Minister Patricia de Lille on opening of Request for Proposal for Integrated Renewable Energy and Resource Efficiency Programme

Request for Proposal (RFP) to open for the Integrated Renewable Energy and Resource Efficiency Programme (iREREP) to generate revenue and savings across the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI) property portfolio.

Following the announcement by President Cyril Ramaphosa on Monday evening on actions to address the electricity crisis, I am pleased to announce that The Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI), supported by National Treasury’s Government Technical Advisory Centre’s (GTAC) transactional advisor is today announcing its intention to publish the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the commencement of the Integrated Renewable Energy and Resource Efficiency Programme (iREREP).

I am delighted to announce the release of the RFP in the next week for the procurement of the Programme, which will be the largest programme for the procurement of renewable energy and resource efficiency for public facilities.

The DPWI as the largest landlord and facilities manager in the country, has a responsibility to not only deliver and manage quality infrastructure but to combat climate change and enhance sustainable development through its mandate – such as providing buildings for government service delivery.

We have a duty to implement programmes to reduce electricity demand and encourage energy efficient use by consumers as articulated by President Ramaphosa on Monday.

This programme is a Strategic Integrated Project (SIP), Number 28, known as the Photovoltaic (PV) and Water Savings on Government Buildings Programme. The project was gazetted as a SIP on the 24th of July 2020 as part of a credible pipeline of projects in the Infrastructure Investment Plan which was approved by Cabinet in May 2020.

The Programme will thrust South Africa along an environmentally sustainable path, while contributing significantly to social and economic development; energy and water security of supply; budget sustainability; and improved governance of utilities.

Considering the challenges to our economy, the persistent energy crisis, water shortages and effects of climate change, our aim must be to ensure that our investment achieves economic growth and transformation to improve the lives of citizens and fast-track development.

Prior to the RFP, the Department undertook and issued a Request for Information (RFI) on the 20th of September 2021 with the submission date for responses on the 20th of October 2021 which subsequently informed the drafting of the RFP. The RFI allowed the Department to gain additional market insights that will drive the implementation of the Programme, as well as provided an understanding of the appetite and readiness of the market to participate in this Programme.

Fifty-eight (58) submissions were received through the RFI process of which 19% were international respondents and 81% were local respondents. Accordingly, this has enhanced our understanding as well as assisted us to embed a better regulatory and eligibility criterion.

In recognising that this is the first of its kind, we have taken time to collate and prepare the necessary information to address the critical areas and questions raised through the RFI. In addition, we have taken the necessary steps to ensure that we adhere to the relevant approval processes. These steps include:

• Hosting workshops with participating stakeholders to enable the successful roll-out across provincial and national government, including the DPWI and its regions.

• Undertaking Resource Audits which serve as inputs for the current RFP process. The current procurement round will see the Department release a bundle of projects into the market.

Additional resource audits have commenced in preparation for the next round of projects that will see the Department releasing additional projects within the next 6 to 24 months to market in various batches. This programmatic approach to procurement will ensure that we create the necessary momentum and certainty that will allow for the development of a vibrant resource services company market, development of skills, job creation and the achievement of a number of other programme objectives.

• Engaging with various stakeholders to obtain the approvals required to create an enabling environment and ensure proper governance structures and ensuring that the procurement processes are in place and adhered to. In this regard, consensus exists within Government and we are entering into the necessary agreements with our User Departments for their participation.

The Programme has conceptualised a dedicated funding mechanism to support local participation and SMME involvement, including women and youth. Furthermore, key institutions have expressed their interest in becoming finance partners to the project, both locally and internationally in the development financing market, as well as the commercial market.

RFP information requested

The RFP will be open to the public with information requested from the respondents focussing on four key areas, namely: Legal, Technical, Finance and Economic Development. The information requested in respect of each of these key areas is detailed in the RFP.

To facilitate the preparation and submission of the Responses, the Department through GTAC will be releasing the RFP, in the coming week, on the following websites: and the is external) website. Interested parties may download the RFP (and related documents) and obtain information pertaining to the Programme.

We encourage all private sector participants across renewable energy, energy and water efficiency, alternative waste management sectors and through their various roles including prospective Bidders, prospective sponsors, lenders, local manufacturers, prospective suppliers, prospective advisors and other interested parties to participate in the RFP as we further cement partnerships between Government and the Private Sector.

We want to champion innovation and be an anchor for new smart technologies, expanding our mix and solutions beyond the proven technologies. We have therefore developed a section on the website where bidders will be able to upload their project videos and images to showcase their technologies. This Programme bears testimony to our commitment of putting the Infrastructure Investment Plan in action and contributes to our goals of achieving the Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan.

On Thursday, I will also be hosting a conference with all the private landlords which DPWI rents office space from to engage them on the need to reduce energy demands. Our appeal will be for all landlords to make their buildings more energy and water efficient in line with the President’s call and to assist in cost and energy efficiencies that will help our economy for many years to come.

We are excited to accelerate this journey of bringing greater innovation and resource efficiency into our government buildings that not only seeks to mitigate against climate change but achieve significant financial savings that can be diverted to other government priorities. We firmly believe that this will go a long way in contributing towards the strategies of demand management in the energy consumption.

Source: Government of South Africa

Minister Patricia de Lille briefs media on Landlords Conference, 28 Jul

The Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI) is responsible for the provision of office accommodation for government departments through using state-owned properties or leasing in from the private sector.

In order to achieve greater operational efficiencies in the provision of office accommodation for government departments, Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure, Patricia de Lille has convened the first Landlords Conference with all landlords which DPWI currently leases properties from.

The aims of the conference are to:

• To engage landlords regarding various issues that face the department, the landlords, and the industry as a whole.

• To give a clear policy direction going forward and clarify any inconsistencies that currently persist.

• To outline the various tools that the DPWI has adopted to mitigate the rising costs of leasing and achieve a greater level of water and energy efficiency

• To outline the various strategies that the DPWI is implementing to reduce overreliance on private leases

• To outline the DPWI’s strategy to optimize the utilization of the State Owned Property Portfolio

• To engage the landlords on specific issues they may have with the Department

During the conference Minister Patricia de Lille and senior managers from the department will engage landlords on various issues that the department, landlords and the industry at large grapple with.

Some of DPWI’s leasing portfolio challenges entails letting-out agreements that run on a month-to-month basis and large number of rentals not being market-related.

The conference ultimately aims to strengthen working relationships and partnerships between DPWI and private landlords and map the way forward for more efficient and effective operations that will assist both the department and landlords in their day to day operations.

Source: Government of South Africa

Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group Announces Addition of Vaporizer Manufacturing Facility in Houston, TX

TEMECULA, Calif., July 25, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group (“Group”), a part of the Nikkiso Co., Ltd (Japan) group of companies, is proud to announce yet another expansion of their manufacturing capabilities. This expansion represents their commitment to and support of their domestic industrial gas and clean energy customers.

Their new Houston, Texas, facility is now equipped to manufacture and deliver ambient vaporizers, bringing their products and support much closer to the East Coast, and Mexico markets, allowing for shorter turn-around times and reduced shipping costs for these growing markets.

Nikkiso Cryoquip Houston is already operational and ramping up to full production of the ambient air vaporizer product line, with customer deliveries already underway.

“We are excited to be able to increase our support of this important region and provide significant benefits to our customers,” according to Chris Colizzi, President of Nikkiso Cryoquip. “This expansion provides a strong support structure for future growth.”

The addition of the Houston facility also allows expanded capacity in the Group’s Murrieta, California, facility to further support their growing customer base across the Industrial Gases and Energy market segments.

Cryogenic Industries, Inc. (now a member of Nikkiso Co., Ltd.) member companies manufacture and service engineered cryogenic gas processing equipment (pumps, turboexpanders, heat exchangers, etc.), and process plants for Industrial Gases, Natural Gas Liquefaction (LNG), Hydrogen Liquefaction (LH2) and Organic Rankine Cycle for Waste Heat Recovery. Founded over 50 years ago, Cryogenic Industries is the parent company of ACD, Nikkiso Cryo, Nikkiso Integrated Cryogenic Solutions, Cosmodyne and Cryoquip and a commonly controlled group of approximately 20 operating entities.

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Anna Quigley
[email protected]

Huawei lance la solution SOCC, qui protège les transactions stables dans le secteur financier

SINGAPOUR,, 25 juillet 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Récemment, à l’occasion du Huawei Intelligent Finance Summit 2022, Huawei a publié la première solution de coordination de connexion optique-stockage (SOCC) de l’industrie. Cette solution tire parti des avantages des dispositifs de stockage et des produits de transmission optique pour prévenir les défaillances des transactions financières causées par la nervosité du réseau, assurant des transactions financières stables et fiables.

Dr. Margaret Hu, President of Marketing and Solution Sales, Global Digital Finance, Huawei, launched SOCC solution

La latence du lien de transaction a un impact direct sur l’expérience client. Pour cette raison, les autorités de régulation financière ont des exigences strictes sur la latence du lien de transaction et le taux de réussite de la transaction.

Pour réduire l’impact de la nervosité du réseau sur les transactions financières, la solution SOCC de Huawei permet des poignées de main directes via le canal SOCC entre le dispositif de transmission optique DCI OptiXtrans DC908 et le stockage 100 % flash OceanStor Dorado. Dans cette solution, le réseau optique est utilisé pour détecter les défauts de liaison. Lorsque la gigue de liaison dépasse le seuil, OptiXtrans DC908 avise OceanStor Dorado de changer de canal d’E/S dans les 2 secondes (en baisse par rapport aux 120 secondes précédentes), réduisant considérablement la durée d’exception des transactions financières et garantissant zéro échec de transaction financière.

En outre, la solution SOCC de Huawei optimise le temps de commutation de la liaison optique de 50 ms à 5 ms pour réduire considérablement les blocages d’images des services financiers numériques causés par des pannes de réseau. Grâce à la technologie SOCC innovante, Huawei optimise les performances de protection des aspects des liaisons E/S de stockage et des liaisons optiques, garantissant ainsi une fiabilité du réseau plus élevée.

La solution Huawei SOCC est conçue pour le secteur financier afin de résoudre les pertes de service causées par le changement de lien et d’assurer la stabilité des transactions financières. Avec des technologies et des capacités innovantes de pointe, Huawei continuera à construire d’excellents produits et solutions pour le secteur financier et à permettre la finance verte, numérique et intelligente.

À propos du Huawei Intelligent Finance Summit 2022

Le Huawei Intelligent Finance Summit est l’événement phare annuel de Huawei pour le secteur financier international. Le HiFS 2022 se déroule du 20 au 22 juillet à Singapour. Avec pour thème « Façonner une finance plus intelligente et plus durable », le Huawei Intelligent Finance Summit réunit des personnalités, des leaders d’opinion, des experts universitaires et des praticiens innovants du secteur financier mondial pour échanger sur la manière de façonner la finance durable et numérique au regard de la future tendance de développement du secteur financier. Pour plus d’informations, rendez-vous sur :

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Huawei et MuRong lancent ensemble leur solution de paiement mobile et de micro finance

SINGAPOUR, 25 juillet 2022/PRNewswire/ — Au cours du Huawei Intelligent Finance Summit 2022, Huawei et Murong ont lancé ensemble leur solution de paiement mobile et de microfinance. Cette solution représente l’innovation technologique de pointe pour la finance inclusive qui rend l’inclusion possible afin de répondre aux opportunités et aux défis du secteur financier.

La transformation numérique et l’innovation se développent rapidement. Dans l’ère post-pandémique, les opportunités et les défis se rejoignent : paiement sans espèces, sans carte, sans contact, etc. Le nombre d’utilisateurs de portefeuilles mobiles a augmenté rapidement. Le marché du paiement mobile devrait atteindre 1,3 milliard d’euros d’ici 2023, dépassant les cartes de crédit et les espèces en raison de son adoption fulgurante. Les investissements et l’innovation dans la FinTech augmentent chaque année.

En un mot, l’exigence de la finance mobile et de la micro finance est devenue nécessaire aux individus et à la connectivité de leur mode de vie diversifié.

Huawei et MuRong ont publié en collaboration cette solution de paiement mobile et de microfinance pour aider les banques à mettre en place une solution de bout en bout « 1+4+7 ».

« 1 » désigne une plateforme native du cloud, fournie par Huawei ;

« 4 » représente les quatre types d’applications financières, à savoir la microépargne, le microprêt, le paiement mobile et le marketing numérique. Ces applications sont mises en œuvre sur la plateforme de services MuRong Inclusive Finance ;

« 7 »comprend des produits spécifiques : SuperAPP, la microépargne, le microprêt, l’Open Banking, le paiement numérique, le marketing numérique et l’exploitation numérique.

De plus, « N » signifie que les banques peuvent fournir N types de scénarios financiers, mettre en relation les utilisateurs finaux et aider les commerçants à acquérir des clients, ce qui renforce considérablement l’attrait de la banque pour les commerçants.

Cela indique que grâce à cette solution, la banque commerciale, l’établissement de paiement, l’opérateur de télécommunications et la société Fintech peuvent se connecter et innover ensemble pour se rendre mutuellement service.

Han Yidong, conseiller principal mondial du centre de solutions technologiques de MuRong, a déclaré : « MuRong est le principal fournisseur mondial de solutions informatiques financières numériques. Nous avons coopéré avec Huawei pour intégrer l’innovation technologique numérique afin de découvrir les marchés de la finance inclusive. »

 « Si l’on considère le parcours de la coopération entre Huawei et Murong, nous avons déjà atteint des résultats concrets. Par ailleurs, les solutions innovantes conjointes sont également en cours, nous attendons davantage de coopération avec MuRong pour créer ensemble une nouvelle valeur pour nos clients », a ajouté Song Danping, président de la coopération mondiale de l’écosystème chez Huawei Global Digital Finance.

À l’avenir, Huawei continuera à développer des solutions financières, en recourant à des technologies innovantes et en coopérant avec des partenaires, afin d’accélérer la mise en place de solutions conjointes pour les clients du secteur financier mondial et de favoriser l’émergence d’une finance plus intelligente et plus écologique.

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Formal extradition application submitted to the United Arab Emirates

National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) Director Shamila Batohi on Monday confirmed that a formal extradition application has been submitted to the Central Authority in the United Arab Emirates for the extradition of the Gupta brothers.

The brothers were arrested in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) last month. They are wanted by the South African authorities to answer to charges of fraud, corruption and money laundering.

“The application, submitted in both English and Arabic, addresses the general requirements for extradition which, if met, would allow the extradition to be granted under either the existing Extradition Treaty or the UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC), or both,” Batohi said.

Addressing the media in Pretoria, Batohi said a multi-disciplinary team within the NPA led the legal aspect of the process and worked in a focused and well-coordinated manner with the Office of the Director General of the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development, designated as the Central Authority (CA) for extradition processes to prepare and finalise the application.

“The NPA team, in close collaboration with the office of the CA, worked relentlessly and focused on complying with legal requirements of the Extradition Treaty and UNCAC,” Batohi said.

Batohi said the submission of the formal application request for the arrest and extradition of the Gupta brothers is an important milestone in the NPA’s commitment to hold accountable perpetrators of State Capture and uphold the rule of law.

“It reaffirms our resolve to be the lawyers of the people and seek collective justice for our country,” Batohi said.

She explained that as the process unfolds, and the extradition application is heard in UAE courts, the NPA will continue to collaborate and support its counterparts in the UAE to ensure that the Gupta brothers are extradited to face justice in South Africa.

“The country demands this of us, and we are ready to keep moving to bring justice,” she said.

Speaking at the same media briefing, Justice and Correctional Services Minister Ronald Lamola said he is confident that the teams handling the extradition of the Gupta brothers, among other high-profile accused persons, are up to the task.

“The matter is now with the central authority in the UAE, who are then going to process it in their jurisdictions, which will obviously include processes and courts to determine whether the Gupta brothers are extraditable to South Africa and when a court has made that ruling. It will then be for the Minister of justice in the UAE to make the decision,” Lamola said.

Source: South African Government News Agency