Deputy President David Mabuza convenes SANAC Inter-Ministerial Committee meeting

Deputy President David Mabuza in his capacity as Chairperson of the South African National Aids Council (SANAC), has today, 11 March 2022 convened and chaired a SANAC IMC meeting.

The meeting was updated on the progress that has been made in various sector consultations towards the drafting of the 2023-2028 National Strategic Plan (NSP) for HIV and Aids. This follows the decision by SANAC Plenary for the extension of the 2017-2022 National Strategic Plan. The decision was coupled with catch-up plans aimed at accelerating service provision and attainment of the 90-90-90 national and global targets. To this end the catch-up plans were implemented at national and provincial level and have been completed.

The IMC also considered a proposal to standardise the establishment of AIDS Councils in different provinces, in order to strengthen the governance of SANAC. The proposal will take the form of a Multi-Sector Policy Framework, which will be developed to ensure accountability by all stakeholders within SANAC.

The IMC was also appraised on national the TB response, in this regard, consultations on the proposal by civil society to declare TB as a national health emergency, are ongoing.

World TB Day is commemorated annually on 24 March around the world. South Africa will commemorate this year’s World TB Day under the theme: Invest in TB now – Get Screened, End Stigma, Save Lives, in Frances Baard District Municipality in the Northern Cape Province. The commemoration will be preceded by an engagement with Traditional and Khoi-San Leaders, Inter-Faith Leaders and well as Traditional Health Practitioners.

The meeting finally noted plans towards South Africa’s participation at the 2022 International Aids Conference, which will take place from 29 July – 2 August 2022 in Montreal Canada, in a hybrid format.

Source: Government of South Africa

President Cyril Ramaphosa: Plenary Session of 3rd South Africa-Mozambique Bi-National Commission

Opening remarks by President Cyril Ramaphosa during the Plenary Session of the 3rd South Africa-Mozambique Bi-National Commission, OR Tambo Building, Pretoria

Your Excellency and Dear Brother, President Filipe Nyusi,

Honourable Ministers,

High Commissioners,

Senior Officials,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Mr President, it is an honour and a privilege to receive you as my guest.

We meet at a time when our two countries – and all the countries of the world – are striving to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Had it not been for the pandemic, this Bi-National Commission would have taken place some time ago.

Please accept our warm welcome to South Africa and I look forward to robust discussions that will further enhance relations between our two countries.

It is encouraging to see how the relations between our two countries have expanded and deepened at both a political and economic level.

As neighbours, we must recognise and nurture our economic interdependence.

Mozambique remains one of South Africa’s top trading partners in the region, and there are several opportunities for expansion.

South Africa is keen, in particular, to expand cooperation in the energy sector.

Mozambique is endowed with significant volumes of natural gas.

This can benefit not only the people of Mozambique and South Africa, but also the rest of the SADC region.

Energy security is vital to economic growth in our respective countries, and we look forward to significant progress towards securing and sustaining our energy needs.

Our two countries share a common view on issues of peace, stability, economic development, regional and continental integration.

We are both undertaking programmes to advance youth development, women’s empowerment, poverty alleviation and job creation.

These are some of the concrete steps we are taking to realise the vision of the AU’s Agenda 2063 and to improve the lives of our people.

We have weathered many difficulties in the past, and through our resilience we have emerged stronger.

The crisis you are confronting in Cabo Delgado is no different.

We will face it together, with the same determination, certain that the forces of democracy and peace will be victorious.

Our countries share similar views on the need to reform the United Nations Security Council, to make it an organ that is representative and where the African continent can have a voice.

South Africa fully supports Mozambique’s candidature for a non-permanent seat at the UN Security Council.

Together with South Africa’s tenure in the AU Peace and Security Council, this will provide an opportunity for our countries to further cement cooperation between the two Councils, especially in the area of financing peace support operations.

We are confident that our deliberations today will afford us an opportunity to address issues that will further enhance our bilateral cooperation and forge closer working ties.

Once again, Mr President, may I express my sincere appreciation for agreeing to my invitation and would like to assure you of South Africa’s commitment to our shared future.

I thank you.

Source: Government of South Africa

Western Cape records zero fatalities during summer initiation season

Zero fatalities during Western Cape summer initiation season

The Western Cape has maintained the track record of a safe initiation practice as parents proudly take their boys for initiation to prepare them for adulthood. The initiation rite of passage that is predominantly practiced by AmaXhosa, AmaHlubi and Basotho in the Western Cape went well. As the Western Cape Government places great value on the sanctity of human life, Minister Anroux Marais is proud to announce that we have achieved that mission as no fatalities were reported during the summer season formally ended on 31 January 2022.

The Western Cape Government is committed to ensure compliance in terms of the Customary Initiation Act (2 of 2021) and the COVID-19 Standard Operations Procedures (SOP) to make sure the rite of passage is preserved and practiced in a safe and conducive environment. The Department Cultural Affairs and Sport (DCAS) plays a pivotal role in creating a safe and enabling environment for the effective rite of passage to responsible adulthood and can now confirm that of 37 initiation forums in the province, 30 participated during the summer season. Initiation forums are bodies that play a critical role in preserving the practice as well as ensuring compliance and keep the DCAS informed of developments in the traditional communities.

During the past summer season (November 2021 to January 2022), 1417 initiates completed the rite of passage, in 35 initiation sites throughout the Western Cape. During the season 10 initiates were hospitalised for one day and were discharged due to dehydration in the following municipal districts of the province: Cape Winelands(6) and Garden Route(4). The cooperation by parents with respect to compliance with the regulatory framework is of great importance to the practice, especially in terms of the full window period for medical screening. Parents are key stakeholders in this practice and their availability during the seasons is of utmost importance. In some cases, for moral support to their boys and material support as well as to act timeously when there is a need.

The implementation of the new Customary Initiation Act (2 of 2021) as from the 1 September 2021 has brought a new environment for the cultural practitioners and traditional leaders who are custodians of the practice. There are new restrictions such as age, experience and the Act guards against involvement of practitioners who have criminal records due to children abuse and related crimes.

Minister Anroux Marais said, “Initiation is complex and requires DCAS to work with other stakeholders to address the needs of the practice. It is with great pleasure to acknowledge the Traditional Leaders, Initiation Forums, the Department of Health (DOH), the Department of Social Development (DSD), the South African Police Services (SAPS), municipalities, and cultural practitioners for their support. The DCAS has put systems in place to mitigate risks, such as developing a monitoring tool to avert challenges faced with this practice. Amongst other things, prospective initiates, cultural practitioners and family members involved had to undergo medical screening and provide proof thereof before they are allowed to enter initiation sites”.

Although the DCAS has put systems in place to face challenges, the lack of drinking water at the initiation schools, partial adherence to medical screening processes by some parents and surgeons still transpired. As required, parents are to take boys for medical screening at local clinics at least two months before initiation.

The Department remains committed to facilitate the safe return of all initiates. We congratulate all the parents and the young men for the successful completion of the rite of passage. We encourage parents to co-operate with the Department and all other stakeholders in this fraternity to ensure a safe rite of passage.

The DCAS plans to host a summit to further solicit approaches and strategies to preserve, protect and develop this practice and also to review the Summer Season in preparation for the next season. All interested and affected persons are requested to join hands in crafting the way forward towards a much safer rite of passage for the approaching winter season.

The DCAS put in place various measures in preparation for the recently completed summer season. These measures included:

The provision of training

Training was provided to cultural practitioners with special emphasis on core areas of health, hygiene, COVID-19 Infection Prevention Control measures. A total of 126 practitioners were trained in preparation for the summer season.

Customary Initiation Act, Act 2 of 2021

The Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport has arranged meetings with all involved stakeholders to discuss the Customary Initiation Act, Act 2 of 2021. The Act was received with concern by the traditional communities. Especially, noting the issues of registration of initiation schools, age restriction and experience required for an initiation school to be registered and get recognition as legitimate school.

Provision of equipment

The Department provided personal protective equipment (PPEs) water jojo tanks, fire extinguishers, fire beaters as well as metal fire buckets to take care of wildfires.

Stakeholders’ engagement

In preparation for the summer season, the department has sensitised various stakeholders including relevant provincial departments, municipalities and initiation forums. The initiation forums attend to matters related to the initiation phases, reporting of challenges and abnormalities as well as the keeping of a database for practitioners.

Awareness campaigns

The department encouraged initiation forums to facilitate information sessions at the local high schools, community halls/ centres and libraries to sensitise the broader communities of the season that was approaching. The campaigns were also used to provide information through Radio broadcastings, the department’s website was updated, spreading of documents of the Customary Initiation Act, webinars and contact meetings with communities. Parents who intend to take their boys for initiation rite of passage during the coming winter season are advised to immediately consult with their local forums or the departments website to acquire needed information.

Community participation and involvement through initiation forums

Initiation Forums encouraged communities to play their role in ensuring a safer rite of passage to be observed responsibly. All prospective initiates were advised to be medically screened at least two months before time to ensure their physical fitness for initiation.

The DCAS has provided consent forms to be completed and signed by prospective initiates, parents / guardians, responsible traditional carers and surgeons. Communities taking their boys for initiation were encouraged to make use of the form as it facilitates common grounds of responsibilities between all the parties directly affected. The form is available from the initiation forums and the DCAS.

Source: Government of South Africa

President Cyril Ramaphosa appoints Justice Raymond Zondo as Chief Justice

President Ramaphosa appoints Justice Zondo as Chief Justice

President Cyril Ramaphosa has, in accordance with Section 174(3) of the Constitution, decided to appoint Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo as the next Chief Justice of the Republic of South Africa with effect from 1 April 2022.

The President’s decision follows consultation with the Judicial Service Commission and leaders of parties in the National Assembly on four nominees for appointment as Chief Justice.

In terms of the Constitution, the Chief Justice is “the head of the judiciary and exercises responsibility over the establishment and monitoring of norms and standards for the exercise of the judicial functions of all courts”.

With Justice Zondo assuming the position of Chief Justice, the position of Deputy Chief Justice will become vacant. President Ramaphosa has accordingly indicated his intention, once the new Chief Justice assumes office, to nominate Justice Mandisa Maya for the position of Deputy Chief Justice. This nomination will be subject to the process outlined in Section 174(3) of the Constitution.

In September 2021, President Ramaphosa invited public nominations for the position of Chief Justice. The President appointed a panel, chaired by Judge Navanethem Pillay, to evaluate nominations made by the public and to shortlist nominees who fulfilled the advertised requirements for nomination.

After considering the Report of the Nomination Panel, President Ramaphosa identified the following candidates for consideration for appointment:

• Justice Mbuyiseli Madlanga

• Justice Mandisa Maya

• Justice Dunston Mlambo

• Justice Raymond Zondo

The President then invited the Judicial Service Commission and leaders of parties in the National Assembly to express their views regarding the suitability of any of the four nominees for appointment as Chief Justice.

President Ramaphosa expressed his gratitude to each of the nominees for making themselves available for the position of the head of the judiciary. He also expressed his gratitude to the Judicial Service Commission, the leaders of political parties, the members of the nomination panel and the many South Africans who submitted nominations.

“The inclusive process of selecting the next Chief Justice demonstrated not only the value that South Africans place on the judiciary, but also the depth of experience and capability within the senior ranks of the judiciary,” President Ramaphosa said.

“The position of Chief Justice carries a great responsibility in our democracy. As the head of the judiciary, the Chief Justice is a guardian of our Constitution and the laws adopted by the freely elected representatives of the people. The Chief Justice stand as the champion of the rights of all South Africans and bears responsibility for ensuring equal access to justice. I have every confidence that Justice Zondo will acquit himself with distinction in this position.”

Justice Zondo was first appointed as a judge of the Labour Court in 1997 and was Judge President of the Labour and Labour Appeals courts between 2000 and 2010. He has been a judge of the Constitutional Court since 2012 and was appointed as Deputy Chief Justice in 2017. He holds a BJuris degree from the University of Zululand and obtained his LLB from the University of KwaZulu-Natal. He also holds an LLM (cum laude) from the University of South Africa and another with a specialisation in commercial law.

Source: Government of South Africa

ICICB, the Middle Eastern Technological Investment Firm, Announces Its Success in Acquiring Major Shares in the African Freedom Coin Project

ICICB, the leading investment pioneer, has strategically invested US$ 100 million, which sees the tech-giant acquire 35% of shares in the Freedom Coin project. The group is determined to be at the forefront of redefining the African economy through the investment in the inspirational project, which promises the widespread of digital transactions and education across the continent, in hope to create a new future.

ACCRA, GHANA / ACCESSWIRE / March 10, 2022 / With the vision to build a new Africa, Nana Kwame Bediako, also known as Freedom Jacob Caesar, a beloved African industrialist and philanthropist, has revealed his latest ambitious project: developing the African economy through digital banking with Freedom Coin. Freedom’s desire to educate youth about investment and development led to the creation of Freedom Coin, which is a native African utility token. Alongside this, Freedom is constructing a technology hub in Petronia City, which will host the first and largest free zone enclave for international, continental, and local crypto miners to have access to data centers and power generators, ensuring the crypto industry’s long-term viability. Freedom Coin is integrated within these technological development centers in order to build value among African nations.acces

As one of the major shareholders, ICICB Group supports the projects tenacity to bring Africa into the future of digitization. The investment conglomerate with its burgeoning growth in the past few years believes in its new collaboration with Nana in offering the African population the abilities to achieve greater financial opportunities. Freedom Coin is slated to be Africa’s first native token with the intention of accelerating other African countries to follow the trend of digital transformation in the same way. Overall, the firm oversees the new initiative as a tool to aid in digitizing the African continent. With the project estimated at US$400 million, the Group invested $100 million and unveiled plans to remodel digital solutions in African countries, as well as being placed in a prominent position for its clients to tap into the full potential of these technological advancements. Earlier, Freedom released a strategic declaration indicating that the first 15 million people who invest in Freedom Coin will receive a 20% return on their investment, driving investors from all around the world. “I want to give crypto miners the opportunity and incentive to come to Africa and receive free zone tax incentives. This migration will bring a change to both the African economy and the digital world,” says the visionary industrialist. Users may purchase and sell crypto assets, NFTs, virtual land, and more with Freedom Coin. The project is more than just connecting African countries; it is connecting Africa to the rest of the globe.

Furthering to acquiring the share in this emerging breakthrough project, ICICB will leverage its global expertise and technical know-how in implementing all innovative approaches in facilitating Freedom in revolutionising the African economy and the digital world. ICICB has a proven track record of fostering revolutionary new businesses and propositions with rigorous discipline and pace. This new paradigm follows the company’s successful introduction of the all-inclusive interactive digital ecosystem that integrates a range of blockchain-based solutions to offer the most popular and engaging aspects of the blockchain network: play, trade and earn, all on the world’s exciting and rapid network. Together with Freedom, the group Company with its ethos of “Investing with New Technologies” paves the way for making Africa a stronger and greater continent.

“The move reflects the expanding real-world importance of the crypto industry,” stated Airton Arruda, Chairman of ICICB Group, of the new collaboration. “Our overarching goal is to create cutting-edge technologies and projects that will revolutionize the African continent’s digital landscape.” With the help of licensing and regulatory agencies, the multidisciplinary organization aims to provide its partners and end-users with the enormous benefits that the digital ecosystem has to offer.

For more information, please visit:

Freedom Coin Development Ltd
[email protected]

About ICICB Group

ICICB is an investment holding company specialized in financial services and investment offerings. Emerging as one of the fastest-growing multinational investment companies, they are based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The group serves a variety of industries including digital banking, consulting, medical care, commercial real estate, and more. Over the past few years, ICICB’s mission has been the development and advancement of digital technology, integrated with everyday life to increase efficiency and sustainability.


[email protected]


PIND & Fund for Peace Documentary on Peacebuilding Honored as Gold & Silver Winners in Four Categories at The Webby’s Inaugural Anthem Awards

Washington DC, USA, March 10, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — (Abuja, Nigeria)/(Washington, D.C.) The Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND) and Fund for Peace (FFP) received four of the Webby’s Inaugural Anthem Awards for their “For the Good of All: Three Partners for Peace Stories” peacebuilding documentary in “Humanitarian Action & Services”: Gold Winner for the “Best Strategy, Awareness Category (Not-For-Profit),” Gold Winner for “Community Outreach, Community Engagement Category (Not-For-Profit),” Gold Winner for “Community Space, Community Engagement Category (Not-For-Profit),” and Silver Winner in “Partnership or Collaboration, Community Engagement Category (Not-For-Profit).”

“We are delighted to receive these awards, for they validate our central strategy of pursuing the two pillars of economic development and active peace promotion at the grassroots levels in Nigeria’s Niger Delta region,” said PIND Executive Director Tunji Idowu.

The “For the Good of All” documentary highlights Nigeria’s Partners for Peace (P4P) network, which unites thousands of individuals, community groups, NGOs, and private companies to build peaceable livelihoods across the complex Niger Delta. By combining real-time technology with on-the-ground knowledge exchanges, P4P weaves data and multi-directional networks of peace agents to reduce conflicts while working for the good of all. By the end of 2020, P4P has helped foster social stability across the Niger Delta by mitigating 860 emerging conflicts through 9,610 self-identified peace actors and 20,324 conflict data points for early warning and early response (EWER); all this made publicly available on interactive peace maps.

“It has been an enormous privilege to partner with PIND over the last decade in the design and implementation of one of the most innovative conflict early warning and early response systems on the continent. We’re so pleased that this groundbreaking work is being recognized by this award,” said FFP Vice President for Research and Innovation Nate Haken.

Anthem Winners were selected by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences. Members include Daniel Dae Kim (actor, producer, and activist); Ashley Judd (Author, Actor, and Social Justice Humanitarian); Mitchell Baker (CEO and chairwoman, Mozilla); Lisa Sherman (president and CEO, Ad Council), Sarah Kate Ellis (president and CEO, GLAAD); Renata Erlikhman (chief investment officer, OW Management); Shayla Tait (director of philanthropy, The Oprah Winfrey Charitable Foundation); Russlynn Ali (CEO and co-founder, XQ Institute); Marc Ecko (chief commercial officer and board member, XQ Institute); Heidi Arthur (chief campaign development officer, Ad Council); and Alexis M. Herman (chair and chief executive officer, New Ventures, and former U.S. secretary of labor).

“It is our distinct honor to recognize the work that brands, organizations, and individuals are all making to create an impact in their community,” said Jessica Lauretti, Managing Director, The Anthem Awards. “We launched this platform to show the world that all corners of our culture, from sports and entertainment to business leaders and celebrities, are all standing up to say, it is time for systemic change, and that social good is what we value as a society.”

The Anthem Awards was launched in response to the prevalence social good has taken within the national conversation and cultural zeitgeist in recent years. The inaugural competition received nearly 2,500 entries from 36 countries worldwide. By amplifying the voices that spark global change, the Anthem Awards define a new benchmark for impactful work that inspires others to take action in their communities. In addition, a portion of program revenue will fund a new grant program supporting emerging individuals and organizations working to advance the causes recognized in the inaugural Anthem Awards.

About PIND

The Foundation for Partnerships Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND) is a non-profit organization that promotes peace and equitable economic growth in Nigeria’s Niger Delta region through multi-stakeholder partnerships. This work is funded with the support of the Chevron Corporation and other esteemed partners and collaborators. PIND works closely with numerous partners to implement collaborative market-based, community-owned programs to mitigate conflicts and boost economic opportunities for local businesses, ensuring that economic progress occurs in a systemic, inclusive, and sustainable manner. Learn more at Learn more about Partners for Peace (P4P) at

About Fund for Peace

The Fund for Peace (FFP) has been a world leader in developing practical tools and approaches for reducing conflict. With a clear focus on the nexus of human security and economic development, FFP contributes to more peaceful and prosperous societies by engineering smarter methodologies and smarter partnerships. FFP empowers policymakers, practitioners, and populations with context-specific, data-driven applications to diagnose risks and vulnerabilities and to develop solutions through collective dialogue. FFP is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization headquartered in Washington, D.C., with offices in Abuja, Nigeria, Accra, Ghana, and Tunis, Tunisia. Learn more at

About The Anthem Awards

The Anthem Awards, the Webby Awards newest initiative, was developed to recognize the breadth of social good work (online and offline) around the globe by honoring the organizations, brands, and people creating long-lasting impact; including, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion; Education, Art, & Culture; Health; Human & Civil Rights; Humanitarian Action & Services; Responsible Technology;  and Sustainability, Environment, & Climate. By amplifying the voices that spark global change, the Anthem Awards are defining a new benchmark for impactful work that inspires others to take action in their communities. Founded in partnership with the Ad Council, Born This Way Foundation, Feeding America, Glaad, Mozilla, NAACP, NRDC, WWF, and XQ.


Abbie B. Elliott (NDPI)
+1 703.786.5620 (NDPI)

Chichi Nnoham-Onyejekwe (PIND)
+234 817.206.4628 (PIND)
[email protected]