Casio s’apprête à commercialiser le nouveau modèle MT-G antichoc avec profil plus fin

Avec un module fin nouvellement conçu et une structure antichoc

TOKYO, 15 mars 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Casio Computer Co., Ltd. a annoncé aujourd’hui le tout dernier ajout à sa marque de montres antichocs G-SHOCK. La MTG-B3000, qui arbore un module fin innovant et une construction antichoc, constitue un ajout encore plus épuré à la gamme de montres MT-G, qui présentent toutes une conception qui tire le meilleur parti des propriétés du métal et de la résine.


La MTG-B3000 associe un module fin innovant et une structure antichoc pour obtenir une montre épurée résistant aux chocs avec un boîtier de 2 mm plus mince que le modèle précédent.*


Faisant pleinement usage de la technologie de montage haute densité, Casio a développé le module le plus fin à ce jour pour une montre-chronographe solaire G-SHOCK. Pour répondre à la toute nouvelle structure antichoc requise par ce nouveau module mince, Casio offre une structure Dual Core Guard encore plus avancée. La structure de protection nouvellement conçue protège le module avec un boîtier en résine renforcée de carbone et encercle l’extérieur avec des composants métalliques, en conservant l’apparence et la texture du métal tout en réduisant le poids et en protégeant davantage le module grâce à un fond de boîtier doté de côtés surélevés.

MTG-B3000B-1A / MTG-B3000BD-1A / MTG-B3000BD-1A2

Des procédés répétés de pressage, de découpe et de polissage sont appliqués pour fabriquer un fond en acier inoxydable qui présente une saillie vers le haut sous forme 3D. Les côtés surélevés protègent la couronne et les boutons et servent de pattes de fixation pour le bracelet. Toutes ces conceptions et technologies innovantes ont permis de créer une montre en métal avec un boîtier de seulement 12,1 mm qui est extrêmement confortable à porter.

Sur le plan fonctionnel, la MTG-B3000 dispose d’un calibrage radiocommandé et de la connectivité Smartphone Link au moyen de Bluetooth®. La montre se connecte à l’application smartphone CASIO WATCHES dédiée pour s’ajuster automatiquement à l’heure exacte. Elle est également équipée d’un système de charge solaire et d’un éclairage LED haute luminosité pour plus de confort et une plus grande facilité d’utilisation.

Innovative slim module / New shock-resistant structure featuring case back with raised sides


National State of Disaster on COVID-19 extended

Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA) Minister, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, has gazetted a further extension of the National State of Disaster on COVID-19, until 15 April 2022.

In a Government Gazette issued on Monday, the Minister said the extension took into consideration the “need to continue augmenting the existing legislation and contingency arrangements undertaken by organs of state to address the impact of the disaster”.

The country has been under regulations of the National State of Disaster on COVID-19 since March 2020 when South Africa recorded its first cases of the virus.

President Cyril Ramaphosa, during his State of the Nation Address in February, said government planned to scrap the National State of Disaster as the country entered a new phase in the management of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Later, Health Minister, Dr Joe Phaahla, said various departments were “working on alternative measures” to replace regulations related to the National State of Disaster which could be presented to the National Coronavirus Comand Council (NCCC).

Source: South African Government News Agency

SA records 671 new COVID cases

South Africa has recorded 671 new cases of COVID-19, said the Department of Health.

On Monday, the country had 18 112 active cases with no new deaths recorded in the past 24 hours.

”As of today the cumulative number of COVID cases identified in SA is 3 695 175 with 671 new cases reported. “Today zero deaths have been reported bringing the total to 99 725 deaths. The cumulative number of recoveries now stand at 3 577 338 with a recovery rate of 96.8%,” it said.

The National Institute of Communicable Diseases said the new cases represented a 4.6% positivity rate.

It said due to the ongoing audit exercise by the Department of Health, there may be a backlog of COVID-19 mortality cases reported.

A total 23 424 639 tests had been conducted in both public and private sectors.

The majority of new cases were from Gauteng (45%), followed by the Western Cape (20%). Kwa-Zulu Natal accounted for 18%; while Mpumalanga and North West each accounted for 5%. The Free State and Limpopo each accounted for 3%; the Eastern Cape accounted for 2% and the Northern Cape accounted for 1% of Monday’s new cases.

Source: South African Government News Agency

UN launches biodiversity talks on deal to protect nature

PARIS— UN biodiversity negotiations began in Geneva on Monday to hammer out a global deal to better protect nature that is due for approval later this year.

Almost 200 countries are due to adopt a global framework this year to safeguard nature by mid-century from the destruction wrought by humanity, with a key milestone of 30 per cent protected by 2030.

“The world is clearly eager for urgent action to protect nature,” said Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, executive secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, in a press release.

“And we have no time to spare. Together we must ultimately deliver a truly historic agreement that puts us firmly on the path to living in harmony with nature.”

Talks, which run from March 14 to March 29, will set the stage for a crucial United Nations COP 15 biodiversity summit, initially due to be held in Kunming, China in 2020 and postponed several times because of the coronavirus pandemic.

The Geneva meeting will announce new dates for COP 15, which is currently slated for April to May but is expected to be delayed again.

According to several sources, the new dates envisaged are from the end of August to the beginning of September.

The CBD said the Geneva talks will play a crucial role in finalising an “ambitious transformative post-2020 framework” to be approved at COP15.

A draft of the document outlines some 20 targets for 2030, including the high-profile ambition to protect at least 30 percent of the Earth’s land and water habitats.

It also includes objectives on reducing the amount of fertilisers and pesticides discharged into the environment and cutting at least $500 billion per year of harmful subsidies.

In 2019, a report by UN biodiversity experts said one million species could disappear in the coming decades, raising fears the world is entering a sixth era of mass extinction in the last half-billion years.

Countries have failed to meet almost all the biodiversity targets set in 2010.

And now climate change is a growing threat that could compound all of these problems.

Last month, the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned that nine per cent of all the world’s species will likely be “at high risk” of extinction even if warming is capped at the ambitious Paris target of 1.5 degrees Celsius.


CDC prioritizes jobs, SMME development

The Coega Development Corporation (CDC) continues to prioritise access to economic opportunities for the development of small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) while providing job creation and related opportunities.

“The CDC recognises that a thriving SMME sector is vital to delivering on the country’s economic development objectives,” CDC SMME Programme Manager Unathi Maholwana said on Monday.

The CDC’s vision to champion socio-economic development remains central to its standing, as a preferred investment destination and trusted infrastructure implementing agent of choice in South Africa.

“Our entire business model is based on the ability to deliver sustainable long-term business development while being cognisant of the need to improve the lives of people through job creation and related opportunities. Therefore, the focus on sustainability strengthens the value proposition for investors and clients of the future,” Maholwana said.

She said the CDC recognises that a thriving SMME sector is vital to delivering on the country’s economic development objectives.

Through the development of the Tshwane Automotive Special Economic Zone (TASEZ) R324.3 million was achieved on SMME procurement spend out of the R2 billion expenditure on the project, from April 2021 to December 2021.

SMME development is often undertaken during the construction of infrastructure and related projects.

The overall SMME expenditure for the CDC, inclusive of TASEZ, industrial development zone, and external programmes is currently at R811 million.

“This translates to black woman-owned businesses having benefited to the tune of R100 796 046.70 with black youth-owned businesses coming in at R72 527 600.30 and black people with disability businesses at R1 140 023.19.

“Access to economic opportunities remains one of the key aspects driving SMME development, and the CDC’s objective is to facilitate, promote and drive the inclusion of SMMEs in procurement opportunities,” Maholwana said.

The programme targets SMMEs that are at least 51% black owned, with a Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) grading of 1 to 6.

The CDC SMME Development Programme, led by the SMME Unit, also comprises the training and mentorship of SMMEs on tendering for construction contracts, basic business concepts, applying health and safety standards, and business finance.

From April 2021 to December 2021, a total of 213 SMMEs benefitted from this training at a cost of R710 300 and as at 31 December 2021, the CDC’s total value of contracts awarded to SMMEs through the SMME Unit’s Development Programme equates to R537 852 730.

SMMEs are welcome to register on the CDC database as follows:

• Application forms ( > Coega Services > SMME) must be completed in full and returned to the SMME Development Unit with all required supporting documents as stipulated on the application form.

• All supporting documents must be valid and active at the time of submission.

• Once verified, the business will be registered on the database and the applicant will receive a SMS with the reference number of the business registered.

Source: South African Government News Agency

New affordable product set to make saving easier

National Treasury, through its RSA Retail Bonds unit, has created a new and exciting bond savings product in a bid to encourage South Africans to save.

The RSA Retail Savings Top Up Bond product, said Treasury, is in response to “a high demand by the public for a more affordable RSA Retail Savings Bonds product”.

The department said the Top Up Bond will be launched to the public on 1 April 2022.

“The product is targeted at younger investors, who are less likely to invest large sums of money, which allows them to start saving from as little as R500, with the option to top up their investment as often as they like, with a minimum of R100 at any time over the investment term.

“Any individual with a valid RSA ID number and a bank account within the Republic can start investing. Informal groups, such as social clubs and stokvels, who operate on monthly pooled savings, will be able to be eligible to invest in the RSA Retail Savings Top-Up Bond by providing their constitution and proof of banking details in the name of the informal group,” Treasury said.

More information regarding the RSA Retail Savings Top Up Bond can be obtained from [email protected] or on the helpline 012 315 5888.

Source: South African Government News Agency