Kubayi engages with women in built environment

As part of the Women’s Month celebrations, the Minister of Human Settlements, Mmamoloko Kubayi, will host an interactive engagement with women in the built environment at the Nelson Mandela Bay Metro in the Eastern Cape.

This interaction, to be held at City Hall, Vuyisile Mini Square on Thursday evening, is aimed at mobilising women in the sector to play an active role in the delivery of sustainable human settlements, particularly, social housing.

Social housing is one of Human Settlements’ housing instruments, which include Breaking New Ground (BNG) and Financed Linked Individually Subsidy Programme (FLISP), among others.

Social housing is a rental stock offered by the department to people with a gross monthly income of between R1 850 and R22 000.

The department said during the engagement, Kubayi will also hand over certificates to women who have been trained to participate in the rollout of the social housing projects.

“The training covered areas such as corporate governance, introduction to social housing, management and property management,” the department said.

Delivering the 2022 State of the Nation Address (SONA), President Cyril Ramaphosa announced that R64 billion of the R700 billion from the Infrastructure Fund will be spent on social and student housing.

“Accordingly, the Social Housing Regulatory Authority (SHRA), an agency of the department, has partnered with the Infrastructure Fund to deliver six social housing projects over the next two years at a total value of over R300 million,” the department said

The Minister will be joined by Nelson Mandela Bay Mayor, Eugene Johnson and Member of the Mayoral Committee for Human Settlements, Shuling Lindoor.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Get smart with your money!

National Treasury and the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) have launched Money Smart Week South Africa 2022 (MSWSA 2022), which will take place from 29 August until 4 September 2022.

MSWSA 2022 is an initiative of the National Consumer Financial Education Committee (NCFEC).

The NCFEC was established to secure active involvement, collaboration and coordination of various stakeholders in consumer financial education and is chaired by National Treasury.

The objective of the launch is to create awareness around the campaign which aims to motivate, empower, and educate South Africans about their financial well-being.

Delivering a keynote address during the launch on Thursday, Commissioner of the FSCA, Unathi Kamlana, encouraged previous and prospective participants to join the MSWSA 2022 campaign.

Kamlana said that there is no better time for one to build their future and be smart about their money.

He gave the global and local economic backdrop and difficulties that South African consumers face in 2022.

He said that most South Africans are under severe economic pressure, which worsened with the pandemic and the implementation of lockdown measures.

“Effective financial inclusion strategies supported by consumer awareness and education programmes can really help drive financial wellness. Many of us need to be weaned off excessive, unhealthy and disruptive reliance on credit,” Kamlana said.

He said that the Smart Week South Africa comes at an opportune time.

“This much needed intervention and collaboration between the private and public sector to take consumer financial education to the people provides an opportunity for consumers to acquire information and knowledge on how to overcome their financial challenges especially when under heightened pressure and learn how to make better and more informed financial decisions,” he said.

Kamlana emphasised that an informed financial consumer is an empowered citizen; and it becomes their own best protection in an increasingly complex financial environment and tough economic backdrop.

“An informed, financially literate consumer is an empowered citizen. So taking financial education to the people is a paramount duty not only for us as regulators, but also financial institutions,” he said.

He said that the FSCA is ready and fully committed to assist in the post-lockdown economic recovery, fulfilling its regulatory mandate including educating and protecting financial customers.

“Platforms such as what we are launching today have a significant impact on the lives of consumers. I would like to encourage all our stakeholders – especially those in the financial sector to register their activities on the MSWSA22 platform and participate fully in all the initiatives to help increase our collective reach on how to deal with money matters effectively and wisely,” he said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

SADC elects new leadership at 42nd Ordinary Summit

The 42nd Ordinary Summit of the Heads of State and Government of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) has elected the President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, as chairperson of SADC.

Meanwhile, the President of the Republic of Angola, João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço, has been elected as the incoming chairperson of SADC.

Tshisekedi succeeds the President of the Republic of Malawi, Dr Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera.

The summit has also elected Dr. Hage G. Geingob, President of the Republic Namibia, as chairperson of the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation, and Hakainde Hichilema, the President of the Republic of Zambia, as the incoming chairperson of the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation.

Geingob succeeds President Cyril Ramaphosa as the outgoing chairperson of the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation.

The 42nd Ordinary Summit of the Heads of State and Government of SADC was held on Wednesday in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

“The summit extended its appreciation to the government and people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo for a successful 42nd SADC Summit of Heads of State and Government.

“The chairperson of SADC, Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, expressed gratitude to all the Heads of State and Government for attending the 42nd Summit of SADC Heads of State and Government,” SADC said in a statement.

The summit also approved the appointment of Angele Makombo N’Tumba, from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, as the new SADC Deputy Executive Secretary for Regional Integration.

The summit has applauded the successful general elections in the Republic of Zambia in August 2021, and the peaceful transition of power.

“The summit noted the readiness of the Republic of Angola and the Kingdom of Lesotho to hold their general and national assembly elections on 24th August 2022 and 7th October 2022, respectively, and wished the two Member States peaceful elections,” SADC said.

The summit received a report of the outgoing chairperson of the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation, President Ramaphosa.

He was commended for his outstanding leadership and continued efforts to address peace and security threats during the year, notwithstanding the challenges posed by COVID-19.

The summit also received a progress report from the SADC Facilitator to the Kingdom of Lesotho, President Ramaphosa ,on the implementation of SADC decisions in Lesotho.

“While noting the progress made, it urged the government to expedite completion of the ongoing reforms, and to continue with peace, transitional justice and reconciliation process to engender national unity, and bring about national healing and cohesion,” SADC said.

The summit commended the SADC Facilitator and the Facilitation Team for the excellent leadership and role in supporting the government and people of Lesotho in the process of the multi-stakeholder national dialogue and the adoption of the comprehensive reforms proposals.

“The summit approved the establishment of an oversight committee made up of the SADC Panel of Elders (PoE) and the Mediation Reference Group (MRG) to ensure continuity and oversight on the implementation of reforms in the Kingdom of Lesotho,” SADC said.

Regional peace

The summit has also received updates on the security situation in Cabo Delgado province in the northern part of the Republic of Mozambique.

The summit approved the extension of the SADC Mission in Mozambique (SAMIM) and its related processes.

“The summit commended SAMIM Personnel Contributing Countries (PCCs) for their solidarity and sacrifice in supporting the mission, and expressed condolences to the governments and families of the nine deceased SAMIM personnel, who died in the theatre of operations,” SADC said.

The summit expressed concern and solidarity on the latest security developments in eastern DRC.

“The summit mandated the chairperson of the Ministerial Committee of the Organ, supported by the Organ Troika FIB Troop Contributing Countries (TCCs), to engage the UN 4 Secretary General on the margins of the UN General Assembly in September 2022, to explore all avenues to support efforts towards improving the security situation,” SADC said.

The summit welcomed a brief report presented by the government of the Kingdom of Eswatini regarding the security situation in that country.

While condemning the violence, the summit mandated the chairperson of the Organ to convene an Extra-ordinary Summit of the Organ Troika plus Eswatini, at a date to be determined, aimed at finding a peaceful and lasting solution to the security challenges facing the country.

The summit further expressed concern on the continued maritime security threats affecting the Region’s development aspirations, in particular, those emerging in the western part of the Indian Ocean.

“In this regard, the summit urged Member States to expedite the implementation of the SADC Maritime Integrated Strategy and its Action Plan,” SADC said.

The summit has also welcomed the establishment of the SADC Regional Counter-Terrorism Centre (SADC-RCTC) in the United Republic of Tanzania (URT), as an institution that coordinates counter terrorism activities in the Region.

Member States have been urged to strengthen cooperation and information sharing on terrorism, radicalism and violent extremism.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Les téléviseurs ULED 2022 haute performance de Hisense sont maintenant disponibles en Afrique du Sud

CAPE TOWN, Afrique du Sud, 17 août 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Hisense, un fournisseur de téléviseurs et d’appareils ménagers haute performance, a lancé trois séries de ses produits à écran ULED haute performance sur le marché sud-africain en août. Avec les séries U8H, U7H et U6H, Hisense vise à renforcer le divertissement à domicile pour les Sud-Africains.

Grâce au Hi-View Engine (« moteur haute visibilité ») de Hisense, les modèles des trois séries offrent une meilleure expérience visuelle pour tout type de contenu et dans toutes les conditions d’utilisation du téléviseur, que ce soit dans une pièce lumineuse, sombre, bruyante ou calme. En réunissant toute l’intelligence en un seul endroit, le Hi-View Engine permet d’améliorer la qualité de l’image scène par scène. L’algorithme simule le réseau neuronal, optimisant intelligemment l’image grâce à l’apprentissage profond pour une visualisation adaptative et brillante.

Les trois séries prennent en charge la technologie Quantum Dot Colour, qui permet aux utilisateurs de découvrir un nouveau monde de couleurs avec plus d’un milliard de nuances disponibles. Parallèlement, le système de haut-parleurs Dolby Atmos® permet aux téléviseurs d’offrir un réalisme inégalé et un paysage sonore riche, créant ainsi une expérience audiovisuelle totalement immersive qui plonge le spectateur dans la scène.

De plus, les modèles U8H et U7H disposent d’une technologie sonore qui s’adapte à la pièce et génère intelligemment la courbe sonore la plus adaptée à la taille et aux matériaux de l’espace. En outre, Dolby Vision IQ et HDR 10+ Adaptive, qui sont pris en charge dans les deux séries, améliorent les performances HDR dans toutes les conditions d’éclairage. Les deux séries sont alimentées par le système d’exploitation VIDAA U6 mis à jour par Hisense, qui prend en charge davantage d’applications et un plus large éventail de contenus. Pour un visionnage encore plus simplifié, les utilisateurs peuvent contrôler le téléviseur via la télécommande vocale mains libres ou émettre des commandes vocales jusqu’à une distance de trois mètres.

La série U8H prend également en charge la fonction IMAX Enhanced, qui permet de bénéficier d’un son surround multicanal 2.1.2 offrant une expérience immersive saisissante qui transporte les téléspectateurs dans l’instant présent sans la moindre distraction.

Disponible sur les trois séries, la fonction Game Mode Pro permet aux joueurs de bénéficier de réponses instantanées avec un mode automatique à faible latence et un VRR (taux de rafraîchissement variable) continu pour minimiser le décalage des entrées, la gigue de l’écran et les déchirures. Sur les modèles U7H et U8H, dotés de la prise en charge HDMI 2.1 et de la certification AMD FreeSync Premium, l’écran active automatiquement les fonctions HDMI avancées pour donner aux joueurs un avantage concurrentiel.

Désormais, pour toute nouvelle commande du téléviseur ULED 2022, Hisense offrira des bons d’achat aux consommateurs sud-africains :

  • 3 000 rands pour le U80H du 20 août au 31 octobre
  • 2 000 rands pour le U8H du 10 juillet au 31 août
  • 1 500 rands pour le U7H du 10 juillet au 31 août
  • 1 000 rands pour le U6H du 10 juillet au 31 août

De plus, du 10 juillet au 31 octobre, si vous partagez une photo de votre nouveau téléviseur ULED 2022, que vous détaillez votre expérience sur les médias sociaux et que vous identifiez @HisenseSA, vous avez une chance de gagner une barre de son Hisense HS212F qui viendra compléter votre téléviseur et dont la valeur est de 2 200 rands.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1879016/image_1.jpg

Connecting Green Hydrogen MENA 2023 : interventions, exposition et remise de prix lors d’une conférence aux couleurs de l’hydrogène vert

DUBAÏ, Émirats arabes unis17 août 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Organisée par Leader Associates, la conférence Connecting Green Hydrogen MENA 2023 (CGHM2023) aura lieu du 14 au 16 mars 2023 au Palazzo Versace Dubai, aux Émirats arabes unis. Événement phare de la région promouvant un hydrogène vert au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord, la conférence attirera des leaders du monde entier : plus de 1 500 décideurs politiques, des représentants des industries pétrolières et gazières, des responsables de services publics en charge des questions de l’énergie, des investisseurs, des promoteurs de projets, des fournisseurs, des sociétés de mobilité et de transport à l’hydrogène et des fournisseurs de services techniques. Ce rassemblement sera l’occasion d’établir une plateforme d’échange d’informations et de réseautage commerciaux, puis de faciliter la coopération et de stimuler le développement économique de l’industrie de l’hydrogène.

La conférence de trois jours se concentre principalement sur les sujets d’actualité, le développement futur et les perspectives de l’industrie de l’hydrogène au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord. Citons notamment les six parties qui la composent : Sommet stratégique de la CGHM, exposition en direct de la CGHM, prix Hydrogen Future Awards, programme relatif à la diversité et à l’inclusion, plus de 10 forfaits de sponsoring diversifiés, programmes de réseautage de la CGHM2023. En parallèle, plus de 80 conférenciers professionnels de l’industrie de l’hydrogène interviendront dans le cadre de la conférence CGHM2023 et organiseront des tables rondes et groupes de discussion à l’attention des participants.

Entreprises publiques et industrielles distinguées lors de la conférence CGHM2022 :

Gouvernement, associations et services publics : Ministère de l’Énergie et de l’Infrastructure, Émirats arabes unis | Ministère de l’Investissement, Arabie Saoudite | Ministère de l’Énergie, des Mines et de l’Environnement, Maroc | Ministère de l’énergie et des minéraux, Oman | Autorité de l’électricité et de l’eau, Dubaï | Scottish Development International | Département du commerce international | Ambassade de Grande-Bretagne à Abu Dhabi | Port de Rotterdam etc.

Pétrole et gaz, IPP, industrie : Saudi Aramco | Scatec ASA | Petroleum Development Oman | ACWA Power | Masen | EDF RENEWABLES | Eni | InterContinental Energy | AMEA Power | Octopus Hydrogen | Snam | Vitol | H2 Green Steel | Microsoft | Amazon | Evonik | Walter Tosto Spa | Petrofac | Repsol | Hyundai Motor Company | RHI Magnesita | Emirates National Oil Company Group (ENOC) | Engie, etc.

À propos de Leader Associates

Leader Associates est un organisateur d’événements internationaux dans le domaine de l’énergie propre. Leader Associates s’engage en faveur de l’énergie propre et est à l’avant-garde de la durabilité environnementale. Nous sommes convaincus que nos efforts seront fructueux et permettront de proposer une énergie renouvelable abordable grâce à des plateformes commerciales et à des programmes non commerciaux pratiques. Depuis sa création en 2015 à Perth, en Australie de l’Ouest, Leader Associates a organisé avec succès plus de 100 événements sur les 5 continents et dans plus de 20 pays.

Pour plus d’informations sur CHGM2023, rendez-vous sur le site : https://www.mena.gh2events.com/.

Contact :
Cami Wang
[email protected]

Build Hydrogen Connections at Connecting Green Hydrogen MENA 2023 Conference, Exhibition & Awards

DUBAI, UAE, Aug. 17, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Brought by Leader Associates, Connecting Green Hydrogen MENA 2023(CGHM2023) will be held on 14th-16th March 2023 in Palazzo Versace Dubai, UAE. As a Region’s Leading Event towards Green Hydrogen in the Middle East and North Africa, it will attract 1500+ Policy Makers, Oil & Gas, Energy Utilities, Investors, Project Developers, Suppliers, Hydrogen Mobility and Transportation companies and technical service providers internationally and build an information exchange and business networking platform for them, then facilitate the cooperation and boost the economic development of the hydrogen industry.

The three-day conference mainly focuses on hot topics, future development and prospects about the hydrogen industry in the Middle East and North Africa, including six parts: CGHM Strategic Summit, CGHM Live Exhibition, Hydrogen Future Awards, Diversity & Inclusion Program, 10+ Diversified Sponsorship Packages, CGHM2023 Networking Programs. At the same time, it will have the attendance of 80+ professional speakers in the hydrogen industry to present on CGHM2023 and set up panels for attendees to discuss.

Distinguished Government and Industry Companies in CGHM2022:

Government, Associations & Utilities: Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure UAE | Ministry of Investment Saudi Arabia | Ministry of Energy, Mines and Environment, Morocco | Ministry of Energy and Minerals Oman | Dubai Electricity and Water Authority | Scottish Development International | Department for International Trade | British Embassy Abu Dhabi | Port of Rotterdam etc.

Oil & Gas, IPPs, Industrial: Saudi Aramco | Scatec ASA | Petroleum Development Oman | ACWA Power | Masen | EDF RENEWABLES | Eni | InterContinental Energy | AMEA Power | Octopus Hydrogen | Snam | Vitol | H2 Green Steel | Microsoft | Amazon | Evonik | Walter Tosto Spa | Petrofac | Repsol | Hyundai Motor Company | RHI Magnesita | Emirates National Oil Company Group (ENOC) | Engie etc.

About Leader Associates

Leader Associates is an international event organizer in the field of clean energy. Leader Associates is committed to clean energy and stands at the forefront of environmental sustainability. We put faith in our work to make renewable energy available and affordable through practical business platforms and non-business programs. Setting sail from Perth, Western Australia in 2015, Leader Associates has successfully hosted over 100 clean energy events across 5 continents and in over 20 countries worldwide.

For more information about CHGM2023, please visit https://www.mena.gh2events.com/

Cami Wang
[email protected]