City continues to monitor Rietvlei

The City of Cape Town is continuing to monitor the water quality at the Rietvlei waterbody, which remains temporarily closed to the public for recreational purposes, until water quality tests confirm it is safe for use.

The City’s monitoring of poor water quality at Rietvlei is showing that the heavy rainfall and stormwater ingress into sewers in recent weeks, and resultant sewage overflows, is likely behind continued elevated levels of E.coli in Rietvlei.

All water to Rietvlei is channelled via the Bayside Canal, which is likely to be impacted in the case of a sewer blockage, or stormwater ingress in surrounding areas or a fault at a pump station. The canal, like all water bodies in the City, is also susceptible to polluted urban runoff.

Please note that Rietvlei is not connected to the Diep River, except during large flood events, not experienced to-date for this year.

The City has been conducting regular water tests to monitor the water quality, and continues to investigate possible undiscovered pollution sources based on these results.

These investigation efforts include:

• Condition assessments of the infrastructure to determine irregularities, e.g damage or illegal cross connections needing attention

• Stormwater ingress to sewer inspections where there is suspicion of sewer system hydraulic overload during rainy seasons

• Ongoing random inspections of business premises to monitor compliance with the Stormwater Management By-law and the Wastewaster and Industrial Effluent By-law.

• Monitoring of stormwater outlets during wet and dry seasons draining into the Rietvlei.

• Conducting proactive inspections of other potential pollution sources.

City’s efforts in Rietvlei area:

• Ongoing maintenance efforts are underway to help pump stations in the area cope with high volumes of stormwater and foreign objects. This includes new valves and an electrical control panel worth about R4,6 million at the Table View East pump station.

• A barrier wall was also constructed in mid-July to prevent the Table View West pump station from flooding during rainfall, as this lead to a breakdown and sewage overflows previously.

• Efforts to unblock sewers are ongoing.

• Table View East pump station will be upgraded at a cost of R30 million. This is part of the estimated R62 million long-term upgrade of the Table View bulk sewer, which includes the Table View West pump station, planned to be completed by 2028/29.

Residents are assured the health of waterways is a top strategic priority for the City under the new post-drought Water Strategy, which aims to transition Cape Town to a Water Sensitive city over the next two decades through a combination of major infrastructure investment and behaviour change.

Residents are reminded that sewers should only be used to dispose of human waste, toilet paper and grey water.

The City regrets the inconvenience caused to the public during this time, however the safety of water users is important, and as such, the waterbody will reopen as soon as the test results indicate it is safe to do so.

Source: City Of Cape Town

UL collabore avec WIZZIT Digital pour faire progresser les paiements de détail en Afrique subsaharienne avec le lancement d’une solution de paiement mobile SoftPOS avec PIN

UL et WIZZIT Digital contribuent à accélérer le déploiement des paiements sans contact pour favoriser l’inclusion financière et permettre aux commerçants de toutes tailles de réaliser leurs ambitions.

JOHANNESBURG, le 31 juillet 2021 /PRNewswire/ — UL, le leader mondial des sciences de la sécurité, a annoncé que WIZZIT Digital, une société de paiements numériques, a lancé une solution logicielle de point de vente (SoftPOS) Tap2Pay avec prise en charge de la saisie du numéro d’identification personnel (PIN). Cette solution permet de transformer des appareils commerciaux (COTS) en terminaux de paiement de point de vente (POS). Tap2Pay est la première solution SoftPOS développée en Afrique du Sud qui prend en charge la saisie du code PIN et est reconnue par Visa et Mastercard. WIZZIT Digital est désormais opérationnel avec un premier client de lancement, l’une des plus grandes banques commerciales panafricaines.

UL has announced that WIZZIT Digital has launched a Tap2Pay software point-of-sale (SoftPOS) solution with personal identification number (PIN) entry support. This solution transforms commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) devices into point-of-sale (POS) payment terminals. Tap2Pay is the first SoftPOS solution developed in South Africa that supports PIN entry and is recognized by Visa and Mastercard. (PRNewsfoto/UL)

Pour surmonter les difficultés liées à la mise sur le marché d’une solution SoftPOS, UL a soutenu la solution Tap2Pay depuis son développement jusqu’à son entrée sur le marché. Dans un premier temps, UL a fourni des services de conseil pour aider WIZZIT Digital à s’orienter dans le paysage réglementaire des paiements et à répondre aux exigences des systèmes de paiement. Lorsque Tap2Pay a été prêt pour les tests fonctionnels, UL l’a testé avec une série d’outils accrédités par le système afin de fournir un retour sur les problèmes potentiels. Après le débogage et le dépannage, UL a fourni des services de tests fonctionnels et a aidé WIZZIT Digital à obtenir l’approbation du type pilote Visa. Après l’approbation fonctionnelle, les laboratoires de sécurité d’UL ont évalué la solution pour les programmes pilotes de sécurité de Mastercard et de Visa. Ces tests et évaluations par rapport aux exigences du projet ont permis à WIZZIT de mettre la solution sur le marché.

L’évaluation d’UL a confirmé que la solution Tap2Pay répondait aux principales exigences de sécurité avant d’entrer sur le marché. Il s’agissait notamment d’aider à affirmer la sécurité des données de paiement obtenues par une interface de communication en champ proche (NFC) et un noyau sans contact du dispositif COTS. Les mécanismes de sécurité, les contrôles et les mesures d’atténuation de la solution protègent les données du compte du consommateur et d’autres actifs.

Tap2Pay entre sur le marché à un moment où la demande de solutions de paiement sans contact augmente. Selon Deloitte, la pandémie de COVID-19 a rendu le besoin de numérisation des paiements plus critique que jamais. Cependant, de nombreux marchés émergents sont confrontés à des problèmes d’acceptation des cartes. Deloitte a également noté qu’en Afrique du Sud, environ 90 % des 100 000 magasins du secteur informel n’acceptent que des espèces. Pour répondre à la demande des clients et accroître l’acceptation des cartes par le marché des petites entreprises, y compris les commerçants des zones rurales, il faut une solution abordable.

UL Logo (PRNewsFoto/UL) (PRNewsFoto/UL)

Jako Fritz, conseiller principal en matière de sécurité chez UL, a déclaré : « SoftPOS est une approche entièrement nouvelle des paiements numériques qui réduit la barrière d’entrée pour les commerçants afin d’accepter les transactions par carte sans contact. L’informatique cloud, ainsi que le protocole Europay, MasterCard et Visa, permettent de passer du traditionnel point de vente physiquement sécurisé au traitement des transactions par logiciel COTS. Ces solutions aideront les propriétaires de micro-entreprises et de petites entreprises ainsi que les commerçants du monde entier à répondre aux exigences d’une société de plus en plus dépourvue de numéraire, de manière plus sûre et avec un investissement minimal. »

Expliquant comment Tap2Pay répond à un besoin non satisfait du marché, Brian Richardson, PDG et cofondateur de WIZZIT Digital, a déclaré : « Depuis près de deux décennies, nous travaillons avec des banques et des institutions financières sur les marchés émergents, y compris de nombreux pays d’frique. Notre expérience nous a appris deux choses. Tout d’abord, les consommateurs et les banques veulent la protection d’un code PIN lorsqu’ils effectuent des transactions sans contact. Dans un contexte de cyberfraude croissante, le code PIN offre un niveau de sécurité universellement accepté et auquel les gens font confiance. Deuxièmement, les solutions traditionnelles de paiement sans espèces sont trop coûteuses pour les micro et petits commerçants.

« Pour les petits commerçants, l’investissement initial dans les terminaux et les coûts de maintenance permanents sont tout simplement trop élevés. Tap2Pay SoftPos with PIN supprime cette barrière, permettant aux commerçants de toute taille d’accepter les paiements sans espèces. Cela leur permettra en fin de compte d’attirer davantage de clients, y compris ceux qui ne veulent pas payer en liquide des biens et des services, pour une fraction du coût », a déclaré M. Richardson.

À propos d’UL
UL est le leader mondial des sciences de la sécurité. Nous fournissons des services de test, d’inspection et de certification (TIC), de formation et de conseil, des solutions de gestion des risques et des informations commerciales essentielles pour aider nos clients, basés dans plus de 100 pays, à atteindre leurs objectifs de sécurité et de durabilité. Notre connaissance approfondie des produits et notre intelligence des chaînes d’approvisionnement font de nous le partenaire de choix des clients confrontés à des défis complexes. Découvrez-en davantage sur

Pour en savoir plus sur le développement des normes et les autres activités à but non lucratif, visitez le site

Contacts avec la presse :
Steven Brewster
[email protected]

Christina Bostock
[email protected]

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Suspects arrested for possession of drugs

BUTTERWORTH – SAPS VISPOL and Mounted Unit members conducted an operation yesterday, 30 July 2021, at Silvertown and at the Informal Settlements. Two suspects aged 35 and 36 were arrested for possession of drugs.

Police conducted stop and searches as well as drug posts raiding. While they were busy with the operation, members received information about drug related activities. Members swiftly operationalized and proceeded to the identified premises from where drugs are allegedly being sold. Upon searching, members recovered thirty five Tik straws, four boss tablets, three halves of boss tablets and six quarters. The two suspects were arrested and charged for possession of drugs.

These suspects are due to appear at Butterworth Magistrate Court on Monday, 08 August 2021.

Source: South African Police Service

Suspects arrested with illicit cigarettes

HARRISMITH – The Harrismith N3 Roadblock Team members arrested two suspects from Lenasia in Gauteng with counterfeit cigarettes worth about R586 000.

On 30 July 2021, at about 21:45, the joint law enforcement agencies during the N3 roadblock stopped a silver Grey Nissan NP300.

It was searched and police found 28 sealed boxes containing 50 cartons of cigarettes and another lose 100 cartons. Each carton consisting of 10 packets were found loaded at the back of the bakkie.

The suspects failed to provide any proof of purchase nor a delivery invoice. They were both arrested and will be expected to appear before the Harrismith Magistrate’s Court on Monday, 02 August 2021 on a charge of possession of counterfeit goods.

Source: South African Police Service

Business robbery suspect speedily arrested: Ikamvelihle

GQEBERHA – A 24-year-old alleged business robbery suspect was arrested within the hour by members at SAPS Ikamvelihle during the early hours of Friday morning, 30 July 2021.

It is alleged that at about 01:00, a shop owner (35) was asleep inside his business premises in Mbabala Street, NU1, Ikamvelihle when he heard a loud noise at the entrance of his shop. When he went to investigate, he noticed that four unknown males were busy making a hole in the wall in an attempt to enter the shop. One suspect pointed a firearm at the shop owner and demanded cash from him while another suspect was busy using a crowbar to break the wall. The shop owner threw the cash through the hole. When they demanded for more cash, he grabbed the crowbar and scared off the suspects from his premises.

SAPS Ikamvelihle members immediately responded to the complaint and after obtaining a description of the suspects, they patrolled the area in search of them. Within minutes the suspects were seen running in Mbabala Street. One suspect was arrested and positively linked to the business robbery.

The 24-year-old male is due to appear in the Motherwell Magistrate’s Court on Monday, 02 August 2021 on a charge of business robbery. Investigations are continuing and more arrests are expected soon.

Source: South African Police Service

Takeda and Frazier Healthcare Partners Announce Collaboration to Launch HilleVax, Inc. to Develop Clinical Stage Norovirus Vaccine Candidate

Takeda Will Focus its Efforts on Dengue, Zika and Pandemic Vaccines

Dubai, United Arab Emirates, July 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited (TSE:4502/NYSE:TAK) (Takeda) and Frazier Healthcare Partners (Frazier) today announced a collaboration to launch HilleVax, Inc. (HilleVax), a biopharmaceutical company to develop and commercialize Takeda’s norovirus vaccine candidate. Takeda has granted a license to HilleVax for the exclusive development and commercialization rights to its norovirus vaccine candidate, HIL-214 (formerly TAK-214), worldwide outside of Japan. Takeda will retain commercialization rights in Japan and HilleVax will integrate certain Japan development activities into its global development. Takeda remains committed to vaccines and this collaboration allows Takeda to focus primarily on dengue, COVID-19, pandemic influenza and Zika.

HIL-214, which is a virus-like particle (VLP) based vaccine candidate, completed a randomized, placebo-controlled Phase 2b field efficacy study in 4,712 adult subjects in which HIL-214 was well-tolerated and demonstrated clinical proof of concept in preventing moderate-to-severe cases of acute gastroenteritis from norovirus infection.1 To date, the candidate has been studied in nine human clinical trials with safety data from over 4,500 subjects and immunogenicity data from over 2,000 subjects.

Ursula Belinda Myles, General Manager of Takeda’s Access Market Cluster (covering much of Africa) commented: “Africa’s underlying burden of endemic diseases is one of the largest in the world, and infectious diseases play a larger portion of these diseases across the continent. Like many other nations, COVID-19 has emphasized Africa’s greatest challenges around healthcare and highlighted the need for continued greater investment in healthcare systems. These investments are critical to secure economic development as Africa implements flagship projects around the 2030 Africa Health Strategy.”

Ursula added: “The announcement of our partnership with Frazier Healthcare Partners will allow Takeda to focus efforts and resources on vaccines for diseases prevalent across Africa and provide support in alleviating the growing burden that infectious diseases have on public health systems.”

Norovirus is a common intestinal infection marked by diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, nausea and sometimes fever that may lead to clinically significant dehydration.2 Norovirus is recognized as the leading cause of acute gastroenteritis across the age spectrum.3 It is estimated that norovirus causes nearly 700 million cases of illness and more than 200,000 deaths worldwide per year with significant additional economic and social burden.3 No vaccines are currently approved for norovirus infection, and HIL-214 continues to be the most advanced norovirus vaccine candidate in human clinical trials.

“Takeda and Frazier have a history of successfully partnering together, and we are confident in HilleVax’s capabilities to progress HIL-214, the most advanced norovirus vaccine candidate in development with the potential to address the huge global burden of norovirus-associated acute gastroenteritis,” said Rajeev Venkayya, M.D., President of the Global Vaccine Business Unit, Takeda. “This will allow Takeda to focus its efforts and resources on our dengue vaccine, which we have begun filing for licensure around the world, our pandemic programs, and our partnership with the US Government to develop a Zika vaccine

 Takeda’s Commitment to Vaccines

Vaccines prevent 2 to 3 million deaths each year and have transformed global public health. For more than 70 years, Takeda has supplied vaccines to protect the health of people in Japan. Today, Takeda’s global vaccine business is applying innovation to tackle some of the world’s most challenging infectious diseases, such as dengue, COVID-19, pandemic influenza and Zika. Takeda’s team brings an outstanding track record and a wealth of knowledge in vaccine development and manufacturing to advance a pipeline of vaccines to address some of the world’s most pressing public health needs. For more information, visit

About Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited
Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited (TSE:4502/NYSE:TAK) is a global, values-based, R&D-driven biopharmaceutical leader headquartered in Japan, committed to discover and deliver life-transforming treatments, guided by our commitment to patients, our people and the planet. Takeda focuses its R&D efforts on four therapeutic areas: Oncology, Rare Genetic and Hematology, Neuroscience and Gastroenterology (GI). We also make targeted R&D investments in Plasma-Derived Therapies and Vaccines. We are focusing on developing highly innovative medicines that contribute to making a difference in people’s lives by advancing the frontier of new treatment options and leveraging our enhanced collaborative R&D engine and capabilities to create a robust, modality-diverse pipeline. Our employees are committed to improving quality of life for patients and to working with our partners in health care in approximately 80 countries and regions. For more information, visit

About Frazier Healthcare Partners

Founded in 1991, Frazier Healthcare Partners is a leading provider of growth and venture capital to healthcare companies. With nearly $4.8 billion total capital raised, Frazier has invested in over 200 companies, with investment types ranging from company creation and venture capital to buyouts of profitable lower-middle market companies. The firm’s Growth Buyout team invests in healthcare and pharmaceutical services, medical products and related sectors. The Life Sciences team invests in therapeutics and related areas that are addressing unmet medical needs through innovation. Frazier has offices in Seattle, WA and Menlo Park, CA, and invests broadly across the US, Canada, and Europe. For more information about Frazier Healthcare Partners, visit the company’s website at

About HilleVax

HilleVax is a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialization of novel vaccine candidates.  Its initial program, HIL-214, is a virus-like particle (VLP) based vaccine candidate in development for the prevention of moderate-to-severe acute gastroenteritis caused by norovirus infection. For more information about HilleVax, visit the company’s website at

Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited Forward-Looking Statements

This press release and any materials distributed in connection with this press release may contain forward-looking statements, beliefs or opinions regarding Takeda’s future business, future position and results of operations, including estimates, forecasts, targets and plans for Takeda. Without limitation, forward-looking statements often include words such as “targets”, “plans”, “believes”, “hopes”, “continues”, “expects”, “aims”, “intends”, “ensures”, “will”, “may”, “should”, “would”, “could” “anticipates”, “estimates”, “projects” or similar expressions or the negative thereof. These forward-looking statements are based on assumptions about many important factors, including the following, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements: the economic circumstances surrounding Takeda’s global business, including general economic conditions in Japan and the United States; competitive pressures and developments; changes to applicable laws and regulations; the success of or failure of product development programs; decisions of regulatory authorities and the timing thereof; fluctuations in interest and currency exchange rates; claims or concerns regarding the safety or efficacy of marketed products or product candidates; the impact of health crises, like the novel coronavirus pandemic, on Takeda and its customers and suppliers, including foreign governments in countries in which Takeda operates, or on other facets of its business; the timing and impact of post-merger integration efforts with acquired companies; the ability to divest assets that are not core to Takeda’s operations and the timing of any such divestment(s); and other factors identified in Takeda’s most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F and Takeda’s other reports filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, available on Takeda’s website at: or at Takeda does not undertake to update any of the forward-looking statements contained in this press release or any other forward-looking statements it may make, except as required by law or stock exchange rule. Past performance is not an indicator of future results and the results or statements of Takeda in this press release may not be indicative of, and are not an estimate, forecast, guarantee or projection of Takeda’s future results.


Takeda Media Contacts:
Japanese Media

Ryoko Matsumoto

[email protected]

+81 (0) 3-3278-3414

edia Outside Japan

Amy Atwood

[email protected]


For HilleVax, Inc.: For Frazier Healthcare Partners:
David Socks

[email protected]


Liz Park

[email protected]



1 Sherwood J, et al. Vaccine 2020; 38(41):6442-6449

2 [accessed 2021 April 27].

3 Hall AJ, et al. Expert Rev Vaccines 2016;15(8):949-951

Mohammed Al Nasseri
Takeda Pharmaceuticals