Nikkiso Cryogenic Services Reabre Fábrica de Separação de Ar para Fornecimento de Oxigênio Essencial na Índia

TEMECULA, Califórnia, July 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group (Grupo) da Nikkiso Cryogenic Industries, subsidiária da Nikkiso Co., Ltd (Japão), tem o orgulho de anunciar a reabertura de uma fábrica de Separação de Ar em Patancheru, Hyderabad, Índia. Este projeto foi realizado em coordenação com o governo de Telangana (TEL) e a Greenko Foundation (GKO).

Devido à crise da pandemia na Índia, o governo indiano estabeleceu uma diretriz para o reinício da operação e produção de Oxigênio Líquido (LOX) para atender às demandas urgentes de oxigênio medicinal. A GKO alugou a antiga fábrica de oxigênio paralisada da Air Water India Private Limited (AWI) por um período de 2 (dois) anos.

Em maio de 2021, o Grupo fechou uma parceria com a GKO para a reabertura da fábrica. A Nikkiso Cryogenic Services forneceu suporte técnico essencial e peças de reposição, incluindo atuadores de bocal e componentes de vibração, e a Nikkiso Cosmodyne India Pvt. Ltd. forneceu suporte de serviço de campo. A entrega de componentes essenciais que normalmente leva de 12 a 14 semanas foi reduzida para três dias para atender este pedido urgente. No dia 22 de junho a fábrica já estava totalmente operacional.

“Estamos orgulhosos da nossa participação nesta luta contra a COVID, e da tecnologia e do trabalho em equipe que foram utilizados para reativar a fábrica em tão pouco tempo”, disse Jim Estes, Presidente da Nikkiso Cryogenic Services.

O Grupo tem sido fundamental para o suporte global contínuo ao fornecimento de oxigênio durante a epidemia de COVID.


A Cryogenic Industries, Inc. (agora membro da Nikkiso Co., Ltd.) fabrica equipamentos de processamento de gás criogênico projetados e plantas de processo de pequena escala para as indústrias de gás natural liquefeito (GNL), serviços de poços e gás industrial. Fundada há mais de 50 anos, a Cryogenic Industries é a empresa controladora da ACD, Cosmodyne e Cryoquip e de um grupo comumente controlado de aproximadamente 20 entidades operacionais.

Para mais informação, visite e


Anna Quigley
[email protected]

Accelerate annonce le lancement de sa plateforme numérique

Accelerate est la suite logique des origines et de la création de HIMSS, société axée sur les membres

CHICAGO, 28 juill. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Aujourd’hui Accelerate est entrée dans l’écosystème mondial de la santé en tant que plateforme numérique spécialement conçue pour stimuler la transformation des soins de santé à longueur d’année en alliant les éclairages des professionnels de santé et des leaders d’opinion, aux outils de développement professionnel, aux opportunités de réseautage et au contenu soigné, en tout temps et en tout lieu.

Le développement initial d’Accelarate HIMSS, conseiller mondial et leader d’opinion qui soutient la transformation de l’écosystème de la santé grâce à l’information et à la technologie.

Accelerate  est la suite logique des origines et de la création de HIMSS, société axée sur les membres. C’est une solution innovante visant à soutenir les membres, les partenaires et l’écosystème mondial de la santé 365 jours par an.

Hal Wolf, président-directeur général de HIMSS, souligne : « Les opérations mondiales, les décennies d’expérience et les milliers de membres apportent à HIMSS l’échelle critique et l’expertise nécessaires pour mener à bien cette quête si ambitieuse. Grâce à des relations inégalées entre les prestataires de soins de santé, les cadres de l’industrie et les entités publiques, Accelerate sera une plateforme numérique qui réunira une variété d’acteurs de la santé ».

Avec Accelerate, les professionnels de tous les secteurs de l’écosystème de la santé ont accès à une plateforme hautement personnalisée adaptée à leurs besoins uniques. Les organisations bénéficient de moyens radicalement améliorés pour gérer, soutenir et développer leur personnel et leurs membres. Les fournisseurs profitent d’un accès inégalé aux informations du marché, ainsi que de moyens innovants pour interagir avec leurs clients. En outre, Accelerate s’intégrera de manière transparente aux offres tierces soigneusement sélectionnées, permettant ainsi aux principaux partenaires du secteur de distribuer leurs produits et services numériques via la plateforme 365 jours par an.

« L’adhésion à HIMSS a presque doublé au cours des quatre dernières années pour atteindre 110 000 membres, dont plus de 36 000 ne vivent pas en Amérique du Nord. L’année dernière a souligné notre engagement à répondre et à soutenir notre communauté ainsi que notre mission de manière dynamique et que nous avons besoin de capacités pour atteindre et soutenir nos membres lorsqu’ils en ont besoin », a déclaré Wolf. « HIMSS, qui a dirigé l’investissement d’Accelerate, l’a aidé dans son lancement, et la plateforme sera un atout non seulement pour les membres de HIMSS, mais également pour l’écosystème mondial de la santé dans son ensemble ».

À compter d’aujourd’hui, Accelerate est disponible pour tous les membres de HIMSS, les utilisateurs particuliers ainsi que pour les entreprises, les organisations et les associations souhaitant accéder à leurs membres.

Les parties intéressées sont invitées à se joindre à un ensemble solide d’organisations déjà engagées et à participer au lancement. Pour tout complément d’information, veuillez vous rendre sur

Karen D. Groppe
Directrice principale des communications stratégiques
Mobile 312.965.7898 | Twitter @Karen_D_Groppe

A Accelerate anuncia o lançamento de sua plataforma digital

A Accelerate é uma extensão natural das origens e das fundações da HIMSS na forma de uma sociedade orientada pelos membros

CHICAGO, July 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Hoje, a Accelerate faz sua estreia no ecossistema global de saúde como uma plataforma digital de finalidade específica para impulsionar a transformação da saúde em 365 conectando profissionais de saúde a insights de colegas e líderes de ideias, ferramentas de desenvolvimento profissional, oportunidades de networking e conteúdo selecionado a qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar.

O desenvolvimento inicial da Accelerate ocorreu pela HIMSS, consultora global e líder de ideias que apoia a transformação do ecossistema de saúde por meio da informação e da tecnologia.

A Accelerate é uma extensão natural das origens e da fundação da HIMSS como uma sociedade orientada por membros, e é uma solução inovadora destinada a apoiar seus integrantes, parceiros e o ecossistema global de saúde 365 dias por ano.

Hal Wolf, presidente e CEO da HIMSS, ressalta: “Operações globais, décadas de experiência e milhares de membros dão à HIMSS a dimensão crítica e a experiência necessárias para executar uma busca tão ambiciosa. Com relações sem precedentes entre provedores de serviços de saúde, executivos do setor e entidades públicas, a Accelerate será uma plataforma digital para reunir uma variedade de partes interessadas da área da saúde”.

Com a Accelerate, profissionais de todas as partes do ecossistema de saúde têm acesso a uma plataforma altamente personalizada, adaptada às suas necessidades exclusivas. As organizações se beneficiam de maneiras radicalmente aprimoradas de gerenciar, apoiar e desenvolver suas equipes e seus membros. Os fornecedores aproveitam um acesso incomparável a insights de mercado e a formas inovadoras de interagir com seus clientes. Além disso, a Accelerate integrará perfeitamente ofertas de terceiros selecionadas, capacitando os parceiros líderes do setor a distribuir seus produtos e serviços digitais por meio da plataforma 365 dias por ano.

“A participação na HIMSS quase dobrou nos últimos quatro anos para 110 mil pessoas, sendo mais de 36 mil de fora da América do Norte. O ano passado ressaltou o nosso compromisso de responder e de apoiar a nossa comunidade a nossa missão de maneira dinâmica, além da necessidade de recursos para alcançar e apoiar nossos membros quando eles precisarem”, afirmou Wolf. “A HIMSS lidera o investimento na Accelerate e ajudou a lançá-la. Além disso, a plataforma será um ativo não somente para os membros da HIMSS, mas também para o ecossistema global de saúde em geral.”

A partir de hoje, a Accelerate está disponível para todos os membros da HIMSS, usuários individuais e empresas, organizações e associações interessadas em fornecer acesso para seus membros.

Todas as partes interessadas estão convidadas a participar de um grupo forte de organizações já comprometidas e a participar do lançamento. Para mais informações, acesse

Karen D. Groppe
Diretora sênior de comunicações estratégicas
Celular 312.965.7898 | Twitter @Karen_D_Groppe

Lomotif announces Patoranking, Laycon and Raybekah for its ‘You’ve Been Scouted’ talent search for the Nigerian Market

~ All the rounds will be based on users’ vote which will be judged basis Vocal technique and quality of performance ~

~ The competition, spanning eight weeks, commences on July 26 and will see the winner get an exclusive record label contract and producing commitment ~

~ Lomotif has partnered with Grammy® Award-winning producer Teddy Riley to launch “You’ve Been Scouted” ~

IBADAN, Nigeria, July 28, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Lomotif announces Patoranking, Laycon and Raybekah as its Nigerian scout for its upcoming nine-week global talent scouting competition ‘You’ve Been Scouted’ that started in July 26. Consistently presenting budding global talent with equal opportunities to be discovered, Lomotif once again gives them a chance to express themselves in the most real and authentic way. The contest will see the singing sensation, groom and guide the participants with the global winner receiving an exclusive record deal valued at $250,000, including a song produced with Grammy® Award winning producer, singer and lyricist Teddy Riley who has worked with iconic artists such as Michael Jackson, Lady Gaga, Pharrell, and BTS.

Fan favourites, Patoranking, Laycon and Raybekah having a key eye for talent, will help scout the crème-de-la-crème of performers from all around the country and boost their votes by promoting them to her followers. With the participants required to be as versatile in their singing during different rounds of the competition, Patoranking, Laycon and Raybekah will help them with all the tips to garner as many likes/votes and enter the final stages of the competition.

Speaking about being named as the Nigerian scout, Patoranking said, “It is a matter of immense prestige and pride to be part of a talent hunt that puts some of the most promising Nigerian artists on the global stage. We’ve been a nation that has had music in its roots with our rhythm sense making waves all around the world. The time is now for Nigerians to prove their mettle with the eyes of the world eagerly watching them. I too, am feeling as excited and nervous as these participants, and look forward to providing tips and tricks to all people so that they rock it in their auditions.”

Laycon added, “My fans know how my life changed overnight after winning a competition recently. I’m glad to be a part of a talent hunt that will now see Nigerian youngsters and artists get to experience what I did and get a step closer to global stardom. I’m sure every singer out there has their eyes on the prize for they know that their journey into the world of music can be one that the world will remember for a very long time. Add to that I’m eager to share some exclusive content about the competition and ensure that no one misses out on the singing spectacle that we have in store.”

Raybekah said, “I’ve seen artists make inroads in the local music market and have been thoroughly impressed with the kind of tunes being produced. It’s now time for them to aim higher and dream for more through this talent hunt. I believe in my people and know that they and their music can make a mark on the global stage. Along with promoting the competition every single day, I’ll be sharing my support to my favourite contestants and help them reach out to a wider audience that’s glued to their screens cheering on for them.”

With the simple and fast editing of videos now made possible for artists on Lomotif, the platform is all set to present one of the most exciting and innovative contests in recent times. Additionally, ‘You’ve Been Scouted’ also allows those who aren’t participating to nominate and elect upcoming artists by tagging them in the comments section of their video with the hashtag #youvebeenscouted.

About Lomotif
Lomotif is the leading video-sharing social networking platform that is democratizing video creation. Since the company was co-founded by video enthusiast Paul Yang in 2014, Lomotif has been granted three technology patents uniquely focused on empowering creators to share and watch short videos with ease through remix and collaboration. Paul’s bold vision is to build the world’s largest video vocabulary to accelerate the world’s transition to video-first expression. Lomotif, available in the Apple and Google stores, is a breakthrough downloadable app for hip hop, rap, and urban culture across the United States and Latin America. Lomotif is one of five partners selected by Snapchat for a bi-directional integration for posting stories between the two platforms.

Margaret Crotty to lead JSI and World Education family of global agencies

BOSTON, July 28, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The JSI Board of Directors has announced the appointment of Margaret Crotty as its next president and CEO. She will succeed Joel Lamstein, who has served as president and CEO since he founded John Snow, Inc., with Bert Hirschhorn in 1978.

John Snow, Inc. Logo

Margaret, who has a record of leadership and innovation in both the nonprofit and private sectors in the areas of education and public health, will lead for-profit John Snow, Inc., the nonprofit JSI Research & Training Institute, and affiliate nonprofit World Education, Inc.

Margaret will join JSI and World Education in January 2022 from her position as CEO of the Partnership with Children, a New York City-based provider of community health services and community school management.

“In Margaret we found someone with knowledge of both the international and domestic U.S. social development and health domains and a vision that will help take JSI and World Education into the future, while nurturing the culture that JSI is renowned for,” commented Joel.

Previously, Margaret led Save the Children’s initiative to reduce global child and maternal mortality. She also spent seven years at EF Education and worked for McKinsey & Co. in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Margaret graduated from Princeton University with a BA in History and African-American Studies, and earned an MBA from Harvard Business School and a Masters in Public Health from Columbia University. She serves on several health and education boards, including those of Northwell Health, the Open Medical Institute, the City University Graduate School of Public Health, SeaChange Capital Partners, the United Hospital Fund, and ACCESS Health International. She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Young Presidents Organization, serves on several government task forces and higher education advisory boards, and chairs the Emerging Leaders Program for young leaders in the social sector.

Read the full announcement.

John Snow, Inc., and nonprofit affiliate, JSI Research & Training Institute, are global public health consulting organizations dedicated to greater health equity and improving the health of individuals and communities, and to providing an environment where people of passion can pursue this cause.

Mary-Kathryn Aranda
[email protected]

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Minister Kubayi: COVID-19 vaccine is voluntary

Acting Health Minister, Mmamoloko Kubayi, has reiterated that getting the COVID-19 vaccination is not mandatory in South Africa.

This stems from reports of some employers threatening to dismiss staff who choose not to receive the COVID-19 vaccine that is currently being rolled out in the country.

“We have been very clear and the President has been very clear that we should never force people [to vaccinate]. It’s voluntary,” she said on Thursday in an interview with broadcaster, eNCA on the sidelines of a visit to the Gallagher Estate vaccination site.

The acting Health Minister and President Cyril Ramaphosa visited the site in Midrand to assess progress in South Africa’s vaccination programme.

“That’s why we do the work that we’re doing to make sure that there’s enough information for people to decide whether they want to vaccinate or not,” she said on Thursday.

In addition, it was government’s role to ensure there are enough vaccines available for people to choose which jab they would like to take.

“That’s what we need to do because I don’t think forcing people is the route we should go.”

Meanwhile, Kubayi said she was monitoring the work being done by the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC).

The SAHRC has appealed to people who have been threatened with losing their jobs or rented accommodation for refusing to have a COVID-19 vaccine to contact them.

The independent chapter nine institution said people have the right to autonomy – the right to make decisions about treatment after being given all the relevant information and that the principle of autonomy should be respected.

“Vaccines are important in curbing the pandemic, however, those that choose not to take the vaccine cannot be discriminated against,” said SAHRC’s Gauteng Head, Buang Jones.

The Minister said she has requested a team in her office reach out to the commission for them to work together.

“In the same way that people have the right, as well, we need to be able to not promote vaccine hesitancy. That’s the balance we need to keep every time.”

The Minister was also expected to visit the North West province to monitor the progress of vaccinations in the tourism and mining sectors where she is expected to receive her jab.

According to the Minister, vaccinations for the mining sector remains critical.

However, she said government would like to see all sectors being vaccinated to ensure the nation is protected.

Source: South African Government News Agency