North West Provincial Commissioner welcomes sentence and guilty verdicts in numerous Bloemhof murder cases

POTCHEFSTROOM – The Provincial Commissioner of North West, Lieutenant General Sello Kwena, welcomed the life imprisonment sentence handed down to Ofentse Andries Konjo (37) on Thursday, 10 March 2022, by the Bloemhof Regional Court.

On Saturday, 27 March 2021, a 50-year-old man was reported missing by his family. During police investigations, witnesses who were minors, came forward and explained how their own father (Konjo) killed the victim with an axe on Sewefontien Farm, near Bloemhof. They further pointed out an old grave on the farm where the victim was buried. Konjo was ultimately arrested on Wednesday, 5 May 2021 and appeared in the Bloemhof Regional Court the same day. The court did not grant him bail and he remained in custody until he was sentenced.

In another unrelated incident, Bloemhof Regional Court found a 24-year-old Eva Tau, guilty for murder on Thursday, 10 March 2022. This verdict came after police who were on patrol met Tau, holding her boyfriend, Piet Tsimanakwe Wageng (38) in her arms, with a stab wound on his chest in the early hours of Monday, 20 July 2020 at Protea Street, Bloemhof. She alleged that her boyfriend was stabbed by two unknown men who fled the scene. Emergency Medical and Rescue Services (EMRS) paramedics were immediately summoned and took Wageng to the Bloemhof Community Health Centre where he died shortly after arrival. Police investigations revealed that Tau and Wageng had an argument at his place, whilst in the company of friends. Tau, during the argument, pushed Wageng outside the house and stabbed him. Sentencing will follow shortly.

Lastly, an 18-year-old, Zwelethu Victor Sengwape, was also found guilty for murder by the Bloemhof Regional Court on Thursday, 10 March 2022. Sengwape was found guilty in connection with an incident in which the then 16-year-old Sengwape, on Monday, 21 September 2020 murdered a four-year-old girl. According to information presented before the court, Sengwape took the four-year-old girl to an open field (dumping site, situated in Extension 5, Boitumelong, next to the N12) where he raped and strangled her to death. The accused was arrested after being handed over to the police by a local pastor whom he (Sengwape) confided in that he killed a young girl and left her body in the bushes. Sengwape made his first court appearance on Wednesday, 23 September 2020. Sentencing is expected to take place, pending the pre-sentencing report by a social worker.

The Provincial Commissioner applauded the Bloemhof Investigating Officers and all other role players including prosecution for their diligence in ensuring that the accused are convicted which he said will serve as a warning to those who perpetrate serious crimes that they will do their time in jail.

Source: South African Police Service

Three African Women to Receive Courage Awards

Roegchanda Pascoe braved death threats while trying to ease the gang violence plaguing the Cape Flats community just outside Cape Town, South Africa. Facia Boyenoh Harris faced harassment while advocating for women’s rights and protections against sexual violence in Liberia. Najla Mangoush a year ago accepted the role of foreign minister in the U.N.-backed transitional government of Libya, a country deeply divided by a decade of civil war.

These three Africans are among a dozen women being honored by the U.S. State Department with its 2022 International Women of Courage Awards for demonstrating “exceptional courage, strength and leadership in advocating for peace, justice, human rights, gender equity and equality … often at great personal risk and sacrifice,” according to a press statement.

They will be recognized Monday at a ceremony that, because of the pandemic, will bring them together virtually instead of in person in Washington. Secretary of State Antony Blinken will preside, with remarks by first lady Jill Biden.

Roegchanda Pascoe

Pascoe, 47, is a crime prevention activist working in the Cape Flats, a poor community outside Cape Town where mixed-race people were forcibly resettled in the 1960s under South Africa’s apartheid system.

Gangs have had a decadeslong hold there, trafficking in drugs, guns, prostitution and more. Violence has been “so normalized,” Pascoe told VOA.

But in 2013, after a boy was caught in gang crossfire and killed while playing outside, she co-founded the volunteer Manenberg Safety Forum. Named for the township in which it’s based, the forum raises awareness about the criminal justice system, trains community advocates, and provides counseling and other support for victims of violence, especially women and children. Pascoe draws an honorarium through a grant from the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime.

The forum also has mediated between gangs, aiming to peacefully resolve disputes.

On July 20, 2016, Pascoe and several other Manenberg residents witnessed an alleged gang attack on a man who died later that day. Pascoe was the only witness willing to testify at the 2019 murder trial, helping to convict the gang’s leader and two others.

The day before her scheduled testimony, unknown assailants shot at her house. Pascoe had been moved to a safe house earlier that day, but her young children were still at home. They have since joined her in hiding, fearing gang retaliation.

“I cannot be silent when injustice is happening to any human being,” she told VOA of her decision to testify. But “the effect of gang violence has been dire for me. … I’ll never be able to move back to the community.”

Yet Pascoe has persevered. Through the forum, she continues to mediate community conflict and support victimized women and families. She set up a crime prevention and intervention program for at-risk youths. She has organized a “walking bus” system for schoolchildren to be escorted by adults – often mothers who had been jobless. They get paid, “skilled up and trained how to do emergency first aid,” Pascoe said.

“She has amazing strategies to develop her community,” Oscar Nceba Siwali said of Pascoe in an email to VOA. He directs the Southern African Development and Reconstruction Agency, which promotes nonviolence in some of the country’s toughest communities. “In workshops to help engage NGOs to work together, she has been most helpful – points forward while acknowledging [the] past.”

Pascoe hopes her selection for a Courage Award will help others realize that, no matter how disadvantaged, they can make valuable contributions.

“It will mean a lot for our young women leaders,” she said.

Facia Boyenoh Harris

In 2005, Harris was in her first year at African Methodist Episcopal University in Liberia’s capital, Monrovia, when she and some classmates started the Paramount Young Women Initiative. They raised money for scholarships to help other students struggling with financial need, family burdens, academic difficulties and more.

They added workshops. “We talked about family life, socioeconomic issues and the inspiration that we needed” as Liberia began recovering from civil war, said Harris, now 39. “We had a safe space to come together.”

Today, the nonprofit initiative continues to provide that safe space support for adolescent girls and young women, promoting education, mentoring and leadership.

It’s just one activist outlet for Harris, a former journalist whose paid job is to direct outreach for Liberia’s Independent Information Commission. It’s charged with enforcing the country’s Freedom of Information Act.

Harris co-founded the Liberian Feminist Forum and, as a community organizer, has campaigned for broader political participation and better sanitation. She fights gender-based violence, including rape and female genital mutilation.

In Liberia, “we’re dealing with a very strong patriarchal system that continually marginalizes women,” Harris said.

Liberia’s president declared rape a national emergency in 2020, and the government recently launched a hotline to report sexual and gender-based violence. But Gender Minister Williametta E. Saydee-Tarr, addressing the nation’s Senate Thursday [March 10], complained of low rates of reporting and slow criminal prosecution.

“There are lots of challenges with the system,” Harris said. Police sometimes say they lack the capacity to investigate or make arrests, or a victim or relatives may not want to press charges. Cases can get snagged in the criminal justice system.

People need “timely access to justice,” Harris said.

She’s also advocating for equal representation in public office. Though Liberia was the first African country to elect a female head of state – Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, president from 2006 to 2018 – women remain underrepresented in national elective office. Harris noted that in Liberia’s Legislature, women hold just 11 of 103 seats in the lower chamber and two of 30 seats in the Senate.

“Women do not have the same access to money” for filing fees and campaigns, said Harris, suggesting campaign finance measures.

Harris said the Courage Award honors “the women of Liberia who have continuously worked hard to ensure that injustices come to an end” while advancing the country’s development. It represents a personal challenge, too: “I have a greater responsibility to do more … to leave a better Liberia for the generations after us.”

Najla Mangoush of Libya

Mangoush was appointed March 15, 2021, as Libya’s foreign minister – the first female to hold that position in the North African country of 7 million.

A lawyer and human rights advocate, she also is a doctoral candidate at George Mason University’s School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, just outside of Washington. Mangoush – who holds a master’s degree in conflict transformation from Eastern Mennonite University, also in Virginia – set aside her dissertation to take the Cabinet position.

“She wanted to serve her country,” said Susan F. Hirsch, a GMU professor of conflict resolution and anthropology supervising Mangoush’s research. “… She’s someone who is very diplomatic. She’s a born peacemaker.”

Peacemaking skills get put to the test in Libya, an oil-rich country mired in conflict since longtime ruler Moammar Gadhafi was overthrown and killed in 2011. Mangoush is part of the Government of National Unity, a U.N.-based administration installed in Tripoli in early 2021 as a transition to an elected government. But presidential and parliamentary elections set for December were delayed and have not yet been rescheduled.

A new government appointed by Libya’s parliament March 1 has challenged the unity government’s mandate, putting Mangoush’s Cabinet post at risk.

During the 2011 revolution, Mangoush worked with civil society organizations as head of the National Transitional Council’s public engagement unit. She also has represented Libya at the U.S. Institute of Peace. Now she’s grappling with issues such as illegal migration and the presence of unwanted foreign military troops.

“To enter into the fray of Libyan politics and Libyan civil war and take a stand is a pretty courageous thing,” said Marc Gopin, who directs GMU’s Center for World Religions, Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution, where Mangoush once served as program director for peacebuilding and traditional law.

An additional award

Beyond Monday’s virtual awards ceremony, honorees will take part in a virtual leadership program “to connect with their American counterparts and strengthen the global network of women leaders,” the State Department said in its press release. More than 170 women from more than 80 countries have been recognized for their work since 2007.

To support their work, each honoree also receives a $5,000 stipend from American Women for International Understanding. The nonprofit group and its roughly 125 members promote “women-to-women interactions” through exchange visits, study programs and events.

The group’s stipends allow recipients to do more of their essential work, said Julienne Lusenge, a 2021 Courage Award winner and human rights activist in the Democratic Republic of Congo. She told VOA that, with her $5,000, “I built bathrooms for the children” at a school in Mbau village.

AWIU plans a May 24 dinner in Los Angeles to celebrate this year’s honorees. There, in recognition of its 15-year collaboration with the awards program, the group will receive its own prize: the State Department’s Gender Champion Award.

Source: Voice of America

Duo arrested for possession of gold bearing material

POTCHEFSTROOM – In a bid to address transnational crimes, the vigilant police officers at the Ramatlabama Port of Entry, stopped and searched a Volvo truck entering South Africa from Zambia via Botswana. The truck which was heading to Johannesburg, was allegedly searched. During the search, the police discovered approximately 50 bags, containing possible gold bearing material. The driver and passenger could neither account for the goods nor produce any documentation or authority to be in possession of this material. The duo, aged 22 and 28, were immediately arrested and are expected to appear in the Molopo Magistrates’ Court in Mmabatho on Monday, 14 March 2022, on a charge of possession of possible gold bearing material.

The Provincial Commissioner of North West, Lieutenant General Sello Kwena congratulated the members for the sterling job and pointed out that the police will not hesitate to arrest those who commit transnational crimes.

Source: South African Police Service

Russia-Ukraine conflict: Rising food prices shake North Africa as Ukraine war rages

TUNIS— Households across North Africa are rushing to stock up on flour, semolina and other staples as food prices rise following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, both key wheat exporters to the region.

The scramble is worse coming just weeks before the start of the holy month of Ramadan, when Muslims traditionally break a dawn-to-dusk fast with lavish family meals.

Tunisia, Morocco and Libya, along with several other Arab countries, import much of their wheat from Ukraine and Russia.

Some fear the Russian invasion could lead to hunger and unrest, with memories of how rising food prices played a role in several Arab uprisings last decade.

In one supermarket in the Tunisian capital, the shelves were bare of flour or semolina, and only three packs of sugar sat on a shelf near a sign that read: “One kilo per customer, please”.

Store managers said the problem was “panic buying”, not shortages.

Shopper Houda Hjeij, who said she hadn’t been able to find rice or flour for two weeks, blamed the authorities.

“With the war in Ukraine, they did not think ahead,” the 52-year-old housewife in Tunis said.

Bulk-buying ahead of Ramadan, which is expected to start in early April this year, is common in Muslim countries.

But some say the war in Ukraine has sparked a shopping frenzy.

Hedi Baccour, of Tunisia’s union of supermarket owners, said daily sales of semolina — a staple across North Africa used in dishes of couscous — have jumped by “700 percent” in recent days.

Sugar sales are up threefold as Tunisians stockpile basic foodstuffs, said Baccour, who insisted there were no food shortages.

Each day pensioner Hedi Bouallegue, 66, makes the round of grocery shops in his Tunis neighbourhood to stock up on products like cooking oil and semolina.

“I am even ready to pay double the price,” he said.

Baker Slim Talbi said he had been paying three times as much for flour than in the past, “although the real effects of the (Russia-Ukraine) war have not hit us yet”.

“I am worried” about the future, Talbi added, citing Tunisia’s dependence on Ukrainian wheat.

Tunisia imports almost half of the soft wheat used to make bread from Ukraine. Authorities say the North African country has enough supplies to last three months.

Oil-rich Libya gets about 75 percent of its wheat from Russia and Ukraine. Morocco also relies heavily on the same source for supplies.

Algeria — Africa’s second-largest wheat consumer after Egypt — does not import any from the two warring eastern European countries, instead sourcing it from Argentina or France, according to the bureau of cereals.

“There won’t be any shortages — wheat shipments regularly arrive at Algiers port,” said harbour official Mustapha, who declined to give his full name.

Despite reassurances, panicked citizens recently ransacked semolina stocks in Algeria’s eastern Kabylie region.

“War in Ukraine and all the semolina warehouses have been stormed,” Mouh Benameur, who lives in the area, posted on Facebook.

Food prices were on the rise in North Africa before Russia invaded Ukraine more than two weeks ago.

Moroccan official Fouzi Lekjaa pointed to a global economic pick-up following a pandemic-induced slump.

“With the recovery, the market price of cereals and oil products rose,” he said.

Mourad, 37, a shopper in the Moroccan capital Rabat, said climate change and drought — the worst in his country in decades — were also to blame.

To keep prices affordable and avoid a repeat of bread riots that erupted in the 1980s, Tunisia subsidises staples like sugar, semolina and pasta.

For the past decade, it has set the price of a baguette loaf of bread at six US cents.

Algeria plans to scrap subsidies on basic goods, but has not yet done so.

After a truck drivers’ strike this week, Morocco said it was mulling fuel subsidies for the sector “to protect citizens’ purchasing power and keep prices at a reasonable level,” according to government spokesman Mustapha Baitas.

In Libya, which found itself with two rival prime ministers this month, sparking fears of renewed violence, food prices are also hitting the roof.

At a Tripoli wholesale market, shopper Saleh Mosbah blamed “unscrupulous merchants”.

“They always want to take advantage when there is a conflict,” he said.

Summaya, a shopper in her 30s who declined to give her full name, blamed the government.

“They reassure people by saying there is enough wheat,” she said, carrying two five-kilo (11-pound) bags of flour. “I don’t believe them.”


MEC Lenah Miga visits disaster-stricken Deelpan in Tswaing Local Municipality, 14 Mar

MEC for Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs, Lenah Miga will tomorrow, 14 March 2022, visit the flood-stricken Deelpan in Tswaing local municipality.

The area was affected by recent heavy torrential rains which led to a number of houses to be submerged in water, leaving most families stranded. The department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs through the Provincial Disaster Management Centre (PDMC) has established a task team comprising of officials from departments such as Education, Social Development, SASSA, Public Works and Roads, local traditional council, Ngaka Modiri Molema district and Tswaing local municipalities, to mobilise resources and to also provide humanitarian relief to stranded families.

The department of Social Development, SASSA and the district municipality have provided food parcels, blankets, mattresses and other humanitarian relief material. In the meantime, the department of Public Works and Roads is ready to deploy its yellow fleet once the ground is stable to avoid the machinery from sinking.

The situation there has also affected the movement of people which has also resulted in learners not being able to go to school, the situation is said to have also affected the nearby community of Witpan. Families from affected houses are accommodated in the local Gereformeerde Kerk and further needs assessments will be done once the water has subsided. The Department of Human Settlements and the Tswaing local municipality will look at the long term human settlements development issues. The SAPS has been activated to patrol at the emergency shelters.

Source: Government of South Africa

Two men face charges of illegal possession of crayfish tails worth R1.1 million

On Friday, 11 March 2022 members attached to the West Coast Flying Squad arrested two suspects aged 19 and 36 for possession of crayfish tails on the Paternoster Road direction Vredenburg.

The members received information about a white Ford Ranger with two occupants transporting the crayfish tails. The vehicle was spotted and pulled over. Upon searching the vehicle, the members found bags filled with crayfish tails in the back of the vehicle. A total of 17 534 tails were counted with an estimated street value of R1,1 million.

The suspects are due to make a court appearance in the Vredenburg Magistrates court on Monday 14 March 2022.

In an unrelated matter, a 64-year-old male was arrested in Riebeeck West for the possession of stolen property and damaging of essential infrastructure Friday afternoon at about 12:00.

Riebeeck West police received information about copper cables at an address.

Upon visiting the premises and following up the information they found several copper cables. The suspect could not give a valid reason as to where he got the cables.

The suspect will appear in the Riebeeck West Magistrates court on Monday on the mentioned charges.

Source: South African Police Service