Public perception research sharpens COVID-19 government messaging

The lifting in April this year of the National State of Disaster, which was declared in March 2020 in terms of the Disaster Management Act of 2002 to contain the spread of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), brought much-needed socio-economic relief in South Africa.

The recent announcement also by the Minister of Health, Dr Joe Phaahla, that the Department of Health will no longer publish the daily COVID-19 statistics, was another milestone. These statistics previously provided a transparent and necessary picture of the surging daily infections and deaths nationally.

It is an indisputable fact that the past two years have been a period of unchartered territory in our country since the advent of our democracy. With limited knowledge of the deadly virus that the World Health Organisation had declared a global pandemic, most countries, including South Africa, had to resort to drastic measures. These included risk-adjusted levels of restrictions and the more severe national lockdown that brought almost everything in the country to a virtual standstill.

The country started dealing with COVID-19 cases when it had to repatriate South African students who were studying in Wuhan, China, where the highest number of cases of COVID-19 were reported. This was followed by the first case of COVID-19 detected in the country in March 2020.

The swift response by government is probably what made South Africa succeed in weathering the storm within the two years of the virus descending on the country. One has to hasten to caution that although we managed to weaken COVID-19, it has not yet been completely eradicated in the country and worldwide. The virus is still virulent, and therefore should still be closely monitored and properly managed.

One can only look back with pride and appreciation at the science-based interventions made by government, led by President Cyril Ramaphosa, with the primary objective being to save lives and livelihoods. The daily new infections at the time made a number of sceptics doubt our ability as a country to respond adequately, but we never failed.

The National Coronavirus Command Council (NCCC), which was chaired by the President, acknowledged that in addition to scientists advising and guiding the country’s response to COVID-19, we also required a strong communication and mass mobilisation work stream. This work stream was expected to report weekly to the technical National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure (NATJOINTS) and ultimately to the NCCC.

The Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) was tasked to lead this work stream. This task was made possible by the communication partnership GCIS set up to drive this work. The partners included business, labour, civil society organisations, traditional leaders, churches and our media partners.

The key content nerve centre of all this depended on the Department of Health with their scientist and the research support that was guiding how the messaging was packaged.

This included using various products and platforms to, among other things, communicate the preventative health measures of wearing a mask, regularly washing hands with soap or using a 70% alcohol-based hand sanitiser and maintaining social distancing.

In its allocated budget for this campaign, GCIS allocated some for research and in some cases, partnered with the Solidarity Fund for this research. The outcome of these findings provided guidance on which platforms to use and how to package the content in an engaging manner that makes it accessible to our targeted recipients.

Since COVID-19 was an unprecedented phenomenon, government needed to use a nuanced approach in some instances and also deal with the fake news that was circulating in social media and causing untold panic in South Africa.

Research findings enabled government to understand the social and public health implications of the pandemic in order to respond to the information needs of the public. Our scientists and medical practitioners provided useful guidance on how to communicate impactful messages to the public.

This week, we received the close-out research report done by Ask Africa, a Pretoria-based research company. Without detailing the report which was presented at the GCIS Webinar on Closeout Research Findings, the key findings of this research confirm the impact communication and mass mobilisation had on how citizens responded to COVID-19.

It further confirms that citizens were empowered with information that enabled them to take responsibility in the fight against the onslaught of COVID-19. At the same time, it told us that almost three-quarters of the respondents perceived government positively on how it managed the pandemic and the vaccination programme, as well as the provision of social relief packages.

This positive response is also attributed to effective government communication on the pandemic and the free vaccination programme.

In testing the government message on COVID 19, the findings show that over 90% of respondents recalled the messages about protecting oneself against COVID-19 through social distancing, isolation and staying safe, among others. The wearing of a mask (84%) and use of a hand sanitiser (72%) was the GCIS campaign message to all people in South Africa, which was seeking to minimise the spread of new infections.

While emphasising the importance of vaccination to prevent severe illness, hospitalisation and even death, we also had to outline the voluntary aspect of this campaign. Research findings reveal that the awareness of the vaccination programme improved from 55% in 2021 to 87% in 2022.

Public perception about government’s role in administering vaccines increased from 66% in 2021 to 85% in 2022. This is linked to government securing enough vaccines and making them easily accessible to all who want to be vaccinated.

Taking into cognisance that vaccination was a necessary but voluntary option, we appreciate that even those who opted not to vaccinate, it was not due to lack of knowledge or awareness of the vaccination programme but of their own volition.

The research insights confirm the decision of the NCCC, under the leadership of President Ramaphosa, that all people in South Africa need to embrace the ongoing battle against COVID-19. Such partnership with communities has undoubtedly enabled us to achieve what we sought to achieve to provide communities with information that will guide their decisions.

Meanwhile, the close-out research has not only guided the GCIS on how to embark on a conventional approach to reach out to all citizens but it has also provided the department with valuable recommendations on how to sharpen its communication beyond COVID-19.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Update: Escapees rearrested

WOLMARANSSTAD – Gomolemo Chacha (24) and Ditshebi Eric Molaetsi (28) were re-arrested last night, 16 August 2022 in Wolmarandstad.

This follows after Police in Wolmaransstad launched a manhunt for two awaiting trial detainees, Gomolemo Chacha (24) and Ditshebi Eric Molaetsi (28), who escaped from lawful custody at Wolmaransstad police station holding cells at about 16:20 on Saturday, 13 August 2022.

Source: South African Police Service

Media Invitation: Police Ministry and SAPS participate in Khayelitsha GBV Tavern dialogue

WESTERN CAPE – In an effort to educate communities on the affliction of Gender Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF) the Police Ministry will on Thursday, 18 August 2022 engage Cape Town residents on the active role, men need to play in ending violence against women.

The Tavern GBV dialogue is an awareness campaign spearheaded by the National Liquor Traders, it will see role-players in the alcohol industry, patrons, NGOs and the South African Police Service (SAPS) engage residents from the Cape Metropole townships namely Khayelitsha, Gugulethu, Phillipi and Nyanga, on the underlying causes of GBVF.

This dialogue will also serve as platform to interrogate and better understand the role alcohol plays in gender based related crimes.

Members of the media are invited to attend the dialogue:

Date: 18 August 2022

Time: 10:00

Venue: Rands Cape Town; 6 Makhabeni Road; Khaya Bazzar

Source: South African Police Service

Minister Nzimande ends Coastal TVET College administration

Education, Science and Innovation Minister, Dr Blade Nzimande, has reached a mutual agreement with the Coastal TVET College Administrator Ndoda Biyela to bring to a close the period of administration by the end of August 2022.

The Department of Higher Education and Training said it has commenced the process to appoint a permanent college principal to bring certainty and stability to the college.

“An acting principal will be appointed as from next month while finalising the appointment of a permanent principal, a process that is at an advanced stage,” the statement read on Wednesday.

The Minister appointed Biyela as an administrator at Coastal TVET College on 1 December 2020 to execute both the functions of governance and management.

This was after corruption allegations emerged and a damning audit report by the Auditor General.

The issues of concern included alleged maladministration, looting and financial maladministration; unfilled posts, poor audit outcomes, ineffective internal controls and low academic throughput rates.

“The Minister has noted several concerns that have been raised by stakeholders on the state of functionality of the college. All these matters will be addressed as we move the college towards the appointment of permanent senior management.”

Meanwhile, Nzimande thanked all stakeholders including staff members, labour unions and students for working with the administrator in ensuring the academic project is not compromised.

“Minister Nzimande wishes to thank the administrator for his willingness to serve the college and wishes him well in his future endeavours.”

Source: South African Government News Agency

WHR Global Announces New President, Chris Lagerman

WHR also Promotes Tenured Employees to Director of Global Operations and Client Services Manager

MILWAUKEE, Aug. 16, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WHR Global, Inc. (WHR), a leader in the global employee relocation industry, announced that Chris Lagerman will be its new President, effective immediately. This promotion reflects Chris’ dedication to WHR and the global mobility industry. Over his 20-year tenure at WHR, Chris previously served as a Relocation Counselor, Client Services Manager and most recently, as Director of Global Operations (DO).

As DO, Chris guided a team of Client Services Managers throughout WHR’s offices in the US, Switzerland and Singapore. WHR helps some of the largest global organizations and has relocated tens of thousands of employees to over 100 countries worldwide. WHR specializes in providing each expatriate with a dedicated relocation team, white-glove service and 24/7 availability for their entire relocation journey. As a testament to Chris’ DO success, WHR only lost one corporate client in its 27-year history, which is a direct result of Chris’ passion for best-in-class service.

WHR CEO Roger Thrun believes Chris will continue to drive the success of WHR’s services and technology. “Chris has been instrumental to our growth in the last 20 years and will continue the velocity of our global expansion. I am very proud that he is part of WHR,” said Thrun.

“I’m honored and grateful for this opportunity and I look forward to driving WHR’s further growth,” said Lagerman.

Effective immediately, WHR also announced that Heather Hess has been promoted to Director of Global Operations, leading all Client Services Managers in the US, Switzerland and Singapore. WHR also announced that Peter Janotta has been promoted to Client Services Manager, effective immediately. Heather and Peter have been at WHR for 14 years each, embodying WHR’s service-oriented approach to global mobility and successfully managing relocation programs for Fortune 500 companies.

About WHR Global
WHR Global (WHR) is a private, client-driven global relocation management company distinguished by its best-in-class service delivery and cutting-edge, proprietary technology. WHR has offices in the US, Switzerland and Singapore. With its 100% client retention rate for the past decade, WHR continues to position itself as the trusted leader in global employee relocation. WHR lives by its vision of Advancing Lives Forward®.

To learn more about WHR, visit, or follow on LinkedInTwitter and Facebook.

Media Contact: Mindy Stroiman, Corporate Writer
[email protected]

WHR Global Anuncia Novo Presidente, Chris Lagerman

WHR Anuncia Também a Promoção de Funcionários Titulares para Diretor de Operações Globais e Gerente de Serviços ao Cliente

MILWAUKEE, Aug. 16, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A WHR Global, Inc. (WHR), líder na indústria global de realocação de funcionários, anunciou que Chris Lagerman será seu novo presidente, com efeito imediato. Esta promoção reflete a dedicação de Chris à WHR e à indústria de mobilidade global. Durante seu mandato de 20 anos na WHR Chris atuou como Consultor de Realocação, Gerente de Serviços ao Cliente e, mais recentemente, como Diretor de Operações Globais (DO).

Na sua função de DO, Chris orientou uma equipe de Gerentes de Atendimento ao Cliente em todos os escritórios da WHR nos EUA, Suíça e Cingapura. A WHR ajuda algumas das maiores empresas globais e já relocou dezenas de milhares de funcionários para mais de 100 países em todo o mundo. A WHR é especializada em fornecer a cada expatriado uma equipe de relocação dedicada, um serviço esmerado e disponibilidade 24/7 durante toda a jornada de relocação. Como prova do sucesso de Chris como DO, a WHR perdeu apenas um cliente corporativo durante sua história de 27 anos, refletindo diretamente a dedicação de Chris pelo melhor serviço da categoria.

O CEO da WHR, Roger Thrun, acredita que Chris continuará a impulsionar o sucesso dos serviços e da tecnologia da WHR. “Chris tem sido fundamental para o nosso crescimento nos últimos 20 anos e dará continuidade ao ritmo da nossa expansão global. Estou muito orgulhoso dele fazer parte da WHR”, disse Thrun.

“Estou honrado e grato por esta oportunidade e preparado para impulsionar o crescimento da WHR”, disse Lagerman.

Com efeito imediato, a WHR também anunciou que Heather Hess foi promovida a Diretora de Operações Globais, liderando todos os Gerentes de Atendimento ao Cliente nos EUA, Suíça e Cingapura. A WHR também anunciou que Peter Janotta foi promovido a Gerente de Serviços ao Cliente, com efeito imediato. Heather e Peter estão na WHR há 14 anos cada, representando a abordagem orientada a serviços da WHR para a mobilidade global e tendo gerenciado com sucesso programas de realocação para empresas Fortune 500.

Sobre a WHR Global
A WHR Global (WHR) é uma empresa global de gestão de relocação privada, orientada para o cliente, distinguida pela sua melhor prestação de serviços e tecnologia proprietária de ponta. A WHR tem escritórios nos EUA, Suíça e Cingapura. Com sua taxa de retenção de clientes de 100% na última década, o WHR continua a se posicionar como líder confiável na relocação global de funcionários. A WHR é um exemplo vivo da sua visão de Advancing Lives Forward®.

Para mais informação sobre a WHR, visite, ou siga LinkedIn, Twitter e Facebook.

Contato com a Mídia: Mindy Stroiman, Redatora Corporativa
[email protected]