Ne vous limitez pas aux seuls grands transporteurs avec Marine Online

La numérisation permet de résoudre les difficultés des propriétaires de cargaisons à trouver des navires

SINGAPOUR, le 27 juillet, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Depuis le blocage du canal de Suez, la chaîne d’approvisionnement mondiale se bat aujourd’hui pour trouver des navires pour ses expéditions et pour obtenir un espace à des tarifs exorbitants. Toutefois, les propriétaires de cargaisons ne doivent pas se limiter à leur réseau existant de navires par leurs pratiques traditionnelles consistant à faire appel à des courtiers.

Marine Online est une plateforme efficace permettant aux propriétaires de cargaisons d’affréter des navires adaptés à leurs besoins commerciaux. Les armateurs qui sont à la recherche de cargaisons peuvent également tirer parti du réseau d’armateurs de Marine Online dans le même but. Par-dessus tout, les propriétaires de navires et de cargaisons bénéficient d’une économie de temps et d’argent en effectuant des transactions sur la plateforme de Marine Online. Les parties peuvent être assurées qu’il n’y a pas de coûts cachés – par rapport aux commissions facturées par un courtier dans le processus d’affrètement traditionnel.

Kenny Phua, vice-président du département d’affrètement de Marine Online, a ajouté : « Nous comprenons les difficultés que rencontrent aujourd’hui les propriétaires de cargaisons en raison de la pénurie mondiale d’équipements. Notre plateforme est sans aucun doute une alternative utile pour les propriétaires de navires et de cargaisons. Les expéditeurs qui ont des difficultés à trouver des navires appropriés peuvent faire appel à notre réseau pour combler leurs lacunes en matière d’expédition. Les armateurs peuvent également tirer parti de notre réseau pour rechercher des marchandises, en particulier ceux qui se limitent aux grands transporteurs. Nous sommes convaincus que Marine Online est un moyen efficace d’aider le secteur à maintenir ses opérations sans les taux et les charges exorbitants qui prévalent actuellement. »

La plateforme de Marine Online offre aux propriétaires de navires et de cargaisons la possibilité d’affréter des navires par le biais du marché ou de commandes privées – en fonction de leurs préférences. Les parties sont assurées de transactions sécurisées et transparentes, toutes les communications étant enregistrées sur la plateforme à des fins d’archivage.

À propos de Marine Online (Singapore) Pte Ltd

Marine Online est la première plateforme intégrée à guichet unique au monde spécialisée dans les services maritimes pour le marché mondial. Créée en 2019, elle propose de nombreux services maritimes par le biais de sa plateforme révolutionnaire d’IA et de Big Data aux propriétaires de navires et de cargaisons de la région. Avec son portefeuille composé de 8 principaux services, Marine Online façonne l’avenir du secteur maritime en ayant recours à une technologie de pointe pour créer des opportunités commerciales et des échanges. Pour plus d’informations, visitez

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Never Limited To Only Big Carriers With Marine Online

Addressing cargo owners’ difficulties finding vessels with digitalisation

SINGAPORE, July 27, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Ever since the Suez Canal blockage, the world supply chain today struggles with finding vessels for their consignments and exorbitant rates to secure space. However, cargo owners need not limit themselves to their existing network of vessels by their traditional practices of calling brokers.

Marine Online is an effective platform for cargo owners to charter suitable vessels for their business needs. Shipowners who are on the lookout for cargoes can also leverage Marine Online’s network of cargo owners for the same purpose. Above all, both ship and cargo owners enjoy both time and monetary savings through transacting with Marine Online’s platform. Parties can be assured of zero hidden costs – compared to commissions charged by a broker in the traditional chartering process.

Kenny Phua, Vice President of Marine Online’s chartering department, added “We understand the difficulties cargo owners face today from worldwide equipment shortage. Our platform is definitely a useful alternative for both ship and cargo owners. Shippers having difficulties sourcing for suitable vessels can tap into our network to bridge their consignment gaps. Shipowners can also leverage our network to source for cargo – especially those cargo owners who limit themselves to big carriers. We are confident Marine Online is an effective medium to help the industry sustain their operations sans the prevailing exorbitant rates and loadings.”

Marine Online’s platform offers both ship and cargo owners to charter through market or private orders – subject to their preferences. Parties are assured of secured and seamless transactions with all communications captured in the platform for record purposes.

About Marine Online (Singapore) Pte Ltd

Marine Online is the world’s first one-stop integrated platform specialising in maritime services for the global market. Launched in 2019, it has provided various maritime services through its revolutionary A.I and Big Data enabled platform to regional ship and cargo owners. With its portfolio of 8 major services, Marine Online shapes the future of maritime by using cutting edge technology to create business opportunities and connections. For more information, visit

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Western Cape libraries reopen to the public

Western Cape MEC for Cultural Affairs and Sport, Anroux Marais, has announced that libraries across the province are now open to the public, which the citizens can also visit to register for the COVID-19 vaccine.

This comes after President Cyril Ramaphosa moved South Africa to lockdown Adjusted Alert Level 3 on Sunday.

“Members of the public can now again freely access our libraries across the province to use the broadband, computers and other available resources to register for their vaccinations or to simply make use of the gainful opportunities available at our various facilities, such as job searches and other applications,” said the MEC.

To ensure equity and fairness in the vaccination programme to reach communities particularly in more rural areas, the MEC said the friendly library service staff is ready to assist with accessing the technology needed to register.

The libraries have already assisted 8 960 registrations of residents across the province as of 23 July 2021.

She also welcomed the public safely back to museums, cinemas, theatres, casinos, public swimming pools, beaches, and public parks.

These include game parks, botanical gardens, aquariums, and zoos; gyms and fitness centres; restaurants, bars, shebeens, and taverns; venues hosting auctions; venues hosting professional sport; venues hosting faith-based, or religious gatherings; and social, political, and cultural gatherings.

A curfew is still in effect from 10 pm to 4 pm each day.

In addition, post-initiation celebrations are permitted, subject to a limitation of 50 people or less for indoor venues and 100 or less for outdoor venues and if the venue is too small.

“The National House of Traditional Leaders and provincial houses of traditional leaders must take steps to ensure that traditional leaders are aware of the content of this regulation. Failure to adhere to these regulations and any directions that are issued in respect of initiation schools will result in the closure of initiation schools by the relevant authorities.”

In cases of uncertainty, Marais has encouraged people to contact their respective federations for guidance.

“While our sectors have been reopened to the public under Adjusted Alert Level 3, I urge all to stay safe and adhere to the health protocols in place. We are working hard to ensure that we can still effectively deliver services while also keeping the public safe during this pandemic,” she added.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Three arrested for unlawful possession of firearms

Three suspects have appeared before the Verulam Magistrate’s Court today for the unlawful possession of firearms and ammunition, in contravention of the Disaster Management Act.

The suspects were arrested this morning in Phoenix when police officers were conducting patrols and spotted a vehicle with three male occupants, parked outside a tavern.

The vehicle was searched and police found three firearms with ammunition.

Police said that a 27-year-old suspect was found in possession of a licensed firearm with 31 rounds of ammunition.

“The suspect was charged in terms of the Disaster Management Act, while his firearm was seized for further investigation,” the South African Police Service (SAPS) said in a statement.

The remaining two suspects, aged 23 and 26, were found in possession of a revolver and a pistol with 23 rounds of ammunition.

Police said the recovered firearms would be subjected to ballistic testing to ascertain if they were used previously in serious offences in the country.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Call for access to finance to emerging markets for low carbon investment

With emerging markets requiring an estimated US$3-4 trillion annually in low-carbon investments over the next 15 years, Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment Barbara Creecy has called on developed countries to ensure access to long-term, predictable, and affordable finance for developing countries.

The Minister made these remarks during the Ministerial Climate Change meeting hosted by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) COP 26 President-Designate, Alok Sharma, on 25 and 26 July 2021 in London.

“The meeting heard that the emerging markets require an estimated US$3-4 trillion annually in low-carbon investments over the next 15 years in order to operationalise and implement the current round of updated nationally determined contributions (NDCs) and then to prepare a second updated NDC in 2025,” the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment said on Tuesday.

NDCs embody efforts by each country to reduce national emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.

As part of the Paris outcome, developed countries were urged to scale-up their level of support with a concrete roadmap to achieve the goal of mobilising US$100 billion per year by 2020 for climate action in developing countries.

“With regard the US$100 billion 2020 and through to 2025 [Creecy] stressed that it is imperative from the perspective of restoring and maintaining trust and transparency that the Conference of the Parties (COP) assess whether the goal of mobilising jointly US$100 billion has been achieved,” the department said.

The July Ministerial meeting brought climate and environment ministers and representatives from more than 50 countries together to lay the groundwork for success ahead of November’s Glasgow COP26 negotiations on climate change.

The event marks the first face-to-face ministerial of its kind in more than 18 months.

The topics under discussion included the Global Goal on Adaptation and scaling up efforts to adapt to the impacts of climate change, keeping 1.5°C alive, loss and damage caused by climate change, focus on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, and mobilizing climate finance.

The Minister stressed that for the UNFCCC COP 26 in Glasgow to be relevant, responsive and successful they need ambition and progression on mitigation, adaptation and means of implementation.

“South Africa envisages an outcome at COP 26 on adaptation that will enable practical progress, including launching a formal programme of work on the operationalization of the Global Goal on Adaptation” and furthermore.

“We need to increase the adaptive ability and resilience of the global population to the adverse impacts of climate change by at least 50% by 2030 and by at least 90% by 2050.

“In this regard, focus would be placed on the most vulnerable people and communities; the health and well-being; food and water security; infrastructure and the built environment; and ecosystems and ecosystem services, particularly in Africa, Small Island Developing States (SIDs) and Least Developed Countries (LDCs),” the Minister said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Fund established to assist youth-owned businesses affected by looting

Youth-owned enterprises affected by the recent looting and violence have until Friday to submit applications for a fund to assist them during these challenging times.

The National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) has established the Youth Enterprise Rebuilding Fund to assist youth-owned enterprises affected by the recent looting and violence, and have no form of insurance cover.

In a statement, the NYDA said the fund, which is reserved for youth owned businesses in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal, is specifically established to ensure that youth owned enterprises who are affected can return to their business operations, as soon as is practically possible.

“The fund will exist alongside other forms of government support to business and jobs in these challenging times. Details of the fund are available on the NYDA website

“The NYDA encourages all young people who may have been displaced from employment because of the recent violence to apply for support from the Unemployment Insurance Fund. Details can be found on or through a Department of Employment and Labour Centre,” the agency said.

The applications for the fund close on 30 July 2021.

The NYDA has also welcomed the reimplementation of the monthly Social Relief of Distress Grant and its extension to caregivers, as well as the extension of the UIF Temporary Employer/Employee Relief Scheme (TERS) for sectors affected during Alert Level 4.

The agency noted that these are important mechanisms in supporting young people and the economy during the pandemic.

“The NYDA remains committed to supporting the Economic Recovery and Reconstruction Plan, which encompasses the Presidential Youth Employment Intervention, which was announced in SONA (State of the Nation Address) 2020 and reaffirmed on Youth Day 2021. Addressing the youth unemployment crisis remains front and centre of the economic recovery plan,” the agency said.

Source: South African Government News Agency