Les nouveaux partenariats étendent la transformation numérique et les capacités médiatiques au service de l’une des populations de consommateurs à la croissance la plus rapide et mettent à l’échelle le réseau mondial de marketing challenger sur six continents.

NEW YORK, 2 mars 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Stagwell (NASDAQ: STGW), le réseau challenger construit pour transformer le marketing, a annoncé aujourd’hui une expansion de ses services de marketing mondial en Afrique via de nouveaux partenariats affiliés avec trois entreprises : Incubeta en Afrique du Sud, SBI Media au Nigéria et Orient Planet Group, dont l’empreinte couvre l’Afrique du Nord, notamment la Libye, la Tunisie, l’Algérie, l’Égypte et le Maroc. Dans le cadre du programme mondial d’affiliation de Stagwell, ces entreprises collaboreront avec des agences du réseau Stagwell pour développer des capacités de médias, de contenu et de production omnicanales pour les grandes marques internationales.

Stagwell is the challenger network built to transform marketing.

« Avec le renforcement de nos partenariats avec Incubeta, SBI et Orient Planet Group, notre programme d’affiliation mondial permet désormais à Stagwell d’étendre son expertise en marketing moderne sur les six continents et de créer davantage de valeur pour nos clients », a déclaré Mark Penn, président-directeur général de Stagwell. « D’ici 2025, deux tiers des ménages africains devraient avoir un pouvoir de consommation accru dans l’économie mondiale. En tant que leader mondial de la créativité qui fait bouger les cultures et des services de marketing moderne, la croissance de Stagwell dans la région guidera les marques mondiales à s’engager de manière authentique avec les consommateurs à travers l’Afrique. »

La nouvelle cohorte d’affiliés représente les meilleurs services de médias numériques et de communication globale :

  • Incubeta est un réseau d’experts en marketing et en technologie, axé sur la transformation numérique, qui s’engage à favoriser la croissance des marques modernes à l’échelle de l’entreprise. Incubeta a piloté la croissance numérique de clients dans de nombreux secteurs, notamment la vente au détail, les voyages, les produits de grande consommation, les jeux électroniques, le divertissement, l’automobile, le développement d’applications, etc.
  • Basée à Lagos, au Nigeria, SBI Media est une agence innovante à service complet, spécialisée dans la planification et l’achat de médias. Les compétences de SBI Media couvrent la stratégie de marque, la stratégie et la planification, la formulation de stratégies de relations publiques, la gestion des médias et le marketing numérique. Grâce à l’expertise de SBI Media, Stagwell pourra profiter d’un environnement médiatique numérique et traditionnel en pleine croissance, avec une approche hyperlocalisée.
  • L’Orient Planet Group est l’un des cabinets de conseil en relations publiques, marketing et communication qui connaît la plus forte croissance en Afrique du Nord et au Moyen-Orient. L’expertise d’Orient Planet en matière de communication créative, associée à une pensée contemporaine, offre des services de communication marketing inégalés à ses clients dans de nombreux secteurs.

« Incubeta est un spécialiste leader sur le marché qui utilise la puissance du numérique pour libérer et amplifier le potentiel de croissance des entreprises. Nous y parvenons grâce à des solutions numériques sur mesure et localisées, alimentées par une expertise mondiale », a déclaré Roan Mackintosh. « L’accent mis par Stagwell sur les solutions de marketing axées sur le numérique est un solide complément à notre expertise, et nous sommes ravis de collaborer avec son réseau pour offrir et permettre la croissance de nos clients. »

« Nous sommes heureux de rejoindre Stagwell, le réseau mondial de marketing challenger. La vision de Stagwell visant à transformer les communications marketing n’est pas seulement en phase avec notre ADN, elle est au cœur de ce que nous défendons chez SBI Media Group », a déclaré Rotimi Bankole, fondateur et PDG de SBI Media Group. « En 2013, nous avons introduit en bourse SBI Media Group, et le paysage médiatique et marketing nigérian a ressenti notre impact. Notre histoire, notre culture et notre impact ont transformé la façon dont les agences existent dans une économie plus large. »

« Les économies croissantes de l’Afrique et l’essor des technologies numériques offrent de forts potentiels pour que les communications innovantes prospèrent dans la région », a ajouté Nidal Abou Zaki, fondateur et directeur général d’Orient Planet Group. « Le Orient Planet Group est bien implanté au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord et possède une connaissance approfondie du paysage local. En tant que filiale régionale de Stagwell and Allison + Partners et ayant maintenu un réseau solide et des partenariats de longue date au fil des ans, nous sommes confiants de voir plus d’organisations s’engager et se connecter avec leurs marchés à travers une population diversifiée. »

Stagwell se concentrera initialement sur les marchés d’Afrique du Nord et du Sud, avec un engagement et une collaboration continus en Afrique centrale, soutenant les besoins localisés des consommateurs.

Le programme mondial d’affiliation de Stagwell est une solution souple à l’expansion mondiale, permettant à Stagwell de s’associer à des experts régionaux afin d’apporter une valeur ajoutée aux clients et d’étendre les capacités de marketing à de nouvelles régions. À ce jour, Stagwell a ajouté plus de 50 affiliés à sa liste, représentant des pays d’Amérique latine, de la région MENA, d’Asie-Pacifique et d’Europe de l’Est.

À propos de Stagwell Inc.

Stagwell est le réseau challenger construit pour transformer le marketing. Nous fournissons une performance créative à l’échelle pour les marques les plus ambitieuses du monde, en connectant une créativité qui fait bouger les cultures avec une technologie de pointe pour harmoniser l’art et la science du marketing. Dirigés par des entrepreneurs, nos plus de 10 000 spécialistes répartis dans plus de 20 pays sont unis par un seul objectif : accroître l’efficacité et améliorer les résultats commerciaux de leurs clients. Rejoignez-nous sur

Contact : Beth Sidhu
[email protected]

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K9 successes in Ugie area

EASTERN CAPE – SAPS members from the K9 Unit in Barkly East’s endeavours to support the stations in the District on their crime prevention activities yield positive results.

On Tuesday 01 March 2022 at about 12:40 members from the K9 Unit, Sgt Nduku, Sgt Ntshanka and Sgt Futho followed up positive information of the whereabouts of a wanted suspect for shooting of dogs and pointing of a firearm .

The suspect unlawfully discharged his firearm at Lunyaweni A/A Ugie. An Operation was conducted and the suspect was found inside his house with the firearm, together with 19 live ammunition in his possession.

The firearm and ammunition were confiscated and the suspect was arrested.

Later during the day at about 15:45 the same members were conducting crime prevention duties in Ugie when they received information about a male that was having drugs in his possession at Bhekela Township Ugie.

The members followed up on the information and conducted a search to find the suspect.

During the search 9 straws and a zip top containing Christal meth (drugs) were all found in the pocket of the suspect’s trousers. He was arrested for possession of drugs.

The acting District Commissioner Brig Rudolph Adolph commended the members on the successes.

Source: South African Police Service

Limpopo police possess intellectuals who contribute to community development

POLOKWANE – The South African Police Service in Limpopo is in possession of academics who contribute to community development and enhancement in the organisation.

Doctor Christopher Mabasa holds a rank of a Brigadier within the South African Police Service and appointed as the Provincial Head of the Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences (FCS) Unit. He obtained Doctor of Policing qualification, Phd with the Tshwane University of Technology.

Brigadier (Doctor) Mabasa, presented a qualitative research to explore the extent to which and the ways in which South African Police Service in the Giyani policing area created a positive relationship with the media houses as effective partners in the fight against crime.

The presentation was conducted during a seminar last month on 06 February 2022 at Tshwane University of Technology in Pretoria, Gauteng Province.

Through semi-structured interviews with 22 participants, the findings indicated that criminals in the Limpopo Province use social media to commit crimes in the country, other countries in Africa, and elsewhere.

He also indicate that social media is used to bring positive attention to law enforcement agencies and aid in criminal investigations, although the positive impact of social media was highlighted in these experiences, persistent problems and challenges also featured in the data collected.

Brigadier (Doctor) Mabasa’s presentation concluded with the point that Social media is considered a double-edged sword, with both positive and negative effects in the law enforcement agencies.

Source: South African Police Service

Couple nabbed for employer missing millions

GAUTENG – The Palm Ridge Specialised Commercial Crimes remanded a couple charged with fraud and theft in custody regarding their employer’s missing millions.

It is alleged that between July 2015 and October 2020, Andrew Butho Sipondo (43) was employed by a Bryanston based company, Turnkey Interiors (PTY) Ltd as a project manager. He reportedly created fraudulent suppliers’ invoices and transferred approximately R4.5 million into three bank accounts belonging to his girlfriend and co-accused, Silethiwe Patricia Zulu (40).

A warrant of arrest was issued for the couple’s apprehension after the matter was reported to the Hawks’ Serious Commercial Crime Investigation team in Johannesburg.

The duo handed themselves in at the Hawks’ Johannesburg office yesterday accompanied by their legal representative. Sipondo and Zulu were immediately charged with fraud and theft. They appeared in court on the same day where they were remanded in custody pending in investigation.

They are expected back in court on Wednesday, 09 March 2022 for a formal bail application.

Source: South African Police Service

Four women rescued from human trafficking syndicate

DURBAN – Unscrupulous people are always lurking amongst us seeking to prey on the vulnerable and desperate members of the community. These devious individuals seeks to capitalize on the fact that there are many jobseekers out there. They would also masquerade as prospective employers knowing very well that once they have reeled in interested individuals they would then turn on them and use them for their benefit. Such was the case when five women aged between 19 and 27 were lured from Johannesburg to Durban on a promise of a lucrative job opportunity.

The ladies alleged that one of them met an individual in Johannesburg who told her about this job opportunity in Durban which would require her working at a Call Centre where they would be selling sim cards to the elite in the society. The individual asked the lady to recruit more females for this job opportunity. He went as far as going to her mother explaining the legitimacy of the job offer and was in possession of what looked like authentic documentation to back up his claims. The lady and her mother were sold on the idea and she then convinced four more ladies, some of which were relatives, to take up the job offer. The five boarded a bus paid for by their prospective employers from Johannesburg on Monday evening, 28 February 2022 and arrived in Durban on Tuesday morning. They were picked up from the bus terminal and driven to a very luxurious house in Durban North. Upon arrival they were asked to freshen up and rest before meeting the boss who was going to outline the details of their work. Once they had arrived, one of the five ladies decided that she did not want to stay and she left as soon as they got to the house.

It was during the meeting with the boss where the story changed and they were informed that they were going to be involved in the sex trade business. They were instructed not to go to the front of the house where people might see them. The girls also alleged that even though upon arrival they were told that they can pick any room they want but that was not the reality and they were kept in one room where the curtains were always drawn. According to the ladies there was a time where the boss had called them in one by one and had touched them inappropriately. During the entire ordeal one of the ladies was able to surreptitiously use her phone to get help from the outside. This information reached the Provincial Commissioner, Lieutenant General Nhlanhla Mkhwanazi who on Wednesday, 2 March 2022 led an operation which resulted in the rescue of the four ladies. A case docket for human trafficking was opened and handed over to the Hawks for further investigation.

Source: South African Police Service

Help police find Mbuyiselo Nosenga of Parys

PARYS – The police in Parys are requesting assistance in tracing the whereabouts of Mr Mbuyiselo Nosenga (48) from Parys.

It is alleged that Mbuyiselo was discharged from Parys Hospital on Monday 07 February 2022 at about 14:00.

His family was contacted by the staff at Parys hospital to come and fetch Mbuyiselo but they only arrived at the hospital at about 19:00 on the same day. The hospital staff informed the family that Mr Mbuyiselo had left after sitting outside the hospital premises from 14:00.

Mbuyiselo was last seen wearing a blue jean, red t-shirt and black tekkies.

Anyone with information regarding Mbuyiselo’s whereabouts must contact Detective Sergeant Elias Tshabalala on 082 554 3041 or 0824668094.

Source: South African Police Service