Casio to Release Second Rui Hachimura Signature Model

Design Inspired by the National Flag of Benin, Hachimura’s Ancestral Home

TOKYO, Aug. 18, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Casio Computer Co., Ltd. announced today the release of the GM-110RH, a new addition to the G-SHOCK brand of shock-resistant watches. The GM-110RH is the second signature model designed in collaboration with NBA pro Rui Hachimura.


Hachimura is the first Japanese national ever to be taken in the first round of the NBA draft (2019). This season, Hachimura continues to be a centerpiece of his team, and his impact is expected to grow in the future. Casio signed a global partnership agreement with Hachimura in November 2019 to support him in tackling the tough challenges that lie ahead.

The new GM-110RH is a signature model designed in collaboration with Hachimura, who has been a G-SHOCK fan since he was in school. The GM-110RH is based on the GM-110, which features a metal bezel and a stylish design. The watch face and band loop on the GM-110RH feature yellow, red, and green accents inspired by the colors of the national flag of Benin, Hachimura’s ancestral home. The yellow hour hand, red minute hand, green inset dial, and Y-shaped bridge are laid out for optimum visibility.

The new watch not only comes with a basic black urethane band, but also a urethane band with a West African kente-cloth motif inspired by the traditional clothing of the region — and it is easy to switch between them. Hachimura’s signature “Black Samurai” logo is engraved on the back plate, band loop and special packaging. The symbol (hachi in Japanese, meaning “eight”) represents both his name and jersey number.

Hachimura had this to say about the new model: “The watch draws inspiration from my roots in Benin and Africa, which are very important to me. The band design and watch face evoke elements of Beninese culture and I am delighted at how Casio brought my ideas to life.”

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Casio annonce une montre G-SHOCK bicolore en métal violet et bleu

La finition métallique et le placage ionique bicolore évoquent la beauté du crépuscule à Tokyo

TOKYO, 18 août 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Casio Computer Co., Ltd. a annoncé aujourd’hui la dernière nouveauté de sa gamme de montres antichocs G-SHOCK. La nouvelle montre GMW-B5000PB fait partie de la ligne 5000 de montres entièrement en métal au cadran carré inspirées de la toute première G-SHOCK. Elle présente également un placage ionique (IP) violet et bleu-gris.


Le modèle GMW-B5000PB est basé sur la montre GMW-B5000D, qui reproduit la forme de la toute première G-SHOCK, à la différence qu’elle est en métal. La finition IP violette et bleu-gris, une nouvelle approche des concepts CMF*, s’inspire de la beauté de Tokyo au crépuscule, lorsque la lumière rencontre l’obscurité. La lunette et le bracelet présentent une nouvelle teinte de plaçage inionique violette obtenue en accordant la saturation et la luminance, ainsi qu’un plaçage ionique bleu-gris profond et sophistiqué. Avec à une saturation douce et une finition de type hairline, la montre évoque l’image de crépuscule à Tokyo dans une conception totalement intégrée. Le cadran de la montre est orné d’éclats orange et bleu clair qui rappellent les lumières de la ville qui s’illuminent au coucher du soleil. La lunette et le bracelet ont une finition miroir, qui met en valeur la texture du métal tout en soulignant l’interaction de la lumière multispectrale.


* Les concepts CMF intègrent la couleur, le matériau et la finition

Le modèle GMW-B5000PB ne se contente pas de recevoir des signaux d’étalonnage de l’heure par ondes radio ; il est également équipé de fonctions Mobile Link qui peuvent être jumelées via Bluetooth® à un smartphone pour accéder aux serveurs de temps Internet et garantir une heure exacte. Des fonctionnalités telles que les alarmes et l’heure universelle peuvent être facilement réglées à partir d’un smartphone jumelé. De plus, les rappels utiles et la fonction de recherche du téléphone en font une montre très utile.

Band featuring purple and blue-gray IP

Le nom et les logos Bluetooth® sont des marques déposées de Bluetooth SIG, Inc. et toute utilisation de ces marques par Casio Computer Co., Ltd. est sous licence.

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Casio s’apprête à sortir un deuxième modèle signature Rui Hachimura

Le design s’inspire du drapeau national du Bénin, la patrie d’Hachimura

TOKYO, 18 août 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Casio Computer Co., Ltd. a annoncé aujourd’hui la sortie de la GM-110RH, une nouveauté de la marque de montres antichocs G-SHOCK. Le modèle GM-110RH est le deuxième modèle signature conçu en collaboration avec le joueur professionnel de la NBA Rui Hachimura.


Hachimura est le premier ressortissant japonais à être pris au premier tour de la draft NBA (2019). Cette saison, Hachimura continue d’être un élément central de son équipe, et son impact devrait s’accroître à l’avenir. Casio a signé un accord de partenariat global avec Hachimura en novembre 2019 pour l’aider à relever les défis complexes qui l’attendent.

La nouvelle montre GM-110RH est un modèle signature conçu en collaboration avec Hachimura, qui est un fan de G-SHOCK depuis qu’il est à l’école. La GM-110RH est inspirée de la GM-110, qui présente une lunette en métal et une conception élégante. Le cadran de la montre et la boucle du bracelet de la GM-110RH sont ornés d’accents de jaune, rouge et vert, qui reprennent les couleurs du drapeau national du Bénin, la terre ancestrale d’Hachimura. L’aiguille des heures jaune, l’aiguille des minutes rouge, le cadran incrusté de vert et le pont en Y sont disposés pour une visibilité optimale.

La nouvelle montre est proposée non seulement avec le bracelet en uréthane noir de base, mais aussi avec un bracelet en uréthane à motif de tissu kente ouest-africain inspiré des vêtements traditionnels de la région. Il est facile de passer de l’un à l’autre. Le logo « Black Samurai », signature d’Hachimura, est gravé sur la plaque arrière, la boucle du bracelet et l’emballage spécial. Le symbole hachi en japonais (qui signifie « huit ») représente à la fois son nom et son numéro de maillot.

Hachimura s’est exprimé sur le nouveau modèle : « La montre s’inspire de mes racines béninoises et africaines, qui sont très importantes pour moi. Le design du bracelet et le cadran de la montre évoquent des éléments de la culture béninoise et je suis ravi de voir comment Casio a donné vie à mes idées. »

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Patrick O’leary scoops second prize at SADC Media Awards

Government has congratulated Patrick O’leary for winning second prize in the photo category of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Media Awards.

Patrick O’leary is a seasoned journalist specialising in motor journalism. He has travelled across the region to cover stories affecting the trucking industry.

Outgoing Chairperson of SADC, Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, President of the Republic of Mozambique, announced the award on Tuesday during the opening ceremony of the 41st SADC Summit of Heads of State and Government taking place in the Republic of Malawi.

The SADC Media Awards are aimed at promoting excellence in the fields of Print, Radio, Television and Photojournalism.

They also serve as a link for coordination and synchronization between formal structures of SADC member states and media.

The awards further seek to bring and enhance partnership between media and government institutions in advancing the achievements and good stories of this region in bettering the lives of its citizens.

The Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) also congratulated all the finalists and winners of the 2021 SADC Media Awards and Secondary School Essay Competition from South Africa and other member states and acknowledged that the two competitions coordinated by SADC have evolved in the past years.

Source: South African Government News Agency

COVID-19 vaccines safe to use: SAHPRA

The South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) and the National Immunisation Safety Expert Committee have reassured the public that both the Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson COVID-19 vaccines are safe to use.

Both vaccines were subjected to rigorous requirements, where clinical trials were performed to demonstrate their safety before being cleared for usage in the country.

National Immunisation Safety Expert Committee member, Professor Hannelie Meyer, on Wednesday said data currently suggests that less than 10% of those who get vaccinated will experience adverse events like headaches, fever and chills.

“[These] don’t pose a potential risk to the person and it’s part of the body’s immune response. It’s also important to note that it’s not the same in all people. These events are mild. They happen within the first couple of hours … and they hardly ever need any management,” Meyer said.

She said although certain adverse events are more common, if these symptoms exceed a certain period of time, medical help should be sought.

“You should not assume that all reactions are linked to the vaccine. We are now vaccinating millions of people and there are many other diseases. So you could be incubating another disease at the same time that you are vaccinated.

“[But] if these minor events don’t subside within the first two to three days or if they become more severe, or if there is something out of the ordinary that you are concerned about within the 30 days after vaccination, then you do need to seek medical assistance,” Meyer said.

SAHPRA’s Vigilance Manager Mafora Matlala said even as vaccines are being administered, the authority continues to monitor any reports on the vaccines.

“We continuously review international literature, safety databases and any regulatory decisions made elsewhere. For instance, the FDA [USA Food and Drug Administration agency] in April identified some thrombosis issues and that was communicated in South Africa, and we put the roll-out on hold because of safety concerns. Then we further reviewed the safety of the product and found that the benefit-risk profile was still favourable,” Matlala said.

Matlala said there is more to gain from receiving the jab than there is to lose from not doing so.

“When we look at the adverse events that we have received so far in the system, they are quite few, with just over 2 000, compared to the doses that have been administered so far, which is about 9.5 million as of [Tuesday]… The benefits of these vaccines actually do outweigh the risks that may be out there,” she said.

She has encouraged South Africans to download the SAHPRA Med Safety smartphone application to keep up to date with medical safety news.

The authority is expected to launch a microsite on Friday, where more information on adverse events can be accessed.

Source: South African Government News Agency

SADC elects new leadership

The 41st Ordinary Summit of the Heads of State and Government of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) has elected President of the Republic of Malawi, Dr Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera, as Chairperson of SADC, and President of the Democratic Republic of Congo Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo as the incoming Chairperson of SADC.

The Summit also elected President Cyril Ramaphosa as Chairperson of the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation, and President of the Republic Namibia Dr Hage G. Geingob, as incoming Chairperson of the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation.

Held in in Lilongwe, the capital city of the Republic of Malawi, the Summit, which was held on Tuesday and Wednesday, approved the appointment of Elias Mpedi Magosi as the new Executive Secretary of SADC.

“The Summit commended the people and the Government of the Republic of Zambia, for conducting successful elections, and congratulated Hakainde Hichilema for winning the elections. The Summit thanked Edgar Chagwa Lungu for his leadership and contribution to SADC development and integration during his tenure as President of Zambia and for nobly accepting the results of the 2021 Presidential elections in the Republic of Zambia,” SADC said.

The Summit received a report of the Outgoing Chairperson of the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation, Dr Mokgweetsi Eric Keabetswe Masisi, President of the Republic of Botswana.

He was commended for his outstanding leadership and continued efforts to address peace and security threats during the year, notwithstanding challenges posed by COVID-19.

The Summit endorsed an Action Plan for the implementation of Security Threats Report, and urged Member States to implement interventions contained in the Plan.

The Summit received a progress report from the SADC Facilitator to the Kingdom of Lesotho, President Ramaphosa on the implementation of SADC decisions in the Kingdom of Lesotho. It also commended the Kingdom of Lesotho for progress made in implementing SADC decisions and ongoing reforms.

The Summit also urged the Kingdom of Lesotho to expedite completion of the ongoing reforms, and to continue with peace, transitional justice and reconciliation process to engender national unity, and bring about national healing and cohesion.

The Summit recommended an extension of the mandate of the National Reform Authority for a period of six months, from 30th October 2021 to 30th April 2022.

The Summit commended the SADC Facilitator to the Kingdom of Lesotho President Ramaphosa, for his dedication and continued facilitation, and extended his mandate as the SADC Facilitator until the 42nd Summit of Heads of State and Government.

“The Summit received updates on the Security Situation in Cabo Delgado Province, in Northern part of the Republic of Mozambique, and commended SADC Member States for pledging personnel and providing financial support towards the deployment of SADC Standby Force to Mozambique. The Summit commended the United Republic of Tanzania for offering to host the Regional Counter Terrorism Centre, which will offer dedicated and strategic advisory services to the Region on terrorism threats.

“The Summit reaffirmed SADC’s position that the creation of the SADC Central Bank and Monetary Union, as a long-term objective to be premised on fulfilling preconditions that include, the harmonisation of the fiscal and monetary policies of SADC countries, and greater convergence of banking systems. In this regard, the African Monetary Institute and the African Central Bank should, be long-term objectives,” SADC said.

Source: South African Government News Agency