Strong Growth Figures Hotel Industry good for investors

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Nov. 02, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Barrows, the provider of hotel investment and advisory services for hotels in the Middle East, is very positive for the global hotel industry and sees huge opportunities for investors and developers.

Last year, the company noticed lower sales due to restrictions imposed by travel restrictions and declining demand for global hotel bookings. The turnover decline in hotel room sales was a fact, but the differences with the advisory branch of the company were very large. Never has the company managed to achieve such significant growth.

Many Hotels across the globe had massive problems and hired Barrows as their regular advisory partner. Today, the development of new hotels and the sales of hotel rooms are stronger than ever before. Investors are massively signing up for new hotel projects and they really come from all over the world.

The company expects strong growth in the hotel industry for the last quarter of this year and for 2022. “The economies are slowly closing, and world trade is returning back strongly,” said Barrows Hotel Enterprises Chairman – Erwin Jager. The market has been recovering for a few months now and hotels are opening their doors to the public again, which is giving a huge boost to employment.

Barrows Hotel Enterprises internationally manages more than 10,000 hotel rooms in more than 10 countries. The company started in 2008 as a real estate investor in the residential market in Dubai. Since 2012, Barrows has changed its strategy and the company is fully focused on the fast-growing hotel industry in the Middle East and Africa.

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OKEx lance un système de marge de portefeuille similaire de type CME pour l’industrie des cryptomonnaies

VICTORIA, Seychelles, 02 nov. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — OKEx a annoncé le lancement d’un nouveau mode de trading avancé pour les traders professionnels et institutionnels – la marge de portefeuille – dans le cadre de ses efforts pour construire la plateforme de trading la plus puissante au monde pour les traders de cryptomonnaies. Le nouveau mode de trading est disponible sur les versions Web et API de la plateforme pour les traders qui enregistrent des volumes de transactions élevés à partir d’aujourd’hui, le 1er novembre.

La marge de portefeuille sur OKEx est conçue pour les traders professionnels à volume élevé, y compris les teneurs de marché et les institutions qui cherchent à réduire considérablement leurs besoins en capital. Le mode offre aux traders, et en particulier aux teneurs de marché pour les contrats à terme et les options de cryptomonnaie, un calcul de marge considérablement réduit. OKEx considère notamment cette nouvelle fonctionnalité comme un moyen de résoudre le problème actuel de la fragmentation des liquidités sur les marchés des options de cryptomonnaies.

Un système de gestion des risques similaire à la marge de portefeuille (analyse de portefeuille normalisée des risques, ou SPAN) a été lancé pour les participants à la finance traditionnelle par CME Group, la plus grande bourse de produits dérivés au monde. Avec la sortie du nouveau mode de marge de portefeuille sur OKEx, la plateforme ouvre la voie dans l’industrie des cryptomonnaies en introduisant cet outil puissant d’amélioration de l’efficacité du capital et de la gestion des risques.

La version d’OKEx de ce mode de négoce se distingue de ses concurrents en autorisant la marge du portefeuille de plusieurs devises, ce qui signifie qu’un trader peut ouvrir des positions sur dérivés avec des exigences de marge considérablement réduites dans plusieurs devises en même temps.

Avec son nouveau mode de marge de portefeuille, ainsi que sa liquidité à la pointe du secteur, OKEx montre son engagement à fournir les outils les plus avancés et la meilleure expérience de trading possible à ses clients.

À propos d’OKEx

Fondée en 2017, OKEx est l’une des plus grandes plateformes d’échange de produits dérivés et de cryptomonnaies au comptant à l’échelle mondiale. OKEx a adopté de manière innovante la technologie blockchain pour remodeler l’écosystème financier et propose certains des produits les plus diversifiés et les plus élaborés, notamment notre écosystème DeFi récemment lancé et place de marché pour les NFT Marketplace.

Approuvé par plus de 20 millions d’utilisateurs dans plus de 180 régions à travers le monde, sa mission est de responsabiliser chaque individu grâce à la promotion et à l’avancement des cryptomonnaies à l’échelle mondiale.

Andrea Leung
[email protected]

OKEx lança sistema de margem de portfólio semelhante a CME para setor de criptomoedas

VICTORIA, Seychelles, Nov. 02, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A OKEx anunciou o lançamento de um novo modo de negociação avançado para traders profissionais e institucionais — margem do portfólio — como parte da sua iniciativa de criação de uma plataforma de negociação mais potente do mundo para traders de criptomoedas. O novo modo de negociação está disponível nas versões web e API da plataforma para traders de alto volume a partir de hoje, 1º de novembro.

A margem de portfólio da OKEx foi criada para traders profissionais de alto volume, incluindo formadores de mercado e instituições, que buscam reduzir substancialmente seus requisitos de capital. O modo oferece aos traders — e especialmente aos criadores de mercado de futuros e opções de criptomoedas — um cálculo de margem significativamente reduzido. Em particular, esse novo recurso é uma nova forma da OKEx resolver o problema da liquidez fragmentada atual nos mercados de opções de criptomoeda.

Um sistema de gerenciamento de risco semelhante à margem de carteira — análise padronizada de risco de carteira, ou SPAN — foi lançado pela primeira vez para os participantes dos mercados financeiros tradicionais pela maior bolsa de derivativos do mundo, o CME Group. Com o lançamento do novo modo de margem de portfólio na OKEx, a plataforma passa a liderar o caminho no setor de criptomoedas, introduzindo essa ferramenta potente para aprimoramento da eficiência de capital e gerenciamento de riscos.

A versão da OKEx deste modo de negociação se destaca dos concorrentes, permitindo margens de portfólio de múltiplas moedas — o que significa que um trader pode abrir posições de derivativos com requisitos de margem significativamente menores em várias moedas ao mesmo tempo.

Com seu novo modo de margem de portfólio, juntamente com a liquidez líder do setor, a OKEx está mostrando seu compromisso de proporcionar as ferramentas mais avançadas e a melhor experiência de negociação possível para seus clientes.

Sobre a OKEx

Fundada em 2017, a OKEx é uma das principais bolsas de criptomoedas e derivativos do mundo. A OKEx adotou de forma inovadora a tecnologia blockchain para reformular o ecossistema financeiro e oferece alguns dos produtos mais diversificados e sofisticados do mercado, inclusive o nosso recém-lançado ecossistema DeFi e NFT Marketplace.

Com a confiança de mais de 20 milhões de usuários em mais de 180 regiões em todo o mundo, a empresa tem como missão capacitar cada indivíduo através da promoção e do avanço das criptomoedas em todo o mundo.

Andrea Leung
[email protected]

Globeleq Consortium to Build Significant Renewable Projects in South Africa

LONDON and CAPE TOWN, South Africa, Nov. 3, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Globeleq, Africa’s leading independent power company and the majority partner in the Ikamva Consortium, has been selected to contribute more clean and renewable wind and solar projects across the country.

Globeleq - Powering Africa's Growth

The six wind and six solar PV projects will total 1,274 MW of generation capacity adding to Globeleq’s nine majority owned and operated wind and solar assets in Africa, which have a total capacity of 450 MW.  Globeleq and its partners in the Ikamva Consortium were named by South Africa’s Department of Minerals, Resources and Energy (DMRE) as Preferred Bidder for 12 of the 25 projects chosen in South Africa’s Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (REIPPPP) 5th bidding round.

Alongside of Globeleq, the Ikamva Consortium includes Mainstream Renewable Power, Africa Rainbow Energy & Power (AREP) and H1 Holdings and comprises more than 45 % of black ownership. The DMRE indicated that all 25 projects will inject a total of around R50 billion into the economy through private sector investment and will create more than 13,000 job opportunities.

Commenting on the announcement, CEO, Mike Scholey, said: “We are thrilled to hear the news.  Our strong track record in delivering and operating quality power projects, combined with all our Consortium partners expertise, sees us playing a significant role in the country’s path to a cleaner energy future.”

Jonathan Hoffman, Chief Development Officer for Globeleq, and based in Cape Town added: “The Consortium has assembled world class local and international partners to achieve a competitive position for these projects.  Our consortium has focused on delivering a competitive tariff, and significant shareholding and participation by BEE groups.  Through Globeleq’s operational wind and solar projects and these new projects in South Africa, we continue to support the Government’s sustainable energy future and create shared value for all stakeholders.”

The projects awarded include three wind projects in the Northern Cape: two wind projects in the Western Cape and the first wind project in the KwaZulu-Natal province.  The solar projects are all located in the Free State province which has not yet seen any renewable projects constructed as part of the REIPPP Programme.

Globeleq is proud of its track record of building strong in-country teams as well as supporting the communities near our plants by implementing innovative socio-economic, enterprise and skills development initiatives.  In addition, job opportunities during development and construction will be focused on supporting local communities once the plants come online, Globeleq South Africa’s existing team of 82 permanent staff is expected to increase by an additional 50 positions.   Globeleq will manage operations and maintenance for the solar facilities and balance of plant services for the wind farms.

About Globeleq

Globeleq is the leading developer, owner and operator of electricity generation in Africa. Since 2002, its experienced team of professionals have built a diverse portfolio of independent power plants, generating more than 1,500 MW in 14 locations across 6 countries, with a further 305 MW in construction and more than 2,000 MW of power projects in development .

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Broadridge Upgrades International Post-Trade Client Onboarding Using PeerNova’s Data Quality SaaS Platform

SAN JOSE, Calif., Nov. 2, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (NYSE:BR), a global Fintech leader, has deployed PeerNova’s Cuneiform® Platform to streamline its customer onboarding process when implementing its international post-trade processing solution. Broadridge has a well-established track record of prioritizing client experience and implementing effective technologies to place its customers first.


With the Cuneiform® SaaS Platform now in production, Broadridge is continuously monitoring and managing its data quality across internal and external client data sources. The platform quickly identifies, prioritizes, and resolves data quality challenges, and delivers data quality and business impact scorecards across the customer onboarding workflow.

“Today, more than ever, high-quality data is a critical ingredient that can help avoid unnecessary complexity when onboarding new customers. Broadridge continues to invest and innovate to ensure a complete, efficient, and well-controlled migration process,” said Danny Green, Head of Post-Trade Processing, Broadridge International. “Using the Cuneiform SaaS Platform for data quality, Broadridge is reducing costs associated with onboarding, driving efficiency, and improving time-to-value, while confidently expediting its customer go-live dates.”

“We are excited to work with Broadridge to help them further enhance their client experience,” said Gangesh Ganesan, PeerNova’s Founder and CEO. “Our platform is purpose-built to monitor data quality problems in real-time, and, in this case, to help Broadridge migrate client data quickly, effectively, and accurately every time.”

About PeerNova
PeerNova’s mission is to empower financial institutions to make confident and timely decisions using high-quality data. Cuneiform is a zero-code platform that provides data quality monitoring and exception resolution across internal and external data sources. The platform instills confidence in data by measuring data quality metrics and allowing users to resolve data quality errors quickly. This enables financial firms to increase operational efficiency, improve business performance, and address executive, stakeholder, and regulatory inquiries confidently and promptly. Founded by entrepreneurs with deep expertise in data and financial infrastructure, PeerNova is a Silicon Valley technology company with sales offices in New York and London.

For more information about PeerNova, please visit

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Diplomatic Dispute Between Algeria and Morocco Prompts Energy Crisis in Spain

Spain faces a fresh energy crisis after Algeria shut off supplies of natural gas through one of the two pipelines linking Spain with the North African state.

Like many other European countries, Spain has been hit hard by soaring electricity prices in recent months.

A surge in demand as the world’s economies began to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic has not been matched by supply, sending prices climbing.

Households have been hit by electricity prices which rose more than 40% in the past year, prompting the Spanish government to bring in emergency measures to reduce bills.

Now the fresh crisis over natural gas supplies from their North African neighbors has added to tensions in the energy market for Spain.

Algeria closed a land pipeline Sunday after a diplomatic dispute with its neighbor Morocco, through which the pipeline passes.

Algiers agreed to keep open a second pipeline which passes under the Mediterranean to Spain, but this does not supply as much natural gas as the land pipeline through Morocco.

Without any natural energy source except the burgeoning renewables market, Spain depends on Algeria for its natural gas supply.

Spain’s geographic isolation in western Europe and lack of any domestic source of energy has left it especially vulnerable.

The Spanish media have reported that the country could face possible blackouts because of energy shortages.

El Pais, a Spanish-language daily newspaper, reported Tuesday that Spain would have to deliver liquified natural gas, or LNG, supplies by ship which could prove costly as other countries are competing for the same supplies because of a world shortage of the energy source.

Spain’s government sought to cool fears over a possible energy shortage.

During an interview Tuesday on state broadcaster TVE, Spain’s environment minister, Teresa Ribera, said the country has accumulated natural gas reserves equivalent to 43 days of consumption.

She added that Algeria agreed to supply more gas to Spain if the latter needed it.

Enagas, a Spanish company which owns and operates the country’s energy grid and is one of the biggest LNG transporters in western Europe, said in a statement, “There are no objective signs of a situation of lack of gas supplies in the coming months.”

Algeria said it was planning to stop shipments through the Gaz-Maghreb-Europe pipeline which traverses Morocco and carries about 10 billion cubic meters (bcm) per year.

Algiers took this step after cutting diplomatic ties with Morocco in August and accusing its leadership of taking “hostile actions.” Algeria further accused Morocco of aiding the Movement for the Autonomy of Kabylie, a regional nationalist movement in Algeria, of starting a series of fires which ravaged the country, an accusation which Morocco denied.

Algeria’s decision to shut off a pipeline comes as natural gas prices have soared in recent months across Europe because of a shortage of supplies from Russia, pushing up electricity bills for consumers.

Spain hopes that it can weather the storm by using deliveries of natural gas from the Medgaz pipeline which passes under the Mediterranean directly from Algeria to Spain.

This line carries about eight billion cubic meters per year of gas but planned works could see its capacity rise to 10.5 billion cubic meters per year by January.

Algeria also proposes increasing LNG deliveries by sea.

Analysts said that events in North Africa did not help a difficult situation in the world energy market as supplies to Europe were restricted by Russia, the continent’s most important supplier of natural gas.

“The most important factor is Russia because it is restricting supply. Demand is going up because economies are recuperating but supply is not rising because the primary supplier for Europe is Russia,” Massimo Maoret, associate professor of strategic management at IESE business school in Madrid, told VOA.

“On top of that you have the situation in Algeria which is creating more uncertainty. Algeria has promised that supply will be ensured. It is an additional strain on dynamics which are building on global tensions.”

Political pressure has mounted on the Spanish government after electricity prices for consumers rose 44% over the past year, according to data from the National Institute for Statistics.

Professor Maoret said a harsh winter may exacerbate problems if demand increases.

Jorge Sanz, an analyst at Nera Economic Consulting, said supply was not in doubt so government reassurances were well founded. He did say prices may rise and could possibly affect consumers.

“The Medgaz pipeline will be expanded by New Year to ensure it carries 10.5 bcm (billion cubic meters), the same as the line which passes through Morocco. It is a temporary shortfall which can be covered by reserves,” he told VOA.

“However, what is in doubt is the price of natural gas which could go up — or it could go down — and this could be passed onto the electricity prices for consumers.”

Source: Voice of America