Bolivia mulls declaring national disaster due to wildfires

Bolivia’s government is considering declaring a national disaster due to wildfires that have razed nearly 4 million hectares of forest and grassland, mainly in eastern Bolivia, Deputy Minister of Civil Defense Juan Carlos Calvimontes said Wednesday.

Calvimontes’ remarks came after Santa Cruz Acting Governor Mario Aguilera called on President Luis Arce’s administration to “declare a disaster in the country because there is no way to continue addressing this emergency,” and it was necessary to “add support, equipment and tools” from other countries.

Declaring a national disaster would enable Bolivia to access national and international resources more quickly, facilitating the arrival of humanitarian and technical assistance to combat the wildfires.

According to the governor, 39 wildfires are currently burning in 15 municipalities and more than 3.3 million hectares of land have been devastated. Enditem

Source: The Namibia News Agency

China, Nigeria to foster peace through cultural entertainment

China and Nigeria have stressed the need to foster peace through cultural and entertainment initiatives.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the two countries made the call in Abuja at the 5th National Entertainment and Peace Summit, with the theme, ‘Cultivating A Culture of Peace’.

Speaking at the gathering, Mr Yang Jianxing, the cultural counselor of the Chinese Embassy, highlighted the relationship between entertainment and peace.

The relationship, he said, helps to alleviate negative emotions and provides relaxation, and promotes a sense of unity among different people in spite of their diverse backgrounds.

He observed that in spite of being from different countries, people are fundamentally the same and share common human emotions and experiences which can either create conflict or foster peace.

‘We believe that entertainment can help alleviate negative emotions by providing relaxation and a means to forget temporary sadness.

‘Therefore China places great importance in people to people c
ommunication and friendship through cultural exchange for global peace.

Yang also spoke of the significance of the entertainment industry in fostering mutual communication and understanding between Nigeria and China.

He said that cultural exchange through entertainment can be a powerful tool for future collaborations.

‘The collaboration between China and Nigeria aims to cultivate a culture of peace and promote cultural diplomacy, further contributing to global efforts for a more peaceful world,’ he said.

Amb. Nsikan Paul, the Executive Director, Drum Majors for Peace reiterated his commitment to promoting peace, inclusivity, and social cohesion through entertainment, dialogue, youth development, and the creative industry.

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He also noted that peace is more than just the absence of conflict;It is a condition of harmony that must be cultivated by intentional acts and efforts.

‘Today, as we come together under th
e banner of peace, we are reminded of the immense power of creativity in shaping a better world.

‘Through positive entertainment and meaningful dialogue, we aim to build sustainable cities and communities that are inclusive, fair, and resilient; aligning our efforts with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goals 1, 2, 11, 16 and Goal 17.

‘We are dedicated to providing young people with platforms to discover, develop, and maximize their potential, empowering them to become responsible and patriotic citizens.

‘We are especially proud of our joint effort to promote peace via the arts, as evidenced by our win as the Grand Prize winners of the Energy China Dance Competition, sponsored by the Chinese Cultural Center and Energy China Nigeria,’ he said.

The summit was organised by the Drum Majors for Peace in partnership with the China Cultural Center in Nigeria to commemorate World Peace Day, 2024.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Improved social protection funding key to addressing multidimensional poverty – Partners

Some development partners said on Wednesday that enhanced funding for social protection programmes is key to tackling multidimensional poverty in Nigeria.

The partners stated this in Abuja, at the close out of the Expanding Social Protection for Inclusive Development (ESPID) project.

The project was implemented between 2021 and Sept. 2024 by Save the Children International (SCI) and Action Against Hunger (ACF) with funding from the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).

It was implemented in Kaduna, Jigawa, Zamfara, Kano states and at the federal level.

The development partners particularly said improved domestic revenue mobilisation and comprehensive tax reforms were needed to sustain the gains of social protection programmes.

They also said that improved funding and timely release of allocated funds, along with a Social Protection Trust Fund, would provide a sustainable financing mechanism for social protection interventions.

Mr Duncan Harvey, Country Director, SCI – Nigeria, describe
d Social Protection as an effective means for addressing multidimensional poverty.

Harvey said that the initiative had proven to be successful in not only pulling people out of poverty but also in protecting them from falling deeper into poverty.

He added that governments across the world were using different forms of social safety nets like targeted cash transfers to support the extremely poor and vulnerable households to live a dignified and healthy life.

He also said that social insurance programmes like pensions and health insurance were equally effective in alleviating poverty.

‘Yet, in many places, the fundamental building blocks of the social protection system are missing – with no laws, policies, or funding in place.

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‘Even where systems are in place, they often do not work, or reach the wrong people, while children are often the last consideration,’ he said.

Similarly, Mr Thierno Diallo, Country Director, Action Against Hunger, who equal
ly identified improved funding as key to impactful social protection interventions, described the ESPID project as a huge success.

Diallo, who was represented by ACF Head of Grants and Compliance, Meklit Misganaw, said that the project was founded on the belief that every individual deserved resources and support necessary for a life of dignity.

He said: ‘Over the years, we have made significant strides in system strengthening, capacity building, and advocacy for the institutionalisation of social protection.

‘Through targeted interventions, we have worked diligently to enhance the capacity of local institutions and empowered them to better serve their communities.

‘We have engaged with government stakeholders to advocate for policies that prioritise the most vulnerable, ensuring that social protection is not merely an afterthought, but a fundamental component of development strategies.’

On her part, FCDO – Nigeria Development Director, Cynthia Rowe, said that the UK government invested in social protect
ion for its effectiveness in addressing economic problems particularly poverty.

Rowe described social protection as a one-stop shop in addressing multidimensional poverty.

She urged governments at all levels to invest more in social protection, adding that the FCDO remained committed to supporting the government to strengthen the delivery of its programmes.

She also urged relevant stakeholders to take the learning from the ESPID project to other states.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

SCI, ACF harp on sustained social protection for inclusive development

Some development partners, Save the Children International (SCI) and Action Against Hunger (ACF) have called on the federal and state governments to deepen social protection interventions for inclusive and sustainable development.

The partners made the call in Abuja on Wednesday, at the close out of the Expanding Social Protection for Inclusive Development (ESPID) project.

The project was implemented between 2021 and Sept. 2024 by SCI and ACF, with funding from the United Kingdom’s Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).

Mr Victor Ogharanduku, Senior Social Protection Advisor, SCI, who spoke on behalf of the development partners, described social protection as an intervention that bridged the gap between the rich and the poor.

Speaking on the key achievements of ESPID, Ogharanduku explained that the project was designed to contribute to the reduction of multidimensional poverty in Nigeria, stressing the need for sustainability.

He said that the 4.7 million pounds (about N10.4 billion) projec
t, focused on supporting increased government delivery of effective social protection programmes.

He added that the project was equally designed to support citizens’ participation in the design and implementation of social protection programmes.

He said that the project implemented in Kaduna, Jigawa, Zamfara, Kano states and at the federal level, was built on the successes for the FCDO-funded Child Grant Development Programme.

He added that the project had provided technical assistance, capacity building, policy advocacy, and evidence generation to support the development and implementation of social protection policies, laws, programmes and systems.

Ogharanduku identified some of the key achievements of the ESPID project at the federal level as the revision of the National Social Protection Policy and guidelines for the institutionalisation of State Operation and Coordination Unit.


Others he said were update of the social protection regis
ter to address disability concerns, development of gender-based violence referral directory and improved data management, monitoring and evaluation systems for social protection.

At the state level, the senior social protection advisor said that the ESPID project supported the development of key policy and legal framework in Jigawa, Kaduna, Kano and Zamfara states.

He identified some of the policies and legal framework as the social protection policy, social security laws and bills, fiscal space analysis, youths’ graduation programme, financing strategy and Managing Information system for social protection.

Also established, according to him, are social protection agencies, while a health insurance strategic plan and old age pension scheme among others were developed.

He equally said that the project also worked with civil society organisations, media and community members to enhance awareness and improve transparency and accountability of social protection interventions.

‘At the national level, these ef
forts culminated in the registration of the Network for Social Protection Advocacy in Nigeria (NSPAN), including the development of a five-year strategic plan, 2025 to 2030,’ he added.

Ogharanduku, however, said that in spite of the successes, the project was challenged by inadequate funding, weak systems, short life span of the project as well as poor coordination and no institutionalisation of social protection programmes.

He said that to achieve more results, there was the need to build adaptability into longer-term programmes, put legal and administrative framework in place, and improve public financing among others.

Acknowledging the project support, NSPAN National Coordinator, Dr Taiwo Benson, said that the network was established with support from the ESPID project.

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‘The project improved our capacity in advocacy, budget tracking, resource mobilisation, including the development of a strategic plan.

‘We will collaborate wit
h our state chapters to sustain the expansion of social protection services that provide a life of dignity for residents of the country,’ he said.

Similarly, Mr Abdullahi Usman, National President, Joint National Association of Persons with Disabilities, stressed the need for a more inclusive approach to social protection.

Usman emphasised that the rights and needs of persons with disabilities must be fully integrated into all aspects of social protection programmes.

‘This will ensure that no one is left behind,’ he said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

NGO, Afropop singer partner to combat drug abuse among youths

An NGO, the Vanguard Against Drug Abuse (VGADA) and renowned Afropop musician, Daud Suleiman popularly known as ‘Hi-Speed’ have agreed to work together to curb the menace of substance abuse among young people across the country.

This was one of the agreements reached at a meeting when the music icon paid a courtesy visit to the Executive Director of VGADA, Dr Hope Omeiza in Abuja.

Speaking, Omeiza said that the scourge of drug abuse had continued to destroy lives, youths, families and communities among others.

He said that the partnership aimed to counter the glamorisation of drug use prevalent in social media and mainstream platforms.

This, he said, where celebrities often promoted substance abuse as a means to creative inspiration.

He, however, emphasised the importance of engaging critical stakeholders and global ambassadors to address this pressing issue.

He added that Hi-Speed, as a global youth icon, had demonstrated his commitment to the anti-drug abuse campaign through his music and community o
utreach programs.

He also added that in 2022, his brand organised a massive concert in North Central states, specifically targeting COVID-19- affected areas, to spread awareness about the dangers of drug abuse.

‘Most of our activities revolve around young people, who are disproportionately affected by drug abuse. To change the narrative, we must explore innovative prevention avenues.

‘Hi-Speed’s influence is crucial in showcasing that success can be achieved without substance abuse. He’s an exemplary role model, proving that one can rise to stardom without indulging in drugs or alcohol.

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‘He is one person I know personally and I can tell you that even down to alcohol, he is someone who does not take any of these substances.

‘And we believe that by collaborating with Hi-Speed, VGADA seeks to inspire young people to make informed choices and shun drug abuse.

‘We hope that Hi-Speed’s message will resonate with the youth and encourag
e them to emulate his positive example,’ Omeiza concluded.

Earlier, Hi-Speed expressed concern over the growing trend of drug abuse among young people and pledged to leverage his music and influence to combat the menace.

He stressed that as role models, entertainers have a responsibility to promote positive values and discourage harmful behaviours.

The musician, however, pledged to utilise his music, social media, and concerts to sensitise his fans about the dangers of drug abuse.

Hi-Speed, with almost two decades of experience in the music industry, emphasised that success could be achieved without indulging in illicit substances.

‘I’ve been in this industry since 2007 doing my music without engaging in drug abuse. I’ve been doing fine, and my fans should know that they can also achieve their goals without drugs.

‘Most of our fans see us as mentors and emulate what we do on screen. It’s time for us to use our platforms to fight against drug abuse and promote healthy lifestyles.

‘I’ll use my platforms
to tell my fans that they can achieve their dreams without drugs. I want to inspire them to make positive choices.

‘As youth, you can be whatever you want to be without doing drugs, you can be whoever you want to be without involving in illicit drugs, ‘he advised.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Association intensifies preparation for bodybuilding world championships in U.S.

The Nigeria Natural Bodybuilding Association (NNBBA) says preparations are in full swing for Nigerian bodybuilders to excel in the upcoming African qualifiers for the World Natural Bodybuilding Championships billed for the United States.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the 2024 World Natural Bodybuilding Federation (WNBF) championships will be held in Boston, U. S. from Nov. 23 to Nov. 24.

While the Africa qualifiers for the world championships is scheduled for October 26 in Lagos.

NNBA President, Arinze Oraekwuotu, at a news conference on Wednesday in Abuja, stressed the need for Nigeria to secure a spot at the world championships.

‘As we launch the NNBBA, we are also excited to announce Nigeria’s participation in the upcoming Africa Qualifiers for the World Natural Bodybuilding Championships in the USA.

‘This is a tremendous opportunity for our athletes to test their mettle against the best from across Africa and secure a spot at the world championships,’ he said.

Oraekwuotu said the as
sociation was committed to developing grassroots talent and athletic potential across the continent.

‘The NNBBA is dedicated to promoting natural bodybuilding across Africa, and we are committed to enhancing Africa’s presence in international bodybuilding competitions,’ he said.

The NNBA boss called on corporate organisations, government agencies and individuals to partner with the association in achieving its goals and fostering a fitness culture in Nigeria.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria