Nzimande conveys condolences to Mtebeni family

Higher Education, Science and Innovation Minister, Blade Nzimande, has conveyed his heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of a fourth year law student at the University of Fort Hare, who was allegedly murdered by her boyfriend.

The Minister conveyed his condolences to the family of Nosicelo Mtebeni whose body was found mutilated in a suitcase in the suburb of Quigney in East London.

She was 23-years-old.

Nzimande has condemned barbaric and shameful acts committed against women, both in institutions of learning and in society in general.

“Our society cannot continue harbouring such disgraceful people and criminals, who are hell-bent to tear the moral fibre of our society apart. What is so even saddening is that the suspect would even commit such a gruesome act as we mark and celebrate Women’s Month,” Nzimande said at the weekend.

He said that he trusted that the criminal justice system will ensure speedy prosecution. This as a suspect has since been arrested and is expected to appear in court on Monday.

The Minister said the department remains committed to creating a safer and caring post-school education and training environment, with a concerted focus on safety and protection of all in the campuses, in particular female students and staff.

He said the department has also mandated HIGHER HEALTH – an entity of Higher Education and Training responsible for implementing programmes against gender-based violence (GBV) in university and Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college campuses – to work together with the University of Fort Hare to provide psychological support to students and all affected parties.

The Minister also expressed his gratitude to the leadership demonstrated by the Vice Chancellor, Professor Sakhela Buhlungu, for considering ways to best honour Mtebeni and for offering emergency trauma debriefing sessions to students.

He further urged all institutions to vigorously implement the framework for gender equality, as developed by his department and the sector.

“By working together, by confronting difficult challenges, and by mobilising everyone in and around our institutions, we shall create a society where everyone, especially women, feel safe and are safe at all times and in all places,” Nzimande said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Youth eager to be vaccinated

President Cyril Ramaphosa has commended young people for turning out in their numbers, and registering, to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

“This fills me with great pride. Over half a million South Africans enrolled on the day that registration for over 18s opened,” the President said in his newsletter on Monday.

The vaccination of people aged between 18 and 35 years opened on Friday.

“The young people of our country are giving us all hope that an end to this time of hardship is within our sight. The maturity that young people have brought to the important task of vaccinating as many South Africans as possible calls to mind the words of Frantz Fanon, that it is to each generation to discover its mission and fulfil it,” the President said.

Last week, South Africa passed the milestone of 10 million vaccine doses administered.

“Nearly five million people are fully vaccinated, which means they have received one dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine or two doses of the Pfizer vaccine. But we still have a long way to go.

“This is where young people come in. We are calling on them to go out and get vaccinated so that we reach our goal. I was not surprised to see young people taking to this task with such determination. Since the pandemic broke out 17 months ago, young South Africans have been an integral part of the national effort to battle the coronavirus,” the President said.

He said young people have been brave and forthright when they have seen the friends or popular personalities violating health regulations at parties and gatherings.

“They have called them out. We have seen the youth step up to keep themselves and others safe. We have seen youth formations and community organisations, young leaders, influencers and content creators using their platforms to share public health messages with their peers.

“We have seen how young people have been helping with the national vaccination drive, even when they were not yet eligible themselves,” the President said.

He expressed pride at witnessing young volunteers in communities such as the #GrandkidsforGogos initiative, which assisted the elderly with vaccination registration at social grant pay-points.

“Despite the hardship caused by the pandemic, they are still optimistic, and they still want to be of service to our country. By getting vaccinated, they aren’t just protecting themselves, but also those around them.

“There is still a lot of shady content being circulated out there about the vaccine. These conspiracy theories are far-fetched, and I am calling on young people once again to not circulate them.

“These messages are harmful, and are making people hesitant to get vaccinated. This is not only harmful to young people but many others, including people at risk who really need the vaccine,” the President said.

He emphasised the importance of young people helping to spread information about vaccines, which has been provided by the Department of Health and World Health Organisation.

“We would like to see young people becoming walking adverts for the vaccination process. We appeal to young people to post pictures of themselves getting vaccinated. These vaccines are safe. They work. Most importantly, they save lives,” the President said.

He said young people have always been the drivers of progress, innovation and change.

“We must emerge from this health crisis so we can recover and rebuild. I want to give a shout out to those who have got their jab.

“I also want to thank all the youth organisations, leaders and influencers for their efforts to encourage young people to get vaccinated, and call on them to continue with this work. Your time is now. Go and get your jab. This is your mission and your chance to fulfil it,” the President said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Taxi owner shot dead over the weekend

A manhunt is underway to find the killers of a 62-year-old taxi owner who was shot and killed at the weekend, said Mpumalanga police.

The taxi owner was brutally killed during a business robbery at Vosman near Witbank around 5:30pm on Saturday.

“The said business robbery incident reportedly occurred in the presence of other shoppers. It is said that a group of armed suspects stormed into the supermarket at a Mall in Vosmanof,” said the South African Police Service (SAPS) of the incident where the shoppers were held at gunpoint.

Multiple gunshots were reportedly fired and it was later discovered that the taxi owner was shot and he was certified dead at the scene.

Police have opened a case of business robbery together with an additional charge of murder.

”The investigation is underway and currently nothing seems to have been taken during this robbery.”

Anyone who can assist in the investigation may contact the Branch Commander, Colonel One Thobejane at 082 372 2195 or call the Crime Stop number on 08600 10111.

Alternatively, members of the public can send information via the My SAPS APP. All received information will be treated as confidential and callers may opt to remain anonymous.

Source: South African Government News Agency

N Cape hit by rising COVID-19 infections in schools

The Northern Cape Department of Education is experiencing a resurgence of COVID-19 infections in schools, as the province continues to be hit by rising cases.

According to a statement released on Sunday, the department recorded 526 new COVID-19 infections, which includes 54 educators, 439 learners and 33 support staff.

“There was a sharp increase in COVID-19 infections in schools compared to the previous three weeks,” the provincial department said.

In addition, there are currently eight schools that are closed to allow for contact tracing and disinfection of the school premises.

The department said five of these schools are scheduled to reopen on Monday.

“The pandemic is causing major disruptions in the education sector and the department is deeply concerned about the loss of learning and teaching time.”

The department said the district offices have since developed curriculum recovery plans for those schools directly affected by the pandemic.

The department is also running weekend lock-in and Saturday classes to support the Matric Class of 2021.

“This places an increased strain on our educators, learners, and support staff at schools to ensure that the trimmed curriculum is fully covered and learners are well prepared for the end of year examinations.”

The department said it was doing its utmost best to support all educators and learners during these difficult times.

“We are all in this together, working under tremendous pressure and we will succeed if we continue to work together. Our school communities play a pivotal role to support the schools in their respective communities and we urge all to adhere to the COVID-19 regulations at all times. Let us support the Class of 2021,” the department added.

The province recorded 488 new COVID-19 cases on Sunday, which pushes the cumulative infections to 76 726.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Montjane, Du Toit to fly SA flag high at Paralympics

Wheelchair tennis star Kgothatso Montjane and world record holding track athlete Charl du Toit have been announced as flag bearers for Team South Africa at the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Paralympics.

The Tokyo 2020 Paralympics opening ceremony is expected to be held from Tuesday with the closing ceremony on Sunday, September 5.

Montjane is fresh off a first ever appearance for a black South African woman at a Wimbledon singles final and doubles final.

Du Toit is the current T37 100m and 400m Paralympic champion having won both at the Rio Paralympics in 2016.

He also holds the world record in the 100m.

Team South Africa will be represented by a 34 member strong Paralympic team competing in at least seven sporting codes at the games.

Last week, Sports, Arts and Culture Minister Nathi Mthethwa wished the team well.

“South Africa’s Paralympics team has made us proud in their previous performances and we are confident even this time around that they will continue to fly our flag high. As a proud supporter of Team South Africa, we are looking forward to seeing our sports men and women not only go for glory but to inspire our future generations of Paralympians,” Mthethwa said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Closing time for candidate nomination extended to 9pm

The Electoral Commission has extended the closing time for the submission of candidate nomination lists to 9pm.

The initial deadline was set for 5pm today.

“Political parties and independent candidates intending to contest the Local Government Elections scheduled for 27 October 2021 have until 9pm today to submit their nominations and prescribed election deposits.

“In terms of the election timetable, the cut-off date is Monday, 23 August 2021,” the Electoral Commission said in a statement.

Prescribed election deposits, which are also due today, are as follows:

(a) R3 500 in respect of an election in a metropolitan municipality;

(b) R2 000 in respect of an election in a local municipality with wards;

(c) R1 000 in respect of an election in a district municipality; and

(d) R1 000 in respect of an election in a single ward for independent candidates and political parties not contesting for PR election in that municipality.

“Failure to make payment for election deposits on 23 August 2021 will result in automatic disqualification of the party or independent candidate affected. Failure to pay deposits on due date is incapable of being remedied through a non-compliance procedure,” the Electoral Commission said.

The Commission will refund to a party any deposit paid if the party is allocated at least a seat in the municipal council it is contesting.

Similarly, an independent candidate who receives at least 10% of the total number of votes cast in the ward election will have the deposit refunded.

“Only registered political parties may contest elections of municipal councils by way of party lists. Currently, there are 480 registered parties, of which 298 are registered on a national level, which entitles the affected parties to contest any municipal council in the country. The balance of 182 parties are registered at a district or metropolitan level.

“This level of registration allows the affected parties to contest any local council within the district, whilst the metropolitan level allows for contestation within the relevant metropolitan municipality of registration,” the Commission said.

To date, 97 political parties and 353 independent candidates have either captured their nominations or have submitted nominations.

Parties and independent candidates may submit their documents online at or visit a designated local office of the Commission.

The list of the designated offices is available on the website.

“The Electoral Commission will have until Friday, 27 August, to notify political parties and independent candidates of any non-compliance in respect of outstanding documents.

“Thereafter, the Electoral Commission will have until 31 August to notify parties of any candidates appearing on multiple party lists. The affected parties will have until 5pm on 2 September to decide whether to remove such candidate and order their lists,” the IEC said.

The final list of candidates will be certified and published on 7 September 2021.

Source: South African Government News Agency