Crocus Technology Lança XtremeSense® TMR, o Sensor de Corrente Mais Rápido e Preciso do Mundo sem Prejudicar o Desempenho

O CT430 e o CT431 permitem que os engenheiros de design simplifiquem o design dose produtos e criem soluções mais eficientes

SANTA CLARA, Califórnia, Aug. 16, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  A Crocus Technology Inc., principal fornecedora de sensores disruptivos XtremeSense™ TMR de Magnetorresistência de Túnel, anunciou hoje o lançamento do sensor de corrente isolado CT430 e CT431 com largura de banda de 1 MHz e <1% de erro total sobre o completo alcance da temperatura. A operação de alta velocidade e saída precisa permitem que os clientes otimizem o design de um sistema menor e mais eficiente. Ao contrário dos projetos existentes que utilizam um sensor Hall, o XtremeSense™ TMR viabiliza uma solução de design sem prejuízo do desempenho que combina a alta resposta e alta precisão de largura de banda.

Os produtos CT43x são dispositivos sem núcleo que utilizam a tecnologia de ponta XtremeSense™ TMR da Crocus para detectar variações extremamente pequenas nas correntes AC ou CC com um erro de saída total sem precedentes de menos de 1,0% em toda a faixa de temperatura de -40 °C a +125 °C. Além disso, o CT43x tem imunidade integrada robusta aos campos de modo comum, que permite o dispositivo rejeite > 99% dos campos de raios sem a necessidade de blindagem externa.   A tecnologia TMR proprietária da Crocus oferece uma relação signal-to-noise ratio (sinal-ruído – SNR) muito alta inerente que proporciona medições de resolução mais alta em aplicações de controle ou monitoramento de precisão. O erro linear e o desempenho de deslocamento são intrinsecamente mais precisos, permitindo a eliminação da calibração do nível do sistema normalmente feita com uma referência de tensão externa, liberando assim o tempo do processador e simplificando o design do sistema. “Estou muito contente com o lançamento deste produto realmente diferente pois destaca os benefícios que a tecnologia XtremeSense™ TMR da Crocus pode oferecer, disse Zack Deiri, Presidente e CEO da Crocus Technology. “Nossos clientes estão impressionados com o nível de desempenho que podemos oferecer para suas aplicações. A combinação do alto tempo da resposta com a precisão proporciona a flexibilidade aos designers de sistemas a que eles desejam alcançar sem nenhum prejuízo do desempenho.”

Características e desempenho do produto:

CT430 (versão 5V), CT431 (versão 3.3V)

Condutor 0,5mΩ integrado permitindo aplicações 20A, 30A e 50A

Total de saída de erro +/-0,7% (típica)

Tempo de resposta de 300 n, largura de banda de 1 MHz

Baixo ruído 9mArms

Integrated Common Mode Field Rejection (Rejeição de Campo de Modo Comum Integrado – CMFR) com > 99% de imunidade

Pino de saída de Detecção de Sobrecorrente

Os investimentos feitos no ano passado na expansão da nossa capacidade de produção prepararam a Crocus para a produção de alto volume atual. Já entregamos mais de 50 M de sensores XtremeSense™ TMR e nossa base de clientes continua a aumentar rapidamente. Produtos como o CT430 e o CT431, com uma pegada padrão da indústria, permitem que os clientes atualizem facilmente seus produtos e acelerem a adoção do produto.

Foco em aplicações de Solar Power Inverters (Inversores de Energia Solar, Correção de Fator de Energia – PFC), Power-Factor Correction (Sistemas de Gerenciamento de Bateria – BMS), Aparelhos Inteligentes, IoT e aplicações de Fontes de Alimentação. Estes dispositivos de última geração são companheiros perfeitos para aplicações emergentes que usam dispositivos de energia GaN e SiC, onde o tempo de resposta rápido dos sensores de corrente Crocus TMR garante a mais alta eficiência operacional.

O CT430 e o CT431 estão disponíveis em pacote SOIC-Wide de 16 derivações padrão de 10,20×10,31×2,54 mm. Amostras e placas de avaliação já estão disponíveis, e os dispositivos entrarão em produção em agosto de 2021. Para mais informação sobre os produtos CT430 e CT431, visite a página do produto em:



Sobre a Crocus Technology

A Crocus Technology desenvolve e fabrica sensores magnéticos de última geração com base na sua tecnologia patenteada de sensores XtremeSense™ TMR. A tecnologia do sensor magnético disruptivo da Crocus traz avanços significativos para IoT e dispositivos inteligentes, aplicações eletrônicas industriais, de consumo, médicas e automotivas que exigem alta precisão, alta resolução, desempenho de temperatura estável e baixo consumo de energia. A Crocus está localizada em Santa Clara, Califórnia. Para mais informação, visite

© 2021 Crocus Technology International Corp. Todos os direitos reservados. Crocus Technology, XtremeSense e suas combinações são marcas comerciais da Crocus Technology Inc. e Crocus Technology SA. Outros nomes são apenas para fins informativos e podem ser marcas comerciais de seus respectivos proprietários.

Para mais informações, contate:

Elsa Magnani
Crocus Technology
Tel: +1-208-999-6643

Crocus Technology dévoile le capteur de courant TMR XtremeSense® le plus rapide et le plus précis au monde sans compromis sur les performances

Le CT430 et le CT431 permettent aux ingénieurs d’études de simplifier la conception de leurs produits tout en offrant des solutions plus efficaces

SANTA CLARA, Californie, 16 août 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Crocus Technology Inc., fournisseur de premier plan des capteurs révolutionnaires de magnétorésistance à effet tunnel (TMR) XtremeSense™, annonce aujourd’hui les capteurs de courant isolés CT430 et CT431 avec une bande passante de 1 MHz et une erreur totale inférieure à 1 % sur la plage complète de températures. Le fonctionnement à haute vitesse et la sortie précise permettent aux clients d’optimiser la conception de leur système pour des dimensions plus petites et une plus grande efficacité. Contrairement aux conceptions existantes qui utilisent un capteur à effet Hall, le capteur TMR XtremeSense™ offre une solution de conception sans compromis en combinant une réponse à large bande passante et une précision élevée.

Les produits CT43x sont des dispositifs sans fil qui utilisent la technologie de pointe TMR XtremeSense™ de Crocus pour détecter des variations extrêmement faibles des courants alternatifs ou continus tout en atteignant une erreur de sortie totale sans précédent de moins de 1,0 % sur la plage complète de températures allant de -40 °C à +125 °C. En outre, le CT43x dispose d’une solide immunité intégrée aux champs en mode commun qui permet à l’appareil de rejeter plus de 99 % des champs parasites sans nécessiter de protection externe.   La technologie TMR brevetée de Crocus offre par défaut un très haut rapport signal sur bruit (SNR) qui permet les mesures à haute résolution requises pour le contrôle de précision ou les applications de surveillance. La performance en matière d’erreur et de décalage linéaires est intrinsèquement plus précise, permettant l’élimination de l’étalonnage du niveau du système normalement effectué avec une référence de tension externe, libérant ainsi du temps pour le traitement et simplifiant la conception du système. « Je suis ravi de présenter ce capteur de courant véritablement différent qui met en évidence les avantages que la technologie TMR XtremeSense™ de Crocus peut apporter », a déclaré Zack Deiri, président-directeur général de Crocus Technology. « Nos clients ont été impressionnés par le niveau de performance que nous sommes en mesure de fournir dans leurs applications. La combinaison du temps de réponse rapide et de la précision fournit aux concepteurs de systèmes la flexibilité qu’ils souhaitaient obtenir sans aucun compromis. »

Caractéristiques et performances du produit :

CT430 (version 5 V), CT431 (version 3,3 V)

Conducteur de 0,5 mΩ intégré permettant des applications 20 A, 30 A et 50 A

Total des erreurs de sortie +/-0,7 % (typ.)

Temps de réponse 300 ns, bande passante 1 MHz

Peu bruyant 9 mArms

Rejet du champ en mode commun (CMFR) intégré avec plus de 99 % d’immunité

Broche de sortie pour la détection de surintensité

Les investissements réalisés l’année dernière pour étendre notre capacité de production ont permis à Crocus d’être prêt à soutenir un volume élevé de production aujourd’hui. À ce jour, nous avons expédié plus de 50 millions de capteurs TMR XtremeSense™, et notre clientèle continue de croître rapidement. Les produits tels que les CT430 et CT431, qui ont une empreinte standard dans l’industrie, permettent aux clients de mettre à niveau facilement leurs produits existants et d’accélérer l’adoption des produits.

Les applications ciblées se situent dans les domaines des onduleurs électriques solaires, de la correction de facteur de puissance (PFC), des systèmes de gestion de batterie (BMS), des appareils intelligents, de l’IdO et des alimentations électriques. Ces dispositifs à la pointe de la technologie sont des compagnons parfaits pour les applications émergentes utilisant des dispositifs de puissance GaN et SiC pour lesquels le temps de réponse rapide des capteurs de courant TMR de Crocus garantira l’efficacité opérationnelle la plus élevée.

Les CT430 et CT431 sont disponibles dans un boîtier à circuit intégré à contour réduit (SOIC) de 16 fils standard de l’industrie avec des dimensions de 10,20 10,31 2,54 mm. Des échantillons et des tableaux d’évaluation sont actuellement disponibles, et les dispositifs seront en pleine production en août 2021. Pour tout complément d’information sur les produits CT430 et CT431, veuillez consulter les pages Web :



À propos de Crocus Technology

Crocus Technology développe et fabrique des capteurs magnétiques de pointe basés sur sa technologie brevetée de capteurs TMR XtremeSense™. La technologie révolutionnaire de capteurs magnétiques développée par Crocus apporte des avancées significatives à l’IdO ainsi qu’aux appareils intelligents, aux applications industrielles, grand public, médicales et automobiles électroniques qui demandent une haute précision, une haute résolution, des performances de température stables et une faible consommation d’énergie. Le siège social de Crocus se trouve à Santa Clara, en Californie. Pour tout complément d’information, veuillez consulter le site

© 2021 Crocus Technology International Corp. Tous droits réservés. Crocus Technology, XtremeSense et ses combinaisons sont des marques déposées de Crocus Technology Inc. et Crocus Technology SA. Les autres noms sont donnés à titre d’information uniquement et peuvent être des marques commerciales de leurs propriétaires respectifs.

Pour tout complément d’information, veuillez contacter :

Elsa Magnani
Crocus Technology
Tél. : +1-208-999-6643
E-mail :

SAMA condemns healthcare workers discouraging patients from getting vaccinated

The South African Medical Association (SAMA) has expressed its dismay at reports that some healthcare workers, including doctors, have discouraged patients from getting COVID-19 vaccinations, based on doubts about the vaccine’s safety and effectiveness.

SAMA Chairperson, Dr Angelique Coetzee, said the organisation wholly rejects any doubts about the COVID-19 vaccine.

“There is high confidence among the scientific and medical community about the effectiveness and safety of the vaccines being rolled-out in South Africa, and they have also undergone safety and efficacy tests by the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority.

“These are overwhelming endorsements of the vaccines, and there should be no doubt that every citizen must get them,” Dr Coetzee said.

Dr Coetzee said the medical fraternity must be united in its commitment to ensure wider access to the vaccines.

This, she said, must be based on spreading accurate, evidence-based information, dispelling any misinformation and overcoming vaccine hesitancy, which threatens the goal of achieving optimal vaccine coverage.

Dr Coetzee said the vaccine hesitancy arises from a combination of ignorance, misinformation, conspiracy theories, doubt of scientific evidence, concerns relating to medical histories, and cultural, religious and philosophical beliefs.

“Vaccine hesitancy, however, should be condemned, and so should those who fuel it, particularly doctors who should know better. We share concerns with global and local scientists – and I use that term purposefully – that unfounded objections to COVID-19 vaccines deepen the public health crisis caused by the pandemic.”

Vaccines represent significant public health innovations

The chairperson noted that the societal benefits of vaccines have historically been proven over and over again, and that “vaccines represent one of the most significant public health innovations to date which have altered the trajectory of human health”.

“It’s important that South Africans realise the value of vaccines and that the country’s vaccine rate rapidly increases from its current low of only six percent of the population. For this reason, SAMA will continue to urge for greater global vaccine equity and continue to challenge intellectual and property restrictions which are impeding access to COVID-19 tests, treatments, and vaccines,” she said.

She further noted that significant strides have been made by prioritising healthcare workers for vaccines, and that the government should be commended for this action.

Share science-based data, not personal views

Dr Coetzee emphasised that healthcare workers, especially doctors, who have not yet been vaccinated must take the opportunity to do so not only for their own health, but also because of an ethical responsibility to “do no harm”.

“We have an obligation to protect our patients from COVID-19 and this includes encouraging vaccination. Encouraging vaccinations means, as medical doctors, we must impart accurate, science-based data, not personal views. This is the only way we afford patients the right to informed consent,” Dr Coetzee said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Committee welcomes suspension of Gender Commissioner

Portfolio Committee on Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities Chairperson Nonhlanhla Ncube-Ndaba, has commended the Commission for Gender Equality’s (CGE) decision to place Commissioner Mbuyiselo Botha on precautionary suspension after his verbal attack on fellow commissioners.

In a recording, which was doing the rounds in the media, Botha is heard objectifying and demeaning the CGE Chairperson Tamara Mathebula, her Deputy Nthabiseng Moleko and two other Commissioners, Nomasonto Mazibuko and Advocate Nthabiseng Sepanya Mogale.

In a sound clip Botha is heard calling Mazibuko an albino and accuses Mathebula of lacking a backbone.

Ncube-Ndaba said referring to someone as an albino is an unacceptable derogatory characterisation of South Africans who experience disabilities.

“Furthermore, it is a shocking gross discrimination that belongs to the dark era of apartheid,” Ncube-Ndaba said.

Last week, the commission appeared before the committee on among other things, the CGE’s response to Commissioner Botha’s matter and the key operational matters of concern.

The CGE reported that Botha will appear before a disciplinary hearing that the CGE has instituted.

Ncube-Ndaba said the suspension of Commissioner Botha and his appearance before a disciplinary committee for a hearing is befitting and justifiable for the gross and shocking discrimination heard in the recording.

“We are looking forward, as the committee to the outcome of the internal disciplinary hearing and wish it to proceed well,” Ncube-Ndaba said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Joint operation nets illegal wildlife trader

The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE), has commended the arrest of a Vietnamese national in connection with the illegal trade in wildlife and an illegal firearm found during a recent raid on properties in Bela-Bela and Pretoria.

The DFFE said the arrest of the man follows a four-month investigation involving analysts and wildlife investigators.

“The integrated team involved in the raid comprised the Green Scorpions from the department, the Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET), the Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (GDARD) and South African National Parks, as well as members of the South African Police Service,” the department said.

Search and seizure warrants were executed simultaneously at a Vietnamese-owned farm near Bela-Bela in Limpopo and at two storage units in Pretoria.

The joint investigation team seized 4.19kg of lion teeth, 680g of lion claws, and more than 60kg of processed animal products believed to be lion gelatine. An illegal firearm was also confiscated.

The suspect appeared in the Bela-Bela Regional Court on Friday and was charged with illegal possession of a threatened species in terms of the National Environmental Management Biodiversity Act.

The case was postponed to 20 August 2021 for a Vietnamese interpreter.

The department said a collaborative nature of the operation has once again proven the importance of an integrated approach to investigations.

“The valuable assistance of the private sector in this matter is also highly appreciated.”

Source: South African Government News Agency

R34.2million water works project benefits Prieska community

More than 14 246 community members of Prieska in the Siyathemba Municipality, Northern Cape, are now proud beneficiaries of the R34.2million Waste Water Treatment Works (WWTW) that has been completed in the area.

As a result of population growth in Prieska, including socio-economic developments and the construction of human settlements, the Prieska Waste Water Treatment Works (WWTW) could no longer cope with the load of sewerage and was compromised.

To remedy this, the Department of Water and Sanitation in the Northern Cape, in partnership with Siyathemba Local Municipality, increased the capacity of the WWTW from 2.175 ML/day to 3.6 ML/day (Megalitres per day).

“The project commenced in March 2020 and was practically completed at the end of June 2021. Some minor and additional works are now being completed,” said the department in a statement on Monday.

The Prieska Waste Water Treatment Works is now in compliance with the South African National Standards with all spillages eliminated.

Further upgrades include:

• Installation of a sludge pump

• Drying beds

• Bulk sewer outfall line of 247metres and

• Construction of four primary ponds.

Source: South African Government News Agency