CS Global Partners: St Kitts and Nevis Formalises Diplomatic Relations with Republic of Sudan, Continues to Strengthen Relations with African Countries

Saint Kitts and Nevis establishes Diplomatic and Visa-Waiver relations with the Republic of Sudan

Permanent Representative of Saint Kitts and Nevis to the United Nations, His Excellency Mr. Ian Liburd, signs a joint communiqué to establish diplomatic relations as well as a visa waiver agreement with Chargé d’Affaires of The Republic of Sudan, Mr. Ammar M.M. Mohammed.

LONDON, March 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Federation of St Kitts and Nevis is continuing to strengthen its ties with the African continent.

The Permanent Representative of Saint Kitts and Nevis to the United Nations recently met with his Sudanese counterpart, Mr. Ammar M.M. Mohammed, to formalise diplomatic relations, agreeing on a mutual visa waiver to facilitate easier travel.

The Caribbean nation also established diplomatic relations and signed visa waiver agreements with Egypt late last year and with Ghana as recently as last week.

The signing with Egypt occurred on the sidelines of the 76th period of sessions of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, with St Kitts and Nevis’ Foreign Minister Mark Brantley.

Minister Brantley has been instrumental to St Kitts and Nevis expanding its bilateral relations across the world, propelling and creating visibility of the islands globally and enabling the nation to have one of the strongest travel prospects in the region. The last few years have seen a deepening of ties with the African continent with relations established with countries like Mozambique, Djibouti, Rwanda, Burkina Faso, and Gabon.

Caribbean and African ties run deep – the territories have shared history and culture and a lot is being done to strengthen and foster Caribbean-African relations and increase their bargaining power with the world. Last September, for example, leaders from the African Union and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) convened the first Africa CARICOM Summit.

“We have talked about a closer connection with Africa. We are of Africa, and many, I believe, have agreed that there ought to be a closer nexus between the Caribbean and Africa and that we ought in every sense to be a part of the so-called sixth region of Africa,” Brantley previously noted on the matter.

At the signing event with Sudan, the economic and cultural links between the two nations were promoted, as well as the visa-free access of up to 90 days both ways, for holders of diplomatic, official, and ordinary passports. In addition to the signings, the two diplomats discussed areas of cooperation, natural resources, Citizenship by Investment, transport, and a stronger Africa-CARICOM partnership.

St Kitts and Nevis has for a number of years welcomed a growing number of African investors and businesspeople to settle on the islands through its popular Citizenship by Investment (CBI) Programme. An increasing number of African entrepreneurs are beginning to acknowledge the value of having a second citizenship especially when looking to keep business competitive, access greater global mobility and higher quality education and healthcare services or simply keeping loved ones safe.

The country scored a respectable score of 48 points in the overall rankings in the World Citizenship Report, the highest of all the Caribbean CBI nations. It reached top marks in the Safety and Security, Quality of Life, and Global Mobility motivators.

The report was developed by CS Global Partners, the world’s leading government advisory and marketing firm, and measures 187 countries against five motivators that are relevant amongst High Net-Worth Individuals (HNWIs). These motivators include Safety and Security, Economic Opportunity, Quality of Life, Global Mobility and Quality of Life.

As pioneers of the CBI industry, St Kitts and Nevis remains a top destination for those seeking second citizenship from a trusted and reputable country. The islands launched the Programme in 1984 and have since been recognised as the market’s ‘Platinum Standard’ brand and have been consistently ranked as the world’s best programme by the CBI Index, published annually by the Professional Wealth Management magazine.

Those who choose St Kitts and Nevis gain a wide range of benefits including:

  • The right to live, work and study in St Kitts and Nevis
  • Alternative business prospects
  • The ability to pass down citizenship
  • A fair tax regime, with no worldwide income, inheritance, and gift tax for tax residents

Investors can call St Kitts and Nevis home by simply investing in the country’s Sustainable Growth Fund, which utilises revenue generated to support different sectors of society, including tourism, health, education and construction.

The Sustainable Growth Fund is the most direct investment path to St Kitts and Nevis citizenship and requires an investment of just US$150 000.00.

The Sustainable Growth Fund allows future citizens of St Kitts and Nevis to be part of the success story as this investment channel enables both applicants and the nation to thrive.

Monies from the Fund have offered a much-needed injection of foreign direct investment for St Kitts and Nevis, often in a way that can make a significant developmental difference and a sizable impact on economic activity.

St Kitts and Nevis’ CBI Programme contributed more than 30 per cent of GDP in the country in 2020.

According to the CBI Unit Head Les Khan, the Programme’s revenue was a “main driver” during lockdown when tourism was at an all-time low.

In December 2021, Minister Brantley stated that St Kitts and Nevis’ bilateral agreements totalled an all-time high. The historic announcement revealed that citizens of the small eastern Caribbean nation could access over 161 jurisdictions worldwide, including major business hubs in Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Americas.

During his Budget 2022 presentation in December, Minister Brantley said that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Aviation “shall continue to seek means of convergence with all of our partners, that we advance our discussions and actions around our mutual interests.”

He also added that the government would continue to build on key affiliations with strategic partners to further strengthen bilateral relations and forecasted that face-to-face engagements at ministerial and ambassadorial levels would increase as quarantine and travel restrictions ease.

St Kitts and Nevis’ increasing international diplomacy and travel partnerships are a major pull factor for time-poor high net worth investors looking to obtain a second citizenship.

[email protected]

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/ab2b792e-13ff-485b-b1e1-2e4ab86a53ce

Sophi.io est finaliste des Global Media Awards 2022 de l’INMA pour l’automatisation de l’impression

TORONTO, 14 mars 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sophi.io, la plateforme d’automatisation et d’optimisation basée sur l’IA de The Globe and Mail, a été annoncée cette semaine en tant que finaliste des Global Media Awards 2022 de l’International News Media Association (INMA) dans la catégorie Meilleure Innovation dans la transformation des salles de rédaction. En partenariat avec Naviga, elle a automatisé la mise en page de l’impression pour Agderposten, un quotidien régional qui sert plus de 25 000 lecteurs en Norvège, et augmenté l’efficacité d’impression de 66 %.

« Le système d’apprentissage machine automatisé de Sophi est la plus grande transformation des médias imprimés depuis des décennies », a déclaré Gordon Edall, cofondateur de Sophi.io. « Nous sommes reconnaissants qu’Agderposten ait choisi de travailler avec nous et Naviga. Son engagement à améliorer l’efficacité et à adopter une technologie révolutionnaire comme Naviga Publisher powered by Sophi.io devrait inspirer l’ensemble du secteur des médias à se tourner vers un avenir où l’IA et l’automatisation aident tout le monde. »

Naviga Publisher powered by Sophi.io est un système basé sur l’intelligence artificielle qui imite les décisions humaines pour produire des pages de journaux qui ont l’apparence d’avoir été créées avec une compréhension des actualités de la journée ainsi que des normes journalistiques élevées. Tout ce qu’ont besoin de faire les rédacteurs est de hiérarchiser approximativement les articles et d’appuyer sur le bouton « Print My Newspaper » (Imprimer mon journal) pour générer une mise en page automatisée, sans modèles, en quelques minutes. Le fait de déléguer cette tâche laborieuse permet aux salles de rédaction de se concentrer sur leur véritable objectif consistant à trouver et raconter la prochaine histoire importante.

« Ce sont des heures économisées pour le journalisme », a commenté Katrine Lia, rédactrice en chef d’Agderposten. Et le personnel d’Agderposten ne peut souvent pas faire la différence entre les pages produites par Sophi et celles prises en charge par les rédacteurs.

Sophi et Naviga, un important fournisseur de technologies logicielles pour l’industrie mondiale de l’édition, collaborent avec Agderposten depuis plus d’un an maintenant et leurs succès ont ouvert la voie à l’ajout de dizaines de nouveaux titres de plusieurs maisons d’édition majeures cette année. Sophi fournit une technologie IA/AM (intelligence artificielle/apprentissage machine) de pointe qui, avec Naviga Publisher, automatise entièrement le flux de production d’impression de bout en bout.

Agderposten a été le premier client à utiliser Publisher. Son processus de production d’impression est désormais centralisé, la mise en page de ses journaux est automatisée jusqu’à 80 % et, plus impressionnant encore, Agderposten a réalisé une réduction de 66 % du temps et des ressources, réduisant ainsi le coût de production du journal imprimé et en permettant aux journalistes de se concentrer sur la création de contenu numérique au lieu de travailler sur InDesign.

Øyvind Klausen, PDG d’Agderposten, a déclaré qu’il s’attendait à ce que les économies et l’efficacité continuent d’augmenter alors que de plus en plus de pages d’Agderposten étaient automatisées et que davantage de ses journaux mettaient en œuvre cette solution d’automatisation d’impression.

Les Global Media Awards ont reçu 854 candidatures de 252 marques d’actualités dans 46 pays cette année. Le jury est composé de 50 experts issus des médias de 24 pays concentrés sur 20 catégories, parmi lesquelles les marques d’actualités, les plateformes médiatiques, les abonnements, la publicité, les données et renseignements, les produits et les salles de rédaction. Les lauréats seront annoncés le 9 juin.

À propos de Naviga
Naviga (https://www.navigaglobal.com) est le premier fournisseur de logiciels et de services optimisant les industries riches en médias. Sa plateforme d’engagement de contenu aide les entreprises à créer, enrichir, fournir et monétiser du contenu pour gérer les engagements de bout en bout. Ses solutions sont faciles d’utilisation, évolutives et flexibles. Alliant son expérience dans les médias à un dévouement au numérique, Naviga a développé des solutions logicielles qui aident toute entreprise axée sur le contenu à répondre aux exigences de l’avenir de l’information. Avec son siège social à Bloomington, dans le Minnesota, et des bureaux régionaux dans le monde entier, Naviga est un partenaire de confiance desservant plus de 1 400 services et clients institutionnels dans les domaines des médias d’actualités, des médias de divertissement, de la diffusion, des magazines et des services financiers dans 45 pays.

À propos de Sophi.io 
Sophi.io (https://www.sophi.io) a été développée par The Globe and Mail pour aider les éditeurs de contenu à prendre des décisions stratégiques et tactiques importantes. Il s’agit d’une suite de solutions d’automatisation, d’optimisation et de prévision basées sur l’IA et l’AM qui comprend Sophi Site Automation, Sophi for Paywall et Sophi for First Party Data. Sophi apporte également à Naviga Publisher la mise en page automatisée en un clic de l’impression et la publication des journaux électroniques. Sophi vise à améliorer les mesures qui comptent le plus pour votre entreprise, telles que la rétention et l’acquisition d’abonnés, l’engagement, la récence, la fréquence et le volume.

Contact auprès des médias  
Jamie Rubenovitch 
Directrice du marketing, Sophi 
The Globe and Mail         
[email protected] 

Sophi.io finalista do INMA 2022 Global Media Awards em Automação de Impressão

TORONTO, March 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Sophi.io, plataforma de otimização e automação com tecnologia de IA da The Globe and Mail, foi finalista esta semana do Global Media Awards da International News Media Association (Inma) de 2022 na categoria de Melhor Inovação em Transformação de Redações. Em parceria com a Naviga, ela automatizou o layout para impressão do Agderposten, um jornal diário regional que atende mais de 25.000 leitores em toda a Noruega, aumentando a eficiência da impressão em 66%.

“O sistema automatizado de aprendizado de máquina da Sophi é a maior transformação da mídia impressa há décadas”, disse Gordon Edall, Cofundador da Sophi.io. “Agradecemos ao Agderposten por ter escolhido trabalhar com a Naviga e conosco. Seu compromisso com a melhoria da eficiência e a adoção de uma tecnologia inovadora, como a Naviga Publisher, com a Sophi.io, deve inspirar toda a indústria de mídia a se voltar para o futuro, onde a IA e a automação irá ajudar a todos.”

Naviga Publisher powered by Sophi.io é um sistema que tem por base a inteligência artificial que emula decisões humanas para produzir páginas de jornais que parecem ter sido criadas com a compreensão das notícias do dia, bem como altos padrões jornalísticos. Todos os redatores precisam priorizar os artigos e clicar no botão “Imprimir Meu Jornal” para gerar um layout automatizado para impressão, sem modelos, em minutos. Com a simplificação deste trabalho intenso as redações podem se concentrar no seu objetivo real de encontrar e contar a próxima história importante.

“São horas economizadas que podem ser usadas no jornalismo”, disse a editora-chefe do Agderposten, Katrine Lia. Muitas vezes os funcionários do Agderposten não sabem diferenciar entre as páginas produzidas com a Sophi e as manipuladas pelos seus editores.

A Sophi e Naviga, uma grande fornecedora de tecnologia de software para a indústria editorial global, trabalha com o Agderposten há mais de um ano e o seu sucesso viabilizou a inclusão de dezenas de novos títulos de várias grandes editoras este ano. A Sophi fornece tecnologia AI e ML de ponta que, juntamente com o Naviga Publisher, automatiza totalmente o fluxo de trabalho de produção completa para impressão.

Agderposten foi o primeiro cliente a usar a Publisher. Seu processo de produção de impressão agora está centralizado, a distribuição de jornais já está até 80% automatizada e, o mais impressionante, o Agderposten já alcançou uma redução de 66% do tempo e dos recursos – baixando o custo de produção do jornal impresso e permitindo que os jornalistas trabalhem na criação do conteúdo digital e não no InDesign.

O CEO do Agderposten, Øyvind Klausen, disse que espera que a economia de custos e a eficiência continuem a aumentar à medida que mais páginas do Agderposten passem a ser automatizadas e que mais jornais implementem a solução de automação de impressão.

O Global Media Awards recebeu 854 inscrições de 252 empresas de notícias de 46 países este ano. O jurado é composto por 50 especialistas em mídia de 24 países, focados em 20 categorias, incluindo empresas de notícias, plataformas de mídia, assinaturas, publicidade, dados e insights, produtos e redações. Os nomes dos vencedores do primeiro lugar serão anunciados no dia 9 de junho.

Sobre a Naviga
A Naviga (https://www.navigaglobal.com) é a principal provedora de software e serviços para indústrias voltadas para a mídia. Sua Plataforma de Engajamento de Conteúdo ajuda as empresas a criar, enriquecer, entregar e monetizar conteúdo para o gerenciamento total dos engajamentos. Suas soluções são fáceis de usar, escaláveis e ágeis. Combinando sua experiência em mídia com uma dedicação ao digital, eles desenvolveram soluções de software que ajudam qualquer empresa focada no conteúdo a atender às demandas do futuro da informação. Com sede em Bloomington, MN e escritórios regionais em todo o mundo, a Naviga é uma parceira de confiança que atende a mais de 1.400 mídia de notícias, mídia de entretenimento, transmissão, revista, serviços financeiros e clientes corporativos em 45 países.

Sobre a Sophi.io
A Sophi.io (https://www.sophi.io) foi desenvolvida pela The Globe and Mail para ajudar os editores de conteúdo a tomar decisões estratégias e táticas importantes. A empresa oferece um conjunto de soluções de automação, otimização e previsão com base em IA e ML, incluindo Sophi Site Automation, Sophi for Paywalls e Sophi for First Party Data. A Sophi também capacita o Naviga Publisher para o layout automatizado de um clique para publicação impressa e de ePaper. A Sophi foi projetada para aprimorar as métricas que mais importam para sua empresa, como retenção e aquisição de assinantes, engajamento, recentidade, frequência e volume.

Contato com a Mídia
Jamie Rubenovitch
Dirigente de Marketing, Sophi
The Globe and Mail
[email protected]

Church congregants warned to practise water safety during religious rituals

FREE STATE – Community members are reminded to practice water safety following five drownings at a river during religious rituals that were performed.

On Saturday, 12 March 2022 at about 13:30, Wesselsbron SAPS was informed about people who drowned at Vet river on the R719 Wesselsbron /Bultfontein road. On arrival, a female witness was at the scene and alleges that a mother was holding her 12-year-old daughter whilst standing in the river during a ritual when the child was swept away in the water. Four men attempted to save the child and also drowned.

Divers were summoned to the scene and the bodies were retrieved from the river.

Source: South African Police Service

SAPS Criminal Record Centre (CRC) open to members of the public for processing and collection of documents

PRETORIA – The Management of the South African Police Service (SAPS) confirms that its Criminal Record Centre (CRC) Headquarters which is situated in Pretoria, Gauteng, is fully functional and operational.

The SAPS thus confirms that it is business as usual and that the administering of criminal records, issuing of police clearance certificates as well as processing of fingerprint applications for firearms has commenced.

Members of the public are therefore advised that they are now able to drop off and collect their documents at the building.

The SAPS acknowledges the inconvenience caused by the closure of the building since last week Tuesday, and takes this opportunity to thank members of the public for their patience and understanding.

Source: South African Police Service

Stock theft duo appear before court

POTCHEFSTROOM – Keamogetswe Tshepiso Maano (41) was granted R1000.00 bail upon appearance before the Atamelang Magistrates’ Court today on a charge of stock theft. She is expected to reappear at the same court on Wednesday, 23 March 2022. Meanwhile, the accused’s husband, who is facing the same charge, appeared in absentia as he is currently admitted to a hospital.

The accused were arrested in connection with a stock theft incident reported between Saturday, 15 and Monday, 17 May 2021. That was after the complainant reported that 11 of his cattle were stolen from his farm in the vicinity of Atamelang. Shortly after the incident on Friday, 21 May 2021, cattle fitting the description of those of the complainant, were found at a cattle post at Geysdorp with altered brand marks. The cattle were impounded for further investigations. Following an investigation by the Sannieshof Stock theft and Endangered Species (STES) Unit, two cattle were identified as those of the complainant. The others were kept impounded pending further investigations. Consequently, the DNA results came back positively indicating that the cattle belong to the complainant and this led to the arrest of the accused on Friday, 11 March 2022.

The Provincial Commissioner of North West, Lieutenant General Sello Kwena, congratulated the Sannieshof STES Unit members for their commitment that led to the arrest. He said that the police will continue to work hard to ensure that criminals are put behind bars. Furthermore, the Provincial Commissioner urged the farmers to brand mark their livestock in accordance with the Animal Identification Act, 2002 (Act No. 6 of 2002).

Source: South African Police Service