Over 34 000 hectares of land allocated to women

A total of 56 869 hectares of land were allocated to different categories, with 34 156 hectares allocated to 34 women at an average of about 1000 hectares per female.

Highlighting progress in implementing the Beneficiary Selection and Land Allocation Policy (BSLAP), Gloria Mosito from Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development said for the past financial year 2020/2021, the department in aligning itself to the Gender Response Planning Guidelines and the BSLAP, targeted to allocate 11 987 hectares to females across the country under the Land Redistribution Programme.

For Land Tenure Reform purposes, Mosito said the department managed to acquire 7 127 hectares in 2020/2021, which benefited a total of 450 individuals of which 238 were women.

“In the current financial year, there are 1 636 hectares already transferred to six labour tenant families with a total of 97 beneficiaries under the Land Tenure Reform Programme [and] from the 97 beneficiaries, there are 42 females,” Mosito said.

Beneficiary selection and land allocation objectives

Developed and adopted by government, the policy aims to provide fair, credible and transparent process and criteria for selection of beneficiaries for land allocation and leasing of State properties; and to rekindle the class of Black commercial producers who were destroyed by the 1913 Land Act.

The objectives of the policy are to support municipalities and other local authorities establish and extend human settlements and commonages; promote accountability and transparency within the department in allocating state assets; and ensure qualified, suitable and deserving candidates gain access to land on equitable basis.

“It aims to ensure special and targeted groups of land reform beneficiaries [including] youth, women, people with disabilities and military veterans, gain access to land for production purposes; and to ensure that the selected beneficiaries have the skills and capacity to maintain immovable state assets.

“It also aims to establish independent Land Allocation Panels to preside over the selection of suitable candidates for land allocation; to provide for standardised national land application system to ensure fair and transparent process of beneficiary selection and the rationing of resources; and to provide for the creation of a provincial and national land application register for potential beneficiaries of land allocation,” Mosito highlighted.

50% land allocation must go to women

The policy proposes 50% allocation of agricultural farming land under the Redistribution Programme to smallholder farmers broken down as 50% to women, 40% to youth and 10% to people with disabilities.

The land allocation includes women who either have basic farming skills or demonstrate willingness to acquire such skills; women headed households with no or very limited access to land, even for subsistence production shall be given access to land for the advancement of women.

From the youth, participants in the department’s enterprise development/ incubation/ apprenticeship programme and agricultural para-professionals, are targeted. People with disabilities with no or very limited access to land, even for subsistence production, and individuals with a disability who work in an agricultural setting still face challenges of access to land will be prioritised.

“Military veterans, as defined in the Military Veterans Act, 2011 (Act No 18 of 2011) shall also be prioritised. This shall, however, exclude those who served in the Union Defence Force prior to 1961, and the South African Defence Forces prior to 27 April 1994, who want to venture into farming will be assessed and prioritised for access to land for production.

“Communal and stateland residents or individuals currently living on state-owned properties and whose livelihoods depend on subsistence farming, but have no form of tenure, should be prioritised for land allocation by the state,” Mosito explained.

Challenges in implementation

Mosito also highlighted a number of challenges the department has experienced in implementation of BSLAP, these include limited number of applications from prioritised categories, invasion of farms when advertised for allocation, and poor quality business proposals from applicants for commercial farms.

“Some applicants are “uncomfortable” providing bank statements with their personal information to the department which are required as proof for capacity to utilise the farms effectively, and branding certificates mostly belong to men where women are married, therefore they are seen as fronts for husbands,” Mosito said.

In order to realise the policy objectives, Mosito said specific farms will continue to be reserved for women applicants and farms that are located in safer areas are to be targeted.

“Women will be assisted through Provincial Departments of Agriculture to compile credible business plan, in order to qualify for commercial farms; beneficiary selection process will run concurrently with the land acquisition process so that farms are immediately occupied upon acquisition to avoid invasions.

“The department is to develop a protocol that will empower women to have branding certificates issued in their names-furthermore, a section that deals with issuing of branding certificates is to be engaged in order to make provision for joint certificates where women are co-owners of livestock,” Mosito said.

She added that the department will ensure that the branches deal with enterprise development and cooperatives assist women to formalise their farming operations so that financial records can be in the names of the farming enterprises and not individual names.

“This will minimise the reluctance to disclose personal bank statements as proof of ability or capacity to operate farms when applications are submitted,” Mosito said.

Application process for leasing agricultural land

Land is advertised through print media and regional radio stations in order to reach as many people as possible and ensure transparency and equitable public process to eradicate any form of fraud and nepotism.

As part of modernisation process, Mosito said an online land offer and application system is being finalised, which will enable landowners willing to make land available or donate land for land reform purposes to do so.

“Relevant forms will be available online or in provincial and district offices of the department. The system will enable the department to create a National Land Register, which will be subjected to checks for suitability in line with various government prioritisation tools such as the Agriculture and Agro-processing Master Plan (AAMP). Provincial and district officials shall be designated to assist those who do not have access to technology to apply.”

Mosito added that the department is currently in the process of calling for nominations of people who are to serve on Provincial and National Land Allocation Panels, and women will be included to serve on the panels.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Telecom Review conclut que la construction du réseau 5G de 700 MHz stimule les investissements et apporte des avantages aux fournisseurs de télécommunications en Chine

DUBAÏ, EAU, 12 août 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Telecom Review révèle que les entreprises de télécommunications chinoises réalisent des progrès importants dans la construction de réseaux 5G à faible bande. La fréquence de 700 MHz, qui fait partie de la bande ultra-haute fréquence (UHF) plus large, attire notamment l’attention.

Au début de l’année 2021, China Mobile et China Broadcasting Network (CBN) avaient annoncé un accord de coopération stratégique 5G pour construire et partager un réseau 5G de 700 MHz. Cette année, ces deux sociétés ont fait ensemble l’acquisition de 480 400 stations de base 5G dans la bande de 700 MHz. Selon Guang Yang de Strategy Analytics, cette augmentation du nombre de stations de base dans la bande de 700 MHz enverra une impulsion considérable sur le marché des infrastructures 5G et sera un catalyseur pour le développement de la 5G en Chine, puisque, jusqu’à présent, la plupart des stations de base 5G en Chine ont été déployées dans la bande 2,6 GHz ou 3,5 GHz.

China Telecom et China Unicom ont également lancé conjointement l’acquisition centralisée de 242 000 stations de base 5G et ont récemment publié l’annonce d’appels d’offres publics concernant le dispositif primaire sans fil 2,1 GHz nécessaire au projet de construction SA de la 5G en 2021.

Telecom Review indique que l’augmentation des activités 5G dans la bande de 700 MHz stimulera les investissements 5G en Chine et profitera aux fournisseurs d’équipement nationaux comme Huawei. Dans l’appel d’offres de China Mobile et CBN, Huawei, en tant que principal fournisseur d’infrastructures sur le marché chinois de la 5G, a gagné environ 60 % des parts de marché. En toute logique, Huawei devrait maintenir sa position dominante sur le marché chinois en 2021 et rester le principal fournisseur bénéficiaire des dépenses d’investissement 5G dans le pays.

Avec la puissance d’une couverture plus large et un affaiblissement de propagation mineur, Telecom Review s’attend à ce que les fréquences 5G de faible bande permettent une meilleure expérience réseau 5G et aident des entreprises comme Huawei à démontrer la véritable valeur de la 5G, ce qui continuera de renforcer la confiance des clients en sa capacité à assurer la continuité opérationnelle dans les circonstances actuelles.

À propos de Telecom Review

Telecom Review a été fondée en 2005 et est aujourd’hui la principale plateforme médiatique mondiale des TIC. Avec ses différentes éditions qui couvrent toutes les mises à jour de l’industrie au Moyen-Orient, en Asie Pacifique, en Afrique et en Amérique du Nord, Telecom Review s’est forgé une excellente réputation dans divers domaines : présentation d’un contenu de qualité, offre d’informations fiables et traitement des sujets les plus tendance. Telecom Review a toujours été une pionnière dans l’industrie des médias TIC, lançant des bulletins électroniques et des magazines numériques avec option de feuilletage et, plus récemment, organisant des panels virtuels et des webinaires.

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XCMG Technician College to Partner with German Institutions to Launch “Blue Sea Elite” Young Technicians Training Program

The cooperation with HWK Erfurt Vocational Training Center (HWK) and Erfurt Chamber of Industry and Commerce will pave the way in promoting the high-quality development of vocational education in China

XUZHOU, China, Aug. 12, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — XCMG Technician College, the vocational technical school of leading construction machinery manufacturer XCMG (000425.SZ), is partnering with HWK Erfurt Vocational Training Center (HWK) and Erfurt Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Germany to launch the “Blue Sea Elite” young technician training program (the “Program”), which will provide international training and perspective to close to 200 qualified technicians and mechanics for XCMG annually.

XCMG Technician College to Partner with German Institutions to Launch “Blue Sea Elite” Young Technicians Training Program.

“In accordance with Germany’s standards in construction machinery technician education, the Program will establish an integrated talent training system to include vocational training certification, curriculum convergence, teaching model, faculty training and evaluation/assessment to promote the continuous improvement of talent cultivation to create a reserve of talents for XCMG’s main global development strategy,” said Feng Yuehong, director of XCMG Technician College.

Using the German dual-system vocational education system as a benchmark, XCMG Technician College has been implementing integrated course and teaching reform in areas of curriculum, scenario, faculty, teaching material, time and evaluation, with the aim of achieving the integration of school with enterprise as well as production with education. The Program aims to open a new chapter for XCMG Technician College in training highly skilled, innovative and interdisciplinary industrial mechanics with an international perspective.

Following the technological trend of intelligent construction, XCMG has begun to focus on cultivating skilled technical talents with a background in internet applications since the beginning of 2021 and awarded China’s first batch of 1+X grade certificates of industrial internet industry.

The 1+X certificate includes one academic certificate and multiple vocational skill certificates, involving industrial data collection equipment deployment and connection, industrial site data collection and cloud storage, cloud platform algorithm modeling applications, industrial data edge computing applications, industrial app development and release and more.

“‘Theory + practice’ teaching model integrates vocational skill training into teaching resources with the support of precise training facilities, it’s our goal to take a lead role across the industry,” said Feng.

For more information, please visit: http://en.xcmg.com/en-ap/.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1592652/image_1.jpg

SA Weather Service warns of cold weather conditions

The South African Weather Service (SAWS) has warned of two winter systems that will affect the country from Thursday, with their impact extending into the weekend.

“Firstly, an intense cold front will make landfall in the Western Cape early Thursday morning spreading to the Eastern Cape during the afternoon as well as parts of KwaZulu-Natal in the evening. Rainy and very cold conditions with snow on the high-lying areas will set in over the Western Cape from Thursday, progressing eastwards during the day,” SAWS said.

“Snowfall is expected over the eastern high-lying areas of the Western Cape, spreading to the high-lying areas of the Eastern Cape from the afternoon into the evening, persisting into Friday where some areas could experience traffic disruptions to some roads and mountain passes.

“Furthermore, snowfall is also expected to spread to the Drakensberg regions of KwaZulu-Natal from Thursday night onwards. The good news is that weather conditions will generally start to improve over the Western Cape during Friday, while cold conditions can be expected to arrive over parts of Mpumalanga and southern Gauteng on this day,” SAWS said.

A second weather system, a cut-off low-pressure system (an upper-air low-pressure system displaced northwards and isolated from the original westerly wave regime), will develop during Friday over the western interior of the country.

“As a result, windy and cold conditions will prevail across most parts of the country during Friday and Saturday. Showers and thundershowers will develop in association with the cut-off low, affecting the eastern parts of the Northern Cape, Free State as well as the northern and eastern parts of the Eastern Cape.

“Rainfall of 30 to 40mm can be expected over the extreme eastern parts of the Northern Cape, the south-western parts of the Free State and the extreme northern interior of the Eastern Cape, where very cold conditions will persist,” it said.

Due to the dynamics of the upper-air system (characterised by very cold, unstable air aloft), some of the thunderstorms may become severe, resulting in large amounts of small hail.

“Snowfall is likely to continue over the northern high-lying areas of the Eastern Cape, Drakensberg Mountains (encompassing the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal) and the extreme eastern parts of Free State, while light snowfall can be expected over the southern Free State and south-eastern Northern Cape.

“Last-mentioned snowfalls may result in further disruptions to traffic on major routes as well as the possible closure of mountain passes. In order to mitigate unexpected stock losses, it is strongly recommended that stock farmers move their smaller livestock to shelter at an early stage, ahead of the arrival of the winter weather,” SAWS said.

The cut-off low-pressure system is expected to exit the country during Sunday afternoon, allowing a spell of more settled, warmer weather to return during the following week.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Election of NA Speaker provisionally set for next week

The National Assembly Programme Committee (NAPC) has provisionally scheduled 19 August 2021 for the election of a new National Assembly (NA) Speaker during its regular weekly meeting.

This follows the appointment of former NA Speaker Thandi Modise as Minister of Defence and Military Veterans last week.

Parliamentary spokesperson, Moloto Mothapo, said the election is scheduled for the NA plenary sitting at 2pm on Thursday, subject to confirmation with the Office of the Chief Justice.

The Chief Justice or judge designated by him must preside over the election of the new Speaker.

“The NA Speaker is drawn from the 14 political parties of a 400 member NA. If there is more than one nomination for the position of Speaker, NA members will vote by secret ballot and this will require physical presence of Members at Parliament. Appropriate measures have been put in place to ensure compliance with the COVID-19 protocols,” Mothapo said.

Rules Committee to consider Section 194 Enquiry Committee work

Meanwhile, the NAPC meeting also confirmed its decision, taken last week, that the NA Rules Committee will meet on Friday to consider and provide direction for the work of the Section 194 Enquiry Committee.

“Section 194 in Chapter 9 of the Constitution deals with removal from office of heads of State Institutions Supporting Constitutional Democracy. The institutions include the Public Protector and the Auditor General,” Mothapo said.

The Section 194 Enquiry Committee met for the first time on 20 July 2021 and elected Qubudile Dyantyi as Chairperson. This followed the NA sitting on 16 March 2021, establishing the committee to conduct an enquiry into the fitness to hold office of Public Protector Advocate Mkhwebane.

On 28 July 2021, the Western Cape High Court handed down judgment on Advocate Mkhwebane’s application challenging the constitutionality of NA rules governing implementation of Section 194 of the Constitution.

The Court made two adverse findings, including one which was on the optional inclusion of a judge on a three-person independent panel to establish whether, indeed, there was prima facie merit to a motion calling for removal in terms of Section 194.

The other adverse finding was about the right of Chapter 9 office holder to legal representation at the enquiry of the Section 194 Committee process.

“The NA Rules Committee meeting scheduled for tomorrow will also consider existing rules for electing the Speaker, given the emergence of COVID-19,” Mothapo said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Access to financial services remains a challenge for female farmers

Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Minister, Thoko Didiza, says access to financial services and knowing where to go to apply is a challenge that persists for women in the agricultural sector.

“The majority of [women in the industry] will tell you how they struggle for production credit at our development financial institutions, as well as our commercial banks.”

In addition to available funding mechanisms such as the Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme (CASP), Ilima Letsema, Land Development Support, the Minister said the department has developed a blended finance instrument working with the department’s development finance institutions and private banks.

Didiza made the remarks during a webinar on the role of women in agriculture on Thursday hosted by the department in partnership with the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS).

She said the issue of access to the market is another area of concern that the majority of women raise as a constraint, as well as extension and advisory services, which are not enough to support the many farmers that the country has, particularly smallholder farmers.

“Government has agreed to add 10 000 extension officers in our agricultural system within a three-year period,” Didiza said.

The Minister announced that the department is rolling out a smallholder empowerment approach, a program which enables farmers to understand the market and how it operates.

The program also helps farmers understand what is needed by the market in products, quality and volume.

“SHEP (Horticulture Empowerment and Promotion) also changed the mindset of farmers to plant for the market instead of planting or producing and then thinking about the market later. Through SHEP, farmers and buyers are brought together on a platform where they can interact,” Didiza said.

In order to respond to the growing demands of diverse types of foods by consumers, the Minister stressed the importance of technology transfer, noting that through the Agricultural Research Council, the department assists farmers with new knowledge and new plant varieties.

“Technology is also critical in mitigating against climate change. Currently we are developing climate smart agriculture seeds and farming systems,” she said.

Agro-processing and Agribusiness Program

Didiza said the department has started a Women in Agro-processing and Agribusiness program, to expand women’s knowledge and entry into the agri-business sector.

The department is doing this in order to ensure that support mechanisms for women in the agri-business sector are available.

“The majority of us believe that entry into agriculture is through ownership and access to land. Yes, when it comes to primary production that is true. But entry into the industry as a whole can be achieved through our participation at various levels, for instance, we can source commodities from those who produce for processing,” the Minister said.

The department is this year piloting a programme with 100 women who have already entered the agro-processing space. The intention is to incubate the women enterprises so they can become sustainable and grow.

“This pilot will ensure that we learn from our interventions as well as from the women themselves. At the end of the pilot we can then roll out at scale,” Didiza said.

Logistics and transport system

The Minister noted that the movement of goods from farm to the market, both locally and abroad, is another market entry point which women need to look at.

“It doesn’t mean that if you want to be in the agricultural sector, you only need to be a farmer, but you can be in the logistics industry. You can be in the distribution centres, and you can also participate in the cold storage and grain storage facilities,” the Minister said.

These are the areas the department wants to entice women to participate in.

“We are currently working on the Agriculture and Agribusiness Master Plan and we want to make sure that the issue of gender parity is engrained in the master plan, because we know that women are part and parcel of our society, economies and entire livelihoods, and if we live women behind, our society will not progress,” Didiza said.

Source: South African Government News Agency