Maciej Pilat Named Country Sales Manager Poland & Baltics for Nikkiso Clean Energy and Industrial Gases Group

TEMECULA, Calif., April 12, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nikkiso Cryogenic Industries’ Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group (“Group”), a part of the Nikkiso Co., Ltd (Japan) group of companies, is pleased to announce that Maciej Pilat has been named Country Sales Manager for Poland and the Baltics.

Maciej is an experienced System Integrator with a demonstrated history of success in the mechanical and industrial engineering industries. He has over 15 years’ experience as a Cryogenic system integrator and business development manager including over 7 years with Messer (Poland) and 4 years with Chart Industries. He earned a Master of Technology (M.Tech.) degree in Food Science and Technology from Uniwersytet Rolniczy im. Hugona Kołłątaja w Krakowie.

He has broad global experience having worked in Europe, Asia, America and the Middle East. Based in Poland, he will manage and develop business opportunities there and in the Baltic region, reporting to Ole Jensen, Vice President, NCEIG Europe.

“Maciej’s industry and market knowledge will be of great benefit to NCEIG Europe, as we develop the opportunities in this region,” according to Ole Jensen.

With this addition, Nikkiso continues their commitment to be both a global and local presence for their customers.

Cryogenic Industries, Inc. (now a member of Nikkiso Co., Ltd.) member companies manufacture and service engineered cryogenic gas processing equipment (pumps, turboexpanders, heat exchangers, etc.), and process plants for Industrial Gases, Natural gas Liquefaction (LNG), Hydrogen Liquefaction (LH2) and Organic Rankine Cycle for Waste Heat Recovery. Founded over 50 years ago, Cryogenic Industries is the parent company of ACD, Nikkiso Cryo, Nikkiso Integrated Cryogenic Solutions, Cosmodyne and Cryoquip and a commonly controlled group of approximately 20 operating entities.

For more information please visit and

Anna Quigley
[email protected]

A ascensão da nova tecnologia Dual Miners

HELSÍNQUIA, Finlândia, April 11, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Dualminers ( tem o prazer de anunciar a introdução oficial de três plataformas de mineração que têm o potencial de mudar o setor mundial de criptomoedas. A Dualminers utilizou a tecnologia de chip ASIC para criar três soluções pré-configuradas, que facilitam a utilização e prometem um retorno do investimento em menos de um mês, lideradas por alguns dos especialistas mais experientes do setor de mineração de criptomoedas.

DualPro, DualPro Max e o mais recente DualPremium são os produtos atuais da empresa, que suportam operações lucrativas na cadeia de blocos de sua escolha. Para mais informações, visite

A equipa Dual Miner é composta por profissionais experientes do setor.

A Dual Miners é uma empresa de design e fabrico de chips sediada em Londres, com escritórios na Finlândia, na Coreia do Sul e na Austrália. Tem diversas equipas com um conhecimento profundo, entre outras coisas, da tecnologia de cadeias de blocos e de design tecnológico. A empresa fornece unidades de processamento gráfico aos consumidores, além de fornecer serviços de desenvolvimento de carteiras de criptomoedas. Em três continentes, a empresa tem escritórios. Devido à sua vasta experiência no mercado, a Dual Miners tem uma reputação sólida no campo das cadeias de blocos.

Ao efetar uma compra, o preço e a disponibilidade são elementos fundamentais a considerar.

Como resultado, a Dual Miners cobrirá as taxas de envio e de importação, permitindo que os consumidores não gastem mais do que o custo do dispositivo e obtenham tudo o que precisam para começar sem incorrer em taxas adicionais. Os nossos concorrentes foram derrotados nos seus respetivos mercados, e os consumidores já têm conhecimento disso. A sua capacidade de utilizar a nossa eletricidade ou de beneficiar dos preços incrivelmente baixos da nossa eletricidade foi frustrada. Apesar da nossa pequena dimensão, temos muito poder de mineração; em média, o DualPremium gera 60 TH/s para Bitcoin e 2,1 GH/s para Litecoin. “É uma situação em que se sai sempre a ganhar”, diz Michael Scott, Diretor Operacional e Diretor de Operações da Dual Miners.

Sobre a Dual Miners

A Dual Miners Inc. foi formada em 2015 com o objetivo de inventar e vender os primeiros e principais mineradores de criptomoedas duplos do mundo que utilizam a tecnologia SHA-256 ou Scrypt, respetivamente. Começámos com o DualPro, fornecendo mais potência a um custo menor do que as opções disponíveis anteriormente. A sede da Dual Miners situa-se em Londres, no Reino Unido, tendo a empresa escritórios em todo o mundo. No site, pode saber mais sobre a empresa.

Michael Scott

[email protected]
(+358) 41 4001034

L’essor de la nouvelle technologie de Dual Miners

HELSINKI, Finlande, 11 avr. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dualminers ( a le plaisir d’annoncer l’introduction officielle de trois plateformes de minage qui ont le potentiel de changer l’industrie mondiale des cryptomonnaies. Dualminers a employé la technologie de puce ASIC pour créer trois solutions préconfigurées visant à faciliter leur utilisation et promettre un retour sur investissement en seulement un mois, dirigées par certains des spécialistes les plus expérimentés du secteur du minage de cryptomonnaies.

DualPro, DualPro Max et le plus récent DualPremium sont les produits actuels de l’entreprise, qui prennent en charge des opérations rentables sur la blockchain de choix. Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez consulter le site

L’équipe de Dual Miner est composée de professionnels chevronnés de l’industrie.

Dual Miners est une société de conception et de fabrication de puces établie à Londres, avec des bureaux en Finlande, en Corée du Sud et en Australie. Il dispose d’un certain nombre d’équipes ayant une compréhension approfondie, entre autres, de la technologie blockchain et de la conception technologique. La société fournit des unités de traitement graphique aux consommateurs en plus de fournir des services de développement de portefeuilles de cryptomonnaies. La société possède des bureaux sur trois continents. Grâce à sa vaste expérience sur le marché, Dual Miners a acquis un nom solide dans l’industrie de la blockchain.

La tarification et la disponibilité sont des facteurs essentiels à prendre en compte lors de l’achat.

En conséquence, Dual Miners couvrira à la fois les droits d’expédition et d’importation, permettant aux consommateurs de ne pas dépenser plus que le coût de l’appareil et d’obtenir tout ce dont ils ont besoin pour se lancer sans encourir de frais supplémentaires. Les consommateurs sont désormais conscients que nos concurrents ont été vaincus sur leurs marchés respectifs. Leur capacité à utiliser notre électricité ou à bénéficier de nos prix incroyablement bas de l’électricité a été entravés. Cependant, malgré notre taille modeste, nous disposons de grandes capacités de minage ; le DualPremium génère en moyenne 60 TH/s pour le Bitcoin et 2,1 GH/s pour le Litecoin. « C’est une situation gagnant-gagnant », a commenté Michael Scott, directeur opérationnel et directeur des opérations de Dual Miners.

À propos de Dual Miners

Dual Miners Inc. a été fondée en 2015 dans le but d’inventer et de vendre les premiers plus grands mineurs de cryptomonnaies au monde qui utilisent respectivement la technologie SHA-256 ou la technologie de défilement. Avec le DualPro, nous avons décidé de fournir plus de puissance à un coût inférieur à celui qui était auparavant disponible. Le siège social de Dual Miners se trouve à Londres, au Royaume-Uni, et la société possède des bureaux dans le monde entier. Pour en savoir plus sur la société, rendez-vous sur le site

Michael Scott

[email protected]
(+358) 41 4001034

MEC Ivan Meyer welcomes Lotus manufacturing South Africa’s R170m investment in Wolseley

Western Cape MEC of Agriculture Dr Ivan Meyer has welcomed the news that the Flemish biscuit company, Lotus, has started constructing its third factory in Wolseley in the Western Cape.

Meyer: “The agro-processing subsector is vital in creating jobs in our rural communities. I, therefore, welcome the investment by Lotus SA as it will positively impact the economy and jobs within Wolseley and the greater Witzenberg region. The agricultural value chain creates jobs in rural and peri-urban regions with higher unemployment rates than cities. For example, the agri-processing sub-sector in the Western Cape employs approximately 119 41 agri-workers. Investments such as these promise more jobs and prosperity to rural communities”.

Lotus’ best-known product is Speculoos, a spiced shortcrust biscuit marketed abroad as Biscoff. However, at its factory at Wolseley, Lotus produces healthy snacks in the shape of fruit rolls sold under Bear’s brand name.

Commenting on the R170 million investment, Managing Director of Lotus Manufacturing South Africa, Donald Matheson, said:

“The story of LotusSA is one of meteoric success. We opened our first plant in 2019, the second in 2021, and by August 2023, we will open the third plant. During this period, production has jumped from 1800 tons of product in 2019 to approximately 3100 in 2022. At the same time, jobs have increased from 293 to 527.”

MEC-President of Flanders, HE Jan Jambon, who officiated at the official “groundbreaking”, also used the opportunity to comment on his week-long visit to the Western Cape.

“Employment is a great value-add to our investment. I am charmed by what I saw in the Western Cape. The Western Cape Government wants to work with us in research and development, digitization and green energy.”

“I think we have found a new partner”, he added.

Source: Government of South Africa

Communiqué of the Extra-ordinary Summit of the Organ Troika of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) plus samim personnel contributing countries and the Republic of Mozambique

1. The Extraordinary Summit of the Organ Troika of the Heads of State and Government of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) plus SADC Mission in Mozambique (SAMIM) Personnel Contributing Countries (PCCs) and the Republic of Mozambique, hereafter designated as Summit, was held virtually on 12th April, 2022.

2. Summit was officially opened and chaired by His Excellency Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa, President of the Republic of South Africa and Chairperson of the SADC Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation.

3. Summit was attended by the following SADC Heads of State and Government or their representatives:

South Africa: H.E. President Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa, President of the Republic of South Africa and Chairperson of the SADC Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation.

Namibia: H.E. President Dr. Hage G. Geingob, President of the Republic of Namibia and Incoming Chairperson of the SADC Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation.

Angola: H.E. President João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço

Democratic Republic of Congo H.E. President Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo

Mozambique: H.E President Filipe Jacinto Nyusi

Zimbabwe: H.E. President Dr. Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa

Lesotho: H.E. the Right Honourable Prime Minister Dr Moeketsi Majoro

Malawi: Hon. Nancy Tembo, Minister of Foreign Affairs

United Republic of Tanzania: Hon. Dr. Stergomena L. Tax Minister of Defense and National Services

Zambia: Hon. Mulambo Haimbe, Minister of Justice and Acting Minister of Defense

4. In attendance were members of the Troika of the Ministerial Committee of the Organ (MCO), Ministers from the SAMIM Personnel Contributing Countries, the SADC Executive Secretary and Head of the SADC Mission in Mozambique (SAMIM).

5. Summit noted the progress of SAMIM as presented by the Head of the SADC Mission in Mozambique, and commended SAMIM leadership, including men and women on the ground for their sacrifices and commitment to the fight against terrorists acts in some parts of Cabo Delgado Province.

6. Summit approved the transition of SAMIM from Scenario 6, (Rapid Deployment Capability) to Scenario 5 (Multidimensional Force), with a robust mandate.

7. Summit commended SAMIM Personnel Contributing Countries for their continued support by pledging capabilities and personnel to enhance the effectiveness of SAMIM operations, and urged Member States to continue supporting the mission.

8. Summit expressed its appreciation to the African Union (AU) and the International Cooperating Partners (ICP’s) for the support towards stabilization of the security situation as well as the socio-economic recovery and development of Cabo Delgado Province.

9. Summit expressed solidarity with the Republics of Botswana, South Africa, Kingdom of Lesotho and the United Republic of Tanzania for the demise of soldiers serving the Mission, and expressed words of comfort for those wounded in action.

10. Summit commended the Republics of Zimbabwe and Malawi for the spirit of solidarity expressed through delivery of the pledged donation of foodstuff in support of Humanitarian assistance to the affected population of Cabo Delgado.

11. Summit directed the Head of Mission to coordinate with the Republic of Mozambique on the implementation of the comprehensive Integrated Reconstruction and Development Plan of Cabo Delgado.

12. Summit acknowledged the expression of gratitude by His Excellency Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, President of the Republic of Mozambique for SADC’s continued support, collaboration and cooperation towards attainment of sustainable peace and security in the Cabo Delgado Province.

13. Summit commended His Excellency Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa, President of the Republic of South Africa and the Chairperson of the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation, for his leadership in steering the work of the Organ in pursuit of lasting peace, security and stability in the SADC region.

Issued at Pretoria, Republic of South Africa, 12th April, 2022

Source: Government of South Africa

Treasury on new bonds in the international capital markets

Republic of South Africa issues two new bonds in the international capital markets

The Republic of South Africa has successfully placed US$3 billion in bonds maturing in 2032 (10-year) and 2052 (30-year) in the international capital markets on 11 April 2022, with US$1.4 billion and US$1.6 billion placed in the 2032 and 2052 tranches respectively.

The 2022 Budget Review made provision for US$3 billion equivalent to be raised in the international capital markets in 2021/22 to fund government’s foreign currency commitments. Given the volatility in the market over the period, the decision to raise the foreign currency was delayed in accessing the market in a more constructive issuance window.

The 10-year bond priced at a coupon and re-offer yield of 5.875 per cent, which represents a spread of 309 basis points above the 10-year US Treasury benchmark bond. The 30-year bond priced at a coupon and re-offer yield of 7.300 per cent which represents a spread of 447 basis points above the 30-year US Treasury benchmark bond. The final yields reflect a tightening of 37.5bps and 45bps from Initial Price Thoughts on the 10-year and 30-year instruments respectively.

The transaction attracted an orderbook more than US$7.1 billion (2.4 times oversubscribed) with investor demand across the United Kingdom, North America, Europe, Asia, Africa and others. With respect to investor profile, demand came from a combination of Fund Managers, Insurance and Pension Funds, Hedge Funds, Banks and other Financial Institutions.

This announcement does not constitute an offer or invitation to sell, or any solicitation of any offer to subscribe for or purchase, any securities to any person in any jurisdiction and nothing contained herein shall form the basis of any contract or commitment whatsoever.

This announcement does not contain or constitute an invitation, inducement or solicitation to invest. This announcement is directed only at and is for distribution only to persons who (i) are outside the United Kingdom, (ii) are “investment professionals” falling within Article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (as amended) (the “Order”), (iii) are persons falling within Article 49(2)(a) to (d) (“high net worth companies, unincorporated associations etc.”) of the Order or (iv) are other persons to whom an invitation or inducement to engage in investment activity (within the meaning of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000) in connection with the issue or sale of any shares may otherwise lawfully be communicated or caused to be communicated (all such persons in (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) together being referred to as “Relevant Persons”). This announcement is directed only at Relevant Persons and must not be acted on or relied on by persons who are not Relevant Persons. Any investment or investment activity to which this announcement relates is available only to Relevant Persons and will be engaged in only with Relevant Persons.

The South African government views the success of the transaction as an expression of continued investor confidence in the country’s sound macro-economic policy framework and prudent fiscal management.

Source: Government of South Africa