All systems go for election of National Assembly Speaker

It’s all systems go for the crucial special sitting of the National Assembly (NA) to elect the new Speaker on Thursday.

The incumbent will replace former Speaker Thandi Modise, who held the position since 2019, following the sixth democratic elections.

Parliament’s spokesperson, Moloto Mothapo, said the election of the new Speaker will take place at 11am.

“As provided for in the Constitution, the Chief Justice or a designated Judge must preside over the election of the NA Speaker. Acting Chief Justice Raymond Zondo has designated Judge President John Hlophe of the Western Cape Division of the High Court of South Africa to preside over this special sitting. The Acting Chief Justice has also approved rules for the election process,” Mothapo said on Wednesday.

Mothapo said in light of the required COVID-19 health and safety protocols, the sitting will happen in two venues in the NA building, including the NA Chamber and Committee Room E249. There will be a live link between the two venues.

“There will be 166 Members of Parliament (MPs) in the Members’ seats on the floor of the NA Chamber, 127 in the NA Public Gallery, 24 in the Officials’ Bay and 92 in the E249 Committee Room. At the start of the proceedings, Judge President John Hlophe will open the sitting and then call for nominations for the position of Speaker from amongst the Members of the NA.

“If there is more than one nomination, Judge Hlophe will call for the voting process to be conducted by a way of a secret ballot. Although the sitting is divided into four areas, the floor of the NA Chamber will serve as the voting station. Four voting booths have been arranged to enable four Members at a time to cast their votes,” Mothapo explained.

He said the entire voting process is expected to last for about four hours, with at least one hour dedicated to counting the votes.

“As soon as the voting is completed, Judge Hlophe will suspend proceedings to allow for counting of the votes. Officials of Parliament, designated as the Returning Officer and Assistant Returning Officers, will remove the ballot boxes and all papers from the NA Chamber to a room to be counted.

“The votes will be counted in Judge Hlophe’s presence, and only he and the designated returning officer and assistants to the returning officer may be present in the room. Once the votes have been counted, the returning officer must report to Judge Hlophe, informing him of the result of the counting of the votes. On receiving this report, the House will reconvene and Judge Hlophe will announce the result of the election,” Mothapo said.

He said the Returning Officer must retain the nomination papers, the used ballot papers and their counterfoils in a sealed packet for at least one year.

“The sealed packet may not be opened except by order of a court. After Judge Hlophe announces the outcome of the secret ballot in the sitting, the duly elected Speaker will immediately take over the Presiding chair and address the House.”

To read the rules for the election in full, please click:

Mothapo said preparations are also in place to ensure the safety of MPs and officials, in compliance with COVID-19 regulations.

“Screening points have been arranged at various entrances of Parliament to ensure swift access,” he said.

NA Speaker’s responsibilities

In terms of Rules of the House, the NA Speaker has the responsibility of providing political leadership and strategic direction to the NA and to exercise impartiality in carrying out these duties.

The NA, as the Constitution specifies, is elected to represent the people and to ensure government by the people under the Constitution. The NA does this by choosing the President, by providing a national forum for public consideration of issues, by passing legislation and by scrutinising and overseeing executive action.

The Speaker may also become Acting President, in terms of the Constitution. This may happen if the President is out of the country or is otherwise unable to fulfil the duties of President, or during a vacancy in the office of President.

Then, an office bearer in the following order may be designated to act as President: the Deputy President; a Minister designated by the President; a Minister who other members of the Cabinet designate; the Speaker of the NA – until the NA designates one of its other members.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Sugar industry reiterates commitment to transformation

South African Sugar Association (SASA) Vice Chairperson, Joanmariae Fubbs, has commended the organisation for recognising the need to promote diversity by availing more land for black farmers in the industry.

“SASA has been able to transform more than 21% of free owned land on the sugarcane from white farmers to black farmers without a shot being fired,” Fubbs said.

Fubbs was speaking at the Women in Leadership webinar, hosted by Proudly South African on Wednesday.

As part of its Women’s Month celebrations, Proudly South African will hosting a series of four Women in Leadership webinars throughout August, focusing on industries that have Sectoral Master Plans dedicated to them.

The master plans have targeted specific action points relating to the respective industries, but there are also generic objectives, including a change in ownership and production patterns within each sector. The master plans aim to increase localisation, which will lead to re-industrialisation and growth, as well as to reclaim domestic markets lost to imports.

The clothing and textile sector, automotive industry, sugar, and creative arts sectors have been identified by the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (dtic) as worthy of particular attention for their job creation potential.

Empowering women to take their rightful place

Fubbs said SASA has shifted its focus to women empowerment, compared to more than 20 years ago.

“{SASA] has focused on empowering women to take their rightful place alongside their brothers in the sugar industry, from being farm managers, farm owners, to actually being on the financial and administration side of SASA.

“SASA has done so much for the milling companies by encouraging the ownership of black people in the industry. SASA also has a training establishment which provides training in the agricultural fields.

“People in the sugar industry [largely rural poor areas] are able to get bursaries, where they can go right up to get their doctorates. I was amazed to see how many women were pursuing a career in the agricultural industry and enjoying it,” Fubbs said.

She noted that SASA is also contributing to and supporting the energy sector through the production of ethanol.

While people often associate sugar to obesity, Fubbs said the product has benefits when “consumed in the right quantity”.

“The danger is, if industries such as the sugar industry have to close down, you will get ghost villages and towns in South Africa. SASA is determined to transform the profile of the industry from 100% white… to assisting black sugarcane farmers, especially sugarcane farmers,” Fubbs said.

Consumer education

Nutrition Health and Wellness and Nestlé Nutrition Institute Africa (NNIA) Manager, Anne-Marie De Beer, said Nestle works very hard to help consumers make good decisions when it comes nutrition.

“What is important is to understand that we all enjoy food and it is very much part of what we do. When it comes to confectionery, our business is to provide guidance on product development, and encourage consumers to look at what they eat,” De Beer said.

She said Nestlé also has consumer campaigns regarding confectionery.

Coca-Cola Beverages South Africa (CCBSA) Procurement Transformation Head, Busi Thusi, said the company is committed to true transformation, and that almost 80% of the sugar they use is procured locally.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Les prix Stevie® annoncent les lauréats de la 18e édition des International Business Awards® du monde entier

Des entreprises récompensées pour leurs succès malgré la pandémie de COVID-19

Lauréats des prix Stevie

Les lauréats des prix Stevie 2021 seront célébrés lors d’un gala virtuel de remise des prix le 8 décembre.

FAIRFAX, Virginie, 17 août 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Des entreprises et dirigeants de haut niveau du monde entier ont été élus lauréats des prix Stevie® d’or, d’argent et de bronze dans le cadre des 18e International Business Awards® annuels, le seul programme international de récompenses pour les entreprises.

Les lauréats ont été sélectionnés parmi plus de 3 700 candidatures soumises par des organisations établies dans 65 pays.

Une liste complète de tous les lauréats des prix Stevie d’or, d’argent et de bronze 2021 par catégorie est disponible à l’adresse

Cette année, plus de 260 cadres à travers le monde ont été membres de 11 jurys de sélection des gagnants des Stevies.

Le plus grand vainqueur des Stevies d’or, d’argent et de bronze est Ayala Land, à Makati, aux Philippines, avec 34 prix. Les autres lauréats des multiples prix Stevie sont LLYC (33 prix), IBM (23 prix), Viettel Group (22 prix), HALKBANK (20 prix), DHL Express Worldwide (16 prix), Masks4Missions (16 prix), Telkom Indonesia (15 prix), Yapi Kredi (13 prix), Wolters Kluwer (13 prix), Jeunesse Global (11 prix), Tata Consultancy Services (11 prix), Municipalité de Dubaï (10 prix), Zer Central Services and Trade (10 prix), Zimat Consultores (10 prix), AXA Sigorta (9 prix), Google (8 prix), Ooredoo Group (8 prix), Sberbank of Russia (8 prix), Isbank (7 prix), MTR Corporation Limited (7 prix), Thai Life Insurance (7 prix), pH7 Communications (7 prix), Sleepem Global, Inc. (7 prix), Ulled Asociadios C.R.P. S.A. (7 prix), Uniomedia Communications (7 prix) et VNPT VinaPhone Corporation (7 prix).

LLYC, société de conseil en communications et en affaires publiques basée à Madrid, a remporté 14 prix Stevie d’or, soit plus que toute autre organisation du concours.

Toutes les entreprises du monde peuvent participer aux IBA et peuvent soumettre leurs candidatures dans un large éventail de catégories récompensant les réussites dans des domaines tels que la gestion, le marketing, les relations publiques, le service à la clientèle, les ressources humaines, les nouveaux produits et services, les technologies, les sites Web, les applications, les événements, et bien plus.

Les prix seront remis lors d’une cérémonie virtuelle le 8 décembre 2021.

À propos des prix Stevie
Les prix Stevie sont décernés dans huit programmes : les prix Stevie en Asie-Pacifique, les prix Stevie en Allemagne, les prix Stevie au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord, les American Business Awards®, les International Business Awards®, les prix Stevie pour les grands employeurs, les prix Stevie pour les femmes entrepreneurs et les prix Stevie pour les ventes et le service à la clientèle. Les concours des prix Stevie reçoivent chaque année plus de 12 000 nominations émanant d’entreprises de plus de 70 pays. En récompensant les entreprises de tous types et de toutes tailles, ainsi que leurs collaborateurs, les Stevies reconnaissent les performances exceptionnelles sur le lieu de travail dans le monde entier. Pour en savoir plus sur les prix Stevie, veuillez consulter le site

Contact Marketing
Nina Moore
[email protected]
+1 (703) 547-8389

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O Stevie® Awards anuncia seus vencedores no 18° Annual International Business Awards® em todo o mundo

Empresas homenageadas por realizações em meio à COVID-19

Vencedores do Stevie Awards

Os vencedores do Stevie Awards de 2021 serão comemorados em uma festa de gala virtual no dia 8 de dezembro.

FAIRFAX, Va., Aug. 17, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Organizações e executivos de alto desempenho em todo o mundo foram reconhecidos como vencedores dos prêmios Gold, Silver e Bronze do Stevie® Award no 18º Annual International Business Awards®, o único programa internacional de prêmios de negócios abrangente do mundo.

Os vencedores foram selecionados entre mais de 3.700 nomeações enviadas por organizações de 65 países.

Uma lista completa de todos os vencedores dos prêmios Gold, Silver e Bronze do Stevie Award 2021 por categoria está disponível em

Mais de 260 executivos em todo o mundo participaram de 11 júris para apontar os vencedores do Stevie Awards.

A maior vencedora dos prêmios Steve Gold, Silver e Bronze é a Ayala Land, de Makati (Filipinas), com 34. Outros vencedores do Stewie Awards foram: LLYC (33), IBM (23), Viettel Group (22), HALKBANK (20), DHL Express Worldwide (16), Masks4Missions (16), Telkom Indonesia (15), Yapi Kredi (13), Wolters Kluwer (13), Jeunesse Global (11), Tata Consultancy Services (11), Dubai Municipality (10), Zer Central Services and Trade (10), Zimat Consultores (10), AXA Sigorta (9), Google (8), Ooredoo Group (8), Sberbank of Russia (8), Isbank (7), MTR Corporation Limited (7), Thai Life Insurance (7), pH7 Communications (7), Sleepem Global, Inc. (7), Ulled Asociadios C.R.P. S.A. (7), Uniomedia Communications (7) e VNPT VinaPhone Corporation (7).

A LLYC, uma empresa global de consultoria em comunicações e assuntos públicos sediada em Madri, Espanha, recebeu 14 Gold Stevie Awards, mais do que qualquer outra organização presente na competição.

Todas as organizações do mundo são elegíveis para competir nos IBAs e podem apresentar candidaturas em diversas categorias, como realizações em matéria de gestão, marketing, relações públicas, serviço de apoio ao cliente, recursos humanos, novos produtos e serviços, tecnologia, sites, aplicativos, eventos e muito mais.

Os prêmios serão entregues em uma cerimônia virtual de premiação em 8 de dezembro de 2021.

Sobre o Stevie® Awards
Os Stevie Awards são conferidos em oito programas: Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards (Ásia-Pacífico), German Stevie Awards (Alemanha), Middle East & North Africa Stevie Awards (Oriente Médio e Norte da África), The American Business Awards® (Américas), The International Business Awards® (Internacional), Stevie Awards for Great Employers (grandes empregadores), Stevie Awards for Women in Business (mulheres no mercado) e o Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service (vendas e atendimento ao cliente). As competições do Stevie Awards recebem mais de 12 mil inscrições todos os ano de organizações em mais de 70 países. Honrando organizações de todos os tipos e tamanhos e as pessoas por trás delas, os Stevies reconhecem desempenhos excepcionais nos locais de trabalho em todo o mundo. Saiba mais sobre os Stevie Awards em

Contato de marketing
Nina Moore
[email protected]
+1 (703) 547-8389

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Micro Insurance Company and Hava Net Limited Partner to Provide Digital Insurance Solutions to Hava’s Corporate Riders

NEW YORK, Aug. 17, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Hava Net Limited and Micro Insurance Company (MIC) have entered into a strategic partnership with the aim of providing digital insurance solutions to Hava’s corporate riders.

Hava is a technology-driven transportation solutions provider that offers online ride-hailing and delivery services in Kenya. Made by Kenyans, for Kenyans, Hava strives to balance both sides of the transportation equation – offering drivers a way to earn money and providing customers with access to an affordable transportation service. Under this arrangement, MIC and Hava will work together to provide need-based insurance and protection plans to safeguard riders from risks who use Hava’s platform. Such risks include loss of life, disability, incurred medical expenses, and loss of personal belongings while riding with Hava.

This partnership provides end-to-end enrollment, coverage, and claims settlement support, which reduces paperwork for customers and speeds up the entire process.

Ms. Wairimu Njoki, Country Manager, Micro Insurance Company, says:

“Hava is simplifying and improving the lives of the majority of Kenyans by providing easy and quick access to taxi services through the Hava ride-hailing platform. Micro Insurance Company is pleased to be their chosen partner to further drive this mission and add value by providing access to insurance for customers who choose Hava as their preferred ride-hailing platform. Through this partnership, users of Hava can travel and go about their day-to-day life with peace of mind, knowing they are covered.”

Also speaking on the Launch, Mohamed Nuur, Director at Hava, says:

“We are proud to provide trip insurance for Hava customers. Hava is a local ride-hailing platform made for Kenyans by Kenyans, and our top priority is the well-being, safety, and comfort of our clients and drivers. Our partnership with MicroEnsure (now part of Micro Insurance Company) gives both us and our clients the assurance that they are always covered and protected. We will have their backs every time they choose to ride with Hava.”

About Hava:

Hava is a modern, sustainable and fast-growing online ride-hailing company based in Kenya with an aim of balancing a Driver’s need to earn a livelihood with that of a Rider, affordable transportation across major cities and towns. With a wide range of options to choose from; vehicle types to drivers nearby, we are the panacea to all your conveyance ills. Riders can quickly request a ride from their mobile phone using the Hava app. Our drivers are at least 21 years of age, have a smartphone, with a courteous and a friendly persona. Their vehicles are in superb condition, clean and well maintained in addition to being fully certified and licensed.

For more information, please contact: [email protected] or visit:

About Micro Insurance Company:

Micro Insurance Company (MIC) is a global insurance platform delivering technology, underwriting, policy management, and distribution. MIC provides insurance to platforms, micro & small businesses, and to the 4 billion people on the planet that are currently unserved. Whereas most insurtechs seek to improve existing monoline products and markets, we follow the concept of straight through processing. We do this in order to create highly relevant insurance products that we can offer globally at a very low cost via our platform to support people in their local communities. Micro Insurance Company is the world’s first global end-to-end digital microinsurance platform that combines reinsurance capacity, in-country insurance licenses, world class distribution, and market leading AI functionality.

For more information, please contact: or visit:

New Branches for the 2Africa Subsea Cable System

MENLO PARK, Calif., Aug. 17, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The 2Africa consortium, comprised of China Mobile International, Facebook, MTN GlobalConnect, Orange, stc, Telecom Egypt, Vodafone and WIOCC, announced today the addition of four new branches to the 2Africa cable. The branches will extend 2Africa’s connectivity to the Seychelles, the Comoros Islands, and Angola, and bring a new landing to south-east Nigeria. The new branches join the recently announced extension to the Canary Islands.

2Africa, which will be the largest subsea cable project in the world, will deliver faster, more reliable internet service to each country where it lands. Communities that rely on the internet for services from education to healthcare, and business will experience the economic and social benefits that come from this increased connectivity.

Alcatel Submarine Networks (ASN) has been selected to deploy the new branches, which will increase the number of 2Africa landings to 35 in 26 countries, further improving connectivity into and around Africa. As with other 2Africa cable landings, capacity will be available to service providers at carrier-neutral data centres or open-access cable landing stations on a fair and equitable basis, encouraging and supporting the development of a healthy internet ecosystem.

Marine surveys completed for most of the cable and Cable manufacturing is underway

Since launching the 2Africa cable in May 2020, the 2Africa consortium has made considerable progress in planning and preparing for the deployment of the cable, which is expected to ‘go live’ late 2023. Most of the subsea route survey activity is now complete. ASN has started manufacturing the cable and building repeater units in its factories in Calais and Greenwich to deploy the first segments in 2022.

Egypt terrestrial crossing already completed

One of 2Africa’s key segments, the Egypt terrestrial crossing that interconnects landing sites on the Red and the Mediterranean Seas via two completely diverse terrestrial routes, has been completed ahead of schedule. A third diverse marine path will complement this segment via the Red Sea.

About China Mobile International Limited

China Mobile International Limited (CMI) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Mobile, mainly responsible for the operation of China Mobile’s international business. In order to provide better services to meet the growing demand in the international telecommunications market, China Mobile established a subsidiary, CMI, in December 2010. CMI currently has over 70 terrestrial and submarine cable resources worldwide, with a total international transmission bandwidth of 98T, and more than 180 PoPs. With Hong Kong, China as its launchpad, CMI has significantly accelerated global IDC development, creating a strong network for data centre cloudification.

Leveraging the strong support by China Mobile, CMI is a trusted partner that provides comprehensive international information services and solutions to international enterprises, carriers and mobile users. Headquartered in Hong Kong, China, CMI has expanded its footprint in 37 countries and regions. For more information, please visit

About Facebook

Founded in 2004, Facebook’s mission is to give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together. Over 2 billion people use Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, or Messenger every month to stay connected with friends and family, to discover what is going on in the world, and to share and express what matters to them. Facebook is defined by its unique culture – one that rewards impact. The company encourages people to be bold and solve the problems they care most about. The phrase “this journey is 1% finished” reminds the company’s teams that they have only begun to fulfill Facebook’s mission. As the company evolves its journey to bring the world closer together, it stays true to the same core values to guide the way it works and the decisions it makes every step of the way: be open, be bold, move fast, focus on impact, and build social value. For more information, please visit

About MTN GlobalConnect

GlobalConnect is a Pan-African digital wholesale and infrastructure services company, and an operating company in the MTN Group. GlobalConnect manages MTN’s international and national major wholesale activities, in addition to offering reliable wholesale and infrastructure solutions for fixed connectivity and wholesale mobility solutions that include international mobile services, Voice, SMS, signalling, roaming and interconnect. The MTN Group launched in 1994 is a leading emerging market operator with a clear vision to lead the delivery of a bold new digital world and is inspired by the belief that everyone deserves the benefits of a modern connected life. Embracing the Ambition 2025 strategy, MTN is anchored on building the largest and most valuable platform business, with a clear focus on Africa. The MTN Group is listed on the JSE Securities Exchange in South Africa under the share code “MTN”.

For more information, please visit www.globalconnect.solutions

About Orange

Orange is one of the world’s leading telecommunications operators with sales of 42.3 billion euros in 2020 and 139,000 employees worldwide at 30 June 2021, including 80,000 employees in France. The Group has a total customer base of 263 million customers worldwide at 30 June 2021, including 218 million mobile customers and 22 million fixed broadband customers. The Group is present in 26 countries. Orange is also a leading provider of global IT and telecommunication services to multinational companies, under the brand Orange Business Services. In December 2019, the Group presented its new “Engage 2025” strategic plan, which, guided by social and environmental accountability, aims to reinvent its operator model. While accelerating in growth areas and placing data and AI at the heart of its innovation model, the Group will be an attractive and responsible employer, adapted to emerging professions.

Orange is listed on Euronext Paris (symbol ORA) and on the New York Stock Exchange (symbol ORAN).

For more information on the internet and on your mobile:, or to follow us on Twitter: @orangegrouppr.

About stc

With its headquarter in Riyadh, stc group is the largest in the Middle East and North Africa based on market cap. stc’s revenue for 2020 amounted to 58,953 million SAR (15,721 million US dollars) and the net profit amounted to 10,995 million SAR (2,932 million US dollars). stc was established in 1998 and currently has customers around the globe. It is ranking among the world’s top 50 digital companies and the first in the Middle East and North Africa according to Forbes. It focuses on providing services to enterprise and consumer customers through a fiber-optic network that spans 217,000 kilometers. stc group was among the first in MENA region to launch 5G networks and was considered one of the fastest globally in deploying 5G network as stc already deployed around 4,000 5G towers as end of 2020. stc group has 14 subsidiaries in the Kingdom, gulf and around the world, and its own 100% of stc Bahrain, 51.8% stake in stc Kuwait and 25% stake in Binariang GSM Holding in Malaysia which owns 62% of Maxis in Malaysia.

In Saudi Arabia (the group’s main operation site) stc operates the largest modern mobile network in the Middle East as it covers more than 99% of the country’s populated areas in addition to providing 4G mobile broadband to about 90% of the population across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In addition to the above-mentioned, stc is a strong regional player in IoT, managed services, system integration, cloud computing, information security, big data Analytics fintech and artificial intelligence.  For more information, please visit; or to follow us on Twitter: @stc , @stc_ksa

About Telecom Egypt

Telecom Egypt is the first total telecom operator in Egypt providing all telecom services to its customers including fixed and mobile voice and data services. Telecom Egypt has a long history serving Egyptian customers for over 160 years maintaining a leadership position in the Egyptian telecom market by offering its enterprise and consumer customers the most advanced technology, reliable infrastructure solutions and the widest network of submarine cables.  Aside from its mobile operation “WE”, the company owns a 45% stake in Vodafone Egypt. Telecom Egypt’s shares and GDRs (Ticker: ETEL.CA; TEEG.LN) are traded on The Egyptian Exchange and the London Stock Exchange. Please refer to Telecom Egypt’s full financial disclosure on

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The investor relations team

Email: [email protected]

About Vodafone

Vodafone is a leading telecommunications company in Europe and Africa. Our purpose is to “connect for a better future” enabling an inclusive and sustainable digital society.  Our expertise and scale gives us a unique opportunity to drive positive change for society. Our networks keep family, friends, businesses and governments connected and – as COVID-19 has clearly demonstrated – we play a vital role in keeping economies running and the functioning of critical sectors like education and healthcare.

Vodafone is the largest mobile and fixed network operator in Europe and a leading global IoT connectivity provider. Our M-Pesa technology platform in Africa enables 50m people to benefit from access to mobile payments and financial services. We operate mobile and fixed networks in 21 countries and partner with mobile networks in 49 more. As of 30 June 2021, we had over 300m mobile customers, more than 28m fixed broadband customers, over 22m TV customers and we connected 130m IoT devices.

We support diversity and inclusion through our maternity and parental leave policies, empowering women through connectivity and improving access to education and digital skills for women, girls, and society at large. We are respectful of all individuals, irrespective of race, ethnicity, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, belief, culture or religion.

Vodafone is also taking significant steps to reduce our impact on our planet by reducing our greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2025 and becoming net zero by 2040, purchasing 100% of our electricity from renewable sources in Europe and across our entire operations by 2025 and reusing, reselling or recycling 100% of our redundant network equipment.

For more information, please visit, follow us on Twitter at @VodafoneGroup or connect with us on LinkedIn at


WIOCC is building Africa’s first, truly hyper-scale network infrastructure. With the ability to efficiently deliver 100Gbps capacity and an extensive investment programme to develop our pan-African solution even further, WIOCC is the natural partner for OTTs, content providers, telecom operators, and ISPs looking to take advantage of Africa’s opportunities. The company utilises more than 55,000km of terrestrial fibre and in excess of 75,000km of submarine cable assets to offer affordable, reliable, managed connectivity to over 550 locations across 30 African countries. WIOCC’s international reach extends to key commercial centres in Europe, Asia, and North America, providing a one-stop shop for fully-scalable international connectivity into, within, and out of Africa. Operating exclusively as a wholesaler, the company’s focus is on putting you, our client, first. Building and maintaining strong, long-term relationships means WIOCC can develop bespoke solutions to meet your current requirements, with the flexibility to match future demands for growth and extra resilience and geographical expansion. You will find that only WIOCC has the depth of experience, local expertise, capacity, flexibility, and scalability to take you where you want to be. For more information, please visit

About Alcatel Submarine Networks

Alcatel Submarine Networks, part of Nokia, leads the industry in terms of transmission capacity and installed base with more than 650,000 km of optical submarine systems deployed worldwide, enough to circumnavigate the globe 15 times. From traditional Telecom applications to Content and “Over The Top” Service Provider infrastructures, as well as to offshore Oil and Gas applications, ASN provides all elements of a turnkey global undersea transmission systems, tailored to individual customer’s needs. An extensive Services porLolio completes its comprehensive offering for the submarine business, including project management, installation and commissioning, along with marine and maintenance operations performed by ASN’s fully owned fleet of cable ships. For more information, please visit

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