EMGA é o consultor da Annapurna Finance na captação de títulos de dívida no valor de 15 milhões de EUR com financiamento do OeEB

LONDRES, March 10, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Annapurna Finance captou 15 milhões de euros em títulos de dívida sênior no OeEB, o Banco de Desenvolvimento da Áustria. Este empréstimo oferecerá assistência financeira para seus clientes no espaço de microfinanças. O EMGA atuou como consultor da transação.

O financiamento de 15 milhões de euros chega em um momento em que as instituições financeiras do mundo todo estão explorando novas opções de financiamentos transnacionais para continuar a realizar seus objetivos.

“Aumentar a inclusão financeira é um de nossos principais objetivos estratégicos. Estamos, portanto, orgulhosos por trabalhar com a Annapurna – um parceiro experiente no campo das microfinanças,” declarou Sabine Gaber, membro da diretoria executiva do OeEB. “Em particular, as mulheres costumam ter acesso bastante limitado a serviços financeiros, razão pela qual estamos especialmente felizes, pois os nossos financiamentos irão apoiar mulheres empreendedoras e contribuir para melhorar a igualdade de gênero na Índia.”

Ao comentar sobre a transação, o CFO da Annapurna Satyajit Das disse: “A Annapurna está muito satisfeita e dá as boas-vindas ao OeEB como um novo parceiro de financiamento.” Mais adiante, Satyajit Das compartilhou: “Continuamos a crescer apesar da pandemia e o financiamento fornecido pelo OeEB ajudará a incrementar as nossas atividades enquanto gera um forte impacto positivo.” Ele também elogiou a equipe de consultoria do EMGA pelo fechamento do acordo.

O diretor executivo e chefe de Investment Banking do EMGA, Sajeev Chakkalakal, disse: “Foi um prazer poder comunicar a visão de empoderamento econômico da Annapurna na Índia e ter sucesso em estruturar e negociar esta solução de financiamento com o OeEB.” O diretor executivo Jeremy Dobson acrescentou que “a forte gestão e a sólida posição financeira da Annapurna foram os principais fatores que permitiram que Sajeev e a equipe de Investment Banking do EMGA realizassem este financiamento em conjunto com a sólida estrutura institucional e capacidade financeira que o OeEB representa.”

AAnnapurna Finance é uma das dez principais instituições financeiras não bancárias de microfinanças (NBFC-MFIs) na Índia. A Annapurna Finance foi criada com o propósito de servir seus clientes e inseri-los no mercado ao prestar serviços financeiros baseados nas suas necessidades. No momento, eles operam em 19 estados e gestionam ativos de mais de 640 milhões de euros na área de microfinanças e de micro, pequenas e médias empresas (MSME). A Annapurna está sediada em Bhubaneswar, em Odisha.

OOesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG (OeEB) tem operado como o Banco de Desenvolvimento da Áustria desde março de 2008. Sua especialidade é fornecer financiamento de longo prazo para a implementação de projetos do setor privado em países em desenvolvimento, o que cria desenvolvimento sustentável. Além disso, o OeEB fornece assistência técnica, que pode ser usada para melhorar o impacto do desenvolvimento dos projetos. Para mais informações, acesse https://www.oe-eb.at/

OEmerging Markets Global Advisory (EMGA), com escritórios em Londres e Nova York, ajuda instituições financeiras e empresas que procuram capitalização ou capital acionário. A equipe multinacional do EMGA combina as décadas de experiência necessárias para concluir transações em nome de seus clientes nos mercados emergentes e em economias de fronteira em todo o mundo, inclusive na Índia, que continua sendo um mercado-chave. Com um histórico comprovado na formação de capital e consultoria estratégica em diferentes ciclos econômicos, o EMGA continua aexpandir seu alcance geográfico e oferta de serviços, solidificando sua posição no mercado como um dos principais bancos de investimento no setor de mercados emergentes.


Sophi.io is INMA 2022 Global Media Awards Finalist for Print Automation

TORONTO, March 10, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sophi.io, The Globe and Mail’s AI-powered automation and optimization platform, was announced this week as a finalist in the International News Media Association (INMA)’s 2022 Global Media Awards in the category of Best Innovation in Newsroom Transformation. Partnering with Naviga, it automated print laydown for Agderposten, a regional daily newspaper that serves over 25,000 readers across Norway, and increased print efficiencies by 66%.

“Sophi’s automated machine-learning system is the biggest transformation to print media in decades,” said Gordon Edall, Co-Founder at Sophi.io. “We’re grateful that Agderposten chose to work with Naviga and us. Their commitment to improving efficiency and embracing ground-breaking technology like Naviga Publisher powered by Sophi.io should inspire the entire media industry to look forward to a future where AI and automation helps everyone.”

Naviga Publisher powered by Sophi.io is an artificial intelligence-powered system that emulates human decisions to produce newspaper pages that look like they were created with an understanding of the news of the day as well as high journalistic standards. All editors need to do is roughly prioritize articles and hit the “Print My Newspaper” button to generate an automated print laydown, without templates, in minutes. Handing over this labour-intensive task lets newsrooms focus on their real objective of finding and telling the next important story.

“It’s hours saved for journalism,” said Agderposten’s Editor-in-Chief Katrine Lia. And the staff at Agderposten often cannot tell the difference between pages produced by Sophi and those handled by their editors.

Sophi and Naviga, a large software technology provider for the global publishing industry, have been working with Agderposten for more than a year now and successes there have paved the way to bringing dozens of new titles from several major publishing houses on board this year. Sophi provides cutting edge AI and ML technology that, along with Naviga Publisher, fully automates the end-to-end print production workflow.

Agderposten was the first customer to use Publisher. Its print production process is now centralized, its newspaper laydown is up to 80% automated, and most impressively, Agderposten has realized a 66% reduction in time and resources – lowering the cost of producing the printed newspaper and letting journalists work on creating digital content rather than operating InDesign.

Agderposten CEO Øyvind Klausen said he expected cost savings and efficiency would continue to increase as more of Agderposten’s pages were automated and more of its newspapers implemented the print automation solution.

The Global Media Awards received 854 entries from 252 news brands in 46 countries this year. The judges consist of 50 media experts from 24 countries focused across 20 categories, including news brands, media platforms, subscriptions, advertising, data and insights, product, and newsrooms. The first place winners will be announced on June 9.

About Naviga
Naviga (https://www.navigaglobal.com) is the leading provider of software and services powering media-rich industries. Their Content Engagement Platform helps companies create, enrich, deliver and monetize content to manage engagements from end-to-end. Their solutions are easy to use, scalable and agile. Combining their experience in media with a dedication to digital, they’ve developed software solutions that help any content-driven business meet the demands of the future of information. With headquarters in Bloomington, MN and regional offices throughout the world, Naviga is a trusted partner serving over 1,400 news media, entertainment media, broadcast, magazine, financial services and corporate clients in 45 countries.

About Sophi.io 
Sophi.io (https://www.sophi.io) was developed by The Globe and Mail to help content publishers make important strategic and tactical decisions. It is a suite of AI and ML-powered automation, optimization and prediction solutions that include Sophi Site Automation, Sophi for Paywalls and Sophi for First Party Data. Sophi also powers Naviga Publisher for one-click automated laydown of print and ePaper publishing. Sophi is designed to improve the metrics that matter most to your business, such as subscriber retention and acquisition, engagement, recency, frequency and volume.

Media Contact  
Jamie Rubenovitch 
Head of Marketing, Sophi 
The Globe and Mail         
[email protected] 

Customertimes annonce le lancement du fonds Give Back to Ukraine

NEW YORK, 10 mars 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Customertimes annonce le lancement du fonds Give Back to Ukraine, une initiative humanitaire visant à soutenir ceux qui ont été directement touchés par la guerre.

Ce compte indépendant sera régi par le conseil d’administration de Customertimes. L’intégralité des contributions servira à soutenir les efforts des employés bénévoles sur le terrain et à fournir un logement, des médicaments, des vêtements et de la nourriture à notre équipe ukrainienne.

Depuis son lancement le 3 mars 2022, le fonds Give Back to Ukraine a permis de recueillir plus de 95 000 dollars américains. En outre, les membres du personnel de niveau C de Customertimes ont convenu collectivement de donner leurs salaires du mois de mars à ces efforts de sauvetage.

« Je tiens à remercier personnellement nos collègues et partenaires pour leur contribution au fonds Give Back to Ukraine », déclare Dmitry Sidnev, PDG et co-fondateur de Customertimes.

« Le fond aide nos collègues et leurs familles qui font du bénévolat en Ukraine, en Pologne, en Hongrie et en Roumanie, et permet de fournir de la nourriture, de l’eau, des vêtements et des logements, d’assurer le transport et d’apporter une aide médicale à ceux qui en ont le plus besoin. Par ailleurs, nous soutenons directement notre équipe en veillant à ce que tout le monde soit en sécurité et ait accès à de la nourriture et à un abri, et bénéficie d’approvisionnements. »

Les contributions peuvent être faites par l’entremise de Square ou par virement, et l’entreprise fournira un rapport indépendant indiquant comment chaque dollar a été dépensé via le fonds. Les résultats seront également publiés sur le site Web de l’entreprise, afin de permettre une transparence totale.

Pour en savoir plus :

À propos de Customertimes

Customertimes Corp. est une société internationale de conseil et de logiciels qui se consacre à rendre les meilleures technologies informatiques accessibles aux clients. Avec plus de 4 000 projets achevés et plus de 1 600 experts hautement qualifiés, ses solutions sont conçues pour aider les clients à réaliser une véritable transformation des activités et à tirer le maximum de leurs investissements dans les technologies. Précurseur en services-conseils et en mise en œuvre des solutions Salesforce en Europe de l’Est et primée en développement de produits, Customertimes Corp. a actuellement son siège social à New York, ainsi que des bureaux régionaux à Londres, à Paris, à Toronto, à Kiev, à Poznan, à Riga et à Podgorica. Pour en savoir plus, consultez le site www.customertimes.com.

Contact pour les médias :
Meriel Sikora
212 520-0059


Deputy President David Mabuza convenes SANAC Inter-Ministerial Committee meeting

Deputy President David Mabuza in his capacity as Chairperson of the South African National Aids Council (SANAC), has today, 11 March 2022 convened and chaired a SANAC IMC meeting.

The meeting was updated on the progress that has been made in various sector consultations towards the drafting of the 2023-2028 National Strategic Plan (NSP) for HIV and Aids. This follows the decision by SANAC Plenary for the extension of the 2017-2022 National Strategic Plan. The decision was coupled with catch-up plans aimed at accelerating service provision and attainment of the 90-90-90 national and global targets. To this end the catch-up plans were implemented at national and provincial level and have been completed.

The IMC also considered a proposal to standardise the establishment of AIDS Councils in different provinces, in order to strengthen the governance of SANAC. The proposal will take the form of a Multi-Sector Policy Framework, which will be developed to ensure accountability by all stakeholders within SANAC.

The IMC was also appraised on national the TB response, in this regard, consultations on the proposal by civil society to declare TB as a national health emergency, are ongoing.

World TB Day is commemorated annually on 24 March around the world. South Africa will commemorate this year’s World TB Day under the theme: Invest in TB now – Get Screened, End Stigma, Save Lives, in Frances Baard District Municipality in the Northern Cape Province. The commemoration will be preceded by an engagement with Traditional and Khoi-San Leaders, Inter-Faith Leaders and well as Traditional Health Practitioners.

The meeting finally noted plans towards South Africa’s participation at the 2022 International Aids Conference, which will take place from 29 July – 2 August 2022 in Montreal Canada, in a hybrid format.

Source: Government of South Africa

President Cyril Ramaphosa: Plenary Session of 3rd South Africa-Mozambique Bi-National Commission

Opening remarks by President Cyril Ramaphosa during the Plenary Session of the 3rd South Africa-Mozambique Bi-National Commission, OR Tambo Building, Pretoria

Your Excellency and Dear Brother, President Filipe Nyusi,

Honourable Ministers,

High Commissioners,

Senior Officials,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Mr President, it is an honour and a privilege to receive you as my guest.

We meet at a time when our two countries – and all the countries of the world – are striving to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Had it not been for the pandemic, this Bi-National Commission would have taken place some time ago.

Please accept our warm welcome to South Africa and I look forward to robust discussions that will further enhance relations between our two countries.

It is encouraging to see how the relations between our two countries have expanded and deepened at both a political and economic level.

As neighbours, we must recognise and nurture our economic interdependence.

Mozambique remains one of South Africa’s top trading partners in the region, and there are several opportunities for expansion.

South Africa is keen, in particular, to expand cooperation in the energy sector.

Mozambique is endowed with significant volumes of natural gas.

This can benefit not only the people of Mozambique and South Africa, but also the rest of the SADC region.

Energy security is vital to economic growth in our respective countries, and we look forward to significant progress towards securing and sustaining our energy needs.

Our two countries share a common view on issues of peace, stability, economic development, regional and continental integration.

We are both undertaking programmes to advance youth development, women’s empowerment, poverty alleviation and job creation.

These are some of the concrete steps we are taking to realise the vision of the AU’s Agenda 2063 and to improve the lives of our people.

We have weathered many difficulties in the past, and through our resilience we have emerged stronger.

The crisis you are confronting in Cabo Delgado is no different.

We will face it together, with the same determination, certain that the forces of democracy and peace will be victorious.

Our countries share similar views on the need to reform the United Nations Security Council, to make it an organ that is representative and where the African continent can have a voice.

South Africa fully supports Mozambique’s candidature for a non-permanent seat at the UN Security Council.

Together with South Africa’s tenure in the AU Peace and Security Council, this will provide an opportunity for our countries to further cement cooperation between the two Councils, especially in the area of financing peace support operations.

We are confident that our deliberations today will afford us an opportunity to address issues that will further enhance our bilateral cooperation and forge closer working ties.

Once again, Mr President, may I express my sincere appreciation for agreeing to my invitation and would like to assure you of South Africa’s commitment to our shared future.

I thank you.

Source: Government of South Africa

Western Cape records zero fatalities during summer initiation season

Zero fatalities during Western Cape summer initiation season

The Western Cape has maintained the track record of a safe initiation practice as parents proudly take their boys for initiation to prepare them for adulthood. The initiation rite of passage that is predominantly practiced by AmaXhosa, AmaHlubi and Basotho in the Western Cape went well. As the Western Cape Government places great value on the sanctity of human life, Minister Anroux Marais is proud to announce that we have achieved that mission as no fatalities were reported during the summer season formally ended on 31 January 2022.

The Western Cape Government is committed to ensure compliance in terms of the Customary Initiation Act (2 of 2021) and the COVID-19 Standard Operations Procedures (SOP) to make sure the rite of passage is preserved and practiced in a safe and conducive environment. The Department Cultural Affairs and Sport (DCAS) plays a pivotal role in creating a safe and enabling environment for the effective rite of passage to responsible adulthood and can now confirm that of 37 initiation forums in the province, 30 participated during the summer season. Initiation forums are bodies that play a critical role in preserving the practice as well as ensuring compliance and keep the DCAS informed of developments in the traditional communities.

During the past summer season (November 2021 to January 2022), 1417 initiates completed the rite of passage, in 35 initiation sites throughout the Western Cape. During the season 10 initiates were hospitalised for one day and were discharged due to dehydration in the following municipal districts of the province: Cape Winelands(6) and Garden Route(4). The cooperation by parents with respect to compliance with the regulatory framework is of great importance to the practice, especially in terms of the full window period for medical screening. Parents are key stakeholders in this practice and their availability during the seasons is of utmost importance. In some cases, for moral support to their boys and material support as well as to act timeously when there is a need.

The implementation of the new Customary Initiation Act (2 of 2021) as from the 1 September 2021 has brought a new environment for the cultural practitioners and traditional leaders who are custodians of the practice. There are new restrictions such as age, experience and the Act guards against involvement of practitioners who have criminal records due to children abuse and related crimes.

Minister Anroux Marais said, “Initiation is complex and requires DCAS to work with other stakeholders to address the needs of the practice. It is with great pleasure to acknowledge the Traditional Leaders, Initiation Forums, the Department of Health (DOH), the Department of Social Development (DSD), the South African Police Services (SAPS), municipalities, and cultural practitioners for their support. The DCAS has put systems in place to mitigate risks, such as developing a monitoring tool to avert challenges faced with this practice. Amongst other things, prospective initiates, cultural practitioners and family members involved had to undergo medical screening and provide proof thereof before they are allowed to enter initiation sites”.

Although the DCAS has put systems in place to face challenges, the lack of drinking water at the initiation schools, partial adherence to medical screening processes by some parents and surgeons still transpired. As required, parents are to take boys for medical screening at local clinics at least two months before initiation.

The Department remains committed to facilitate the safe return of all initiates. We congratulate all the parents and the young men for the successful completion of the rite of passage. We encourage parents to co-operate with the Department and all other stakeholders in this fraternity to ensure a safe rite of passage.

The DCAS plans to host a summit to further solicit approaches and strategies to preserve, protect and develop this practice and also to review the Summer Season in preparation for the next season. All interested and affected persons are requested to join hands in crafting the way forward towards a much safer rite of passage for the approaching winter season.

The DCAS put in place various measures in preparation for the recently completed summer season. These measures included:

The provision of training

Training was provided to cultural practitioners with special emphasis on core areas of health, hygiene, COVID-19 Infection Prevention Control measures. A total of 126 practitioners were trained in preparation for the summer season.

Customary Initiation Act, Act 2 of 2021

The Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport has arranged meetings with all involved stakeholders to discuss the Customary Initiation Act, Act 2 of 2021. The Act was received with concern by the traditional communities. Especially, noting the issues of registration of initiation schools, age restriction and experience required for an initiation school to be registered and get recognition as legitimate school.

Provision of equipment

The Department provided personal protective equipment (PPEs) water jojo tanks, fire extinguishers, fire beaters as well as metal fire buckets to take care of wildfires.

Stakeholders’ engagement

In preparation for the summer season, the department has sensitised various stakeholders including relevant provincial departments, municipalities and initiation forums. The initiation forums attend to matters related to the initiation phases, reporting of challenges and abnormalities as well as the keeping of a database for practitioners.

Awareness campaigns

The department encouraged initiation forums to facilitate information sessions at the local high schools, community halls/ centres and libraries to sensitise the broader communities of the season that was approaching. The campaigns were also used to provide information through Radio broadcastings, the department’s website was updated, spreading of documents of the Customary Initiation Act, webinars and contact meetings with communities. Parents who intend to take their boys for initiation rite of passage during the coming winter season are advised to immediately consult with their local forums or the departments website to acquire needed information.

Community participation and involvement through initiation forums

Initiation Forums encouraged communities to play their role in ensuring a safer rite of passage to be observed responsibly. All prospective initiates were advised to be medically screened at least two months before time to ensure their physical fitness for initiation.

The DCAS has provided consent forms to be completed and signed by prospective initiates, parents / guardians, responsible traditional carers and surgeons. Communities taking their boys for initiation were encouraged to make use of the form as it facilitates common grounds of responsibilities between all the parties directly affected. The form is available from the initiation forums and the DCAS.

Source: Government of South Africa