Mpumalanga Provicial Commissioner welcomes the arrest of two suspects possibly linked to robberies and murders

NELSPRUIT – The Provincial Commissioner of the SAPS in Mpumalanga, Lieutenant General Semakaleng Daphney Manamela has gladly welcomed the arrest of two male suspects who could possibly be linked to murders as well as armed robberies. The pair was nabbed at Marite (near Bushbuckridge) on Friday night, 11 March 2022 by joint forces of the police from Tactical Response Team (TRT) from Tshwane and Ekurhuleni in partnership with members from Calcutta Task Team.

According to the information, police received information from some members of the public about some individuals who were reportedly in possession of firearms in a certain tarven at Jim Brown (in Marite). A sting operation was then planned and swiftly carried out on the said day (11 March 2022) around 23h20 by the formidable team.

Upon arrival at the tavern, the two men were identified and searched accordingly. One of the men was found with a 9mm Girson pistol whilst the other was reportedly found with a 9mm Norinco pistol in his possession. The two, aged 26 and 34 were arrested and charged accordingly, one was charged for unlawful possession of a firearm with ammunition. Meanwhile the other was charged with unlawful possession of a firearm.

Preliminary investigation by the detectives unearthed that the two are somehow fingered in a string of serious cases, including murder of a police officer at Marite near Calcutta in January 2022 as well as a murder case at Alexandra (Gauteng Province) in December 2021 and other robberies. Police cannot rule out the possibility of linking the suspects to other crimes committed elsewhere. The confiscated firearms will also undergo some forensic tests where more charges may be added upon the suspects.

The two suspects are expected to appear at the Mkhuhlu Magistrate’s Court on Monday, 14 March 2022 facing the said charges.

The Provincial Commissioner of the SAPS in Mpumalanga, Lieutenant General Semakaleng Daphney Manamela has reassured the public that the information provided to police will receive the necessary attention. “The area of Marite where the two suspects were arrested, has been in the spotlight in terms of violent crimes. We are busy cleaning up the area and we encourage communities to continue with providing the information that is needed and we will act accordingly ” said the General.

Source: South African Police Service

Young people share innovative ideas with the President

Young innovators in the North West province spent Saturday morning with President Cyril Ramaphosa sharing their inventive ideas with hopes that one day, with the help of the government, they will come to fruition.

The President is visiting the Ngaka Modiri Molema District in Mahikeng, in the North West to oversee the implementation of the District Development Model (DDM) which integrates planning and budgeting across all the three spheres of government as well to engage with community members following his State of the Nation Address in February.

After completing a tour of the Mafikeng Digital Innovation Hub President Ramaphosa said he was impressed by what he had witnessed.

The President was very pleased that South Africa has started with developing artificial intelligence and the innovation processes at the hub as this is the way of the future.

“I can say with confidence that today – with these young people here and their creativity – I have seen the future; it is very bright.

“They are doing things we never thought could be done, they are building devices and they are creating stuff for climate change and detecting weather patterns and it’s just mind boggling, I have seen the future,” he said.

The Mafikeng Digital Innovation Hub was established in 2020 following the call by President Ramaphosa to expand township digital hubs which would incubate new businesses.

The hub is incubating youth, women and people living with disability with preparatory Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) skills development, innovation, and technology and entrepreneurship development.

As the President toured the centre he interacted with some of the young people incubated in the programmes the innovation hub offers.

Speaking to SAnews, 27-year-old Paula Maseko who founded Buhle Bomqhele natural hair products said she was delighted to get a visit from the President and hoped it will give her products more exposure.

She was inspired by her aunt who used to take care of her natural hair when she was a child.

Maseko created organic hair products which help people with natural hair detangle their hair. She has been incubated at the centre for a year and a half.

“I have received mentorship and a business course and they have assisted me with getting my products tested and two of my products are compliant. With regard to hat government can do for us – it would be funding for us to be able to get our products to the commercial market,” she said.

Another young person incubated at the Mafikeng Innovation Hub is Morekolodi Mankuroane, CEO of Mansalema Enterprise, who created an app to help in the fight against gender-based violence in the country.

The app is called the Salema App which is used in case of emergency. By shaking your cellphone a message will be sent to the company alerting it to the fact that you are in danger. The app will send a message to an added emergency contact as well as the location of the person in danger.

He has also created a belt with a panic button which forms a protective structure to prevent any form of penetration in an attack. He said that when these events happen they will use a drone to capture all the evidence.

“I am an activist of gender based-violence and I am also an inventor. As I was sitting at home one day I just thought of the rape issue our country is facing and I generated ideas to innovate these things, the belt made more sense than everything else,” he said.

Gaoagwe Jeje, who is the founder of Kgosi Poultry, has invented a device that can be placed inside a chicken coop. It scans the chickens for any threat and eliminates them before they get worse.

“What we are trying to do with our device is to detect any sickness from the beginning stages before the chickens get to a stage where they die. The device can be linked to your cell phone and it sends you a message whenever there is any threat,” Jeje said.

The day’s programme will move to the Mmabatho Stadium where he will engage with citizens during a Presidential Imbizo.

Source: South African Government News Agency

President concludes North West Imbizo on a high note

President Cyril Ramaphosa has described his Presidential Imbizo in the North West province as a success after holding a fruitful session with community members.

The President arrived at the Mmabatho Stadium in the Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality on Saturday where scores of residents had gathered.

He interacted with people and listened to their experiences of daily life in the province, service delivery challenges as well as their initiatives and solutions to improve socio-economic conditions.

The President was flanked by a number of his Cabinet Ministers, including Minister of Transport Fikile Mbalula, Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Minister Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Employment and Labour Minister Thulas Nxesi, Minister in the Presidency Mondli Gungubele, Minister of Tourism Lindiwe Sisulu, Social Development Minister Lindiwe Zulu and Mineral Resources and Energy Gwede Mantashe, among others.

The President told the community members that he had heard their cries and that government will be focusing more on service delivery.

“We had a very fruitful session with the community … the residents were able to raise their concerns and complaints but they also put suggestions forward, and what we need to do better, so I found it very enriching.

“We are going to be focusing more and more on service delivery. Many of the issues that were raised were of a service delivery nature, there was so much enthusiasm that nearly all of them wanted to speak,” the President said.

President Ramaphosa said it had been great to hear people speaking openly and freely as this is what enriches democracy.

“An Imbizo gives us the opportunity and the platform as government to interact with our people and communities. And, as I said, the North West has been chosen as the first province to test drive this Imbizo process and it was very successful,” he said.

The Imbizo also provided an opportunity to inspire new thinking, different ideas, and suggestions on how to fix the challenges that exist.

“I am grateful that the Ministers were present and were able to respond to many of the issues that have been raised.”

He said the District Development Model was moving into top gear. “We are going to be utilising it more and more so that as the government we stop working in silos, we must work together in an integrated way.

“I am very pleased that most of the replies that were given here are a clear demonstration that we are now becoming more and more integrated and we are going to address the challenges that our people have faced.”

The President told the community members that government will focus more on service delivery and the Ministers would return to the area with a number of programmes focusing on what needs to be done.

“Now this is the way we are now going to move forward as government in an integrated way and a cooperative way doing things together so that they can improve the lives of our people but most importantly so that the can create jobs,” he said.

During the Imbizo, one of the residents pleaded with the President to do away with Section 100 in the North West.

In response, Minister Nkosazana Dlamini–Zuma assured communities in the North West that plans are in place to exit the Section 100.

Source: South African Government News Agency

EMGA conseille un financement par emprunt de 200 millions USD pour BTG Pactual avec JICA

LONDRES, 11 mars 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Emerging Markets Global Advisory Limited (EMGA), la banque d’investissement de niche axée sur les marchés émergents, annonce aujourd’hui une autre transaction phare de levée de capitaux de premier rang qui permettra à BTG Pactual de poursuivre l’expansion de ses activités de prêt aux petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) au Brésil.

La facilité d’emprunt de 200 millions USD a été fournie par JICA et la transaction fait suite à deux précédentes facilités financées par DFI, de 140 millions USD et 300 millions USD respectivement, qu’EMGA avait également conseillées.

Un porte-parole de JICA a déclaré : « Grâce au soutien d’EMGA, nous allons collaborer avec Banco BTG Pactual S.A. afin combler le déficit de financement des PME au Brésil. BTG Pactual est l’une des premières à introduire des plateformes numériques offrant des solutions financières aux entreprises de tout le pays. Avec ses plateformes numériques facilement disponibles pour soutenir les opérations de prêt, Banco BTG Pactual S.A. peut accorder efficacement des crédits aux régions du Nord et du Nord-Est, où seul un nombre limité d’institutions financières opèrent activement pour servir les entreprises à l’heure actuelle. »

Sajeev Chakkalakal, directeur général et directeur des banques d’investissement chez EMGA, a déclaré : « C’était un réel plaisir d’aider à nouveau l’équipe de BTG en conseillant cette facilité supplémentaire visant à financer le portefeuille de prêts aux petites et moyennes entreprises de BTG à travers le Brésil. JICA est un partenaire important d’EMGA et sa position d’institution prééminente de financement du développement offre également une nouvelle source stratégique de financement à long terme pour BTG. »

Jeremy Dobson, directeur général et responsable du développement commercial chez EMGA, a ajouté : « Notre équipe est ravie d’avoir à nouveau agi en tant que conseiller de BTG et se réjouit de la poursuite de son succès. »

BTG Pactual : BTG est la plus grande banque d’investissement d’Amérique latine, la 6e plus grande banque du Brésil en termes de capitaux propres et un acteur clé dans l’octroi de prêts et de garanties à un large éventail de clients, des PME aux grandes entreprises. BTG faire figure de pionnier dans la promotion de la finance relative au climat au Brésil et joue un rôle central dans l’affectation des ressources à des projets ayant un impact positif au sein de la communauté.

JICA : l’Agence japonaise de coopération internationale est une agence gouvernementale qui fournit la majeure partie de l’aide publique au développement pour le gouvernement japonais. Elle est chargée de soutenir la croissance économique et sociale dans les pays en développement et de promouvoir la coopération internationale.

Emerging Markets Global Advisory Limited (EMGA), avec des bureaux à Londres et à New York, aide les institutions financières et les entreprises à trouver des capitaux propres ou d’emprunt. L’équipe multinationale d’EMGA combine les décennies d’expérience nécessaires pour effectuer des transactions au nom de ses clients au sein des marchés émergents et des économies frontalières du monde entier, y compris le Brésil, qui reste un marché clé. Forte d’une expérience éprouvée dans la formation de capital et le conseil stratégique tout au long de divers cycles économiques, EMGA continue d’étendre sa portée géographique et son offre de services, consolidant sa place sur le marché en tant que l’une des banques d’investissement de niche prédominantes sur les marchés émergents.


EMGA assessora novo financiamento de US$ 200 milhões do BTG Pactual junto à JICA

LONDRES, March 11, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O Emerging Markets Global Advisory Limited (EMGA), banco de investimento de nicho focado em mercados emergentes, anuncia hoje outra importante transação de aumento de capital de dívida sênior que permitirá ao BTG Pactual continuar a expansão de suas atividades de empréstimos para pequenas e médias empresas (PME) no Brasil.

A linha de crédito de US$ 200 milhões foi fornecida pela JICA e a transação vem na sequência de duas linhas anteriores financiadas por DFI de US$ 140 milhões e US$ 300 milhões, respectivamente, que o EMGA também havia assessorado.

Um porta-voz da JICA disse: “Graças ao apoio do EMGA, formaremos parceria com o Banco BTG Pactual S.A. abordando a lacuna de financiamento para MPMEs no Brasil. O BTG Pactual está entre os primeiros a lançar plataformas digitais que oferecem soluções financeiras para empresas em todo o país. Com suas plataformas digitais prontamente disponíveis para apoiar a operação de crédito, o Banco BTG Pactual S.A. pode estender créditos com eficiência para as regiões Nordeste e Norte, onde apenas um número limitado de instituições financeiras está operando ativamente para atender os negócios neste momento.”

Sajeev Chakkalakal, diretor administrativo e chefe de investimento bancário da EMGA, disse: “Foi um verdadeiro prazer ajudar a equipe do BTG novamente, aconselhando sobre esta facilidade adicional destinada a financiar a carteira de empréstimos para pequenas e médias empresas do BTG em todo o Brasil. A JICA é um importante parceiro do EMGA e sua posição como uma instituição financeira de desenvolvimento proeminente também oferece outra nova fonte de financiamento estratégico de longo prazo para o BTG.”

Jeremy Dobson, diretor administrativo e chefe de desenvolvimento comercial da EMGA, acrescentou: “Nossa equipe está muito satisfeita por ter atuado novamente como consultora do BTG e esperamos seu sucesso contínuo”.

BTG Pactual: O BTG é o maior banco de investimentos da América Latina, o 6º maior banco do Brasil por patrimônio líquido e um player-chave na concessão de empréstimos e garantias a um amplo conjunto de clientes, de PMEs a grandes corporações. O BTG é pioneiro na promoção do financiamento climático no Brasil e desempenha um papel fundamental na canalização de recursos para projetos com impacto positivo na comunidade.

JICA: A Agência de Cooperação Internacional do Japão é uma agência governamental que fornece a maior parte da Assistência Oficial ao Desenvolvimento para o governo do Japão. Tem como objetivo auxiliar o crescimento econômico e social nos países em desenvolvimento e promover a cooperação internacional.

O Emerging Markets Global Advisory Limited (EMGA), com escritórios em Londres e Nova York, ajuda instituições financeiras e empresas que procuram capitalização ou capital acionário. A equipe multinacional do EMGA combina as décadas de experiência necessárias para concluir transações em nome de seus clientes nos mercados emergentes e em economias de fronteira em todo o mundo, inclusive no Brasil, que continua sendo um mercado-chave. Com um histórico comprovado na formação de capital e consultoria estratégica em diferentes ciclos econômicos, o EMGA continua a expandir seu alcance geográfico e oferta de serviços, solidificando sua posição no mercado como um dos principais bancos de investimento no setor de mercados emergentes.


Manchester City annonce son partenariat officiel avec la bourse de cryptomonnaies OKX

OKX devient le partenaire officiel de Manchester City dans le domaine des cryptomonnaies

  • Manchester City et OKX ont annoncé aujourd’hui un nouveau partenariat pluriannuel
  • Ce partenariat concernera les équipes masculines et féminines de Manchester City, en plus des activités d’e-sport du club

VICTORIA, Seychelles, 11 mars 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Manchester City, vainqueur de la Premier League, a annoncé aujourd’hui un partenariat mondial avec la deuxième plus grande bourse de cryptomonnaies au monde, OKX, en la nommant Official Cryptocurrency Exchange Partner (Partenaire officiel dans le domaine des cryptomonnaies) du club.

Première incursion d’OKX dans l’univers du sport et du divertissement, ce partenariat concernera les équipes masculines et féminines de Manchester City, en plus des activités d’e-sport du club.

Manchester City signe avec le partenaire OKX dans le domaine des cryptomonnaies

La bourse de cryptomonnaies rapide, sécurisée et innovante d’OKX est utilisée par plus de 20 millions d’utilisateurs fidèles sur plus de 180 marchés pour découvrir la puissance des cryptomonnaies.

OKX et Manchester City partage des valeurs d’innovation continue, de développement des talents et d’avancées technologiques – un partenariat clé entre les deux organisations.

Les nouveaux partenaires collaboreront sur un certain nombre d’expériences exclusives pour la clientèle mondiale d’OKX, en plus d’une présence dans les stades Etihad stadium et Academy Stadium. Les nouveaux partenaires chercheront également à explorer ensemble de futurs projets d’innovation.

Roel De Vries, directeur de l’exploitation de City Football Group, a déclaré : « Nous sommes ravis d’accueillir OKX en tant que partenaire officiel de Manchester City aujourd’hui alors qu’ils cherchent à s’aventurer dans le monde du sport. Le nouveau partenariat réunit nos valeurs communes visant à innover, promouvoir la réussite et être à la pointe de nos secteurs respectifs. Leur approche vaste et inclusive pour cibler différents publics correspond à notre approche. Nous sommes impatients de travailler ensemble tout au long du partenariat. »

Stade de Manchester City

« Nous sommes ravis de travailler en partenariat avec Manchester City, l’une des équipes les plus appréciées et les plus prospères au monde. Le football et les cryptomonnaies partagent quelque chose d’important : ils s’adressent à tout le monde, ils créent une inclusivité au sein de la société. Pour OKX, Manchester City est un club qui illustre la capacité du football à faire une différence positive dans la vie des gens, pour réunir les gens autour de l’amour commun du beau jeu. Pour la première fois, nous entrons dans la Premier League en tant que partenaire officiel dans le domaine des cryptomonnaies de Manchester City pour célébrer cet esprit communautaire dans le monde du football parce que c’est quelque chose que nous partageons tous les deux », a déclaré Jay Hao, PDG d’OKX.

Les photos accompagnant cette annonce sont disponibles sur

Richard Kay
[email protected]