by providing the med
ia with reliable information , anticipating that the right message will reach Namibians across the country . He emphasised the importance of clear and accurate communication in ensuring that citizens are correctly informed about the services offered by the ministry . ‘ One of the main challenges faced by the ministry is ensuring that every Namibian is well informed about UHC ,’ he said . He stressed that the problem goes beyond a simple lack of understanding as it also includes how information about UHC is reported by various sources . Uakurama said there have been instances where the information provided was either incomplete or misrepresented , contributing to public confusion . He added that another key issue is the shortage of resources within the ministry as it is difficult to consistently reach Namibians with the right information when resources are stretched thin . ‘ This issue is further complicated when there is a shortage of medicine or other essential supplies , leading to additional misinformation
regarding the availability and distribution of health services ,’ he said . Uakurama urged all parties involved , particularly media outlets , to play a proactive role in disseminating correct information about UHC while the MoHSS will continue its efforts in improving public awareness about UHC and working closely with partners to ensure that health services and information are accessible to all Namibians .

Source: The Namibia News Agency