North West mourns passing of five learners

North West Education MEC, Mmaphefo Matsemela, has extended her heartfelt condolences to the families, friends, learners and teacher at the Vyfhoek Primary School in Potchefstroom following the tragic death of five school learners on Thursday.

According to reports, the learners were run over by a mini truck inside the school premises, while waiting for their school transport after school.

The mini truck is reported to have been traveling from Potchefstroom towards the Johannesburg direction on the N12 road and capsized after a front wheel tyre burst and the driver lost control of the vehicle.

The vehicle then went straight through the school fence plunging into four learners and killing them on the spot. One learner died inside the ambulance while the paramedics were still attending to her injuries. Four learners sustained injuries and were taken to hospital.

Matsemela has called for cooperation during this difficult time.

“This is the most devastating news to share. Losing five learners in this manner is not easy to accept- as a parent and as a caretaker to these learners.

“We are truly lost for words and we plead with the public to treat the matter with sensitivity as parents are still trying to get into terms with this sudden loss. I wish to send a word of comfort to the bereaved families and for those whose learners are hospitalised,” Matsemela said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Anaqua est reconnue pour ses offres légales en matière de PI PATTSY WAVE et AQX Law Firm.

La récompense de G2 et le classement dans la liste des finalistes du prix SaaS soulignent deux années d’investissements et de croissance réussis dans le domaine de l’offre juridique.

BOSTON, 18 août 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Anaqua, le fournisseur leader de l’innovation et de la technologie de gestion de la Propriété Intellectuelle (PI), a été reconnu par le site d’évaluation de logiciels G2 et nommé aux Software as a Service (SaaS) Awards pour ses offres destinées aux Conseils en PI (CPI). Le logiciel de gestion des dossiers PI, PATTSY WAVE® , a obtenu trois badges G2 2022 et sa plateforme de gestion de la propriété intellectuelle, AQX Law Firm, a été sélectionnée pour les SaaS 2022 dans la catégorie “Meilleur produit SaaS pour le droit et les services juridiques”.

“Au cours de ces deux dernières années, nous avons activement renforcé et étendu nos offres de gestion de la PI pour les Conseils en PI par le développement organique de nos produits ainsi que par l’acquisition stratégique et l’intégration réussie de fournisseurs de technologies et de services spécialisés dans la PI”, a déclaré Bob Romeo, PDG d’Anaqua. “Nous avons continué à développer notre équipe et nos capacités à l’échelle internationale pour mieux servir les CPI et cette récompense confirme que nos investissements ont aidé les conseils du monde entier dans leur cabinet.”

Le logiciel PATTSY WAVE d’Anaqua® est un logiciel de gestion de dossiers PI puissant et automatisé avec une logique métier intégrée pour rendre les opérations de Propriété Intellectuelle plus efficaces, réduire les risques et améliorer la précision. Il est conçu pour les professionnels de la PI qui recherchent un logiciel pour augmenter leur productivité et évoluer avec eux au fur et à mesure de leurs besoins. Les trois badges de G2, Leader, Easiest to Use et Momentum Leader, sont attribués sur la base des avis publiés par nos clients et constituent une indication forte de leur grande satisfaction à l’égard de ce logiciel.

En plus de ces récompenses, PATTSY WAVE® a obtenu les meilleurs scores pour cinq autres critères de satisfaction :

  • Facilité à faire des affaires avec l’entreprise à 95%
  • Facilité des démarches administratives à 90%
  • Accompagnement et support client de qualité à 89%
  • Facilité d’utilisation du logiciel à 88%
  • Intention de renouveler l’abonnement à 82%

“Nous sommes honorés de recevoir trois badges G2 grâce à nos fonctionnalités conviviales et nous nous engageons à continuer à écouter les besoins de nos clients pour mieux les servir grâce aux améliorations de nos produits,” dit Domenic Leo, Vice Président & Directeur Général, Cabinets d’avocats chez Anaqua. “Ces badges démontrent que notre approche centrée sur nos clients, en travaillant étroitement avec eux, s’avère être un succès.”

En plus des récompenses G2, AQX Law Firm d’Anaqua a été nommé sur la liste des finalistes des SaaS Awards dans la catégorie du meilleur produit SaaS pour le droit et les services juridiques pour augmenter la productivité et réduire les risques en simplifiant le flux de travail des cabinets conseils, en gardant la Propriété Intellectuelle en sécurité pour les clients et en offrant des informations utiles aux équipes de Propriété Intellectuelle. Les SaaS Awards récompensent les solutions SaaS exceptionnelles en fonction de leur portée mondiale et de leur caractère innovant.

Les récompenses G2 et SaaS viennent après deux années de croissance réussie dans l’espace de la propriété intellectuelle légale. Au cours des derniers mois, Anaqua a annoncé l’expansion de PATTSY WAVE ® au marché européen et l’acquisition du logiciel intelligent de capture de temps WiseTime, restant concentré sur l’excellence des produits de propriété intellectuelle dans le monde entier. Avec WiseTime, les clients d’Anaqua auront maintenant accès à l’outil leader de l’industrie pour la fonctionnalité intégrée de temps et de facturation de la Propriété Intellectuelle.

Apprenez-en plus sur la façon dont les solutions innovantes d’Anaqua aident les entreprises et les cabinets conseils à obtenir un véritable avantage concurrentiel de leur Propriété Intellectuelle sur

À propos d’Anaqua
Anaqua, Inc. est un fournisseur de premier plan de solutions technologiques et de services intégrés de gestion de la propriété intellectuelle (PI) pour les entreprises et les cabinets conseils. Ses solutions logicielles de gestion de la PI, AQX et PATTSY WAVE, offrent toutes deux des flux de travail de meilleures pratiques avec des analyses de données et des services technologiques pour créer un environnement intelligent conçu pour informer la stratégie de PI, permettre la prise de décision en matière de PI et rationaliser les opérations de PI, adaptées aux besoins de chaque segment. Aujourd’hui, près de la moitié des 100 premiers déposants de brevets américains et des marques mondiales, ainsi qu’un nombre croissant de cabinets d’avocats dans le monde utilisent les solutions Anaqua. Plus d’un million de cadres, d’avocats, de parajuristes, d’administrateurs et d’innovateurs utilisent la plateforme pour leurs besoins de gestion de la PI. Les opérations globales de la société sont basées à Boston, avec des bureaux aux Etats-Unis, en Europe et en Asie. Pour plus d’informations, veuillez visiter, ou le site LinkedIn d’Anaqua.

Contact de la société :
Amanda Hollis
Directeur des communications
[email protected]

Anaqua Earns Recognition for IP Legal Offerings PATTSY WAVE and AQX Law Firm

G2 recognition and SaaS award shortlist highlight two years of successful investment and growth across legal offerings

BOSTON, Aug. 18, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Anaqua, the leading provider of innovation and intellectual property (IP) management technology, has been recognized by the customer review site G2 and the Software as a Service (SaaS) Awards for its law firm offerings. The company’s automated docketing software, PATTSY WAVE®, earned three 2022 G2 badges from customer reviews, and its IP management platform, AQX Law Firm, made the SaaS 2022 shortlist under the Best SaaS Product for Law and Legal Services category.

“Over the past two years, we have been actively strengthening and expanding our IP management law firm offerings through organic product development as well as the strategic acquisition and successful integration of specialist IP technology and service providers,” said Bob Romeo, CEO of Anaqua. “We’ve continued to grow our team and capabilities globally to better serve the IP law firm space and this recognition confirms our investments have helped law firms around the world in their practice.”

Anaqua’s PATTSY WAVE® is a powerful, automated docketing software with built-in IP business logic to make IP operations more efficient, reduce risk, and improve accuracy. It is designed for IP professionals who are looking for software to increase their productivity and grow with them as their needs evolve. The three G2 recognition badges, LeaderEasiest to Use and Momentum Leader, are awarded based on customer reviews and are a strong indication of high customer satisfaction with this software.

In addition to earning these awards, PATTSY WAVE® received top scores in five other satisfaction metrics:

  • 95% ease of doing business with the company
  • 90% ease of admin
  • 89% quality of support
  • 88% ease of use
  • 82% likelihood to recommend

“We are honored to receive three G2 badges as a result of our user-friendly features and are committed to continuing to listen to our clients’ needs to better serve them through our product enhancements,” said Domenic Leo, Vice President & General Manager, Law Firms at Anaqua. “These recognition badges show that our customer-first approach in working closely with our clients is proving successful.”

In addition to the G2 recognitions, Anaqua’s AQX Law Firm was named to the SaaS Awards Shortlist in the Best SaaS Product for Law and Legal Services category for increasing productivity and reducing risk by simplifying law firm’s workflow, keeping IP safe for clients and offering actionable insight to IP teams. The SaaS Awards recognize exceptional SaaS products based on global reach and innovation.

The G2 and SaaS recognitions come after two successful years of organic and inorganic growth in the legal IP space. In the past few months, Anaqua announced the expansion of PATTSY WAVE ® to the European market and the acquisition of the intelligent time capture software WiseTime, remaining focused on providing intellectual property product excellence around the world. With WiseTime, Anaqua’s clients will now have access to the industry-leading tool for integrated IP time and billing functionality.

Learn more about how Anaqua’s innovative solutions help corporations and law firms gain a true competitive advantage from their intellectual property at

About Anaqua
Anaqua, Inc. is a premium provider of integrated intellectual property (IP) management technology solutions and services for corporations and law firms. Its IP management software solutions, AQX and PATTSY WAVE, both offer best practice workflows with big data analytics and tech-enabled services to create an intelligent environment designed to inform IP strategy, enable IP decision-making, and streamline IP operations, tailored to each segment’s need. Today, nearly half of the top 100 U.S. patent filers and global brands, as well as a growing number of law firms worldwide use Anaqua’s solutions. Over one million IP executives, attorneys, paralegals, administrators, and innovators use the platform for their IP management needs. The company’s global operations are headquartered in Boston, with offices across the U.S., Europe, and Asia. For additional information, please visit, or Anaqua’s LinkedIn.

Company Contact:
Amanda Hollis
Communications Director
[email protected]

Agriculture sector in Dominica to reach new heights after new budget announcements

Roseau, Aug. 18, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Commonwealth of Dominica is making significant investment to build capacity in the agriculture sector. The country, which is home to rainforests, abundant flora and fauna, has rich fertile soil that helps support plant life. Components such as the soil, climate, topography, and location give Dominica the edge with their crop growing, and as the demand for organic food products increases globally, Dominica is prioritising the agriculture sector.

Farmers in Dominica grow a diversity of crops – these include bananas, sweet potato, plantain, citrus fruits, vegetables, coffee, patchouli, aloe vera, cut flowers, mangoes, guavas, and papayas. This year, during the presentation of the 2022-2023 budget, Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit announced various measures for the upliftment of the agriculture sector. He advised that the government aims to increase the agriculture contribution to 700 million Eastern Caribbean Dollars by 2030.

Prime Minister Skerrit also outlined that government will invest an initial EC$ 1 million in the provision of greenhouses, insect netting, saran netting  (also referred to as cover material), equipment and irrigation systems.

He further announced that all the investments would ensure that fresh fruit and vegetables are available and affordable throughout the year which will have a direct impact in the reduction of the food import bill as well as enhancing food security.

“Government will continue the propagation programme to ensure a minimum of 600,000 seedlings are propagated as well as distributed to farmers at a subsidised price as an incentive for production. Government’s propagation capabilities will be complemented by the increased capacity,” said the Prime Minister.

Furthermore, to enhance banana production, the government of Dominica will allocate special funds in the amount of EC$ 1 million, which will support large banana farmers. The government plans to provide further assistance to farmers by making an additional EC$ 5 million available to DEXIA as a revolving fund for the procurement of farming produce. This funding will offer packaging solutions to enhance the market needs for quality, price and consistency.

Enhanced packaging and processing of food increases the food value and the product range. He outlined that the farmers from the villages will now be able to sell their produce for processing, adding value, empowering female farmers and improving livelihoods.

Prime Minister Skerrit also stated, “To equip farmers to take advantage of this opportunity, we will provide EC$ 3.7 million to strengthen at least five new farmer producer organisations and crop production clusters to improve economies of scale.”

“We have made an agriculture policy framework that is in line with the government’s commitment to becoming the world’s first climate resilient nation. It outlines a vision for a resilient as well as sustainable agricultural sector that promotes innovation and technology to guarantee increased yields, consistency of production, quality, safe and nutritious fresh produce,” Prime Minister Skerrit added.

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit announced that the government will focus an additional EC$ 1 million in support to young farmers and agriculture entrepreneurs, which will include grants for start-up capital, labour and supplies to eligible parties.

In 2022-2023, Dominica’s Calibishie and Salisbury communities will also see the installation of irrigation systems, with an estimated cost of EC$ 486,000.

Prime Minister has shed light on food security and consumption on almost every platform. During a Food Security Summit in Guyana, Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit encouraged the youth to engage in farming practices, which will result in an increase in food security. He emphasised, “I am a farmer myself, and I am completely self-sufficient; I eat fruit that comes from my farm and are grown by me every day”.

Taking all of the above into account the Dominican people should take advantage of increasing the production of organic food, which can then be exported to sister islands and other countries. The commencement of export and import will help generate employment and revenue.

The government of Dominica has been upgrading its agriculture sector with the help of the Citizenship by Investment Programme (CBI). The funds generated by the CBI Programme of Dominica assist the government in advancing the sector. The government has adopted many new projects to modernise the sector, which are backed by the programme.

The Citizenship by Investment (CBI) Programme of Dominica was launched nearly two decades ago, in 1993 and has emerged as the best programme in the world. Because of its efficiency, the programme has been ranked number one for five consecutive years by the CBI Index, published by the Financial Times’ PWM Magazine.

The Citizenship by Investment Unit of Dominica makes sure that alternative citizenship is granted to quality applicants who have outstanding character and reputation. To ensure the credibility of the investor, the unit works with an independent third-party firm to conduct rigorous internal and external due diligence background checks.

The investor(s) or applicant(s) can apply for alternative citizenship through two investment options, which directly or indirectly help in the upliftment of the country. The two investment options are:

1) Economic Diversification Fund or Fund Option

2) Real Estate Investment Option

Under the Economic Diversification Fund Option, the investor has to contribute to the socio-economic development of the country. The contribution helps in the advancement of various sectors, including education, healthcare, sports, housing, tourism and agriculture. The minimum investment under this investment option is USD 100,000.

Under the Real Estate Investment Option, the investor invests in any government-approved property, including resorts, hotels and spas. The minimum investment under this option starts from USD 200,000.

Dominica offers one of the Caribbean’s leading CIP programmes. The idyllic island offers one of the best standards of living and lifestyle as it is politically and economically stable. With the low crime rate and high business opportunities, Dominica is one of the best choices for investors. It is like heaven on the earth with countless hidden gems and nicknamed the “Nature Isle of the Caribbean”. Dominica boasts a dynamic coastline, incredible marine biodiversity, natural hot springs thanks to its volcanic origin and acres of unspoiled tropical rainforest.

Dominica PR
Commonwealth of Dominica

Global Leaders Honor Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon on the 10th Anniversary of His Passing

Late Evangelist Remembered as Extraordinary Pioneer of Peace and Unity


Global Leaders Honor Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon

on the 10th Anniversary of His Passing

Late evangelist remembered as extraordinary pioneer of peace and unity

The Universal Peace Federation (UPF) joined with other organizations, friends, and families to honor the 10th anniversary of the passing of Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon at a special program held near Seoul, Korea, on Aug. 14, 2022.

“Father Moon left a colossal legacy of peace of inestimable value in all aspects of human life,” said H.E. Brigi Rafini, Executive Secretary of the Community of Sahel and Saharan States (CEN-SAD), which has 25 Member States and represents 650 million Africans. “Just like Father and Mother Moon, I invite us to enter and remain in history as peacemakers in the world.”

Rev. Moon was born in 1920 in the village of Sangsa Ri in what is now North Korea. From his birth in Japan-occupied Korea to his Sept. 3, 2012, death at age 92, Rev. Moon lived every day with a passion for God, and a determination to liberate humankind from evil, and to establish an ideal world of peace.

His passing brought sorrow to countless followers and allies around the world, but none more so than his wife of 52 years. “Father, I love you. I miss you. These past 10 years have been a tremendous journey to realize the promise I made before you,” said Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon. “From now on, please do not worry. We will, without fail, complete our responsibility.”

Some 86 floral tributes and messages were sent from world leaders for the 10th anniversary, and the floral display from North Korea was so large that two men had to carry it on stage.

Chairman Kim Jong-un personally asked a North Korean peace institute to send flowers and a condolence message to the Moon family, said Dr. Yun Young-ho, Director-General of UPF International, who emceed the three-hour program at HJ Global Arts Center.

The North Korean message said, “Rev. Moon worked for the sake of world peace… and his achievements and legacy will be remembered for eons… We would like to wish prosperity and success to the International Family Federation and UPF.”

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (2018-2021) recounted the arrests, tortures, and imprisonments of Rev. Moon’s life, including the North Korean Hungnam death camp that was liberated by UN forces led by US Gen. Douglas MacArthur.

Rev. Moon survived this, and many more severe hardships, “by faith and a loving God,” said Mr. Pompeo.

In 1954, Rev. Moon created the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (HSA-UWC) to call for “the unity of all Christianity and for each of us to love each other,” said Mr. Pompeo. Rev. Moon also stood immovably against God-denying ideologies, creating the successful Victory Over Communism program and newspapers, including The Washington Times, established in 1982 in Washington, D.C., to stand for faith, family, and freedom. “America must be moral, it must be strong, it must be free and have a free press,” Mr. Pompeo said.

“Rev. Moon and his peace work impacted millions,” said Cambodian Assemblyman Suos Yara, who delivered a message from Samdech Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Royal Kingdom of Cambodia.

Cambodian leaders are among those working with UPF, which was co-founded by Rev. and Mrs. Moon in 2005, in its quest to bring peace on the Korean Peninsula. In February, at the UPF World Summit 2022, world leaders signed the Seoul Resolution, which offers a roadmap to reconciliation. The resolution calls for “two states, toward one nation, one peninsula, one culture, one people,” said Mr. Yara. “This is a common vision for peace through mutual prosperity, interdependence, and universal values.”The formally named “Seonghwa Ceremony 10th Anniversary of the Holy Ascension of Sun Myung Moon, the True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind,” told the story of Rev. Moon’s life, conveyed dramatically through dance, song, videos, pictures, and a live orchestra.

Highlights of the dynamic program included his 1935 Easter morning visitation from Jesus Christ who called him to carry forward the mission to build the Kingdom of God; the persecutions he endured when he started preaching; and his 1960 Holy Marriage to Mrs. Moon, after which they began sharing that “blessing” with other couples around the world. The program reviewed his thousands of speeches, campaigns, rallies, conferences, and visits held in all parts of the world, and his meetings with world leaders, including Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev and North Korea Chairman Kim Il-sung. Details are found in Rev. Moon’s memoir, “As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen,” and Mrs. Moon’s memoir, “Mother of Peace: And God Shall Wipe Away All Tears from Their Eyes.”

Mrs. Moon closed the event by offering all of the nearly 30,000 attendees silken-cloth bags filled with rice caramels, one of Rev. Moon’s favorite sweets. Recalling the video clips of Rev. Moon shown in the program, she said, “True Father spoke to you, didn’t he? What did he say?”

“I’m sure he didn’t say ‘be hopeless’ or ‘lead a meaningless life,’” she said. “Let us move forward in hope,” practice true love, be stewards of the Creation, “and lead lives centered on God,” she said.

For media inquiries, please contact:

William P. Selig | Communications Director, Universal Peace Federation

Ph: 240-274-1744 | Email: [email protected] | Web:


William P. Selig

Universal Peace Federation


[email protected]

Cody Patrick Nomeado Gerente de Vendas Diretas OEM do Nikkiso Clean Energy and Industrial Gases Group

TEMECULA, Califórnia, Aug. 17, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group (“Grupo”) parte do grupo de empresas da Nikkiso Co., Ltd (Japão), tem o prazer de anunciar a nomeação de Cody Patrick para Gerente de Vendas Diretas OEM da Unidade de Bombas Criogênicas do Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group da Nikkiso.

Cody é formado pelo programa de Distribuição Industrial da Texas A&M College of Engineering. Com sua formação e experiência com bombas criogênicas no mercado de gases industriais ele é ideal para ajudar na ampliação do mercado dos EUA. Ele irá gerenciar e desenvolver estratégias e oportunidades de negócios, e ajudar no desenvolvimento de programas de treinamento e educação para os clientes do Grupo. Ele ficará baseado em Houston e se reportará a Ian Guthrie, Gerente de Linha de Negócios da unidade de Bombas Criogênicas do Grupo.

“O Grupo está muito empolgado com o entusiasmo e o conhecimento que Cody tem do mercado de bombas criogênicas”, disse Daryl Lamy, Presidente e CEO da Unidade de Bombas do Grupo. “Aguardamos o seu apoio no desenvolvimento das oportunidades neste mercado”.

Com esta adição, a Nikkiso dá continuidade ao seu compromisso de ser uma presença global e local para seus clientes.

A Cryogenic Industries, Inc. (agora parte da Nikkiso Co., Ltd.) fabrica e presta serviços para equipamentos de processamento de gás criogênico projetados (bombas, turboexpansores, trocadores de calor, etc.) e plantas de processo para Gases Industriais, Liquefação de Gás Natural (GNL), Liquefação de Hidrogênio (LH2) e Ciclo Rankine Orgânico para Recuperação de Calor de Resíduos. Fundada há mais de 50 anos, a Cryogenic Industries é a empresa controladora da ACD, Nikkiso Cryo, Nikkiso Integrated Cryogenic Solutions, Cosmodyne e Cryoquip, e de um grupo comumente controlado de aproximadamente 20 entidades operacionais.

Para mais informação, visite e

Anna Quigley
[email protected]