Agriculture ministry to implement project that boosts resilience to climate change

WINDHOEK: The Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform is planning on implementing a project which is aimed at strengthening Namibian food systems to recover from emergencies and disease-related shocks.

The project is being implemented in collaboration with the Japanese Embassy and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) from this month until September 2024 through the Build Back Better Programme.

Speaking at a demonstration event for the project on Monday, the Head of Economic and Development at the Embassy of Japan in Namibia, Takehiro Yamada, said if any positive effects are to be realised in slowing down the current rural-to-urban migration, efforts to ensure that agriculture positively impacts rural communities, should be increased.

‘Increasing productivity and the use of innovative, efficient and climate-smart technologies and practices, rural areas can attain resistance to climate shocks and gain food security,’ Yamada said.

He said the Japan-funded project supports the piloting of modern
and innovative solutions to addressing climate change and shocks. The solutions include solar power pumping and irrigation solutions as well as solar-powered storage to reduce post-harvest loss, as well as the potential practice of geological agriculture in Namibia.

‘Innovation goes hand in hand with capacity building and therefore, all projects funded by the government of Japan are committed to directly impacting beneficiaries through training,’ Yamada stated.

Also speaking at the event was the Director of the Department of Agricultural Engineering and Extension Services in the agriculture ministry, Ben Haraseb, who said the project has the potential to strengthen the resilience of Namibian Peri-Urban economic resistance to climate change through climate-smart agricultural production access to solar technologies, climate information, early warning systems and through adopting food systems.

The project is titled: ‘Strengthening and Building Resilience of Namibia’s Peri-Urban Communities to Climate Change t
hrough Climate-Smart Agricultural Production, Access to Solar Technologies, Climate Information and Early-Warning System.’

It will target 200 households (60 per cent of which should be female-headed) in peri-urban communities, increasing their adaptive capacities and resilience to climate shocks through income-generating activities from the sale of agro-produce and small stock.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency